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Nodac64's profile

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Time trial200cc: 27 pts - 4 records - 188th
Forum messages549 messages - MarioMario[?]
28 created circuits - 5 cups
75 challenges created
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588 comments on circuits
7 topics followed


Description :

Hello, I'm Nodac64! Just a regular player of Mario Kart PC!
Also, don't be suprise if you see me saying weird things or being very immature, because I'm just being myself!
Anyways, all I have to say is HAVE A ROTTEN DAY!

~~ The players I care about ~~
@PrimeTime The first guy I met on MKPC Online.
He's the one guy who told me EVERYTHING about this site. Without him, I probably wouldn't be active on this site.

@Wal68 An OG player who joined in 2016, he's for me THE nicest guy of the site.
He's the guy who brought me to Battle Mode AND Boss Battles Challenges.
He makes incredibly hard and creative challenges that gave me a lot of inspiration. It's thanks to him that today I became so good at Challenges and Battle Mode.

@Anthcny This guy is an incredibly good french player.
He's a really fun and cool guy to play with and he truly is an incredible friend; he also makes really good challenges and he teached me how to Noclip Walls aswell!

@Boomtaksen Also known as Fways, he is the #1 on Lounge Leaderboard and is also an OG player who joined in 2016. Today he is in the Top 5 of the best players of this game.
He is a truly incredible track maker, he always gives tips and feedbacks that help people.
He taught me Reverse Drifting, Item play and a lot of other techniques that really helped me improve.

@JPG He is the #1 on Time Trial Leaderboard and in the Top 5 of the best players of this game.
He was here everytime I asked him to help me, he helped me practice every single Ultra Shortcuts in the game and also taught me a lot about everything I needed to know.

@Mudky A very nice guy who is also in the Top 5 of the best players of this game.
He is an amazing track maker.
He gave me some advices that really helped me.
16 years old (Born on 12/05/2008)
Registered since 24/07/2023
Last connection: 27/07/2024
Validator of challenges
Calendrier de l'Avent 2023[?] : Prodige Hivernal

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Last messages on the forum :

Messages 549 - Mario Mario
vs62178 pts ★ Titan
battle11219 pts ★ Champion
centrix32 wrote:
Hello, i just joined mkpc (i created my account today) i played mkpc without and account, but today i created my account! :)

btw, i cant wait to make new friends hey
Hello new user. Welcome to Mario Kart PC ! I recommand you read the rules first and then you can pretty much do what you want on this site ! ^^
Messages 549 - Mario Mario
vs62178 pts ★ Titan
battle11219 pts ★ Champion
Nodac64 wrote:
Invu wrote:
Chapter 3 : Rise Up

Lely's House

1PM. Lely invited Fiery to his house to make him a drink. As Lely was making the drinks, Fiery was whispering to himself.

Fiery : What if I became...
Lely : What are you talking about ?
Fiery : No... you're gonna find it ridiculous.
Lely : I won't make fun of you, I promise. I'm just curious.
Fiery : You will laugh...
Lely : What business would I have doing so ??
Fiery : I don't know but I'm scared. You are still just a stranger who's randomly invited me to have a drink in his house.
Lely : And you're some creep who randomly thought I was a killer with multiple murders.
Fiery : That's just about that. I kinda want to...
Lely : Yeah ?
Fiery : Become a vigilante.


1:30PM. Miles and David are standing in front of the restaurant. Miles is disappointed while David

Miles : Can't believe they got a closure notice just for an incident that was caused by some obscure people.
David : Oh, I never liked their dishes anyways.
Miles : You hardly like anything.
David : Eh, true.
Miles : I should contact Lely to actually revive this place. I believe it's worth something.
David : I believe you're wasting your time.
Miles : When you see potential in something, you must never give up.
David : You really see something in a restaurant where the wooden floor is soaked, the kitchens completely burned and the camera room hacked by the Moon group ?
Miles : Oh shut it.

News Presentation Set

UraniumMan : Hello everyone, and welcome to your usual local news. Today we decided to interview two celebrities again, to have their opinion about the new events that occurred, notably Lely being freed due to his innocence seemingly being proved for now.
Leadgaming : Well personnally I still do not care, as long as I'm not affected. To be a leader, you ignore the nobodies.
Scorchy : Oh my God... well anyways, I think these are amazing news ! I was already very doubtful as to why a guy single handedly serving the customers during a particularly rough night could be a murderer. I believe the Moon group are the culprits. We will definitively need to gather more information though.
Leadgaming : I'm sorry but you care too much...
Scorchy : Too much is better than not enough.
Leadgaming : That's your opinion.
Scorchy : It is. What's wrong with it?
Leadgaming : It is less valuable than mine.
Scorchy : Says who ?
Leadgaming : Me. The leader of all.
Scorchy : Just because you wore quality clothes and obtained expensive cars for free doesn't mean you are a great person.
UraniumMan : Stop arguing you rich bitches before I get you off the set. Oh shit, we're on camera. I forgot. Sorry. Anyways, goodbye, MKPCians. We will meet again this evening or tomorrow. When fate will decide.
Leadgaming : Acting like he didn't just speak in low vocabulary.
Scorchy : sighs Why am I here already ?

Police Station

2PM. The two policemen are sat at their office, as usual. They seem perturbated by something.

Jake : We should probably gather more information and interview everyone who was affected by this accident.
Asher : Do what ya want bro.
Jake : I should fire you, but that's illegal.
Asher : Alrighty my man.

Jake called the people that were affected by the incidents, one by one. One hour later, they eventually arrived.

Jake : Welcome everybody, please take a seat. Thank you for attending this meeting. It is about the Lely case. Do you have any information about the Moon group he talked about ?
Fiery : I do. As I was on the crime scene, blood formed a sentence. "WE NEVER DIE, WE ARE EVERYWHERE".
Jake : How is that possible ?
Fiery : Idk but it certainly was.
Jake : It might have been a hallucination, do you have a picture ?
Fiery : I do hands over the phone

The picture shows a puddle of blood with absolutely no trace of the sentence. However, Jake squinted his eyes, and saw the sentence.

Jake : It's very weird... it might prove that more members of the group might be out in the nature. Some of them might actually have caused the 9:29 incidents. Anyone else ?
Lely : I remember noting down something in my phone that they said "we shall unite to be stronger" or something like that..
Jake : reads it out loud In a place where no rules are here to regulate the world, hell breaks loose. Terrible people unite and they become stronger. To be as strong as them, we need to unite.
Lely : Oh yeah. They told me "they had enough power to destroy the peace of a whole land, and that they were united. And that unison was what made them strong."
Jake : That proves that Moon and her boyfriend were part of an organization that caused these five incidents...
Blobby : And why would they choose 9:29PM ?
David : That's so random !
Blobby : I believe there is a reason behind !
David : Tssk, another one wasting his time.
Blobby : No ! I want to find out what might be hiding behind !
Miles : Is it like the name of a song ?
Lely : Yeah. 21:29, which was almost called 9:29.
Miles : What if they're just fans ?
Leadgaming : No, that's wrong.
Miles : Then you shall explain why. You have been useless for the whole time you were here.
Leadgaming : That explanation just sounded stupid to me. You are lazy to find out a real reason.
Miles : That is real hypocritical. And not everything is about you.
SM7 : βœ‹οΈπŸ’₯πŸ§ πŸ‘πŸΌ (Stop arguing, I think I know the reason)
Scorchy : Huh ?? What now ??
Leadgaming : Ignore, ignore...
SM7 : 😱🀚9️⃣2️⃣9οΈβƒ£πŸ”šπŸ‘·β€β™€οΈ (Due to trauma, I can only rely on sign language. 9:29 is the hour where employees end their shift.)
Blobby : Haven't understood much but I think he said 9:29 is the hour where employees end their shift.
Babymario : It is also the hour where employees in restaurants are serving customers and less in the kitchens...
K : The hour where big shops close...
Dietsoda : The hour where little, smaller criminals cause havoc in the hidden parts of the city... like VC, a mentally sick ghost I have met yesterday.
K : A what ?
Dietsoda : A ghost.
K : Does that exist ?
Dietsoda : I was surprised as well.
K : Wow...
Dietsoda : Right.
Babymario : So we now know it's a group who is causing this... and Moon was part of it. They also chose a very strategic hour... thank you SM7. You triggered the system no one could start.
SM7 : πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ (You are welcome)
Babymario : Wow, the missing pieces are really starting to come together...
Fiery : On that topic, why didn't Max and Wal come ? Their building got bombed down...
Jake : Their phone was not responding. Just like Asher.
Asher : Wait? Huh? What? Oh, I need to pull out a good excuse. I need to use the bathroom, I will go now.
Jake : I think you did not mean to say that out loud... anyways, what could they be doing ?
Oscar : They must be so busy !
Dudzi : I guess they are. They might be planning to organize a TV intervention...
Oscar : Right ? Well, I hope they will enlighten us soon.
Dudzi : They might be of great help.
Miles : I agree, we need them...

Wal's House

In the meanwhile, Max and Wal...

Max : Oh my God, your spa is actually so good. Resting is key in such moments.
Wal68 : Right ? I thought it could indeed be of great use. ^^
Max : Do you have cocktails around there ?
Wal68 : I do. I wish Mushrestaurant was still open though, so that we could get greater drinks.
Max : It doesn't matter. Bring them all out.
Wal68 : On it !
Max : Ah, reminds me of the time I was a Snorlax...
Wal68 : Oh, you were ?
Max : Long story...
Wal68 : Yeah, you're right. Let's relax for now.

The Dark Ages of MKPC
Chapter 3

The end

VC : Is this a joke ? Everyone had lines but me. Well, I guess I will make them myself. Oh, and I feel like someone just talked about me... and they didn't say very nice things. But anyways, hope you had a good read ! Wait, I broke character. And the fourth wall as well. HAHAHAHA ! Well, good night, you lovely reader...

The real end.
I also don't have a line ! ^^

i don’t know how to respond other than, you didn’t join the fanfic when applications were still open
I was joking mate.
Messages 549 - Mario Mario
vs62178 pts ★ Titan
battle11219 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Chapter 3 : Rise Up

Lely's House

1PM. Lely invited Fiery to his house to make him a drink. As Lely was making the drinks, Fiery was whispering to himself.

Fiery : What if I became...
Lely : What are you talking about ?
Fiery : No... you're gonna find it ridiculous.
Lely : I won't make fun of you, I promise. I'm just curious.
Fiery : You will laugh...
Lely : What business would I have doing so ??
Fiery : I don't know but I'm scared. You are still just a stranger who's randomly invited me to have a drink in his house.
Lely : And you're some creep who randomly thought I was a killer with multiple murders.
Fiery : That's just about that. I kinda want to...
Lely : Yeah ?
Fiery : Become a vigilante.


1:30PM. Miles and David are standing in front of the restaurant. Miles is disappointed while David

Miles : Can't believe they got a closure notice just for an incident that was caused by some obscure people.
David : Oh, I never liked their dishes anyways.
Miles : You hardly like anything.
David : Eh, true.
Miles : I should contact Lely to actually revive this place. I believe it's worth something.
David : I believe you're wasting your time.
Miles : When you see potential in something, you must never give up.
David : You really see something in a restaurant where the wooden floor is soaked, the kitchens completely burned and the camera room hacked by the Moon group ?
Miles : Oh shut it.

News Presentation Set

UraniumMan : Hello everyone, and welcome to your usual local news. Today we decided to interview two celebrities again, to have their opinion about the new events that occurred, notably Lely being freed due to his innocence seemingly being proved for now.
Leadgaming : Well personnally I still do not care, as long as I'm not affected. To be a leader, you ignore the nobodies.
Scorchy : Oh my God... well anyways, I think these are amazing news ! I was already very doubtful as to why a guy single handedly serving the customers during a particularly rough night could be a murderer. I believe the Moon group are the culprits. We will definitively need to gather more information though.
Leadgaming : I'm sorry but you care too much...
Scorchy : Too much is better than not enough.
Leadgaming : That's your opinion.
Scorchy : It is. What's wrong with it?
Leadgaming : It is less valuable than mine.
Scorchy : Says who ?
Leadgaming : Me. The leader of all.
Scorchy : Just because you wore quality clothes and obtained expensive cars for free doesn't mean you are a great person.
UraniumMan : Stop arguing you rich bitches before I get you off the set. Oh shit, we're on camera. I forgot. Sorry. Anyways, goodbye, MKPCians. We will meet again this evening or tomorrow. When fate will decide.
Leadgaming : Acting like he didn't just speak in low vocabulary.
Scorchy : sighs Why am I here already ?

Police Station

2PM. The two policemen are sat at their office, as usual. They seem perturbated by something.

Jake : We should probably gather more information and interview everyone who was affected by this accident.
Asher : Do what ya want bro.
Jake : I should fire you, but that's illegal.
Asher : Alrighty my man.

Jake called the people that were affected by the incidents, one by one. One hour later, they eventually arrived.

Jake : Welcome everybody, please take a seat. Thank you for attending this meeting. It is about the Lely case. Do you have any information about the Moon group he talked about ?
Fiery : I do. As I was on the crime scene, blood formed a sentence. "WE NEVER DIE, WE ARE EVERYWHERE".
Jake : How is that possible ?
Fiery : Idk but it certainly was.
Jake : It might have been a hallucination, do you have a picture ?
Fiery : I do hands over the phone

The picture shows a puddle of blood with absolutely no trace of the sentence. However, Jake squinted his eyes, and saw the sentence.

Jake : It's very weird... it might prove that more members of the group might be out in the nature. Some of them might actually have caused the 9:29 incidents. Anyone else ?
Lely : I remember noting down something in my phone that they said "we shall unite to be stronger" or something like that..
Jake : reads it out loud In a place where no rules are here to regulate the world, hell breaks loose. Terrible people unite and they become stronger. To be as strong as them, we need to unite.
Lely : Oh yeah. They told me "they had enough power to destroy the peace of a whole land, and that they were united. And that unison was what made them strong."
Jake : That proves that Moon and her boyfriend were part of an organization that caused these five incidents...
Blobby : And why would they choose 9:29PM ?
David : That's so random !
Blobby : I believe there is a reason behind !
David : Tssk, another one wasting his time.
Blobby : No ! I want to find out what might be hiding behind !
Miles : Is it like the name of a song ?
Lely : Yeah. 21:29, which was almost called 9:29.
Miles : What if they're just fans ?
Leadgaming : No, that's wrong.
Miles : Then you shall explain why. You have been useless for the whole time you were here.
Leadgaming : That explanation just sounded stupid to me. You are lazy to find out a real reason.
Miles : That is real hypocritical. And not everything is about you.
SM7 : βœ‹οΈπŸ’₯πŸ§ πŸ‘πŸΌ (Stop arguing, I think I know the reason)
Scorchy : Huh ?? What now ??
Leadgaming : Ignore, ignore...
SM7 : 😱🀚9️⃣2️⃣9οΈβƒ£πŸ”šπŸ‘·β€β™€οΈ (Due to trauma, I can only rely on sign language. 9:29 is the hour where employees end their shift.)
Blobby : Haven't understood much but I think he said 9:29 is the hour where employees end their shift.
Babymario : It is also the hour where employees in restaurants are serving customers and less in the kitchens...
K : The hour where big shops close...
Dietsoda : The hour where little, smaller criminals cause havoc in the hidden parts of the city... like VC, a mentally sick ghost I have met yesterday.
K : A what ?
Dietsoda : A ghost.
K : Does that exist ?
Dietsoda : I was surprised as well.
K : Wow...
Dietsoda : Right.
Babymario : So we now know it's a group who is causing this... and Moon was part of it. They also chose a very strategic hour... thank you SM7. You triggered the system no one could start.
SM7 : πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ (You are welcome)
Babymario : Wow, the missing pieces are really starting to come together...
Fiery : On that topic, why didn't Max and Wal come ? Their building got bombed down...
Jake : Their phone was not responding. Just like Asher.
Asher : Wait? Huh? What? Oh, I need to pull out a good excuse. I need to use the bathroom, I will go now.
Jake : I think you did not mean to say that out loud... anyways, what could they be doing ?
Oscar : They must be so busy !
Dudzi : I guess they are. They might be planning to organize a TV intervention...
Oscar : Right ? Well, I hope they will enlighten us soon.
Dudzi : They might be of great help.
Miles : I agree, we need them...

Wal's House

In the meanwhile, Max and Wal...

Max : Oh my God, your spa is actually so good. Resting is key in such moments.
Wal68 : Right ? I thought it could indeed be of great use. ^^
Max : Do you have cocktails around there ?
Wal68 : I do. I wish Mushrestaurant was still open though, so that we could get greater drinks.
Max : It doesn't matter. Bring them all out.
Wal68 : On it !
Max : Ah, reminds me of the time I was a Snorlax...
Wal68 : Oh, you were ?
Max : Long story...
Wal68 : Yeah, you're right. Let's relax for now.

The Dark Ages of MKPC
Chapter 3

The end

VC : Is this a joke ? Everyone had lines but me. Well, I guess I will make them myself. Oh, and I feel like someone just talked about me... and they didn't say very nice things. But anyways, hope you had a good read ! Wait, I broke character. And the fourth wall as well. HAHAHAHA ! Well, good night, you lovely reader...

The real end.
I also don't have a line ! ^^

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