/| Mario Kart PC |\

NyanCat's profile

General stats

Followers16 followers
Following29 following
VS4953 pts - Budding pilot[?] - 87756th
Battle5000 pts - Novice[?] - 9782nd
Time trial150cc: 6 pts - 9 records - 2719th
Forum messages621 messages - MarioMario[?]
0 created circuits - 0 cups
0 shared characters
12 comments on circuits
22 topics followed


Description :

Hiya! I'm August (✿◡‿◡)
I Like Coding In Javascript, Python, C, C++, Ruby, HTML, CSS, And Much More! O(∩_∩)O
She/Her Bi (●'◡'●)
Taken By No One( ̄︶ ̄)
Joined In This Account At 20/04/2024 ( $ _ $ )
Birthday: Jan 4 (*^▽^*)
I Have Trust Issues (︶^︶)
Languages I Speak: English
gradient that i will use.
Flag Counter!! >ω<
Bestie List:
Friends List:
@TE_mkfanYT / @MKFanYT (MKFanYT is @TE_mkfanYT's Old Acc)
Ppl I See As
Credits To: @Kommisar_K, @-Alyssa-
Text Colors
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Pink | FFC0CB
Lightpink | FFB6C1
Hotpink | FF69B4
Deeppink | FF1493
Palevioletred | D87093
Mediumvioletred | C71585
Lavender | E6E6FA
Thistle | D8BFD8
Plum | DDA0DD
Orchid | DA70D6
Violet | EE82EE
Fuchsia | FF00FF
Magenta | FF00FF
Mediumorchid | BA55D3
Darkorchid | 9932CC
Darkviolet | 9400D3
Blueviolet | 8A2BE2
Darkmagenta | 8B008B
Purple | 800080
Mediumpurple | 9370D8
Mediumslateblue | 7B68EE
Slateblue | 6A5ACD
Darkslateblue | 483D8B
Rebeccapurple | 663399
Indigo | 4B0082
Lightsalmon | FFA07A
Salmon | FA8072
Darksalmon | E9967A
Lightcoral | F08080
Indianred | CD5C5C
Crimson | DC143C
Red | FF0000
Firebrick | B22222
Darkred | 8B0000
Maroon | 800000
Orange | FFA500
Darkorange | FF8C00
Coral | FF7F50
Tomato | FF6347
Orangered | FF4500
Gold | FFD700
Yellow | FFFF00
Lightyellow | FFFFE0
Lemonchiffon | FFFACD
Lightgoldenrodyellow | FAFAD2
Papayawhip | FFEFD5
Moccasin | FFE4B5
Peachpuff | FFDAB9
Palegoldenrod | EEE8AA
Khaki | F0E68C
Darkkhaki | BDB76B
Goldenrod | DAA520
Darkgoldenrod | B8860B
Greenyellow | ADFF2F
Chartreuse | 7FFF00
Lawngreen | 7CFC00
Lime | 00FF00
Limegreen | 32CD32
Palegreen | 98FB98
Lightgreen | 90EE90
Mediumspringgreen | 00FA9A
Springgreen | 00FF7F
Mediumseagreen | 3CB371
Seagreen | 2E8B57
Forestgreen | 228B22
Green | 008000
Darkgreen | 006400
Yellowgreen | 9ACD32
Olivedrab | 688E23
Olive | 808000
Darkolivegreen | 556B2F
Mediumaquamarine | 66CDAA
Darkseagreen | 8FBC8F
Lightseagreen | 20B2AA
Darkcyan | 008B8B
Teal | 008080
Aqua | 00FFFF
Cyan | 00FFFF
Lightcyan | E0FFFF
Paleturquoise | AFEEEE
Aquamarine | 7FFFD4
Turquoise | 40E0D0
Mediumturquoise | 48D1CC
Darkturquoise | 00CED1
Cadetblue | 5F9EA0
Steelblue | 4682B4
Lightsteelblue | B0C4DE
Lightblue | ADD8E6
Powderblue | B0E0E6
Lightskyblue | 87CEFA
Skyblue | 87CEEB
Cornflowerblue | 6495ED
Deepskyblue | 00BFFF
Dodgerblue | 1E90FF
Royalblue | 4169E1
Blue | 0000FF
Mediumblue | 0000CD
Darkblue | 00008B
Navy | 000080
Midnightblue | 191970
Cornsilk | FFF8DC
Blanchedalmond | FFEBCD
Bisque | FFE4C4
Navajowhite | FFDEAD
Wheat | F5DEB3
Burlywood | DEB887
Tan | D2B48C
Rosybrown | BC8F8F
Sandybrown | F4A460
Peru | CD853F
Chocolate | D2691E
Saddlebrown | 8B4513
Sienna | A0522D
Brown | A52A2A
White | FFFFFF
Honeydew | F0FFF0
Mintcream | F5FFFA
Azure | F0FFFF
Aliceblue | F0F8FF
Ghostwhite | F8F8FF
Whitesmoke | F5F5F5
Seashell | FFF5EE
Beige | F5F5DC
Oldlace | FDF5E6
Floralwhite | FFFAF0
Ivory | FFFFF0
Antiquewhite | FAEBD7
Linen | FAF0E6
Lavenderblush | FFF0F5
Mistyrose | FFE4E1
Gainsboro | DCDCDC
Lightgray | D3D3D3
Silver | C0C0C0
Darkgray | A9A9A9
Dimgray | 696969
Gray | 808080
Lightslategray | 778899
Slategray | 708090
Darkslategray | 2F4F4F
Black | 000000

last usernames
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150 years old (Born on 04/01/1874)
Registered since 20/04/2024
Last connection: 29/08/2024

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Last messages on the forum :

Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
i'll probably send my last message in one of my favourite topics.
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
i swear if i see this pink haired bitch in yt shorts advertising his song again, i will make sure whoever made this guy never sees sunlight from this day on
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
oh yeah
tendo is not the sole reason btw
its also a bunch of other IRL stuff like school

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No created circuit

Last circuit comments :

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Best scores in time trial :

Rank Class Circuit Character Time
297th 150cc Sunset Wilds
457th 150cc DK Pass
655th 150cc Rainbow Road

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Last followed topics :

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