/| Mario Kart PC |\

HUD & items update - MaJ interface & objets

In MKPC by Wargor
Published on 2020-10-24 at 18:01:32
MKPC gets a facelift with a brand new update!

New interface
The game interface has been completely revised!
The text fonts have been changed, which gives to the game a retro look closer to Super Mario Kart and the Mario theme in general. In addition to the font change, texts now have an outline, which make them more visible in game.
The item roulette has also been modified to match more closely the original one. The sprites have completely been remade and have a more classical and consistent theme.

Preview of the new interface

The backgrounds of tracks from SMK have been revised to offer a closer rendering to the original game. The sprites are more colorful and zoomed out. The result is therefore way cleaner and less pixelated than before.

Preview before/after of the backgrounds. It's better, isn't it? ;)

New item engine
But that’s not all! The item system has been completely rewritten. It's now more stable, more logical, and more faithful to the MK series. Behavioral changes include:
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapacerouge.png The red shell that becomes smarter. It starts to follow its target way earlier, which makes it more convenient to use, especially in battle mode. It is also more logical when choosing its target, it will never target a player behind for example.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapacebleue.png The blue shell follows the road instead of going in a straight line, and chooses its target at the last moment and not when it's thrown as it was before. It therefore becomes possible to let a player pass you to give him back the "gift" :D.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/billball.png The bullet bill has been improved, it's now faster and takes less time to turn. This makes it easier to catch up other players with it!
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/eclair.png The lightning lasts less time for the last players and more time for the 1st ones. Enough to rebalance a race.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/bobomb.png The bob-omb has been readjusted, its explosion radius is now smaller, and the item itself less frequent.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/fauxobjet.png The fake item box now has a different sprite than the true one. It thus becomes easier to spot, especially in battle mode.
Comparison between the true and the fake item. The difference is subtle, but noticeable

Apart from these many adjustments, other more global behaviors have been fixed, like the 1000 items glitch in online games (the real ones know what I'm talking about ^^) or the green shell that went slower than you when you launched it after an acceleration.
Finally, 2 other major improvements can be noted:
- A "fading" effect has been added when you get hit by an item, which makes you more time to see what item touched you.
- Addition of invincibility frames ! No more games where you get hit by several items in a row without being able to do anything fou

What's next?
This update is just the beginning of a larger item update. Those of you who saw the F3 video trailer are aware of it, new items have been announced! Triple shells, golden mushroom... These items have been announced, but will they ever actually be implemented? :o
Well, this item engine update is in fact the first step for new items! The code of the new engine is way more flexible and easier to maintain than the older one, so that it will be simpler to change to add new things! In short, the addition of new items should not take that long! hap

Your turn to play!
We hope you will like these novelties! Enjoy the game toad
MKPC reprend un coup de neuf avec une nouvelle mise à jour !

Nouvelle interface
L'interface du jeu a complètement été revue !
Les polices d'écritures ne sont plus les mêmes, ce qui donne au jeu un aspect retro plus proche de Super Mario Kart et du thème de Mario en général. En plus du changement de police, les textes ont désormais un contour, ce qui les rend plus visibles en jeu.
La roulette à objets a également été modifiée pour plus coller à l'originale. Les sprites ont été complètement refaits et ont désormais un thème plus classique et cohérent.

Aperçu de la nouvelle interface

Les arrière-plans des circuits issus de SMK ont aussi été revus pour reprendre un rendu proche du jeu de base. Les sprites sont plus colorés et dézoomés. Le résultat est ainsi bien plus propre et moins pixelisé qu'avant.

Aperçu avant/après de l'arrière-plan. C'est quand même mieux hein ? ;)

Nouveau moteur d'objets
Mais ce n'est pas tout ! Le système d'objets à entièrement été réécrit. Il est désormais plus stable, plus logique, et plus fidèle à la série. Parmi les changements de comportement, on peut citer :
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapacerouge.png La carapace rouge devient plus intelligente. Elle commence à suivre sa cible beaucoup plus tôt, ce qui la rend plus pratique, notamment en mode bataille. Elle est également plus logique dans le choix de sa cible, et ne visera jamais un joueur derrière.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapacebleue.png La carapace bleue suit la route plutôt que de partir en ligne droite, et choisit sa cible au dernier moment et non au moment du lancer comme avant. Il devient donc possible de laisser passer un joueur pour lui refiler le "cadeau" :D.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/billball.png Le bill-ball a été amélioré, il va désormais plus vite et met moins de temps à tourner. Il devient ainsi plus facile de remonter des places avec !
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/eclair.png L'éclair dure moins longtemps pour les derniers joueurs et plus longtemps pour les 1ers. De quoi rééquilibrer une partie.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/bobomb.png La bob-omb a été réajustée, son rayon d'explosion est désormais plus faible, et l'objet en lui-même plus rare.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/fauxobjet.png Le faux objet a désormais un sprite différent du vrai objet. Il devient ainsi plus facile à repérer, notamment en bataille.
Comparaison entre le vrai et le faux objet. La différence est subtile, mais perceptible

En dehors de ces nombreux ajustements, d'autres comportements plus globaux ont été fixés, comme le glitch des 1000 items dans les parties en ligne (les vrais savent de quoi je parle ^^) ou la carapace verte qui partais moins vite que vous quand vous la lanciez après une accélération.
Enfin, 2 autres améliorations majeures sont à noter :
- ajout d'un effet de "fondu" lorsque vous vous prenez un objet, qui vous laisse plus de temps pour voir ce que vous êtes pris.
- ajout de frames d'invulnérabilité ! Finies les parties où vous recevez des objets en boucle sans pouvoir rien faire fou

Et après ?
Cette mise à jour n'est que le début d'une mise à jour objet plus large. Ceux qui ont vu la vidéo trailer du F3 sont au courant, de nouveaux objets ont été annoncés ! Triple carapaces, champi doré... Ces objets ont été annoncés, mais vont-ils faire leur apparition un jour ? :o
Et bien, cette mise à jour du moteur d'objets a justement pour but de préparer les nouveaux objets ! Le code du nouveau moteur est beaucoup plus souple et facile à maintenir que l'ancien, de sorte qu'il sera plus simple à faire évoluer pour rajouter des choses ! Bref, l'ajout de nouveaux objets ne devrait pas trop tarder ! hap

À vous de jouer !
En espérant que ces nouveautés vous plairont ! Bon jeu à vous toad

Comments (91)
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circuit111 also, poison mushroom was in super mario kart so finally every super mario kart and mario kart super circuit item is now in MKPC!!!!!!
On 2020-11-22 at 12:50:57
Biggtout Da glitchas aer aweay
It was so fown, but knouw. mkpc is ieven betta
On 2020-11-22 at 11:17:14
deleteme circuit111, mega-cloud is poison mushroom on MKPC.
On 2020-11-22 at 09:48:04
ChazTehFloofer I think Wargor hates that lol.
On 2020-11-22 at 00:32:08
circuit111 @MKQ_Mobleesfan @Wargor no add the mega cloud from MKWII CTGP
On 2020-11-21 at 18:49:17
MeowingCuteKittyCats poison mush feels rare to me cause i barely get it
On 2020-11-18 at 17:28:40
ChazTehFloofer I will literally die if that happens.
On 2020-11-17 at 20:05:11
wqterbt nOoO
On 2020-11-17 at 19:58:46
_Ashleythegamerzz_ @Wargor, pls add thunder cloud from mario kart wii!
On 2020-11-17 at 19:28:26
GoombaAndShyGuy-GASG Yeah, you're right. I could just use the sprites and put the right behaviors!
On 2020-11-15 at 12:18:38
wqterbt Goomba, you already have an custom editor for the decors Smiley
On 2020-11-15 at 12:07:57
GoombaAndShyGuy-GASG Thank you so much, Wargor! Smiley Now, can you add GBA decors?
On 2020-11-15 at 02:45:32
Wargor Unrelated, but I just released a patch to the update. Lighting should be less frequent in online mode now (it was quite frustrating when I tested it earlier, there were like one shock every 30 seconds fou)

Edit Urban : 30 secondes? C'était plutôt toutes les 5 secs mdr
On 2020-11-14 at 23:26:25
Wargor Yep exactly, it works like the poison mushroom in Smash Bros
On 2020-11-14 at 23:24:06
Mileena shrinks your opponet for a short amount of time
On 2020-11-14 at 22:10:27
BowserJr03 What does poison mush do? It's pretty cool that we now have an original item but clearly idk how it works.
On 2020-11-14 at 22:01:04
wqterbt Feather? With the actual checkpoints, idk :/
On 2020-11-14 at 19:47:11
Mileena I wanted the coin and the orange feather but i'm greatful for this
On 2020-11-14 at 19:30:08
SuperCop1 Comment on déploque ces items !
On 2020-11-14 at 19:06:54
wqterbt <3
On 2020-11-14 at 18:14:21
RHcks Thank u very much Smiley!!! This is A M A Z I N G
On 2020-11-14 at 18:09:44
Mileena Merci Beaucupe
On 2020-11-14 at 18:08:30
Wargor Update as promised: new items are finally there! Triple shells, triple bananas, golden mushroom... But also the classic bloopers and a more original one, the poison mushroom! Enjoy Smiley
Mise à jour comme promis : les nouveaux objets arrivent enfin ! Triples carapaces, triples bananes, champi doré... Mais également le classique bloops, et un plus original, le champi poison ! Enjoy Smiley
On 2020-11-14 at 18:07:32
SwitchBoy2020 Perfect!! This update is now FREAKING AWESOME, I'm gonna wait for a very very very very very very very very very very very very long time!
On 2020-11-09 at 14:28:54
SuperCop1 D'accord je développe, le fait d'avoir fait un design très différent du bloc normal, rend la tâche beaucoup plus facile aux autres joueurs de l'éviter, alors qu'en lui même on l'utilise beaucoup pour duper les autres joueurs. Il devient alors aux même titre qu'une banane et devient autant difficile à placer dans le décors, donc au final autant conserver la banane ou le faut bloc. De plus on avait déjà un moyens d'évité le faut bloc que je trouvais ridicule déjà. Le faut bloc est fait pour ressembler un max aux autres bloc pour tromper l'adversaire. Déjà dans les MK récent de Nintendo je trouve ça débile d'avoir fait un image différente en comparatif du faut bloc et du vrai. La seule exception que je trouve pour faire un design différent, c'est pour le joueurs qui la placé même, pour qu'il puisse lui le différencier de son propre "piège", mais pour les autres ça en a aucun.
On 2020-10-31 at 11:29:02
PetaGamerTV super idea
On 2020-10-31 at 08:32:17
ChazTehFloofer Yeah I agree, custom backgrounds would be nice.
On 2020-10-30 at 22:50:20
Jrc126 Looking forward to that. Also. I Wanted custom backgrounds and Ultra Mini Turbo one day.
On 2020-10-30 at 22:48:01
Bup64 @SuperCoppin Est-ce que tu pourrais développer ?
On 2020-10-30 at 11:50:04
SuperCop1 Je trouve que pour le faut objet c'est une mauvaise idée de l'avoir changé après à vous de voir.
On 2020-10-30 at 11:26:24
Mileena exactly they're too small
On 2020-10-28 at 21:42:50
ChazTehFloofer And then the resizing of the DS tracks.
On 2020-10-28 at 21:36:50
Mileena an then the DS one and for all because i'm tired of the Airship fortress bullets
On 2020-10-28 at 08:45:42
GoombaAndShyGuy-GASG I hope in the next update, we will get GBA decors.
On 2020-10-28 at 08:43:05
Mileena ummmmm
On 2020-10-27 at 04:35:05
ChazTehFloofer Yes keep it as is,...
On 2020-10-27 at 03:12:51
Mileena wait how? i tried so many times
On 2020-10-26 at 23:47:09
BowserJr03 You can still dodge blues with lightning plz don't patch this.
On 2020-10-26 at 23:42:44
Mileena @GoombaAndShyGuy-GASG i remember that lag
On 2020-10-26 at 22:36:24
NourZero2020 What?!
On 2020-10-26 at 17:46:01
ChazTehFloofer And this triagonal sign.
On 2020-10-26 at 15:57:53
goldogo123 ok but when can we get diagonal jumps?
On 2020-10-26 at 15:52:31
BowserJr03 Once we had a straight line of bananas in DK pass. They were all touching and went across the whole track.
On 2020-10-26 at 09:38:30
Mileena idk it's not looking good
On 2020-10-26 at 06:29:04
ChazTehFloofer Woah I wanna get this glitch,
On 2020-10-26 at 06:23:47
GoombaAndShyGuy-GASG I did took some screenshots of the 1000 items glitch.
On 2020-10-26 at 04:38:09
Mileena same happend with me ahmad
On 2020-10-25 at 16:39:20
LuigiKart64 Yikes.
On 2020-10-25 at 15:36:30
BFDI_Ahmad17 G-UFO_Liamisbest and LuigiKart64. It's when 1 person have a bad internet connection and when that person have an item, it will spawn many copies of that same item whenever you go. Wargor fixed it because it was a glitch and it affected many players in the game, this happens more often in the battle than in the races.
On 2020-10-25 at 15:31:15
GoombaAndShyGuy-GASG Great update! Thank you for your hard work!
On 2020-10-25 at 15:21:21
LuigiKart64 Yeah what is it.
On 2020-10-25 at 15:06:03
G-UFO_Liamisbest what is the "1000 items glitch"
On 2020-10-25 at 15:05:25
BFDI_Ahmad17 Well I cannot dodge blues with bananas.
On 2020-10-25 at 13:35:51
InfiMK Circuit111, according to Wargor you still can.
On 2020-10-25 at 13:33:22
circuit111 I like everything except for the fact you can't banana-dodge blues anymore
On 2020-10-25 at 12:36:24
Finally it has changed.
When are the new items/characters coming?
On 2020-10-25 at 10:04:31
Glisc0r Congrats seigneur Wargor ! Que demander de plus désormais ?

( Allez , maintenant reste plus qu'à espérer que les bots soient fixés , on y croit tous ✊! )
On 2020-10-25 at 09:46:18
Realboy Wargor, GG à toi, c'est magnifique, pas photo !
On 2020-10-25 at 05:56:43
Mileena agreed
On 2020-10-25 at 02:13:58
BowserJr03 This looks absolutely amazing. GJ Wargor.
On 2020-10-25 at 01:42:15
ChazTehFloofer We didn't mean to ignore you.

I don't think you can if you wanted to.
On 2020-10-24 at 23:48:11
Mileena what...are you talking about?
On 2020-10-24 at 22:45:40
LuigiKart64 You guys ignored me? Ugh fine then... 😤
On 2020-10-24 at 21:27:19
BFDI_Ahmad17 While I do like the new hud, the old hud was significantly better in my opinion and I can give a lot of reasons for that but I’ll not for now. I’m not saying that this new one is bad trust me it’s great but I’m just saying that the old one is better in my opinion but everything else is amazing. Thank you Wargor for this update.
On 2020-10-24 at 21:14:06
LuigiDawg While I'm going to miss the old hud, this new hud is much better. Though I do think the new thing for the triple shrooms is a bit...boring. The 3 mushrooms are were better than, what it is now: just a single mushroom with "x3" plastered on it. Other than that, this has to be one of the best updates so far.
On 2020-10-24 at 21:06:06
TheBlueMarvel cool! blue shells now actually follows the track! i think that's better then it just targeting 1st right away! also great update!
On 2020-10-24 at 20:46:32
ChazTehFloofer This sounds like amazing. Can't wait to try the game.
On 2020-10-24 at 20:42:26
LuigiKart64 BEST UPDATE EVER. I was playing an N64 map, and I thought the HUD changed because of the map I was playing on. Also I need an option where we can remove custom characters that we don't want in our list.
On 2020-10-24 at 20:37:51
Mileena right less AF bullets
On 2020-10-24 at 20:19:16
dedmenwalk RIP endless item comboing. This update looks great, nice job!
On 2020-10-24 at 20:15:51
RHcks this is amazing, thank u very much for this update
On 2020-10-24 at 19:33:51
MegaToon1234 Cool!

Now, can you come up with a difficulty setting for Grand Prix?
On 2020-10-24 at 19:11:23
circuit111 @Xlix8848 smaller? No there just needs to be less of them.
On 2020-10-24 at 19:05:26
Mileena also i'm still mad about the bullets on AF i'm thinking can you make them a little "smaller"
On 2020-10-24 at 19:02:04
circuit111 YES THE 1000 ITEMS GLITCH WAS FIXED! also bombs are no longer OP lol
On 2020-10-24 at 18:57:11
Mileena trop bien
On 2020-10-24 at 18:52:58

On 2020-10-24 at 18:46:37
Ryubix Une mise à jour acceuillie les bras grands ouverts, bravo !

Par contre cela à brisé la room dans laquelle on jouait le match Senko Nation - Celestial Guardians, pas ouf. x)

Edit Fways : toute façon vous êtes nuls <3
On 2020-10-24 at 18:39:15
BFDI_Ahmad17 Infinate, blue shell canceling with a banana was never intended in the 1st place and it's really easy to cancel a blue shell in 1st place because you are getting a lot of bananas that is defeating the purpose of the blue shell. Instead Wargor put a mushroom which is much better and you need luck and skilled to even get to 1st place in the game.
On 2020-10-24 at 18:34:13
InfiMK Oh, good to know!
On 2020-10-24 at 18:30:32
On 2020-10-24 at 18:30:32
Wargor Blue shell cancelling still works, I just tried Smiley
On 2020-10-24 at 18:29:29
deleteme Super bonne MaJ.
On 2020-10-24 at 18:27:23
Kyushi Super cool !
On 2020-10-24 at 18:24:40
InfiMK Well, rest in piece Blue Shell cancelling.
On 2020-10-24 at 18:23:02
JJ_Guti Sympa la mise à jour !
On 2020-10-24 at 18:20:19
The_Garfield_Gamer Thank you Wargor, for FINALLY fixing the Bob-Omb. I am so happy now that they are fixed.
On 2020-10-24 at 18:10:58
Mudky Tu as régler les plus gros défauts que les items avaient, vraiment incroyable
On 2020-10-24 at 18:10:31
On 2020-10-24 at 18:10:21
Potato44 cool!
On 2020-10-24 at 18:05:01

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