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How to decrease the size of an image from >1MB to around 200 KB ?

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
M26G wrote:
Salut, j'ai décidé d'écrire ce topic pour vous expliquer comment faire passer la taille d'une image de 1 Mo (ou plus) à eviron 200 Ko.

Tout d'abord, si vous trouvez une image dont la taille est superieure à 1 Mo, enregistrez là.

Ensuite, allez sur ce site, cliquez sur séléctionner puis selectionnez votre image.

Une fois la compression terminée, une comparaison entre l'image initiale et l'image compressée va apparaître. Tout à droite, se trouve une option de couleurs pour l'image compressée.

Faîtes passer le nombre de couleurs à environ 20. L'image finale n'aura donc que environ 20 couleurs. Faites un clic droit sur l'image finale (celle avec moins de couleurs) et enregistrez là.

J'éspère que cette astuce vous aura aidé.
Hi, I decided to write this topic for explaining you how to how to decrase the size of an image from 1MB (or more) to around 200KB.

First, if you find an image with size superior than 1MB, save it.

Then, go here, and click select then select your image.

When compression is finished, a comparaison of main image and compressed image will appear. To the right, there is a color option for the compressed image.

Decrase color number to around 20. Final image will have only around 20 colours. Right-click the final image (image with 20 colours) and save it.

I hope this tip will have helped you.

Please communicate in english in this topic.

It is in Japanese, but I am sure it will be useful.

Avoid reviving topics please. It floods the forum with topics from 2020-2021.

Why am i so underrated?

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Topic locked.

Avoid reviving old topics please. ^^


Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Ralsei wrote:

Topic locked.

I've warned you multiple times to stop spamming the forum and reviving old topics. Next time you will get a 1 week ban in this site.


Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Mustard.

This topic is useless and now it's locked.


Help tendokiddo

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Hello everybody. The reason he got banned was because he logged in to a banned IP. I unbanned him since then.

Topic locked.

Goodbye.... Maybe.

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
tendokiddo wrote:
Why I should leave, Because.... Well, I have started to be annoying, I say revive a lot, annoy people, the amogus thing I started to do, and so much more.
I have been toxic once or twice. I'm one of the reasons making MKPC Worse. Good bye. Have a good time on MKPC! just without more annoying.. I'm also Imnature. I even got warned by Ahmad. Right now just today.

Hello Tendokiddo. I was the one that gave the warning however I didn't give it for you to leave. Quite the contrary actually, I gave that warn for you to improve your behavior and redeem yourself. Yes you revived a bunch of topics, annoyed people, etc but you can always redeem yourself which is why I didn't just gave a ban. Don't leave MKPC just for that. You can always change for the better.

hello? :/

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Max-Bros wrote:
Last message i guess ?
I don't know

And I already forgot to lock this topic. :/

Anyways, topic locked.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
sjshkfjs wrote:
hello this is Landon has been banned yes ik how is he here well if my main is unbanned cool but if you admins could unban my main tho just cuz so yeah hi i will prob get banned again but whaterver so ya cya :)

Hello. You got banned for toxicity and it's forbidden to create an alt to evade your ban. If you have an issue with your ban, you can talk to any staff on this site instead of creating a forum topic.

Topic locked.

MK Hype™ V2.0

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Topic is locked. It's a useless topic and it should not be the continuation of an old locked topic.

The MK Hype™

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates

This topic is now locked. It got out of control and a bunch of people spammed messages here. It was no longer a discussion about Mario Kart but rather a place to spam.

Also you're getting permanently banned for inappropriate nickname, useless messages and insulting a member.

Guys Guess What?

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Knoah wrote:
I'm Going To School

Topic is locked. Everybody in this planet goes to school and there was no reason to make a topic about it.

[Fanfic] - MKPC Archipel

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Chiminie wrote:
Hello, everycuties. Today, I'm here to talk about the future if MKPC Archipel.
You could think I would give up due to the drama. And... Yes.
Actually, I'm not sure about it, but lemme say something, it's because I'm not sure about the quality. This is bad.
So... I think restarting would be good.

I don't think you should give up just because a drama happened. Drama can happen anywhere just because of a toxic player so you shouldn't let that get to you and don't worry about the drama, it's been sorted out already. If it happens again, we're here to sort it out.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Calm down everybody. No need to go that far to insulting each other. Alright I'll give my statement in this topic.

@Toadboiiiii Avoid insulting please. I understand your frustration with him but insulting back would create more problems so I would suggest to calm down. I'm giving you a warn to next time avoid insulting.

@Chiminie This is not Kirio, it's James8.

@TRISTAN_TATE As for you, you've gone way too far with the insults and bad words. Everybody feels annoyed by your behavior and it's really frustrating. If you don't like the fanfic, you could say it in a nice and constructive way instead of saying in a disrespectful way. I would suggest to reflect on your actions and behavior. You'll be unbanned in 3 days

IS the game getting bored, or its just me?

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
tendokiddo wrote:
By no people joining here, this site will probally more likely to be shut down.

It will not be shutdown for sure. There is 0 plans to shutdown the site, if anything it's quite the contrary. There are plans to update the game in the future (We just got an update recently). Also there are new players joining and some old players coming back to the game recently
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Lely wrote:
Mindopolis wrote:
Is the game getting old or is it just me?

Ah... This is a tough question...
MKPC is of course old, it's 12 years old (10 years for the forum), but with updates and generations, it's still very recent and modern to me.
It really glowed up many times with incredible updates.
The ambiance changed many times as well. There was dramas, there was good times.
But 2022 is a peculiar case. There's not much dramas however the ambiance is not good. Just go to my topic about 2022's MKPC.
There is only some members getting mad at each other but that happens. However, Jey and me are really on the verge of the drama everytime and it can burst at any moment. It's ready to explode. And it just makes the site worse, sadly there's not much to do.
The site isn't all black and grey.
But it's definitively not the beautiful rainbow of the two previous years.
The game, to be honest, is not getting old. It had many incredible updates recently. However the community sounds like the bot channel on Discord servers. Here's a typical day :
"Hi how are you"
"I'm fine"
"So today here's a new gameshow"
"Wow, it's been 68 gameshows and you still continue but okay. I'm writing a new fanfic"
"It's nice"
"I'll left for summer"
"I'll miss you"
"So here's a topic where you can talk about everything related to pancakes, waffles because I felt like it"
"I hate the beans"
"It's disgusting"
"This topic is useless, I ask this to be lock"
"You're just jealous"
"Hey I found a horrible circuit that includes P**in title, a na*i cross shape, a p***ographic description"
"WTF that's horrible"
And that's it. Here's the variation you can have for a few days or a week.

In summary, the game continues to improve but not so much for the community unfortunately and part of the reason is because a lot of former players are busy nowadays. Their studies are a lot more serious than it used to be which means they cannot devote their time to MKPC. I think the same might happen with me.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Mindopolis wrote:
Is the game getting old or is it just me?

Short answer: It's just you.

Long answer: It's an old game that was created in 2010 but with the constant updates to this game, it doesn't feel old and in some cases, better than the official MK games. However with the activity going down since 2021, it does feel a bit dead but former players are coming back to the game so hopefully the activity will go up.

Please Make Circle Tracks

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Knoah wrote:
Don't Make Square Tracks! Circle Tracks Only

No and those tracks will be deleted. Avoid making square and circle tracks.

Anyways, topic is locked.

MKPC en 2022 - Ce que je pense

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Max-Bros wrote:
La modération est encore en vie au moins ?
Car aujourd'hui à part @Ryubix je crois je n'ai vu aucun modérateur ou admin de connecté...

(et après je ne sais plus qui est admin ou modo...)

Vous pouvez venir ici pour donner des possibles indices sur l'inactivité de la modération ?

Moderation isn't dead but some people have been inactive for their own reasons.
Infi now plays the official games which is why he's a little inactive.
Ryubix is very busy with life nowadays and Zed just left MKPC without notice but don't lose hope people, we have old players coming back to the game recently so hopefully the activity will rise again like it used to.

Got Banned from MKPC Discord Server...

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates

Hello. If you want to know why you got banned in the MKPC server, please contact any MKPC administrator and moderator instead of creating
these topics. ^^

This topic is locked.

Mignonitude extra ! 😍😍

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates

Here's another Miku pfp and as for where I got that Miku pfp you mentioned, I got it from pixiv.net.

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