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Koh-Lanta Mario (Season 1)

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Fways wrote:
Episode 2 : Le grand plongeon

La dernière fois sur l'île de Koh-Lanta, nos 22 concurrents sont arrivés découvrir l'île de La Palma sur laquelle ils allaient séjourner pour les plus courageux d'entre eux jusqu'à 8 semaines, vous auriez vu leur tête. :p
Ensuite, les 2 équipes ont été faites et ils ont découvert là ou ils dormiront pour le restant de leurs jours sur cette île, déçus encore une fois car on est machiavélique avec eux.
Mais vous n'avez encore rien vu! C'est maintenant que tout commence, ils sont 22 mais à la fin, il n'en restera qu'un!
Alors ne manquez pas...

Episode 2

7h du matin

*Bruit intense de klaxon*

Waluigi: AHHH putain cet animateur il commence vraiment à m'énerver sérieux... 7h et il klaxonne déjà!

Daisy: Allons relaxe, je suis sûr que ça sera une bonne épreuve en plus! Après oui j'avoue qu'il abuse mais bon c'est surement pas la première ni la dernière fois qu'il se fout de nous...

Waluigi: ça c'est clair

Bowser: QUI OSE ME PERTURBER PENDANT MON PRECIEUX SOMMEIL?? Je vais tous vous péter la gueule :}

Donkey Kong: Hmm, fais le sur l'animateur plutôt tu veux ^^' Pas sur nous


Carottin: Oh mais calme toi sérieusement ça commence déjà à me gonfler, on voit que y en a qui sont sanguins ici..


Carottin: euhh..... ok :$

Harmonie: On est mal barrés..

Du côté des rouges...

Diddy Kong: 7h du mat? Sérieux encore plus tôt la prochaine fois quoi, enfin bon pas trop grave j'espère que ça sera fun! Houhou

Funky Kong: J'aime comment tu perçois les choses mec, top là

Mario: Bien dormi les gars?

Peach: ça va :D Mise à part que je me suis péter un faux ongle..

Bowser Jr: Bon la blondasse je te le dis direct, ici t'es venu pour gagner, pas pour faire la mode c'est CLAIR? T'as pas intérêt à nous faire perdre car je suis personnellement là pour tous vous écraser

Bowser Skelet: BIEN DIT!

Peach: Euh ok doucement ^^' J'ai juste dis que je m'étais péter un ongle pas de quoi en faire un fromage..

Mario: Bonjour l'ambiance d'équipe quoi! C'est comme ça chez eux aussi?

Yoshi: Min, à mon avis vu qu'il y a Bowser là bas ça doit surement être pareil! Oh une barre chocolatée c'est à qui cette merveille *la bouffe*

Koopa: Oh yoshi enfin! C'était à moi c'est pour gérer mon anxiété.. Bon pas grave mais arrête d'avoir faim comme ça

Yoshi: ah euh oups je suis désolé, d'ailleurs elle était bonne, même si je me souviens pas du goût...

Koopa: Bah, c'est du chocolat quoi?

Au confessionnal

Toadette: Toad et moi ne sommes pas dans la même équipe, mais bon c'est pas grave ça nous empechera pas de les exploser :p
Il me manque quand même.. Mais c'est pas grave on va tout détruire

Wario: Notre équipe a l'air d'avoir pas mal de glandus, mais bon y a quand même des gens costauds à garder sérieusement..
Enfin bon personne ne doute que je suis le plus fort 8) et croyez moi, un par un, ils passeront par le bâteau des loosers

Flora Piranha: Le camp à l'air chouette, j'espère que les épreuves aussi, de toute façon cette équipe a intéret à montrer le meilleur d'eux parce que je suis pas venu ici pour plaisanter :}

Maskass: Oh on est au confessionnal? Ah.. euh... salut? Je-

De retour au camp

Bien le bonjour à tous bande de paresseux, j'espères que vous n'avez pas bien dormi :D
Vous avez 45 minutes pour vous préparer (je suis gentil aujourd'hui), allez déjeuner et habillez vous et rejoignez moi en haut de la colline. Qu'il n'y ai aucun retardataires!

Skelerex: Quel rythme de dingue sérieux..

Toad: Je suis d'accord

Bowser Skelet: Les mollusques je vous rappelle qu'on est dans un reality show donc ici on se la coule pas à la douce si vous aviez pas compris, vous êtes aussi petits que votre intérêt pour ce jeu à ce que je vois :}

Skelerex & Toad : |)

45 minutes plus tard

Les 22 candidats: *arrivent en haut de la colline essouflés*

Harmonie: oh... oh.. laissez moi prendre ma respiration 2 minutes, j'espère que c'était le défi ça?

Waluigi: je peux t'aider à la reprendre si tu veux haha

Harmonie: c'est gentil :$

Wario: *lance un regard à Waluigi

Waluigi: oh...

Hahaha et non ce n'était pas du tout l'épreuve! Vous êtes juste monté ici pour pouvoir l'effectuer

Funky Kong: wouhouuu

Peach: C'est une blague? On a escaladé tout ça pour rien? :o

Pas tout à fait, car c'est ici que l'épreuve aura lieu! Ici nous sommes à 250 mètres d'altitude et en bah ce situe la mer, votre défi sera divisé en 2 parties. Vous devrez d'abord sauter dans cette eau pour la 1ère étape, je ne vous conseille pas de vous dégonfler. Vous verrez pourquoi. :)

Ensuite, une fois que vous êtes dans l'eau (je précise que c'est un membre par équipe qui saute chacun leur tour, donc un membre bleu et un membre rouge en même temps à la fois) vous devrez chercher au fond de l'eau des pièces de statues de la couleur de votre équipe afin de former une statue ayant mon éfigi. :D Celle des bleues seront de couleur bleue et celle des rouges de couleur rouge. Ah et en parlant de peureux, je vous conseille de sauter car il y a un total de 10 pièces à assembler! Vous êtes 11 par équipe ce qui signifie que seulement un de vous à le droit de faire son trouillard. :p

Birdo: Oh..

Bowser Jr: Et si y a plus de 2 personnes par équipe qui sautent pas? On fait comment pour l'épreuve lol? Car bon vu les trouillard qu'il y a là

Dans ce cas ce sera l'équipe qui a constitué le plus sa statue qui remportera l'épreuve :p

Bowser Jr: Bien, alors vous avez pas intéret à vous dégonfler moi je vous le dit :}

Pour commencer, nous aurons Toadette face à Funky Kong !

Toadette: Aller.. ça devrait pas être si dur ! *s'avance et saute* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Funky Kong: Attention j'arrive pour en mettre plein la vue!! YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *saute*

Toadette: *remonte à la surface* les gars regardez j'ai trouvé les pieds de la statue! Eh mais attendez j'ai senti un truc me toucher la jambe


Un requin lui touche l'épaule

Toadette: Oh euh.. salut

Le requin tente de la manger

Toadette: AHHHHHHH *nage vers la plage et pose le morceau de la statue* oh mon dieu c'était moins une... faites attention les gars!

Funky Kong: *continue de chercher dans l'eau* à en voici une! *nage et va déposer le morceau de la statue*

Bien! Ce qui nous fait donc 1 à 1 étant donné que vous êtes au même stade. Oh et j'avais oublié de préciser, Funky Kong et Toadette ont tout deux trouvés les pieds de la statue en 1er par chance, mais vous devez assembler la statue dans l'ordre! Ce qui signifie que si vous trouvez les bras par exemple mais que la prochaine pièce est censée être les jambes, et bien vous devrez rechercher encore. :D

Carottin: cette épreuve est vraiment grotesque...

Hahaha ça tu l'as dis! Ensuite nous avons Flora Piranha contre Koopa !

Bowser: OUAIS ALLER! Montre leur c'est qui la patronne :}

Flora Piranha: Ah ça t'inquiète pas mec ils sont pas prêts d'en ressortir vivant :p *saute* OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Flora Piranha: *nage mais ne trouve toujours pas le morceau* *remonte pour prendre sa respiration* oh mais sérieux elles sont ou ces jambes de merde!!

Pendant ce temps Koopa est en train de remonter à la surface avec les jambes..

Les bleues: DEPECHE TOI! :o

Flora Piranha: OUI BAH 2 SECONDES

30 minutes plus tard...

Bien nous voici alors 9 à 8! 9 pour les bleus qui ont l'avantage étant donné qu'ils ont tous sauté et 8 du côté des rouges étant donné que Maskass a refusé de sauter

Les rouges: *[

Maskass: ah euh haha ^^'

Bref il ne reste plus que 1 personne à faire passer pour les bleus étant donné qu'ils leur manquent une pièce! Ils ont donc du temps supplémentaire :p Tandis que les rouges ont la boule au ventre!

Bref, c'est maintenant Skelerex contre Yoshi !

Skelerex: J'ai peur de l'eau...

Les bleues: AH NON TU SAUTE!


Birdo: Aller dépèche toi ils rattrappent leur retard il nous faut qu'une pièce sérieux...

Skelerex: T'as qu'à sauter toi! T'es la seule à pas être passé à par moi

Birdo: Mais il a dit que c'était à toi


Skelerex: Bon, euh je sais pas quoi faire, vas y sérieux !

Birdo: Mais je peux pas!

Skelerex: Moi j'ai peur de l'eau donc tu y VAS ! *pousse Birdo de la falaise*


Yoshi: *pose son morceau de statue* Oui aller 9 à 9!

Les bleus: Skelerex il est ou??

Birdo: il m'a poussé :( :(

Donkey Kong: Ah.. Mais dépèche toi quand meme va chercher la tête !! Aller!

Birdo: *descend et voit la tête* yes super! *court et va poser la tête*

Yoshi: Ehh birdo une minute avant de la poser !

Birdo: Euh oui qu'est ce qu'il y a?

Yoshi: elle a l'air bonne :p

Birdo: euh oui mais c'est pas à manger- *Yoshi dévore la tête*

Les bleus: HEIN??

Bowser: MAIS IL A MANGE NOTRE DERNIERE PIECE CE CONNARD?? Enzo on est d'accord y a de la triche là, c'est pas autorisé dans les règles??

Heum et bien, il n'y a techniquement pas vraiment de "règle" prévue pour ça étant donné qu'on aurait jamais pensé que ça serait arrivé hahaha ^^' donc il fait ce qu'il veut, il a le droit de faire ça!

Les bleues: MAIS QUOI? :}

Carottin: Ah super bien joué Birdo! *[ Pourquoi tu l'as donné à ce crétin sérieusement?

Birdo: Eh parle mieux de mon mec ok! :o

Carottin: Ton?

Birdo: Heum..


Birdo: Eh euh non! Je rappelle que c'était à Skelerex d'y aller de base, mais comme il a peur on a perdu beaucoup de temps et il m'a en plus poussé sur le dos donc j'ai eu plus de mal à aller chercher le morceau de statue..

Daisy: Quel imbécile lui aussi.. Mais bon pourquoi tu l'as donné à Yoshi? Tu sais bien qu'il mange tout ce qu'il voit!

Birdo: Je suis désolé..

Luigi: Le vrai fautif c'est Skelerex...

*pendant ce temps le dernier de l'équipe rouge n'ayant pas sauté était Diddy Kong et il arrive avec la tête*

Diddy Kong: *pose la tête* hop! Et de 10 pièces!

Les rouges emportent l'épreuve!!


Les bleus, rendez vous au conseil à 21h.

Les bleus: ohhh :(

Au confessionnal

Wario: Hahaha je pleure de rire, on gagne pourquoi? Car l'autre Yoshi là à manger leur dernière pièce de statue, c'est tellement volé comme victoire mais honnêtement je n'en ai rien à faire :';)

Yoshi: Mon équipe m'a félicité.. Min je crois que Birdo est en danger à cause de moi, mais c'est pas de ma faute, la pièce avait l'air si apétissante avec ce bleu, ça me rappelait des myrtilles!

Luigi: Je sais vraiment pas pour qui voter, ça me fait chier qu'on perde alors qu'on avait l'avantage.. Je pense Skelerex vu ce qu'il a fait

Daisy: Vraiment je suis dans l'hésitation... Birdo pour avoir été naive ou Skelerex pour avoir été peureux? Choix difficile, vous feriez quoi vous à ma place sérieux?

Bowser: BIRDO.. PART CE SOIR!! :}

Carottin: En 5 lettres, B, I, R, D, O, Birdo.

21H00 - Conseil.

21H15 - Vote.

Ceci est votre première cérémonie, je vais donc vous expliquer comment ça marche. J'ai ici sur mon plateau un total de 10 chammalows, un chammalow représente la vie, la liberté, et vous assure 1 jour de plus dans la compétition. Quand j'annoncerais votre nom, venez prendre votre chammalow, cela signifie que vous êtes sauvé.
Bien, c'est l'heure de commencer. :)

Toadette, Waluigi, Harmonie et Daisy vous êtes sauvés.

Toadette: Fiouf!

Waluigi: *fait un clin d'oeil à Harmonie*

Harmonie: *rigole*

Les prochains sont pour...


Donkey Kong


et Flora Piranha...

Donkey Kong: Ouais! :)

Carottin: Prévisible, tellement prévisible

Luigi: Fiouf

Flora Piranha: *déguste son chammalow*

Il reste 3 candidats qui ont les chocottes, le prochain est pour...



Bowser: AH QUAND MÊME! :}

Birdo, Skelerex, ceci est le dernier chamallow...

Birdo: *stresse énormément* :s :$

Skelerex: *stresse* :( |)


Et il est pour...



Birdo !


Skelerex: QUOI? MAIS POURQUOI MOI? Dois-je vous rappeler qu'elle nous a fait perdre en donnant la statue à Yoshi!

Luigi: En attendant elle a eu le courage de sauter, enfin tu la bousculer mais bon c'est pareil.. ça se serait surement pas passé comme ça si toi t'avais sauté et pas fait perdre de temps à l'équipe *[

Les autres bleus: OUAIS

Skelerex: Pff c'est pas de ma faute si j'ai peur de l'eau, vraiment une élimination injuste, bref au revoir |)

Skelerex descend le quai et s'en va à bord du bâteau des loosers

Bien! Nous voici à la fin de l'épisode 2, ils ne sont plus que 21 mais seulement 1 empochera le pactole, pour ne pas manquer la suite, restez à l'affut de...

Fin de l'épisode 2
Episode 2: The Big Dive

Last time on the island of Koh-Lanta, our 22 competitors arrived to discover the island of La Palma where they would stay for the bravest of them up to 8 weeks, you would have seen their faces. :p
Then, the 2 teams were made and they discovered where they will sleep for the rest of their days on this island, disappointed once again because we are machiavellian with them.
But you haven't seen anything yet! Now it all starts, there are 22 of them but in the end there will be only one left!
So don't miss...

Episode 2

7 am

*Intense horn noise*

Waluigi: AHHH damn that host is really starting to piss me off... 7am and he's already honking!

Daisy: Come on, relax, I'm sure it'll be a good challenge tho! I admit he's abusive but it's probably not the first or the last time he's made fun of us...

Waluigi: That's for sure

Bowser: who dares to disturb me while I'm sleeping? I'm going to KILL Y'ALL :}

Donkey Kong: Hmm, do it on the host instead ^^' Not on us


Nabbit: Oh seriously, calm down, it's already starting to piss me off, you can see that there are some bloody people here...


Nabbit: uhh..... ok :$

Rosalina: We are in trouble...

On the red side

Diddy Kong: 7am? Seriously, even earlier next time, oh my god, I hope it will be fun! Yeha :D

Funky Kong: I like the way you see things, man, that's great! YEHA!!

Mario: How did you guys sleep?

Peach: I'm fine :D Except I broke a fake nail..

Bowser Jr: Well blondie, I'm telling you straight out, you came here to win, not to be a fashionista, is that CLEAR? You better not make us lose because I'm personally here to crush you all.

Dry Bowser: WELL SAID!

Peach: Uh ok calm down please ^^' I just said I broke a nail, not a big deal.

Mario: Hello calm down please! Is it like that in the other team as well or it's just us?

Yoshi: Mahh, I think it's probably the same since Bowser is there! Oh a chocolate bar, to who's that wonder *eats it*?

Koopa: Oh yoshi c'mon! It was mine to manage my anxiety. It's okay but stop being hungry like that please

Yoshi: ah oops I'm sorry, it was good, even if I don't remember the taste...

Koopa: Well, it's chocolate lol? Nothing impressive y'know ^^'

In the confessional

Toadette: Toad and I are not in the same team, but it's okay, we'll still be able to beat them :p
I still miss him. But it doesn't matter, we'll destroy everything

Wario: Our team seems to have a lot of busy idiots, but there are still some strong people to keep seriously.
Well, no one doubts that I'm the strongest 8) and believe me, one by one, they will go through the boat of losers

Petey Piranha: The camp looks great, I hope the challenges are great too, anyway this team better show their best because I didn't come here to joke :}

Shy Guy: Oh we're in the confessional? Ah... uh... hi? I-

Back to the camp

Good morning to you all lazy bastards, I hope you didn't sleep well :D
You have 45 minutes to get ready (I'm being nice today), go have lunch and get dressed and meet me at the top of the hill. Don't let anyone be late!

Dry Bones: What a crazy pace...

Toad: I agree

Dry Bowser: Little asses, I remind you that we are in a reality show so we don't take it easy here if you didn't understand, you are as small as your interest in this game :}

Dry Bones & Toad : |)

45 minutes later

The 22 candidates: *arrive at the top of the hill out of breath*

Rosalina: oh... oh... let me take a breath for 2 minutes, I hope that was the challenge?

Waluigi: I can help you take it again if you want haha

Rosalina: that's nice :$

Wario: *glances coldly at Waluigi*

Waluigi: oh...

Hahaha and no it wasn't the challenge at all! You just came up here so you could do it

Funky Kong: YEHAAAA!!!

Peach: Is this a joke? We climbed all this for nothing? :o

Not quite, because this is where the challenge will take place! Here we are at 250 meters of altitude and this is the sea, your challenge will be divided into 2 parts. You will have to jump in this water for the 1st step, I do not advise you to fear. You will see why. :)

Then, once you are in the water (I specify that it is a member by team which jumps each one their turn, thus a blue member and a red member at the same time) you will have to seek at the bottom of water of the parts of statues of the color of your team to form a statue representing myself. :D The blue one will be blue and the red one will be red. Oh and speaking of fearful, I advise you to jump because there are a total of 10 pieces to assemble! There are 11 of you per team which means that only one of you can be a coward. :p

Birdo: Oh..

Bowser Jr: What if there are more than 2 people per team that don't jump? How do we do for the challenge lol? Because considering the cowards that are there...

In this case, the team that has built the most parts of the statue will win the challenge :p

Bowser Jr: Well then, you'd better not chicken out, I'm telling you :}

First up, we'll have Toadette facing Funky Kong!

Toadette: Come on... it shouldn't be that hard! *steps up and jumps* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Funky Kong: Look out I'm coming to give it a whirl!

Toadette: *surfaces* guys look I found the feet of the statue! Hey wait a minute I felt something touch my leg


A shark touches her shoulder

Toadette: Oh huh.. Hi?

The shark tries to eat her

Toadette: AHHHHHHH *swimming towards the beach and putting down the piece of the statue* oh my god that was close... be careful guys!

Funky Kong: *continues to search in the water* here's one! *swims and drops the piece of the statue*

Good, so that makes us 1 to 1 since you are at the same step. Oh, and I forgot to mention, Funky Kong and Toadette both found the feet of the statue first by chance, but you have to assemble the statue in order! This means that if you find the arms for example but the next piece is supposed to be the legs, well you'll have to look again. :D

Nabbit: this challenge is really dangerous...

Hahaha you said it! Next we have Petey Piranha vs Koopa!

Bowser: YES GO! Show them who's the boss :}

Petey Piranha: Ah don't worry man they won't come out alive :p *jumps* OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Petey Piranha: *swimming but still can't find the piece* *up to take a breath* oh but seriously where are those shitty legs!!!

Meanwhile Koopa is surfacing with the legs.

Blue team: HURRY UP! :o

Petey Piranha: YES YES 2 SECONDS

30 minutes later...

Well, here we are 9 to 8! 9 for the blues who have the advantage since they all jumped and 8 for the reds since Shy Guy refused to jump

Red team: *[[

Maskass: ah uh haha ^^'

So there is only 1 person left for the blues to pass since they are missing a piece! So they have some extra time :p While the reds have the ball in the stomach!

Anyway, it's now Dry Bones against Yoshi!

Dry Bones: I'm afraid of water...



Birdo: Come on, hurry up, they're catching up, we only need the last piece of the statue seriously...

Dry Bones: You just have to jump! You're the only one who didn't pass except me

Birdo: But Enzo said it was your turn


Dry Bones: Well, uh I don't know what to do, go ahead and do it seriously!

Birdo: But I can't!

Skelerex: I'm afraid of water so you need to JUMP! *pushes Birdo off the cliff*


Yoshi: *puts down his statue piece* Yes go 9 to 9!

Blue Team: Where is Dry Bones?

Birdo: He pushed me :( :(

Donkey Kong: Ah.. But hurry up and get the head! Go!

Birdo: *goes down and sees the head* yes great! *runs up and puts the head down*

Yoshi: Ehh birdo one minute before putting it down!

Birdo: Uh yes what do you want?

Yoshi: it looks tasty :p

Birdo: uh yes but it's not to eat- *Yoshi eats the head*.

Blue Team: WHAT?

Bowser: DID THIS BASTARD JUST ATE OUR LAST PIECE?? Enzo we agree that it's cheating, it's not allowed in the rules, RIGHT???

Well, technically there are no "rules" for that since we never thought it would happen hahaha ^^' so he does what he wants, he has the right to do that!

Blue Team: WHAT? :}

Nabbit: Ah great job Birdo! *[ Why did you give it to that jerk seriously?

Birdo: Hey talk better about my boyfriend ok! :o

Carottin: Your?

Birdo: Um..

Bowser: Great so we're going to lose because of you, YOU ARE FUCKING DUMB! :}

Birdo: Eh uh no! I remind you that it was Dry Bones's turn to go, but as he is afraid we lost a lot of time and he pushed me on my back so it was harder for me to get the statue piece...

Daisy: What an idiot he is too... But why did you give the piece to Yoshi? You know he eats everything he sees!

Birdo: I'm sorry.

Luigi: The real culprit is Dry Bones...

*while the last of the red team who didn't jump was Diddy Kong, he comes to finish the statue with the last piece*

Diddy Kong: *puts the head down* nice! We're done with the statue!

The red team wins the challenge!


Blue, see you at the board at 9pm.

Blue Team: ohhh :(

In the confessional

Wario: Hahaha I cry with laughter, why do we win? Because the other dumbass Yoshi ate their last piece of their statue, this victory is so undeserved but honestly I do not care :';)

Yoshi: My team congratulated me. Mah, I think Birdo is in danger because of me, but it's not my fault, the piece looked so tasty with this blue, it reminded me of blueberries!

Luigi: I really don't know who to vote for, I feel bad that we lost when we had the advantage. I think Dry Bones because of what he did

Daisy: I'm really hesitating... Birdo for being naive or Dry Bones for being a coward? Tough choice, what would you do if you were me?


Carottin: In 5 letters, B, I, R, D, O, Birdo.

9:00 p.m. - Council.

9:15 p.m. - Vote.

This is your first ceremony, so I'll explain how it works. I have here on my plate a total of 10 marshmallows, a marshmallow represents life, liberty, and assures you 1 more day in the competition. When I announce your name, come and get your marshmallow, it means you are saved.
Well, it's time to start. :)

Toadette, Waluigi, Rosalina and Daisy you are saved.

Toadette: Phew!

Waluigi: *winks at Rosalina*.

Harmonie: *laughs*

The next ones are for...


Donkey Kong


and Petey Piranha...

Donkey Kong: Yeah :)

Nabbit: Predictable, so predictable

Luigi: YES!

Petey Piranha: *eats her marshmallow*

There are still 3 candidates who feels stressed, the next one is for...



Bowser: HOWEVER! :}

Birdo, Dry Bones, this is the last marshmallow...

Birdo: *stresses a lot* :s :$

Skelerex: *stresses* :( |)


And the final marshmallow is for...





Dry Bones: WHAT? BUT WHY ME? Do I have to remind you that she made us lose by giving the statue to Yoshi!

Luigi: In the meantime she had the courage to jump, well you pushed her but it's all the same... it probably wouldn't have happened like that if you had jumped and not wasted the team's time *[

Blue team: YES

Dry Bones: Duh, it's not my fault if I'm afraid of water, really an unfair elimination, well, goodbye. |)

Dry Bones goes down the dock and leaves on the losers boat

Well, here we are at the end of episode 2, there are only 21 of them left but only 1 will get the prize, so don't miss out the next episodes, stay tuned for...

End of Episode 2

This is a good episode with the characters really showing their personality. The ending was also unexpected with the red team winning instead of the blue team and Dry Bones being eliminated instead of Birdo. While there are a lot of great things in this episode, my issue is the challenge being unoriginal and directly copy-pasted from Total Drama but otherwise, a really solid episode.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Fways wrote:
Episode 1 : Surprise et arrivée des candidats

Salut à tous, nous sommes en direct du camp de La Palma, aux Canaries. Je serais l'animateur de ce jeu télé, appelez moi Enzo. Bon, pour faire simple, 22 candidats vont séjourner ici pendant 8 semaines pour les plus courageux d'entre eux, ils vont devoir s'affronter lors de défis extrêmement complexes.
Mais avant de s'affronter, ils vont devoir s'allier et former deux équipes distinctes, après chaque défi, l'équipe gagnante sera récompensée et l'équipe perdante aura a désigné celui ou celle qui devra faire ses bagages et partir définitivement de l'île pour retourner chez lui, hasta luego.
Pour vous faire une rapide présentation des lieux, il y aura tout juste à côté du quai, un feu de bois avec des sièges, c'est ici que seront organisés les cérémonies éliminatoires. Les candidats restants dans le jeu recevront un chamallow. Au final, celui ou celle qui sortira vainqueur recevra comme récompense l'accès au pactole d'une valeur de 1 millions d'euros.
Pour survivre, ils auront à affronter les espèces les plus redoutables qui existent sur ce globe terrestre, devront se contenter de la bouffe infecte d'ici (spécialités locales) et différents autres problèmes, rien ne pourra vous échapper, vous assisterez au moindre événement grâce à nos caméras qui filment toute l'île 24 heures/24.
La question est, est ce que nos candidats vont savoir résister à toute cette pression qu'on va leur infliger? Vous allez le découvrir, car voici maintenant:

Episode 1

Bon et bien nous voilà de retour sur l'île de La Palma, il est temps de vous présenter nos 22 candidats ainsi que leurs motivations, on leur a dit qu'ils allaient être nourris et logés gratuitement comme des rois et passer un agréable moment ici (ce qui est évidemment faux) donc si ils sont énervés bah, soyez pas surpris.
Voici Mario.

Mario: Mon reuf comment ça va, par contre ça a l'air vachement plus petit que sur les photos et aussi bah pas du tout la même chose, mais bon tranquille j'imagine qu'on va décaler

Heum, détrompe toi

Mario: super..

Voilà Luigi.

Luigi: Heyo les gars comment ça va? Une seule intention cette série c'est de gagner, je serais prêt à tout pour 1 millions d'euros, par contre c'est quoi cet endroit plein de cafards fréro

Mario: on s'est fait arnaquer mec

Luigi: Ah.. bon bah yes hein, j'espère au moins que l'argent c'est pas du faux

Non non ça vous inquiétez pas, mais bon il fallait bien faire genre que cet endroit soit attrayant pour amener des concurrents 8)

Peach: Hola

Ah oui, voici Peach!

Peach: euh, mon mec m'a dit que ça allait être super bien

Mario: désolé bb on s'est fait arnaquer

Peach: oh et puis on verra bien comment ça se passe hein

En attendant, voici Daisy.

Daisy: salut salut la compagnie, j'ai vu le prix qui était donné au vainqueur alors j'ai tout de suite tenté ma chance, en plus étant stratège je pense pouvoir aller assez loin

T'as l'air d'avoir une bonne motivation toi, passons à Yoshi qui est accompagné de Birdo

Yoshi: Yo tout le monde, je suis venu accompagné de ma femme ^^
Birdo: salut à tous !

Mario: euh? Comment ça "ta femme"

Yoshi: Oui euh enfin je veux dire ma pote haha ^^'

Peach: mouais, on sait très bien ce que l'autre cache comme secret..

Birdo: je vois vraiment pas de quoi vous parler...

Bref assez de blabla inutile et dans le vent, cette fois ci, c'est Toad et Toadette qui arrive, qui sont eux un vrai couple cette fois ci n'est ce pas

Toad: Salut à tous! Alors ne nous négligez pas parce qu'on est petit car croyez moi qu'on est capable de faire du sale nous aussi si on veut :D

Toadette: mais attention, couple ou pas, on a la stratégie et je suis bien partante pour le remporter ce pactole

Toad: oui c'est ce que tu verras toi

Ouais ouais copain copine mais si y a moyen on pine

Toad: Hein??

Oublie, bref, on à la clique à Bowser qui arrive désormais pour faire fureur parmi les candidats!

Le reste des candidats: Oh non

Bowser: Wesh les sangs ça dit quoi, non je rigole on est juste là pour gagner et vous avez pas intérêt à nous la mettre à l'envers

Bowser Skelet: Tkt ça va être très très facile

Bowser Jr: ça tu l'as dit

Haha, hâte de voir le piment qui va être ajouté grâce à ces candidats

Wario: Enzo, t'as oublié notre arrivée avec Waluigi

Ah euh oui excuse, voici Wario & Waluigi

Waluigi: Yo, on est juste là pour gagner et voilà

Vous vous partagez un cerveau, mais, vous savez au moins que c'est individuel?

Wario: oui oui tranquille ça y a pas de soucis on va bien se botter le cul no homo

K weiird
Bon bref cette fois ci c'est le trio des singes qui s'amène

Donkey Kong: Yooo

Diddy Kong: Yoo

Funky Kong: Yo

Hmm ok, racontez pas trop votre vie non plus, bref voici Harmonie!

Harmonie: Salut à tous! Le camp a l'air beaucoup moins beau que sur les photos, mais bon on est aux Canaries, parfait climat pour bronze

Wario: Ouais fin on est pas venu ici pour faire de la bronzette poupée

Waluigi: wahh la bomba latina téma

Wario: oui enfin c'est juste une meuf banale, commence pas à faire ton lover

Waluigi: ah euh non t'inquiète je la trouve juste belle mais bien sur c'est chacun pour soi ici

Ensuite voici Koopa et Skelerex!

Koopa: Yo les gars, ce camp a l'air super j'espères qu'on va s'amuser ici

Skelerex: fréro t'es là pour gagner pas pour t'amuser, bouge de là avec ta gentillesse

Koopa: oh ça va on fait relax ça se trouve on va se faire masse de potes

Skelerex: Euh non, tu*, faut jouer le jeu, y a 1 millions d'euros à la clé on est pas venu ici pour rigoler, tu prends trop ça à la légère t'es dans un reality show

Koopa: coincé du cul surtout oui

Bon on s'en fout de vos vies pour être honnête, c'est le moment d'annoncer la venue de Maskass! Hello mec

Maskass: .


Maskass: sa.. lut...

Bowser Jr: coincé celui là, première cible à éliminer

Totalement d'accord mais garde tes stratégies pour toi haha, bref voici Carottin !

Luigi: qui le connait le retour

Carottin: ah si si je suis connu bouffon, et je suis bien venu ici pour vous botter le cul et repartir avec le pactole :D
Attention je risque surement d'être trop fort pour vous, comme on dit, point faible: trop fort

Wario: il va vite redescendre celui là..

ça devient de plus en plus intéressant dites moi, bon aller, dernière personne à présenter: Flora Piranha !

Flora Piranha: Salut à tous, par contre c'est quoi ce camp de merde sérieux? On est des petits gosses qui partent en colonie là ou quoi


Flora Piranha: Oh putain je sens que ça va être lourd l'ambiance ici..

Haha tu ne te trompe pas du tout! Maintenant que vous êtes tous ici je vais vous faire l'annonce des équipes. Mais avant tout, suivez moi.

5 minutes plus tard...

C'est ici qu'aura lieu les éliminations, autour de ce feu de bois, mais c'est également maintenant que je vais vous annoncer vos équipes, écoutez bien.

L'équipe bleue sera composée de : Skelerex, Birdo, Bowser, Toadette, Donkey Kong, Flora Piranha, Carottin, Luigi, Waluigi, Harmonie et Daisy.

L'équipe rouge sera composée de ceux que je n'ai pas cité, donc : Diddy Kong, Yoshi, Toad, Bowser Skelet, Funky Kong, Peach, Mario, Koopa, Bowser Jr, Maskass ainsi que Wario.

Vous aurez pour les 2 équipes une cabane distincte ou vous dormirez, je précise que ces cabanes n'ont pas été lavées depuis 500 ans avant J.C . Voilà tout!
Autre dernière chose à vous présenter avant que vous pleuriez, vous aurez des toilettes qui vous serviront de confessionnal ou vous pourrez vider votre linge sale haha.

Au confessionnal

Wario: Putain c'est quoi ce verrou de merde qui est déjà cassé, on peut à peine fermer cette porte, bon maintenant que je suis là, je vais mettre les points sur les i, je suis là seulement et uniquement pour gagner, et PERSONNE ne pourra m'en empêcher les boys

Koopa: J'espère qu'on pourra faire la fête avec notre équipe

Daisy: Je vais dire ce que je pense, ce campement pue honnêtement la pisse, on est pas aux Canaries là c'est pas possible, étant déjà parti là bas c'est impossible que ce soit ça

Harmonie: De base j'aimerais vraiment repartir car on nous a vraiment arnaqué, on nous avait prévenu que ce serait un hôtel 5 étoiles mais rien du tout. Mais bon maintenant que je suis là, ça serait très con de pas essayer de gagner...

De retour au camp

Aller, après une dure journée vous avez bien mérité votre repos! Demain, debout 7 heures pour la 1ère épreuve :)

Tous les candidats: QUOI?


Bowser: Tu vas la fermer frr

Nan ça marche toujours pour vous énerver, enfin bref.
C'est tout pour cet épisode, j'espères qu'il vous a plu et ne manquez pas le prochain épisode de..

Fin de l'épisode 1

Episode 1: Surprise and arrival of the candidates

Hi everyone, we are in live from the camp in La Palma, Canary Islands. I will be the host of this game show, call me Enzo. Well, to make it simple, 22 candidates will stay here for 8 weeks for the bravest of them, they will have to compete in very hard challenges.
But before facing each other, they will have to form two distinct teams, after each challenge, the winning team will be rewarded and the losing team will have to designate the one who will have to pack his bags and leave the island for good to go back home, hasta luego.
To give you a quick overview of the place, there will be just next to the dock, a fire pit with seats, this is where the elimination ceremonies will be held. The remaining candidates in the game will receive a marshmallow. In the end, the winner will receive a prize of 1 million euros.
To survive, they will have to face the most formidable species that exist on this globe, will have to make do with the foul food of here (local specialties) and various other problems, nothing will escape you, you will attend the slightest event thanks to our cameras that film the whole island 24 hours a day.
The question is, will our candidates be able to resist all this pressure? You will find out, because here is now:

Episode 1

Well here we are back on the island of La Palma, it's time to introduce you to our 22 candidates and their motivations, they were told they would be fed and housed for free like kings and have a great time here (which is obviously not true) so if they are pissed off well, don't be surprised.
Say welcome to Mario:

Mario: My bro how is it going, on the other hand it looks a lot smaller than on the pictures and also, its not at all the same, but anyway I guess we'll shift

Hum, think again

Mario: oh god...

Here comes Luigi.

Luigi: Hey guys, how's it going? I only have one intention this series is to win, I would be ready to do anything for 1 million dollars, however what is this place full of cockroaches bro

Mario: we got ripped off man

Luigi: Ah... well yes eh, I hope at least the money is not fake

No, you don't have to worry about that, but it was necessary to make this place attractive to bring competitors 8)

Peach: Hola

Ah yes, here is Peach

Peach: uh, my guy told me it was going to be great

Mario: sorry baby we got ripped off

Peach: oh well we'll see how it goes huh

In the meantime, this is Daisy

Daisy: hi hi company, I saw the prize that was given to the winner so I immediately tried my luck, plus being a strategist I think I can go pretty far

You seem to have a good motivation, let's go to Yoshi who is accompanied by Birdo

Yoshi: Yo everyone, I came with my wife ^^
Birdo: hi everyone

Mario: uh? what do you mean "your wife"

Yoshi: Yes uh well I mean my girl haha ^^'

Peach: yeah, we know very well what the other one hides as a secret..

Birdo: I really don't know what you are talking about...

Anyway, enough of useless bullshit and in the wind, this time, it's Toad and Toadette who arrive, who are a real couple this time isn't it

Toad: Hi everyone! So don't neglect us because we're small because believe me we're capable of doing dirty things too if we want to :D

Toadette: but be careful, couple or not, we have the strategy and I'm well on my way to win this prize

Toad: yes, that's what you'll see

Yeah yeah buddy believe it

Toad: Huh?

Forget it, we've got Bowser's family coming in now to take the contestants out!

The rest of the candidates: Oh no

Bowser: Hi my favourite people, no I'm just kidding we're just here to win and you better not mess with us

Dry Bowser: Dw it's gonna be very very easy

Bowser Jr: Totally right

Haha, can't wait to see the spice that will be added thanks to these candidates

Wario: Enzo, you forgot our arrival with Waluigi

Ah uh yes excuse, here is Wario & Waluigi

Waluigi: Yo, we're just here to win and that's it

You guys share a brain, but, do you even know it's individual?

Wario: yes, yes, quiet, no worries, we'll kick each other's asses, no homo

K weiird
Well, this time it's the trio of monkeys that comes

Donkey Kong: Yooo

Diddy Kong: Yoo

Funky Kong: Yo

Hmm ok, don't tell too much about your life either, anyway this is Rosalina!

Rosalina: Hi everyone! The camp looks a lot less beautiful than on the pictures, but we are in the Canaries, perfect climate to tan

Wario: Yeah, we didn't come here to sunbathe, doll

Waluigi: omfg this fucking girl is so hot

Wario: yeah well she's just an ordinary chick, don't start acting like a lover

Waluigi: ah well no don't worry I just find her beautiful but of course it's everyone for himself here

Then here are Koopa and Dry Bones!

Koopa: Yo guys, this camp looks great I hope we have fun here

Dry Bones: bro you're here to win not to have fun, get out of here with your kindness

Koopa: oh it's ok we're relaxing we're gonna make a lot of friends

Dry Bones: Uh no, you*, you have to play the game, there's 1 million dollars to win, we didn't come here to have fun, you're taking it too lightly, you're in a reality show

Koopa: stuck on the ass especially yes

Well who cares about your lives to be honest, it's time to announce the arrival of Shy Guy! Hello man

Shy Guy: .


Shy Guy: he... llo...

Bowser Jr: this one looks cringe as hell, first target to eliminate

Totally agree but keep your strategies for yourself haha, anyway this is Nabbit!

Luigi: who knows him lmfao

Nabbit: ah yes Im very well known kiddo, and I've come here to kick your ass and take the money back :D
Beware I might be too strong for you, as they say, weak point: too strong

Wario: he's going to be eliminated quickly...

It becomes more and more interesting say me, well go, last person to present: Petey Piranha!

Petey Piranha: Hi everyone, but what kind of a camp is this? Are we kids going to college or what, oh shit, I feel like it's going to be annoying as hell here..

Haha you're not wrong at all! Now that you're all here I'm going to announce the teams. But first, follow me

5 minutes later...

This is where the eliminations will take place, around this fire pit, but it is also now that I will announce your teams, so listen up.

The blue team will be composed of : Dry Bones, Birdo, Bowser, Toadette, Donkey Kong, Petey Piranha, Nabbit, Luigi, Waluigi, Rosalina and Daisy

The red team will be composed of those I have not mentioned, so: Diddy Kong, Yoshi, Toad, Dry Bowser, Funky Kong, Peach, Mario, Koopa, Bowser Jr, Shy Guy and Wario.

You will have for the 2 teams a separate camper where you will sleep, I specify that these campers have not been washed since 500 years before Jesus christ. That's all!
Another thing to introduce you before you cry, you will have a toilet that will serve as a confessional where you can empty your dirty laundry haha.

In the confessional

Wario: What the fuck is this shit lock that's already broken, we can barely close this door, well now that I'm here, I'm going to win this shit, I'm here only and only to win, and NOBODY can stop me boys

Koopa: I hope we can celebrate with our team

Daisy: I'll say what I think, this camp honestly stinks of piss, we're not in the Canary Islands here it's not possible, having already gone there it's impossible that we're here!

Rosalina: Basically I would really like to go back because we were really ripped off, we were told it would be a 5 star hotel but nothing. But now that I am here, it would be very stupid not trying to win...

Back to camp

Come on, after a hard day you've earned your rest! Tomorrow, up at 7am for the 1st round :)

All candidates: WHAT?

Yes you guys will suffer because y'all are asses

Bowser: Shut the fuck up

Nah Im just provoking to piss you off, anyway.
That's it for this episode, I hope you enjoyed it and don't miss the next episode of...

End of episode 1

This is a good episode to start the series off. It's heavily inspired by Total Drama while not being too similar. I like all the Mario characters and their personality. One thing I love is that the characters were told that they would be treated like kings and housed for free which turned out to be false. Overall a good start to the series and I'm looking forward to your next episodes Fways.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Fways wrote:
Bonjour/bonsoir à tous, non vous ne rêvez pas mais c'est bien le retour de la série Koh-Lanta Mario qui a fait énormément de succès à l'époque (oui série que j'ai déjà fait en 2016 & 2018 jusqu'à 2020) mais avec tous les arrêts qui s'y sont produits + les grandes pauses que j'ai fait etc j'ai préféré arrêté.
Désormais possédant une toute nouvelle grande motivation et voulant écrire bah j'ai juste décidé d'écrire une nouvelle fanfic
Bon ceci dit je vais quand même expliquer les règles aux anglais et aux autres car bon koh lanta ça existe pas là bas (ou du moins pas sous ce nom bref) donc voilà voilà.
(Je vais également l'expliquer en français au cas ou certains ne connaissent pas forcément les règles)
Dans cette saison, il y aura un total de 22 candidats qui s'affronteront en équipes autour d'épreuves plus dures et coriaces les unes que les autres, à chaque fin d'épreuve, l'équipe perdante devra voter pour la personne de leur équipe qu'ils voudront renvoyer chez lui, il ne pourra alors plus revenir sur l'île et sera donc éliminé. Ils sont donc 22 au début, mais à la fin, il n'en restera qu'un. Le gagnant repartira avec un total de 1 million d'euros.
N'hésitez pas à suivre le topic et à lacher des petits commentaires à chaque épisode pour dire votre avis et également suivre l'actualité, voilà voilà je penses à peu près avoir tout dit.
L'épisode 1 devrait sortir demain dans la journée (heure française).
Hello/ Good evening to y'all, no you're not dreaming but it's the return of the Koh-Lanta Mario series which was very successful at the time (yes, series I already did in 2016 & 2018 until 2020) but with all the lack of motivation that happened + the breaks I made in the past, I preferred to stop.
Now having a brand new great motivation and wanting to write, I just decided to write a new fiction.
Well this said I'll still explain the rules to the English and others because koh lanta doesn't exist there (or at least not under that name), it's a french serie if you guys want to know what it is, but this time, done in a fiction with mario characters, so here it is.
In this season, there will be a total of 22 candidates who will compete in teams around tougher and tougher challenges, at the end of each challenges, the losing team will have to vote for the person of their team that they want to send home, he will not be able to return to the island and will be eliminated. There are 22 of them at the beginning, but at the end, there will be only one left. The winner will earn 1 million dollars.
Don't hesitate to follow the topic and to leave little comments at each episode to tell your opinion and also to follow the news, here I think I've pretty much said everything.
The episode 1 should be released tomorrow (french time).

It's nice to see a return to Koh-Lanta. I was always interested in this series back in 2020 and now, I still am. Albeit this time with Mario characters but still, it seems a bit interesting and I'm looking forward to see what this series will become. I will also give feedback like I used to back in 2020.

The lack of animaions and sounds in MKPC

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Anthcny wrote:
I like MKPC but I must say that there are a few things that really displease me, especially the lack of graphic animations and sounds

What do I mean by graphic animations?
Little graphic details that beautify a game. For example a black fade between screen transitions (insead of just instantly switching from a screen to another, in the track selection for example), or sizing up a button when you draw your mouse over it, or an animation for drifts instead of a simple static image... The cup selection menu also feels like it has been done very quickly without the intention of making it nice-looking

And what do I mean by sounds?
Small sound effects, which triggers when you click a button, or item noises for shells for examples, or a small noise when a banana is dropped, or even sounds to Goombas walking...

These are little details that don't impact gameplay, but they could make the game so much cool-looking to be honest
I honestly feel like MKPC is a sort of "unfinished" game, there are so many missing things that could be added to make it so much nicer (such as stuff I mentioned before)

Although as I say before, I like MKPC! It has a interesting gameplay, despite a huge lack of cool little details

What do you guys think about it? Am I just the only guy who thinks about details?
J'aime beaucoup MKPC mais je dois avouer qu'il y aquelques petits trucs qui me déplaisent, particulièrement le manque d'animations graphiques et le manque d'effets sonores

Qu'est-ce que je veux dire par animations graphiques ?
Des petits détails graphiques qui embellissent un jeu. Par exemple, un fondu noir entre chaque transition d'écran (au lieu d'une simple "téléportation" des écrans, par exemple dans la sélection des coupes et circuits), ou simplement grossir un bouton quand on fait passer la souris dessus, ou bien une animations pour les dérapages plutôt qu'une simple image statique... Et aussi, le menu de sélection des coupes me semble très vide, comme s'il avait été fait en 2 secondes sans l'intention de le rendre joli

Et qu'est-ce que je veux dire par effets sonores ?
Des petitss "sound effects", qui se jouent quand on clique sur un bouton par exemple, ou des petits bruitages pour les carapaces ou quand une banane touche le sol, ou bien un petit bruit quand un Goomba marche etc...

Globalement j'aime bien MKPC ! C'est un jeu avec un gameplay vraiment intéressant, malgré un gros vide en terme de détails visuels et sonores

Vous en pensez quoi ? Je suis le seul à penser aux détails ?

I disagree with the fact that there's a lack of graphic animations and sound effects. As for your examples: There's already a black fade between screen transitions and for the mouse hovering on the buttons, it already does that. There's also a drift animation where it changes from blue to yellow as you keep holding the drift so I wouldn't say that there isn't any animation for drifts. I wouldn't say the cup selection isn't nice-looking although it was never made to look super nice and its main purpose was to get to a track from one cup to another. As for sound effects, there are a lot of sound effects in this game. For example: The new added sound effect if you navigate with a keyboard, the item sound effect for shells and for dropping banana. While it would be nice to have a sound effect for Goombas walking, that would mean you'd have to add it to every single enemy in this game which is not too ideal.

I also disagree with MKPC being unfinished as it's really far from unfinished. There's a lot of minor and major features added since 2020 which made the game more convenient for people to play and made it look nicer.

What is the best custom track you have ever made (in MKPC)?

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
It's definitely my remake of MK4(O) Peach Road and MK1(O) Luigi's City. Sky Shrine is also up there too. I like Peach Road more because of it's gameplay but Luigi's City is still pretty good.

[Fanfic] MKPC Gore (Current: MKPC Revival)

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
NeonSyrup wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
MKPC Revival: Episode 4

Max:So we have arrived at the lake
Kay: Thought it would be bigger, but the size is still good
Toady: Be careful of the liquid, since it is lava, and can burn you
Kay: K. I’ll make sure to touch the water

Luq: What are you up to Nudge?
Nudge: This
*At that moment, The T-Rex flung Luq of of it, onto wooded kingdom, but then the lost grip of the inverted pyramid and fell*
Luq: Whatevwr he’s up to, seems to have gone wrong

Lely: *crying* I guess this is over. The only company I have is you guys, and you can’t even talk to me. The place I’m in is terrifying, and I just don’t think it’s worth living anymore. Goodbye pets
Lely: What was that? Company?
*He went over, just to see what was there, only to see a T-Rex*
Lely: A-another one?
Nudge: AAAAHH!!!
Lely: Nudge? Where is he? And… where did my chain chomp go?
Lely: He sounds scared…
Lely: I should go find him
*It wasn’t long until he found him, but as much as he wanted to save him, the light spirit on the outside of him refused*
Nudge: HELP ME!!!
Lely: I want to, b-but I-I c-can’t
Lely: I want to help you, but t he re is something preventing me
*At that moment, another T-Tex came and squished the Chain Chomp*
Nudge: Thank goodness. Now to just… escape from here
Lely: How?
Nudge: Why should I tell you? I don’t need you anymore, you useless fool
Lely: Why do you hate me?
Nudge: Because you are a horrible light spirit which doesn’t deserve to exist
Lely: Please, help me out
Nudge: I think I’ll just let the T-Rex’ deal with you
Lely: You h-horrible person

Max: So, who will check where?
Kay: I’m I’ll quickly check everywhere
Toady: Oh yeah, he is speed
Max: Anyway, I’ll get ready to head over to that giant dome over there
Toady: Got it

Nudge: Ah ha. Now I just need to put this nut into one of the seed pots, and a vine will grow
Lely: There is one over there
Nudge: Thank you victim
Lely:  L-leave me alone. I want to talk to nice Nudge, rather than you
*after that he just walked off, then climbed the vine he just grew*
Nudge: Nice. I’ve made it back.
Now I just need to be quiet so Luq doesn’t notice me

*He snuck over to the wooden maze, where he places a vine bellow it*
Lely: Question: what is that vine for?
Nudge: Oh, so you decided to follow me. Guess I’ll have to demonstrate in you
*He proceeded to wrap it around Lely’s neck, and pushed him off, before barely making his way back onto the inverted pyramid*
Lely: h-h-e-e-e-l-l-p


Welcome to Beheading, As we are joined by Max-Bros, we kill people. This is known as: Lely-Heading. :D How to do this:
1. Kill Lely

This is not good. Don't joke about things like that. It can hurt people's feeling and encourage killing. You receive a warn but the next time you do this, you'll receive a sanction.

MKPC Hall of Fame 2022 (Results)

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Congratulations to everybody that made it to the list!!! :D

You guys deserved it for the incredible tracks you've made and for those that didn't make it to the list, don't be discouraged. At the end of the day it's not about achieving a top rank in best track of the year and as long as you enjoy making tracks, that's all it matters.

Track Building Contest : Summer 2022 / Concours de création de circuits : Été 2022

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Starl wrote:
AAAA nooo, I will have to start and finish today :(

It's okay, it's been extended to August 24 so you only have 3 days left.

Rant About Random Stuff Here

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
OPOSSUM_ wrote:
Literally nobody goes online these days, except for 5k's who will leave in the next few days. This site has potential, you know, all of you new players.

Also that multicup "MK1 (O)", it is truly overrated. The tracks are long and wide with sharp turns, and the music... it's all from MK7 and MK8, which have soundtracks that I have never really been a fan of. The CPU's are ridiculously fast and even if you snake you can't catch up. As haunted with crap as my "Super Possum Kart" is, most tracks are somewhat playable, (except for Crazy Circuit and Rainbow Road Insane Edition.) But MKO... it's a whole different story.

??? It's not over-rated cause it's not played a lot, plus it was my first tracks it's normal that they have a style like that. If we compare with my recent one (mk4o) there is no link between them. The MK1 tracks are really easy to play and the fact that they are wide make them easy. And personally if I snake I can beat the bots easily so I think it's maybe a question of level, I don't find them hard to beat tbh

And if I compare your tracks with MK1, MK1 are way more clear and easy to understand from my point of view. But question of opinion I think then, so I respect yours

MKO is cool, but he say that MK1O is a bit overrated because the majority of the tracks are pretty meh for me, but the community like it. Don't compare your tracks to my tracks, I'm not stupid, but I think that a lot of tracks in MK1 are basic, simple... (the Mushroom Cup... aie)

And especially some tracks, that's not exciting, empty or annoying. CPUs are just annoying for me, you can't be better in two seconds... Don't say "just be better", because you can't be better and beat MKO CPUs just easily, don't say like if that's easy.

Learn the definition of overrated please.
Tracks are meh because it was my first tracks, but it's the least played mk and the least liked if we count the 4 mkos so no... It's not overrated, it's normal. And sorry but if you snake or try to improve and play, you will only get better and will be able to beat the CPUs. Idk why beginners complain about the difficulty when they don't want to train or do anything to be better at the game, is like complain about the covid-19 and people who doesn't respect the limitations, but you don't wear the mask.

You know, Fways. For your first tracks, it's actually really good for that standards back then and even now there is good tracks like Daisy's Pool and Ghost Valley. :o
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I agree with you.

Anyways here is my rant about Discord.
Now before I start this rant, I would like to say that I don't hate Discord in any way. Yes it's quite broken and very laggy for no reasons but I think it's a decent site. This rant is only about what happened to me on Discord. So let's begin. I was using Discord for almost a year. I was just visiting some servers and I was just talking with my friends when one day in like almost mid of July, I got locked out for no reason. Like seriously? I didn't do anything wrong and what's worse is when I put my phone number, no code appeared like what the heck. It's very dumb and when I do get my account back, I got locked like the next 4 days later. COME ON DISCORD. Why you have a bad verification system? So unprofessional. Luckily I had another account which I'm currently using to this day but this sucks cuz I really wanna use my other account since I have 50 servers joined compared to this account where I joined 15 servers. Yeah I tried doing everything but nothing works as of now. Sorry for this long rant that turned into a backstory but this is so annoying of Discord. They add all these new updates but never bothered to fix the verification system. Lots of other people is leaving Discord because of that. RIP to them. I honestly feel them. I can't blame them if they leave Discord because of that.
snif :} *[
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
OPOSSUM_ wrote:
Literally nobody goes online these days, except for 5k's who will leave in the next few days. This site has potential, you know, all of you new players.

Also that multicup "MK1 (O)", it is truly overrated. The tracks are long and wide with sharp turns, and the music... it's all from MK7 and MK8, which have soundtracks that I have never really been a fan of. The CPU's are ridiculously fast and even if you snake you can't catch up. As haunted with crap as my "Super Possum Kart" is, most tracks are somewhat playable, (except for Crazy Circuit and Rainbow Road Insane Edition.) But MKO... it's a whole different story.

??? It's not over-rated cause it's not played a lot, plus it was my first tracks it's normal that they have a style like that. If we compare with my recent one (mk4o) there is no link between them. The MK1 tracks are really easy to play and the fact that they are wide make them easy. And personally if I snake I can beat the bots easily so I think it's maybe a question of level, I don't find them hard to beat tbh

And if I compare your tracks with MK1, MK1 are way more clear and easy to understand from my point of view. But question of opinion I think then, so I respect yours

MKO is cool, but he say that MK1O is a bit overrated because the majority of the tracks are pretty meh for me, but the community like it. Don't compare your tracks to my tracks, I'm not stupid, but I think that a lot of tracks in MK1 are basic, simple... (the Mushroom Cup... aie)

And especially some tracks, that's not exciting, empty or annoying. CPUs are just annoying for me, you can't be better in two seconds... Don't say "just be better", because you can't be better and beat MKO CPUs just easily, don't say like if that's easy.

Like Fways said, MK1(O) is the least played MKO in the series compared to MK2(O), MK3(O) and MK4(O). About the tracks, it was Fways's first tracks of the game so it's expected like this. I do agree that some of them is meh like Luigi's Highway, Cheep Cheep Beach and possibly Rosalina Lake. The mushroom cup is simple, yes but the tracks at least give interesting gameplay. Do you want to bag or do you want to run a track? About the CPUs, Fways never said to just get better in one day and become the best player of MKPC. He just said that we have to stop complaining about CPUs, they are not very hard to beat to be honest. You just need to learn snaking, have good item play and you win like 90% of the times.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
MarioDome wrote:
i have something to rant about: sometimes when you state an opinion people will get mad at you just because they dont like your opinion.

I agree. It's so annoying. One time I liked DS Shroom Ridge and DS Rainbow Road then some guy came and said "WTF, How can you like Shroom Ridge, it's so annoying?" and I was like, bruh it's my opinion.

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
TPOT-Mario wrote:
why are cpu's so atrocious? you have to use ahmad elkhauff's tas engine to beat them. thats why ahmad brags a lot. Like, literally, I have a rate of 8000, cuz I meh in this game, but still. You vs ahmad elkhauffs are not gonna work ok.

Okay there's a lot to talk about.
1. Yes the CPUs is faster than you when you don't snake but when you do snake, you go faster than them although tracks like DS BC and DS RR, they are really difficult to be honest.
2. "Ahmad Elkhuffash's TAS engine" Hehe I'm not the only pro here, there are many good players here.
3. How am I bragging lol?
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Just get better at the game guys haha. Okay in all seriousness, this depends on the multi-cups you are playing on. In multi-cups like MK1(O) and MK2(O), they are really good so even if snaking, they can catch up with items so you have to play well with items also but in other multi-cups, they are very easy to beat so just do snaking and you'll win like 90% of the times.

Le problème actuel de MKPC

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Invu wrote:
Jey78 wrote:
Beaucoup de personnes disent que le forum
Fways wrote:
pue la merde
depuis 2020 environ. Je ne sais pas si faire des généralités c'est pas un peu c** parce qu'on a des modérateurs et des gens intelligents actifs. J'ai peut-être été ban mais j'ai réfléchi et relu les règles, je ne vois pas le soucis de certains topics. Donc pourquoi faire des généralités pareils sur des topics qui suivent le règlement à la lettre, vu que les autres seront lockés ou supprimés ? Ok, j'ai été un cas, mais souvenez-vous de princesslucky ou mememo.

Bah en fait y a un problème de référentiel dans le cas présent ; jusqu'à 2021 (la moitié de l'année à peu près) le site était vraiment magique, surtout avant que j'arrive sur le site. Avant, MKPC était un site à plus petite envergure, donc tout le monde se connaissait et c'était une ambiance plutôt "famille". C'était plus cool que maintenant. J'aimerais aussi souligner UN POINT particulier : De nos jours, le site n'est pas tout à fait horrible, mais il est ennuyeux. Chaque soir, quand je viens, je suis content de venir, mais ça ne fait pas le même effet qu'avant. Des fois je me demande clairement ce que je fous là, avec des toxiques comme mememo qui font chier le reste de la communauté et qui après trouvent le culot d'appeler les autres membres irrespectueux. Oui il y a des gens intelligents qui sont actifs. C'est vrai qu'on a tendance à les oublier.

Mais le fait de se focaliser sur le négatif, c'est un comportement HUMAIN. Certes, on a deux nouveaux modérateurs qui sont matures ; et plus spécialement dans le cas de Max, actif. Mais est-ce qu'ils vont ramener la magie sur le site ? On ne sait pas ! Rien ne nous dit non plus qu'en enlevant le négatif, on aura du magique ! Les idiots seront juste stoppés rapidement et bannis ; ce qui sera bien meilleur pour l'ambiance du site, mais ça ne veut pas dire que leur nombre réduira. Mine de rien, le fait que leur présence soit raccourcie est une bonne chose, mais au fond ça affecte quand même l'ambiance générale. Imagine que 31 toxiques arrivent sur le site, durant le mois d'octobre, un par jour ; certes s'ils sont stoppés rapidement, ça aide un peu la situation, mais chaque jour un toxique se mettra à hurler contre tout et n'importe quoi. chaque jour il y aura un report, un drama. Je te parie que si c'était comme ça, à la fin du mois d'octobre, beaucoup auraient désertés, et les rares qui seraient restés seraient en mode ras-le-bol général.

Je suis d'accord avec toi sur le fait que ce n'est pas à 100% noir. Mais il y a beaucoup de points sur lesquels on peut pinailler, et même s'ils ne sont pas massifs, quand ils sont tous réunis, ils forment une montagne de toxicité et de nuisance.

That's the exact reason new staff got chosen. It's thanks to this topic that we got Max-Bros and BowserJr03 as staff for this site but yeah, even if we ban a lot of toxic people and the atmosphere becomes more chill, there will still be more people joining this site because it's widespread and more people know about this site nowadays compared to 2016-2018 so toxic people will probably continue to fill the forums with insults, spams, etc. There's nothing much we can do about it other than to ban those people. The best we can do is minimize the toxicity and the spams of the forums.

/!\ Application for MKPC moderation team

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Alright so after reading this debate I have came to the following actions.

@Mykal2 You receive a warning for begging and insisting to be a moderator even if you didn't meet the requirements and also continued debating and pinging Wargor several times even though I clearly said that this is not a discussion channel.

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
This is a topic for moderator applications not for discussing the person's role.

Also @Mykal2, Avoid mentioning Wargor several times and begging him to change the rules according to your needs only. You can try solving the computer issue instead of begging him to make an exception.


Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
@mememo I've warned you before about your behavior but you didn't respect it and kept continuing. You'll be banned for 3 days.

Anyways, topic locked.


Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Topic locked.

@mememo You receive a warn for immature behavior, insults and useless topics. You have to follow the rules and be respectful here.

What does this mean?

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
SNES BC2 has two shortcuts. One is at the STOP area where you can take it with a shroom or shroomless with a timed MT and the other is at the end where you can use the last jumps to fall to the left side and that'll count the lap although it's only useful in L3. Oh and it's not against the rules to do shortcuts like these.

Anyways topic locked, it's useless to discuss it here given the context.

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