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(Fanfic) Tears of Aeons


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Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Disclaimer: This is a fanfic created by me, as such, it will feature slightly more mature topics such as death, grief, psychological turmoil and violence. Reader discretion is highly advised - if you do not wish to see, or are particularly triggered by any of the aforementioned content, I would advise looking elsewhere on the site for fanfiction to read and/or join.

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This is the land of Aeolia - a realm where star and moon, past and future, once lived in union. However, anathema has gnawed at the very tethers binding this realm together, rifting the lithosphere apart like scissors through thinly-woven silk, segregating the Tribes of Light and the Tribes of Dark. From the rift emerged a new Tribe: the Tribe of Tears, hellbent on desecration and eradication of the Aeolian landscape from horizon to horizon, zenith to nadir.

One hero from each of the Tribes of Light and Dark made haste for that Ravine, and eventually sealed away the mephistophelean Tribe of Tears, banishing them to a state bordering reality and fantasia. Across the course of 12 aeons, the seal weakened, and, in the contemporaneous era, the Tribe of Tears has seen emergence from the Ravine of Sorrows once more. It's up to the descendants of the original Eight Heroes to seek the annihilation of the Tribe of Tears indefinitely.

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Tribes of Light
Tribe of the Past
Tribe of the Lands (Earth/desert tribe)
Tribe of the Seas (Water/ice tribe)
Tribe of the Skies (Air/wind tribe)

Tribes of Dark
Tribe of the Future
Tribe of the Pyres (Fire tribe)
Tribe of the Seasons (Nature/esoterica tribe)
Tribe of the Phantoms (Undead/poison tribe)

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What I need for you to join
𖀐 Name
𖀐 Colour
𖀐 Species
𖀐 Personality
𖀐 Tribe (this will stop after 8 people have joined, unless you wish to join the Tribe of Tears)
𖀐 Powers (up to three)

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Current cast

𖀐 Lilith: A demoness with a balanced soul, keeping the seven deadly sins intrinsic of her essence in equilibrium. She is an outgoing, unwavering and confident Hero, heiress to the Tribe of the Seasons and is an adept weaponsmith and circe of the dark arts, having forged her own twin scythes, both infused with her mystic power: the power of manipulating nature and essence unto her will.

𖀐 Twilight: A feline demigod living in solitude in the savannah to the south of RjΓΊla Bay. As to be expected from a secluded half-deity, they are very timid and introverted, keeping to themselves and keeping a watchful gaze upon the Ravine of Sorrows. As the patron of the Tribe of the Future, it is their duty to remain vigilant and defend their people at all costs should the Tribe of Tears besiege the grasslands, however they would much rather remain in the company of themself and themself alone, often teleporting or using telekinesis to achieve this.

𖀐 Nudge: A gyokuto (lunar rabbit-man hybrid that uses a wooden mallet to create mochi) overseeing the Plains of FΓ‘-TΓΊang. Despite being cynical, calculated and somewhat disquieting at times, he is approachable and will help others if need be. As do the other Heroes of the Elements, it is his duty to keep a watchful gaze over the Ravine of Sorrows, and decimate any evils that erupt from it. As the Hero of Phantoms, Nudge has one defining power: the ability to harvest souls from living creatures and use them as power against them.

𖀐 Hatsune Miku: A courteous vocaloid who enjoys singing, be it in solitude or with company - her voice is so pure that singing out-of-tune may cause sudden blizzards due to her inability to control her cryokinetic powers. Being the Hero of the Seas, she, along with the Heroes of the Elements hailing from each Tribe, defends the Ravine of Sorrows from sudden eruption, defending the land in the selfsame manner against the Tribe of Tears.

𖀐 Scorchy: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Veno: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Dudzi: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Blazen: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Iz: While not being a Hero of the Elements, Iz is a sentient Polandball whose purpose is to serve the Hero of the Lands. Due to the standing that said Hero holds in the Tribe of the Lands, Iz is largely ostracised by his own people, and his memories were cast away as a punishment for his affiliation with the Hero, causing him to grow isolated from society, and also seems forgetful or ditzy from time to time. Using the power of terrakinesis, he secluded himself in a crevice deep inside TΓΊrvim Mountain, and prays that his turmoil is evanescent.

𖀐 Iam: A fairy who holds the moniker of the Hero of the Skies, after the previous Hero of this Element met her demise. Much like the Hero of the Lands, his people have turned on him and banished him to Aeolia as retribution for his ruthless, immature pranks. Despite how aggressive his pranks and overall demeanour seem to the onlooker, Iam can be helpful at times, and puts his pranking expertise to good use when vanquishing the evils heralded forth from the Ravine of Sorrows.

𖀐 Diet: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Invu: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Eli: < Lore coming soon >
Messages 1880 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20389 pts β˜… Legend
battle6823 pts β˜… Racer
United Kingdom
Dodger Blue
Laid back and sometimes a bit shy
i honestly dont even know how to describe what my OC's species is at this point
Tribe of the Future
Teleportation and Telekinesis
Messages 550 - Mario Mario
vs25055 pts β˜… Legend
battle8922 pts β˜… Expert
United States
Name: Blazen

Color: Teal

Species: Stickmen

Personality: Kind, Chill, forgiving but holds grudges

Tribe: Tribe of Light

Powers: Physic powers

Messages 1114 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15717 pts β˜… Master
battle8214 pts β˜… Expert
Puerto Rico
Name: Scorchy
Color: Red
Species: Pikmin (most likely not an actual pikmin, just a half plant half animal being)
Personality: Kind and lazy, but sometimes rude if crossed
Tribe: Pyres (fire)
Powers: Fire Bending
Messages 403 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs49045 pts β˜… Titan
battle8574 pts β˜… Expert
United States

Blue sky

A Vocaloid and a hero

Always kind to others, occasionally likes to sing a lot

Tribe of the Seas

Ice powers
Messages 464 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs5101 pts β˜… Novice
battle5000 pts β˜… Novice
between Green and Brown
a big thinker who likes to help others for free, but tends to be suspicious of those he doesn't trust
Tribe of the Seasons
Morph (shapeshifting per say) and personal size manipulation
Messages 5033 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts β˜… Titan
battle6798 pts β˜… Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs22098 pts β˜… Legend
battle5000 pts β˜… Novice
Name: Iz
Colour: Blue
Species: Polandball
Personality: Lonely and Forgetful
Tribe: Tribe of the Lands
Powers: Terraforming

Messages 472 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs9469 pts β˜… Expert
battle6070 pts β˜… Racer
Trinidad and Tobago
Name: Latbiu (Usually called Iam though)
Gender:Male (just in case you forgorπŸ’€)
Species: Fairy (you can change this if you want
Spoiler [ShowHide]
P.S If you keep it don't make me too small
Personality: Kind But aggressive at times
Tribe: Tribe of the Skies
Powers: Can control animals, Can go through walls and floors at will (warning it will have a cooldown.)
Messages 701 - Mario Mario
vs32175 pts β˜… Legend
battle11333 pts β˜… Champion
United States
How many people can join a single tribe? I kinda wanna join Pyres but there's already a person there.
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Kommisar_K wrote:
How many people can join a single tribe? I kinda wanna join Pyres but there's already a person there.

As many as possible, also Heroes aren't on a first-come, first-served basis, so there's a chance you could be Hero and not RedPik lmfao
Messages 3091 - King Mario King Mario
vs60008 pts β˜… Titan
battle21135 pts β˜… Legend
𖀐 Venonum (Veno for short)
𖀐 #4200BD
𖀐 Fallen angel/demon
𖀐 Prideful, selfish, doesn't like to talk much
𖀐 Tribe of the Phantoms
𖀐 Flight, superhuman strength, eagle-like vision

(I hope this is all fine, LMK if I need to edit anything...)

Messages 10126 - King Mario King Mario
vs36958 pts β˜… Legend
battle6102 pts β˜… Racer
Shy, kind, caring, dumb, introverted, cold if necessary
Tribe of Seas
Mind reading
Messages 9 - Goomba Goomba
vs5831 pts β˜… Novice
battle5000 pts β˜… Novice
United States
Name: Sender
Color: Blue
Personality: Litterally just Marker From TPOT
Tribe: The Tears
Powers: the power to teliport
Species: A World ending bomb-
Messages 231 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts β˜… Champion
battle7089 pts β˜… Racer
𖀐 Name : VC (She/Her)
𖀐 Colour : Navy Blue
𖀐 Font: Times New Roman
𖀐 Species : Ghost
𖀐 Personality : She doesn't usually like drama but she is VERY into the local gossip of the area, but ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT want to implicate herself with the current drama. She is a third party that just honestly wants to see stuff hit the fan.
𖀐 Tribe : None (just pops in occasionally whenever appropriate, as if a greek chorus)
𖀐 Powers : Ghost :P
Messages 61 - Boo Boo
vs5257 pts β˜… Novice
battle5092 pts β˜… Novice
Lilith wrote:
Disclaimer: This is a fanfic created by me, as such, it will feature slightly more mature topics such as death, grief, psychological turmoil and violence. Reader discretion is highly advised - if you do not wish to see, or are particularly triggered by any of the aforementioned content, I would advise looking elsewhere on the site for fanfiction to read and/or join.

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This is the land of Aeolia - a realm where star and moon, past and future, once lived in union. However, anathema has gnawed at the very tethers binding this realm together, rifting the lithosphere apart like scissors through thinly-woven silk, segregating the Tribes of Light and the Tribes of Dark. From the rift emerged a new Tribe: the Tribe of Tears, hellbent on desecration and eradication of the Aeolian landscape from horizon to horizon, zenith to nadir.

One hero from each of the Tribes of Light and Dark made haste for that Ravine, and eventually sealed away the mephistophelean Tribe of Tears, banishing them to a state bordering reality and fantasia. Across the course of 12 aeons, the seal weakened, and, in the contemporaneous era, the Tribe of Tears has seen emergence from the Ravine of Sorrows once more. It's up to the descendants of the original Eight Heroes to seek the annihilation of the Tribe of Tears indefinitely.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Tribes of Light
Tribe of the Past
Tribe of the Lands (Earth/desert tribe)
Tribe of the Seas (Water/ice tribe)
Tribe of the Skies (Air/wind tribe)

Tribes of Dark
Tribe of the Future
Tribe of the Pyres (Fire tribe)
Tribe of the Seasons (Nature/esoterica tribe)
Tribe of the Phantoms (Undead/poison tribe)

- - - - - - - - - - - -

What I need for you to join
𖀐 Name
𖀐 Colour
𖀐 Species
𖀐 Personality
𖀐 Tribe (this will stop after 8 people have joined, unless you wish to join the Tribe of Tears)
𖀐 Powers (up to three)

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Current cast

𖀐 Lilith: A demoness with a balanced soul, keeping the seven deadly sins intrinsic of her essence in equilibrium. She is an outgoing, unwavering and confident Hero, heiress to the Tribe of the Seasons and is an adept weaponsmith and circe of the dark arts, having forged her own twin scythes, both infused with her mystic power: the power of manipulating nature and essence unto her will.

𖀐 Twilight: A feline demigod living in solitude in the savannah to the south of RjΓΊla Bay. As to be expected from a secluded half-deity, they are very timid and introverted, keeping to themselves and keeping a watchful gaze upon the Ravine of Sorrows. As the patron of the Tribe of the Future, it is their duty to remain vigilant and defend their people at all costs should the Tribe of Tears besiege the grasslands, however they would much rather remain in the company of themself and themself alone, often teleporting or using telekinesis to achieve this.

𖀐 Nudge: A gyokuto (lunar rabbit-man hybrid that uses a wooden mallet to create mochi) overseeing the Plains of FΓ‘-TΓΊang. Despite being cynical, calculated and somewhat disquieting at times, he is approachable and will help others if need be. As do the other Heroes of the Elements, it is his duty to keep a watchful gaze over the Ravine of Sorrows, and decimate any evils that erupt from it. As the Hero of Phantoms, Nudge has one defining power: the ability to harvest souls from living creatures and use them as power against them.

𖀐 Hatsune Miku: A courteous vocaloid who enjoys singing, be it in solitude or with company - her voice is so pure that singing out-of-tune may cause sudden blizzards due to her inability to control her cryokinetic powers. Being the Hero of the Seas, she, along with the Heroes of the Elements hailing from each Tribe, defends the Ravine of Sorrows from sudden eruption, defending the land in the selfsame manner against the Tribe of Tears.

𖀐 Scorchy: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Veno: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Dudzi: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Blazen: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Iz: While not being a Hero of the Elements, Iz is a sentient Polandball whose purpose is to serve the Hero of the Lands. Due to the standing that said Hero holds in the Tribe of the Lands, Iz is largely ostracised by his own people, and his memories were cast away as a punishment for his affiliation with the Hero, causing him to grow isolated from society, and also seems forgetful or ditzy from time to time. Using the power of terrakinesis, he secluded himself in a crevice deep inside TΓΊrvim Mountain, and prays that his turmoil is evanescent.

𖀐 Iam: A fairy who holds the moniker of the Hero of the Skies, after the previous Hero of this Element met her demise. Much like the Hero of the Lands, his people have turned on him and banished him to Aeolia as retribution for his ruthless, immature pranks. Despite how aggressive his pranks and overall demeanour seem to the onlooker, Iam can be helpful at times, and puts his pranking expertise to good use when vanquishing the evils heralded forth from the Ravine of Sorrows.

𖀐 Diet: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Invu: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Eli: < Lore coming soon >

𖀐 Name:Marcelo
𖀐 Colour:Blue
𖀐 Species:Human
𖀐 Personality:Megaman
𖀐 Tribe:Metal Slug
𖀐 Power #1:Sonic
Power #2:Contra
Power #3:Elecman
Messages 701 - Mario Mario
vs32175 pts β˜… Legend
battle11333 pts β˜… Champion
United States
Aight might as well put together an actual character now.

Name - K
Color - dimgray
Species - Human
Personality - Quiet introverted fella, likes to think things through before speaking (or doing). Fiercely protective of friends and allies, totally ruthless to enemies. He has a close bond with seven wolves whom he sees as family.
Tribe - Tears
Powers - (1) Communicate with animals, particularly his wolf "family," whom he sometimes uses as his eyes and ears in Aeolia (2) Can meld with shadows.
Messages 633 - Mario Mario
vs19804 pts β˜… Master
battle5681 pts β˜… Novice
United Kingdom
Name: Aphelion (Aphel to close friends) [He/Him]
Colour: Maroon
Species: Human
Personality: Refined speech. Shy, dislikes speaking with new characters but well-spoken and kind with friends/allies. Can be sarcastic. Publicly looks down on those less intelligent then him but deep down doesn't feel that way. Loves drama that doesn't involve himself
Tribe: Tribe of the Future
Powers: [1]Budding ability to bend space, can force objects (or characters) to move towards or away from eachother. [2] Can persuade very easily
Messages 35 - Koopa Koopa
vs71507 pts β˜… Titan
battle8675 pts β˜… Expert
just a chill guy
tribe of the past
- omnilingualism (knows every language no matter what)
- perfect memory (never forgets even the smallest detail)
- dream sharing (enters others dreams to have conversations or share thoughts in a surreal, subconscious space)
Messages 35 - Koopa Koopa
vs71507 pts β˜… Titan
battle8675 pts β˜… Expert
@Fiadh dead? there havent been any fanfics in a while and it would be nice to see some activity in this scene

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