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offline STOPPER XD

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Larryling wrote:
What is this topic even about

Someone crying about people being offline and telling them to get stop being offline when we have lifes.
Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Ahh.. average day right?
Just stop being annoying we have a life unlike you so that's why we put "offline"
Is this what you do for free time?
Be annoying?!?

Hi everyone

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Hello! I'm new here. I've read the rules dw

I also saw a few threads and I know basic rules like reacting with OK instead of saying OK

Hi and welcome to MKPC!(even though some of these are outdated.yoshi)
You can play other people's tracks and play online!:p
I recommend you to check out some master pieces!
Max Kart World, ToxGP1, MKPC Deluxe, RHGPDX, Mario Kart 8
I also recommend reading the bbcode!;)


Superbuffing your Quick Mode tracks!

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States


Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
jamestown wrote:
This is a dumb question, but does anybody here think hackers are annoying? I certainly do. They like to ruin games for everyone. I did see some hackers before.

Well it may depend on the types of hackers like the mods for games or other stuff.
But the other hackers that use cheats to win are horrible imo.+they suck.

Merry christmas 🎄🎄

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Wydm I thought Christmas was tomorrow

Okay yes it is tomorrow, but (I think) Christians celebrate it today.8)
EDIT: Did some research and SOME Latin and European countries celebrate it.
Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and hope ya'll all had fun on the advent calendar!ordinoelyoshi
Thanks to all the people that supported me this year.
Have a blast on you're Christmas and bye!

Is Reserve Drifting Hard?

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
I mean it take 100 times practice how to do it especially is impossible in mobile Becuase it will run off to the off-road and holes is like your driving backwards and put your butt nocilp to the wall I cannot even go backwards.

Well I started learning RD and it's very easy but it's hard to master.
You press up down left8)(to go left8)) up down right8)(to go right8))

[Multicup] / Real Mario Kart Mega Circuit /

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States

et maintenant:

I can't unsee it now.🫤😩😫😵😵‍💫🫨

Hello im am New !

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Hello everybody im new and want to get to know everything in this website. Don't worry i read the rules 8).

Welcome to MKPC glad you read the rule even though some of these are outdated, but welcome here.welcome
Online mode, creations, and forums are the main part of this.
I recommend you read the BBcode.;)
We also have an Advent Calendar going on so have fun with that.
Otherwise than those have fun!:p

2023 - A year in review

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
All of the months in my personal thoughts.

No Followers Era(so unimportant💀🤡)
January-SYK was finally finished(spam spam spam on YI though🤡)  

Toxic Era!1!1!👺👺🙀
February-me go bye bye(From wat I heard this was toxic month)
March-me go bye bye part 2(From wat I heard this was a toxic ass place)

Lame Era...(for me)
April-What even happen here?💀
May-SYKSC and SYKU were anounce(I think)

Downhill Era
June-New art style+The drama I was in was... and my mood starts to go downhill...
July-Okay buddy this was another horrible month for me.
August-Man the first 8 days were fucking ass but after that it was going smooth.

Cool Towers Era!!!!!
September 11By...ImSorry💀 "This feels illegal" fr.

More Positive Era
October-Spooky month+My new pfp for each month+Rhck's amazing track and many more.
November:1 year anniversary.
December-The advent calendar, me being a dumb ass on the 9th 🤡, and me grinding for those 75+ points.🤡🤡
Janurary,2028 SYKU, and SYKU not done.
Overall this was one mid year...

I have 150 notifications

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
leoiscool wrote:
I have 150 notifications Im not kiding

That's one tiny portion compared to Wii.
I have 0 notifications I'm not kidding guys!!!(It's actually zero)

How many Greek players are there on mkpc

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Realboy wrote:
In french, "greek" means also :


The fact we gonna eat Greek people is crazy!1!1!1!🗿🗿🗿

Multicup: My Mario Kart 9 Is Here!

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
My Mario Kart 9 Is Here!

And Also 48 Circuits Per Cup By Number of Ratio of 4:12!

Play Here: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?mid=9233

Play Online: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/online.php?mid=9233

Theirs no off road so that brings that down a bit so just add off-road It's super easy to do that.

I am back

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
still obsessed with mario

50% mario 50% pikmin

Hello welcome back sir.
Have a great time here.(god I'm one npc when doing these)

Where should I make my tracks?

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
MKChamp wrote:
I just want to know what drawing software people use to make their tracks so my tracks can look better.
I currently use Paint 3D.
Google Drawings-easy put shapes together and your done.
Pixel Art-I used to make my old tracks with this,very good pick if your lazy like old me lol
Paint.net-R.I.P if your a Chromebook user, popular creators like Senko, Rhcks, and more use this.
Mario Paint-We all use this to make our tracks because we can color it and make sure to take a picture of your track so you can make it in MKPC.😃👍

Who’s your favorite character in anything Nintendo!

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Here are some of my favorite Nintendo characters.
Shy Guy
Snifberg the Unfeeling
Naval Piranha Plant
Knot The Wing Koopa
Piranha Plant
Chain Chomp
Burt The Bashful
Baby Bowser

Wave 6 (why is no one talking bout it)

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
I tried Wave 6 myself and it was really great, I enjoyed all the tracks, I will agree with the people that said Peachette was a bad pick, Paratroopa would of been a better option.:D

Paratroopa is another bad pick.
It just koopa but red+with wings
Hammer Bro with fire ice and boomerang would've been better or nabbit

Chatroom :>

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
croassung wrote:
croassung wrote:
Why there an account warning I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this I’m just an innocent.


what does it say

Multi-Post / Double-Posts even after verbal warning. Putting everything in one message isn't hard, unless it's about quoting multiple replies.

That it even means. And also it doesn’t count as it on the rule.

i think you posted a message more than 2 times in a row

I did that by accident they shouldn’t give me a warning!!

It's  easy to put multiple messages into one.
1.Just edit the first message
2.put all the other messages on that one message.
3.all done.
Also you needed that warning for that.

A little game

Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Landed on white Yoshi and I'm already white Yoshi sooo..:p
EDIT: I read the rules again and I landed on reindeer yoshi

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