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Choco Kart Omega Official Topic

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
recently i've been thinking of making a (kinda) puzzle challenge for CKO called "Find (character)!" where i hide somewhere on a track, take a screenshot of the top right minimap and then make it a challenge. thoughts?
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
got bored while designing Techneon City so i made the logo for the multicup
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Theodore12 wrote:
Dragon Coin Cup
Malware Causeway (Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8n-ELYClDA)

Lol it's the limbo song

yeah, i changed the song now but i forgot to replace the link with the new song
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Dudzi wrote:
TwilightGD wrote:
wow finally a post that's not about the poll
i've decided that CKO is going to have retro battle courses. i've already chosen some of them but the rest is up to you to choose! :D

Cool! What about SNES Battle Course 2 and/or 3ds Honeybee Hive/House?

i've already put in 3DS HH but i'll include SNES Battle Course 2!
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
wow finally a post that's not about the poll
i've decided that CKO is going to have retro battle courses. i've already chosen some of them but the rest is up to you to choose! :D
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
1 day left until the vote closes! lets see what will happen :o
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
well it's been a long time since i last did a track so i thought i might make another retro track! although i can't decide which one out of GBA Riverside Park and MK2(L) Blooper Coastline to make. so here's a poll for voting i guess

sorry for triple post
so uhh i can't access the poll or it's results anymore due to it "refusing to connect" and that basically means i can't see which track has won so here's the link so (if you want) you can check the results and tell me who's won: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ57qYMn6/results
edit: yay it works again
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
quick reminder: voting ends in 3 days! (or 3 days and 17 hours specifically)
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
well it's been a long time since i last did a track so i thought i might make another retro track! although i can't decide which one out of GBA Riverside Park and MK2(L) Blooper Coastline to make. so here's a poll for voting i guess
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
the track from the sneak peek is finished! enjoy a race in a shadowy abandoned forest!

use this for song.


because i've already chosen the music for it *[
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
the track from the sneak peek is finished! enjoy a race in a shadowy abandoned forest!
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
sneak peek of the next track :D

It Is Wet And Dry So WDW From Mario 64

nope, the colour of the offroad and road might make it a bit more obvious ;)
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
sneak peek of the next track :D
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Update: Techneon City's song has been replaced with this
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
TwilightGD wrote:
what should i do for a part in the CK1 Wacky Warehouse remake? i was thinking of adding a water section but that would make it become a ripoff Toad's Factory

Maybe something reallly wacky like replacing random enemy sprites with others

sorry that i didn't make it clear enough. i meant a part in the track design. also that would be kinda confusing so no

Oh Ok How About A section with loads of cannons  you go through that point at eachother?

considering i just made some custom bullet bill decors today, i might actually do that
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
what should i do for a part in the CK1 Wacky Warehouse remake? i was thinking of adding a water section but that would make it become a ripoff Toad's Factory

Maybe something reallly wacky like replacing random enemy sprites with others

sorry that i didn't make it clear enough. i meant a part in the track design. also that would be kinda confusing so no
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
what should i do for a part in the CK1 Wacky Warehouse remake? i was thinking of adding a water section but that would make it become a ripoff Toad's Factory
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Malware Causeway's design is done
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
SuperMega7 wrote:
TwilightGD wrote:
what should this be? Malware Causeway or Arcane Arcade?

Malware Causeway? Also, what will be the first member cup track released? (I'd recommend one with a simple layout)

Malware Causeway is the first track of the Dragon Coin Cup (unless you were saying "obviously Malware Causeway?)
also i might do either Beta_Course or Tree City as the first remake of the Member Cups

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