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In which Mario Kart track would you want to live in?

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Yoshi Island because Yoshi and doggy.
Also for the apples because I like apples:p

MKPC OC Commissions :)

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
As you may have realized I've changed my pfp. I made it myself :3

So I decided to draw pfps for people who wanted it. Please try not to pester me, as these can take a while 😅

Examples of pfps I've previously made:


Can I pls get one with Yoshi and Poochy?
Background: 1-1 background with your style or the colorful hills with the Happy faces.
If it's just a flag then 🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪

What items or tracks should MKPC add

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
I honestly think that MKPC could fix the order of the SNES maps and change it to 5 laps.

Like the idea but time trial reset...

How would you rate yourself in MKPC

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
ScaryRandy wrote:
Just read the title

Here is the rating that you can rate yourself whenever your playing online mode or your playing by yourself

Easy - You can easily get defeated
Medium - same as easy but a little harder
Difficult - 50/50 Chance of wining
Extreme - Win almost all the time
Impossible - You will win every single time, no matter what

Difficult it depends who I'm playing with.

A message for SuperMega7

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Okay why did my message say SFA got deleted?
Nothing was offensive.💀
And no I didn't delete it I go on my profile and boom it disappears into thin air.
Anyways Space for Anything

What is the hardest part when creating a complete circuit in MKPC?

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
jamestown wrote:
My hardest part when creating my track is filling the track with walls, off-road, and holes

Well it depends on what type of track it is.(Like Dry Desert hole were hard🤨)
Why?because you have to align them along with the checkpoints, and if you don't.You have a horrible hole system.

[Fanfic] ~ MKPC Archipel (2023 edition)

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Yoshizilla wrote:
Yoshizilla wrote:
Yoshizilla wrote:

Have you ever heard of the term "speaking up?"


Then give Lely your information like bro 💀


Cause I don't see it in page 2.🙈
Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Yoshizilla wrote:
Yoshizilla wrote:

Have you ever heard of the term "speaking up?"


Yes(I mean Invu would have to confirm YZ)
Example for YZ.
Info for Gun Chomp
Name:Gun chomp
Gun that shoots Bullet Bills.
Charges towards enemies.
Extra Info
A pet for YK
I'm not saying you will have to confirm this ,but do this if you want to.

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Ive wrote:
But anyways, the night fell as quickly as they could spell all of their names, and SYK brought enough snacks for literally everyone. That's what they ate before going into the beach cottages that have been constructed in a very rusty way. And then they fell asleep.

"Sorry but you bag is overweight for having snacks."
Me: So the reason why my bag is overweight is because i'm a fatty. 🧢and going to eat all the snacks and let my friends die of starvation;););););) yippee!!1111!!😁
Anyways good story

oi that's supposed to be my job :p

Nah both of our jobs:DTo let our friends die due to starvation:p
Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Ive wrote:
But anyways, the night fell as quickly as they could spell all of their names, and SYK brought enough snacks for literally everyone. That's what they ate before going into the beach cottages that have been constructed in a very rusty way. And then they fell asleep.

"Sorry but you bag is overweight for having snacks."
Me: So the reason why my bag is overweight is because i'm a fatty. 🧢and going to eat all the snacks and let my friends die of starvation;););););) yippee!!1111!!😁
Anyways good story
Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Ive wrote:
Decided I'm gonna take a break from MKPCverse, for several reasons to be fair :
- the S4 theming was way too dull
- it is getting repetitive
- the lack of hype regarding the new season

We all need freshness, especially for something like MKPCverse who is a bit random and boring, so let's do what I meant to do with S3.. but never did.

This fanfic is basically MKPCians volunteering to go camping on an island for 2 whole months... and there's no way out lol.
There is still a small town at the center of the Isle, filled with Piantas from S3. Yup I would have missed them lol.

Anyways prepare yourself to some stupid plot twists and a terrible fanfic. Who wants to join ?

If you want to join, give me a name, a color and a personnality. Give extra info if you want to, I don't really care.

And have fun with a fresh, simple and relaxed fanfic in the style I'm comfortable with (kinda gave that style up before late 2022 lol)

Name: SYK
Color: Blue
Personality: Some Yoshi that is toxic (If I'm stressed or just mad.:p).Nice when not also makes jokes.
Extra info.
Say the same stuff a lot like "SYK is the type of person to fall off a cliff for $100."or "tHaT iS sO sHoCkInG🤯😱😱😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯😱🤯🤯🤯!111111!!!1!!!"
What I look like.
A Dark Blue Yoshi with a Hat+Headphone.
Also some moves from YI like flutter jump or I really don't know what else to put here. :s
Also if this include curse words I probably say it 20% of the time.
Also for the first time i'm joining a fanfic. yippee!111111!!!1!!!

EDIT:Also has a Poochy to ride on or use him as a bed if somebody's hurt.

Suggestion: New challenge difficulties

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Wal68 wrote:
(Pinging people that might be interested: @Wargor @Nodac64 @Kapt3rion @BowserJr03 @PixelMK @Senko @SuperCop1)

J'ai une proposition à faire qui, selon moi et Nodac64, est une nécessité pour MKPC.
Alors, il y a des défis impossibles qui, comme mon Choco Pyramid RWB, prennent plusieurs heures de tryhard.
D'autres, comme mon STK Boss Battle, prennent plusieurs jours de tryhard!
Même si ces défis méritent tous les 2 d'être Impossible, il y a une grande différence de difficulté entre un défi qui nécessite 6 heures de tryhard et un qui en nécessite 60.
Alors je propose une nouvelle difficulté, "Spécial".
En gros, si cette difficulté est sélectionnée, le joueur doit CHOISIR par lui-même le nombre de points que le défi rapporte (un nombre qui doit, bien évidemment, être supérieur à 20).
Bien sûr, les validateurs de défis ont le droit de modérer le choix de nombre de points (au cas où le choix n'est pas approprié à la difficulté réelle du défi...) ou de changer la difficulté comme pour tout autre défi.
J'ai créé cette image-concept pour mon idée:
Le [?] à droite du "Spécial", quand cliqué, donne un pop-up qui indique au joueur le nombre de pts que le défi donne:
Bah oui car si le nombre de pts de cette difficulté est variable, le joueur a besoin d'un moyen de connaître l'enjeu, pour se faire une idée de la difficulté du défi! :p
Alors ça c'était l'idée qu'on juge essentielle vu l'évolution en difficulté de nos défis à moi et Nodac :)
Mais j'en ai une deuxième, pas aussi essentielle, mais avec laquelle Nodac reste d'accord:
Une difficultée "Nul", en-dessous de Facile, qui fait en sorte que le défi ne rapporte aucun point.
Ce serait parfait pour, par exemple, mes défis sans difficulté style "merci d'avoir joué!" (comme sur mon Arène Bataille 5) où le défi est résolu sans challenge réel rien qu'en jouant au circuit.
Même si ces défis ne sont pas des défis à proprement parler, ils sont quand même d'intérêt car ils indiquent le nombre de personnes qui ont joué au circuit, de plus ils pourraient aussi servir de récompenses honorifiques, de "médailles"!
Ce serait parfait aussi pour les défis genre sur cette arène bataille avec la map USA où il faut juste rouler sur certains États...
Le problème avec les défis Facile c'est que même s'ils ne donnent qu'un point, si je fais par exemple des défis "merci d'avoir joué!" sur disons tous les 16 circuit d'une série, je donne 16 points immérités gratuitement au joueur, quasiment autant qu'un défi Impossible!
Ou un mec qui fait tous les challenges de l'arène USA que j'ai mentionnée, il obtient 25 points gratuitement, sans faire de défi réel!
Voilà pourquoi cette difficulté est un peu nécessaire aussi, selon moi...
I have a suggestion to make which, in the opinions of me and Nodac64, is a necessity for MKPC.
So, there are impossible challenges that, like my Choco Pyramid RWB, take several hours of tryhard.
Others, like my STK Boss Battle, take several days of tryhard!
Even though these challenges both deserve to be Impossible, there is a big difference in difficulty between a challenge that requires 6 hours of tryhard and one that requires 60.
So I suggest a new difficulty, "Special".
Basically, if this difficulty is selected, the player must CHOOSE for themselves the number of points that the challenge rewards (a number which must, obviously, be greater than 20).
Of course, challenge validators have the right to moderate the choice of point numbers (in case the choice is not appropriate for the actual difficulty of the challenge...) or to change the difficulty as for any other challenge.
I created this concept image for my idea:
The [?] to the right of "Special", when clicked, gives a pop-up which tells the player the number of points the challenge gives:
Well yes, because if the number of points for this difficulty is variable, the player needs a way to know what is at stake, to get an idea of the difficulty of the challenge! :p
So that was the idea that me and Nodac consider essential given the difficulty evolution of our challenges :)
But I have a second suggestion, not as essential, but with which Nodac remains in agreement:
A "Null" difficulty, below Easy, which causes the challenge to reward no points.
This would be perfect for my non-challenging “thanks for playing!” style challenges (like the one on my Battle Arena 5, for example) where the challenge is resolved without any real challenge just by playing on the track.
Even if these challenges are not challenges strictly speaking, they are still of interest because they indicate the number of people who have played on the track, plus they could also serve as honorary rewards, or "medals"!
It would also be perfect for all of these challenges on this battle arena with the USA map where you just have to drive on certain States...
The problem with Easy challenges is that even if they only give one point, if I do for example "thanks for playing!" on say every 16 tracks in a series, I'm giving 16 undeserved points for free to the player, almost as much as an Impossible challenge!
Or a guy who does all the challenges in the USA arena that I mentioned, he gets 25 points for free, without doing any actual challenge!
This is why this difficulty is also a bit necessary, in my opinion...
Concept image:

ohhh.. I like this idea.:p
This can get more people to do challenges.
Hopefully Wargor sees this and adds this in.

i did it

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
i finally got gold on all cups hehe


this topic is extremely useless and i know the existence of SFA but it was a pain

the toughest one for me was flower cup of all cups

I'm almost halfway there and I have no idea how to keep going, it's getting so difficult because I'm too bad at the game. Props to you man, you really put in the effort

thanks but its kinda sad since the last character you unlock is dogwater

I think I took almost a full year to finished that roster, but let me tell you my struggles.:$
Vanilla Lake 2
Donut Plains 3
Ghost Valley 3
Bowser's Castle 3
Rainbow Road
Desert Hills
DK Pass
Tick Tock Clock
Mario Circuit
Airship Fortress
Wario Stadium
Peach Gardens
Bowser's Castle
Rainbow Road


Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Spoiler [ShowHide]

The amount of work they put into it, like damn that looks good.
Also like that artwork for it. (Even though the art is from the original MK8 )

What is Your Biggest Fear

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Like how are not going to look down without being scared? Everything I'm on something high, I always get this feeling where I'm going to fall face flat on the ground,pass away, or get injured.
Especially when it's wobbly, that shit scaring the fuck out of me

What makes you laugh the most?

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
KirbyBoy wrote:
Some Videos I Made On My Phone of Thomas and Friends Trackmaster Being Goofy Ahh. And this.

My head right now:⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Greeting's what make me laugh the most is watching Funny videos on youtube.rire When im super bored.|).

Whenever someone acts sarcastic to others.
Dark jokes.🌚


How long since you started using MKPC?

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
11  months and 4 days(Idk if I got that right[Nice, SYK your sometimes dumb])This has been one hell of a journey fun, but sometimes not.
Anyways see you in 1 month.:D
Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
7 Months and 28 days is how long I've been here
like @Fiery said I feel old too.

Here's a GBA Luigi Circuit Map Comparison!

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
LTBPF2013 wrote:
GBA Luigi Circuit released in Mario Kart Tour and I need a comparison for it!
The comparison:
There's the comparison!

Let me know what you think is different above these two maps!

The new one looks like a ghost trying to get out of Luigi's Poltergust 💀💀💀

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