Mp3. Flie Inserter
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On 2022-04-20 at 21:47:47
When we make our complete circuits. We always gotta add music. I always love the preset music but i feel like they need to add a custom music player. I mean, we have a URL Youtube option for custom music made from other people. But what if there was a MP3 option. Think about it. We also have talented music creators like hoppingicon who creates amazing MK covers and his own custom Race music. If there was a Mp3 option, We could listen to other people's covers or their own music on their courses without publishing into a YT video. There will be so many possibilities if we had a MP3. option. I wonder if the creators of MKPC would find this and think about it and add it as a future update.
On 2022-04-20 at 22:24:38
I'm sure if they added an MP3 inserter, they would almost certainly have to increase the amount of storage, which could be difficult. But If they did add it, I would be very happy, since I don't have an email address, meaning I don't have a YouTube channel.
On 2022-04-20 at 23:04:02
I'm sure if they added an MP3 inserter, they would almost certainly have to increase the amount of storage, which could be difficult. But If they did add it, I would be very happy, since I don't have an email address, meaning I don't have a YouTube channel.
They wouldn't have to host the files on the server. It could work similar to how you can use an image for tracks uploaded on an external server right now.
On 2022-04-20 at 23:36:05
This would really help on circuits which Nintendo keeps copyright striking the music videos. I think this feature could make it so much easier to have music on a course. And as OneSome said, you wouldn't have to store it on the server and therefore you wouldn't have to use up your storage space.
On 2022-04-21 at 07:56:33
you know you can edit them into a YT video right?
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