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Mignonitude extra ! 😍😍

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates

Here is a Halloween Miku image.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates

And yes Lorrie, it is Hatsune Miku.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Can we bring this topic back?

We could but it depends on the MKPC members here.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Please don’t say bad words in the forum, there are kids who will see this and use it so please keep it kid friendly.

MKPC ~ Showcase

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Koophoria wrote:
Today, I found ONE and ONLY circuit that interested my eyes : Yoshi Park 1 from @VelocityKoopa. That's not an amazing track, but that has a good design and nowadays the good tracks become more rare.

It's rare because good track creators either left MKPC or doesn't publish as much tracks as before. As for the track itself, it's good but it's based off the version by FXG-Crash which is from Mario Kart Arcade GP. It's a solid remake but not much visual elements were implemented. It's a fine track but it can be better in a lot of ways.

Whats your Favorite Mario Kart Item

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I only played 2 games which is Mario kart 8 Deluxe and this game which is Mario kart PC so i'll list them below.

Mario kart PC: My favorite item is Star because you are so much invincible to almost everything and you go so much faster when you drift with a star and you can take a lot of shortcuts with a star.

Mario kart 8 Deluxe: My favorite item here is the Golden Mushroom because you can go so much fast and take millions of shortcuts in most of the tracks or just get ahead.


Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Trackable wrote:

Hello Trackable. I'm one of the challenge validators here. I wasn't the one to validate your challenges but there's definitely a good reason on why it got rejected. I haven't tested your challenge but whoever tested your challenge definitely missed a lap which is why it got rejected. Recently we've decided to make our standards higher for validating challenges as we noticed there has been a flood of easy challenges on MKPC. Perhaps check your challenge or the checkpoints of your track again, also please don't leave MKPC just for that. I hope this clarifies on why your challenge got rejected.

Grand Prix is WAAAAY TOO hard

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
32s wrote:
I think we should learn how to snake like in DS.:(

We can snake like in MKDS. You just drift left and right simultaneously in a straight line to perform a snake although this depends on space because tracks like SNES Rainbow Road and DS Rainbow Road is tracks where you almost can't snake at all and as for bagging, it depends on tracks and most of the time, is not worth it especially front running and heavily skilled tracks like SNES Rainbow Road and DS Rainbow Road and some other tracks but luck tracks and heavily shortcut based tracks, is very worth it to bag for very powerful items.

my track disappeared???

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
sammybam88 wrote:
it was a quick mode recreation of cheep cheep lagoon but now its just gone does anyone know what happened? i didnt delete it and i didnt let someone into my account someone help

Hi Sammy. About your track being gone, I deleted it because it was literally a square. All or at least most of the square and oval tracks got deleted because it's just pure laziness and as Tox said, it floods the site. I don't recommend doing remakes of official tracks in quick mode because they're inaccurate most of the times and just doesn't work well with quick mode.

I Need Some Retro Tracks For Mario Kart GX

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I currently have a remake of Wii Toad's Factory,  GCN Bowser's Castle and Wii Rainbow Road that are all unfinished. As for the retro tracks, what about DS Mario Circuit, GCN Waluigi Stadium, N64 Bowser's Castle and Wii U Electrodrome. Not the best choices but this is what I came up with.

Track Contest / Concours de Circuits

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Quel thème générique, mais qui force pourtant la créativité ! genial

At least with generic themes, you have a lot to work with and be really creative rather than a complex theme which is hard to work with and it would feel like you have to include it or else it won't be counted.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Max-Bros wrote:
For me it's not necessary to modify this version there, and if you want to improve, make a new version (even if it will be a remake of a remake...)

Eh, no. I am just going to add textures and some visual stuff to my already finished remake so what's the point of a new remake if it's just to update the visuals with textures and add decors. Anyways I will do new version for my MK1(O) Ghost Valley remake to improve the visuals and layout by a lot.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Max-Bros wrote:

Voici les résultats de ce deuxième concours
Pas le temps de bavarder, voici les résultats !

5ème :
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GCN DK Mountain
Par Jey78

Le truc de Jey78, c'est de reproduire des vrais circuits Mario Kart
Mais des fois c'est raté, et ce circuit est un exemple
Déjà, le circuit est pas suffisamment large, il manque beaucoup de murs, certes tous les trous on l'air d'être là, mais le circuit a juste l'air d'être pas fini, tout simplement...
Au moins c'est la vraie musique en fond, et au moins elle ne s'est pas fait sortir pas Nintendo récemment (c'est déjà ça...)

4ème :
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Forêt perdue
par tmeding

tmeding est encore débutant, mais pour le moment, c'est très correct, surtout pour du mode simplifié.
Certes, le tracé est plutôt sommaire, mais les sauts au dessus du vide sont intéressants, et les accélérateurs bien allignés, ce qui est bizarrement rare au niveau du mode simplifié (au moins moi je les alignes bien !(je fais ma pub là non ?))

3ème :
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SBOK4 Luigi's Wonderful Woodland
par MH_osc-omb

Au début, j'avias noté le circuit 5/5, mais finalement ce sera plutôt 4/5...
Le circuit en soit est super, mais toutes les routes style labyrinthe ne sont pas ultra top, bien que ça rentre bien dans le thème.

2ème :
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MK1(O) Forêt Verdoyante
par BFDI_Ahmad14

J'ai vraiment hésité à le placer 1er ou 2ème, mais j'ai fait mon choix.
Le circuit est juste top, mais un peu simple...
Je ne suis pas fan non plus du style un peu trop pixelisé...
2 choses qui font tomber ce circuit en deuxième place...

1er :
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Mario Kart 2 (L) - Camping DK / DK's Campsite
par k_Killulely

Encore une fois, c'est lui qui gagne ce concours !
Certes c'est pas son meilleur circuit, mais c'est vrai que Lely a du talent !
Bon, je m'embrouille un peu au niveau des tuyaux, mais à part ça, c'est une masterclass !

Bon, ce concours est terminé, tous les détails du prochain concours seront dits soit ce soir, soit demain.
Merci d'avoir participé !

Thank you very much for the review of my track. About my track being pixelated, that's the point of pixel tracks. I use pixel art to do tracks like these. About it being simple, not really because this is a remake of the original version which did a lot of changes in terms of layout and visuals. I will add some textures soon if you'd like.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Here is my forest themed track.


This is a remake of MK1(O) Green Forest. I made this remake almost 1 year ago.


Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
MH_Dex wrote:
just got 19th lol

Great job. 19th is great and you are not far from top 15 tbh. I saw your ghost and it was cleaner lines but still has the flaw of using shrooms at the beginning and just doing the respawn.


Do the STOP cut without falling and use your mushroom. Then don't do the ending respawn until L3 but go for the STOP cut all 3 laps without falling. I've explained more in my other message. ^^
Good luck and hopefully you can get that top 15 soon and then top 10. ;)
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
MH_Dex wrote:
That will be hard

On your skill level, yes but I looked at your ghost and there is some things you can do.

1. Don't use your shrooms at the beginning, instead do the SNES BC2 cut with a mushroom but time your jump so you don't fall off. The fastest way to do the cut is to drift and then use your mushroom and then let go of the MT to do the cut although it is difficult to do consistent on but can cut off a lot of time.

2. Don't go for the respawn glitch at the end of all laps except L3 because you will lose your mushrooms so only go for it L3.

Overall driving wise, it's pretty solid. Just improve lines in some sections and you can top 15 or even top 10.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Congratulations on getting top 20 on SNES BC2 Dex. ;)
Yes Fways is right, it is a difficult map to even get consistent record. Good luck on getting top 15 or even top 10. :o

/!\ Applications MKPC staff / Candidatures staff MKPC

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
PL_pianta wrote:
Since u said that you’ll think about that I'll write my mod application here

Hi, I'm Pianta. I'm 13, my nickname is PL_pianta. Today I’m applying for the moderator rank.

I’ve been active in this game since January 2021. I’m one of the best time trials players, ranking 20th worldwide. I learnt about the game during F3 2020. If you browse the MKPC discord, you may see that I’m extremely active in the discord server. You may think I have a lot of messages on the MKPC forum, but I’m kind of an exception, with little more than 50 messages. I browse the forums multiple times a day, but I almost never reply to a topic. In the MKPC forum, I prefer to just look and read topics, not reply to them. I’m a very loyal MKPC player, as I’ve been a challenge validator since June 2021.
   And for last, I have my final argument, I have my MKPC and Discord activity. I can spend multiple hours a day validating challenges (which I did multiple times). Everyday, I spend at least 30 mins playing MKPC a day, also using my phone for at least an hour looking at MKPC discord. I personally think that I’d be a reliable and active moderator.

OK so that’s my “application”. Hope you’ll accept it!

You applied a bit too late since the staff was already chosen. This topic is locked as there's no purpose to reply here.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Hello everybody. My name is Ahmad and I'm 14 years old. I would like to apply for moderator because I want to help to make this site a more mature place. I would give out sanctions to those people that breaks the rules and help out the people in this site or other. I'm very active everyday and I play this game a lot because I really like this fangame. It's sad to see this site get less active with a lot of active members no longer playing this game. I have Discord and the username of my Discord is ToadMad#2410. I'm active there everyday so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me in this site and on Discord.

Ranking every MKPC item

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
MH_osc-omb wrote:
18: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/fauxobjet.png
FIBs have never been good, and they're even worse in this since:

1. They are tiny
2. CPUs follow very specific lines

17: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/bloops.png
Shouldn't have to explain this one...

16: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/banane.png

Better FIBs that can defend.

15: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapace.png
Banana, but throw.

14: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/poison.png

13: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/bobomb.png

12: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/champi.png
Speed boosts are actually really helpful, but there's better items out there.

11: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapaceX3.png Three shells, how exciting...

10: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/bananeX3.png Three bananas, how exciting...

9: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapacerouge.png

Red shells are stupidly good in this game.

8: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapacebleue.png

Blue shells don't do a whole lot if you're using them.

7: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/carapacerougeX3.png

6: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/champior.png

Oh boy, time for something everyone will disagree with me on. Golden mushrooms force you to wait. Boosts can send you out of control very easily.

5: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/megachampi.png

4: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/champiX3.png

3: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/etoile.png
Better mega mushroom.

And now for the battle of the century...

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2: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/eclair.png Lightning can destroy anyone. Unfortunately, there are so many easy methods of dodging it.
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1: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/items/billball.pngInstantly brings you back in the game and saves you from rough spots

My ranking of the items would be this, based of my lounge experience:

18. Bloopers (They do nothing in this game, it's only kinda useful in battle but for the rest of the game, no it's useless)

17. Fake Item Boxes (You can't use it as a defensive item so it's easy to get hit by reds while you're in 1st place but it's good as an offensive item)

16. Bananas (It's good for defensive and offensive item)

15. Poison Mushroom (Same as banana but it has a different effect when you hit it which is a little better than a banana)

14. Green shell (Same as banana but you can throw it forward and backward and you get more damage compared to a banana)

13. Triple Bananas (Same as single banana but it's triple banana this time)

12. Red Shell (Yeah this item is good in this game and you can literally hit someone with this shell even though they have a defensive item)

11. Blue shell (This item is not very useful because you can dodge the blue shell with every power item and by using the cannon)

10. Bob-ombs/Bombs (Very good item for offensive and defensive however it's pretty hard to time your throw and it's easy to miss some people)

9. Mushroom (Yeah this is just an item to gain speed for a little bit but you can take some really good shortcut and dodge the blue shell in 1st place)

8. Triple green shell (Yeah this item is really good especially for higher spots because once you have this item, nobody can pass you easily without hitting a green shell)

7. Triple red shell (Same as triple green shell but it's red shells. They're really good for offensive and defensive)

6. Triple mushroom (Really good for taking a lot of shortcuts)

5. Golden mushroom (It's very useful for taking so many shortcuts but there's a risk of hitting items and you can't dodge with this item)

4. Star (It's very good for being invincible but you don't go very fast at all so it's hard to catch up but at least you can dodge)

3. Bullet Bill (It's good for catching up but the bullet bill doesn't take off road cuts so it's a little less useful than the item above it and sometimes it drops you in a bad spot)

2. Mega mushroom (Amazing item for catching up and you go really fast)

1. Lightning bolt/Shock (This item is incredible. Once you use it, everybody will be shocked and you have a chance at catching up. This is also a skill based item so you don't wanna dodge anyone because that could be the deciding factor in each race)

So yeah, this list is based on my lounge experience and I have to say, this list was very close. Some items are interchangeable and maybe from 1 or 2 months from now, it's probably going to change a little bit for the placement of items.

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