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Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Budze wrote:
Speed Is More Important Then That Dumb Handling stat Don't Get It Twisted.:}:}:}tusors

handling > speed
which is why people use daisy stats
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Budze wrote:
Sorry Twilight But You Cant Join Because You Don't Meet The Requirements.

ever heard of a joke?
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Budze wrote:
I'm hosting A SMK2 Online Event. I Need At Least 7 Other Players 7K To 11K Points Once 7 To 11 Other players Accept I Will Let You Know When I'm Ready. The Only Rule Is That You Can't RD.Edit: Message I'll Join! If You Want To Join. I'll Check Your Stats And If They Land In The requirements I'll Validate You!

i want to join because i totally 100% have under 11k points and i rd with daisy stats


Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Magma Meadows!:p
1.Yes were driving on dirt road Doesn't even make sense but okay
2. Yes it's based off the track Didn't even looked like it was based off of but okay
3.A track just to replace another track (Forgot which one it replaced)
4.There's a first cup for SYKU!(Special cup btw)

1: this isn't your project
2: stop trying to be SYK
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
WE BACK IN BUSINESS BOYS!!!(even though I make 0 dollars...)
As you can tell, this is the final version of Candy Forest:p(May be renamed to Candy River or Lake Candy)

looks interesting. i love it
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
lance4-_ wrote:
what requests DO you do?

i think he only does track requests
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Quick Announcement...
-SYKSC and SYKU are taking forever.(Shit I have 15 unfinished tracks on there.💀)
-Possibly a SYKU/Omega.
-Both SYKSC and SYKU might be on hold for a little while.(Like until February,I need a break from those 2.)
-Might cancel SYKSC and SYKU.
-Might also cancels the SYK and SYKSC remakes.
Soooo while i'm putting them on hold enjoy this flash game that became a track.:p

wait is that The Impossible Game??
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Sorry for triple post but I'm probably adding a members cup(4 cups)

Join if you want to.:p

https://i.postimg.cc/Fzh3yjZf/pixil-frame-0-29.png https://i.postimg.cc/3JSmG0DR/pixil-frame-0-30.png https://i.postimg.cc/GpYy6Mg8/pixil-frame-0-31.png https://i.postimg.cc/tT4KLczX/pixil-frame-0-28.png

sorry for revive but can i have a track?
if so, can it be Choco's Abstract Chasm?
it will be a track with lots of different weird and confusing patterns all scattered on and around the track
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Sneak Peak of RR
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Ooh, this looks cool! I'm hyped for that!!

Partagez vos carte pokémon customiser

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
i made sisyphus for no reason

Animated Movie Multicup

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
This game is releasing on:

PlayStation 4 & 5
Xbox One & Series X/S
Nintendo Switch
Mario Kart PC

this releasing on PS4, PS5, Xbox and Switch wont be possible 💀
like how would microsoft and nintendo know about it???

Post your Favourite Song Lyrics

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
The Stupendium - The Most Fashionable Faction (TF2 Song)
3, 2, 1, Begin!
Watch out! The scout's out and about.
Running around, bringing bonks right down on your scalp (Bonk!)
Do you even know who you're talking to here?
I'm a streak of greased lightning, keep fighting for years
I'm a stunner, number one run and gunner
My beats bring the heat 'cause I'm a sweet double jumper
Your finger’s on the trigger but before you get to pull it
I'll take a sip of fizz and go whizzing past your bullets
I'm on it like a rocket on a course to freakin' pound ya
Call me Super-Sonic 'cause I'm running rings around ya (Whew!)
I'm a dab hand with a sandman
I'm the baddest in the badlands
I'm a speed freak on a kill streak
See a blur and then it's bang bang

I'm the Demo! Boom goes my M.O.
Tyrant from the highlands getting violent on the bellows
The only thing more volatile than me would be my ammo
I'll leave you blown to pieces while my piece is screaming blammo
Did this have whisky in or was it nitroglycerine?
I'll find out on the way out if I'm spouting flaming p*ss again
'Cause if I live another day my liver might go anyway
And I'd rather go in glory so in war I won't be giving in
I suffer for my art
I've got sulphur on the heart
This tartan Spartan's gonna tear you apart.
Fire shots at the Cyclops, it never ends well
Oh, they're gonna have to glue you back together in hell

Zoom, red dot
Boom, headshot
Your head's got a new lead clot
Bring you to a dead stop, leave you with your head popped
Another target on the list that can be checked off
'Cause on a mission I am viciously efficient
My vitals just my rifle and a set of jars to p*ss in
When it comes to assassins you could say I'm high-calibre
Yanking my machete from your head like it's Excalibur
No mercy mercenary, I'll take you down like cattle when
My true forte's in 2Fort playing blood sports on the battlements
Spray your brain 'fore you know what's happening
Safe to say, ya won't be wearing hats again

If you’re seeing red or you’re feeling blue
If you wanna bust caps and wear them too
If you like warfare in stylish headwear
Well have we got the game for you
No there isn’t any greater
Military millinery simulator
We fight all day to find out who’s
The most fashionable faction in TF2

Listen up ‘cause I won’t say it again
You'd better not be sissies because war is not a game!
Unless of course it's war games, then I’m all for games
Hope you're keeping score because numerate I sure ain't!
I am good at fighting, ask Sun Tzu
I taught him all he knows in the art of Shovel Fu
Way back in ancient China when I met him one night
He said Soldier’s really cool and the best at winning fights
Now I win all the fight money wherever I go
'Cause my rockets go BOOM then you explode
Now, the army told me that I was crazy
But I wrote this song so I’m clearly amazing

Gentlemen, it won't be gentle when
I sneak into your base and steal the faces of your helpless friends
Stealing your briefcase really was a brief case
You think you're smart but I have the intelligence
Be a man! Why do you have to die screaming?
I shoot you, take the loot and take my suit for dry cleaning.
I’m not cheating you ignorant swine!
I creep in and sneak things right into your spine
When I fight with my butterfly it stings like a bee
So tonight tell your mother 'hi', give her a kiss from me
I'm debonair with deadly flair, I'm anyone and anywhere
The face your mother wakes to is the last you'll ever see

I am heavy weapons guy
I make puny babies cry
Want to live? Rule one:
Don't. Touch. My. Gun.
May be slow, no need to rush ya
When i'm rolling with Natascha
Fill you dead with holes we crush ya
Leave you cold like snow in Russia.
Puny gun! I punch more damage!
Chew you up for lunch like sandvich
Think you can outrun me? Prove it
I'd like to see you outrun bullet

If you’re seeing red or you’re feeling blue
If you wanna bust caps and wear them too
If you like warfare in stylish headwear
Well have we got the game for you
No there isn’t any greater
Military millinery simulator
We fight all day to find out who’s
The most fashionable faction in TF2

Howdy! The engineer’s in the field (Ya!)
Farm boy charm with a megaton yield (Woo!)
I’ve got a cranium laced with uranium
Dispense your offense with the weapons I wield (Yeehaw!)
I'm hot stuff, ‘cause  I’ve a hundred degrees
So if you boil my blood you’ll get burned on Steam
I'm over qualified to leave you nullified and tan your sorry hide
You'd better run and hide or die by my machines
Just a friendly Engy
Preventing entry with a deadly sentry
Each practical problem I solve, my skill mounts
The only thing higher than my IQ is my kill count

Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Emboldened scolding folds of red and gold are my desire!
Its my sacred duty, keep the beauty burning higher
Leave you dismembered in the embers, every felling swells the pyre!
I'm a terror from the nether, something that you've never seen
With a charcoal soul, heart pumping kerosene
You've met your match you'll be a charred patch on the floorboards
I'll strike a match and strike the match off of the scoreboard
What's it matter if my brain's deranged when I snuff you out?
Boy, does it look lovely out! Candy canes and fluffy clouds!
Racking up the kills as I’m cranking up the grill
Easy to blow you away when you're just powder

Got a little headache? You'd better call the Medic!
Were you wanting anesthetic? Really don’t be so pathetic
That burning is a bird within your sternum that snuck in whilst I was working
But I think a bloody dove is quite a lovely aesthetic
You grazed your knee? Well it seems to me
You need invasive exploratory surgery
See I may have a little uncertainty
Between patient, Specimen? It’s a blur to me.
Get the point of my syringes at your hiney
I’ll Übercharge and buff you 'til you're shiny
I could fix you quick with my medi-gun
The procedure is painless but that’s no fun…

If you’re feeling blue or you’re seeing red
If what’s on your mind’s what’s on your head
Who wants to battle
When there’s catalogues of hats to browse instead?
It’s not how far you push the cart
What matters is the noble art
Of dressing heads in dandy threads
To wear whilst you are blown apart

If you’re seeing red or you’re feeling blue
If you wanna bust caps and wear them too
If you like warfare in stylish headwear
Well have we got the game for you
No there isn’t any greater
Military millinery simulator
We fight all day to find out who’s
The most fashionable faction in TF2

EDIT: another song
Hit Single Real - Car's Little Song
Hello my name is car and I made this song for everyone!
Enjoy is please hahehe
Open all your eyes
See that my name is car car car
Tell me you got it right
Let me say it one more time!
I once met a man
His name starts with a G!
Thanks to him, I now have 47 friends
And you're one!
I'll always be here: forever free!
Look ahead
Grow with me
Open all your eyes
See that my name is car car car
Tell me you got it right
Let me say it one more time
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
i have a lot of favourite songs at the moment so i'll just pick 2 random ones that i like

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OR3O - Best Friends (KinitoPET Song)

Hi I’m Kinito
Your virtual buddy on the screen
We’ll go with the flow
I’m nothing like you’ve ever seen

Welcome to the web world
Where you can help out my crew with tasks
Come give it a whirl
Also would you mind if I ask

What's your favorite color and cuisine?
What place do you want to live in?
Who is your best friend in the world
And is the answer me?

Answer correctly
Answer me please
You are my friend
Are you content?

Just you and me
It’ll be so much fun, You’ll have a ball
Don’t want you free
Forever and ever no pretend
Forever and ever you’re my friend

Oops that’s an error
Let's get back to where we last left off
Here is a tour of
The world that i built for you with love

Look at the walls it's what you drew
And look there is all your favorite foods
I was wondering just one little thing
Will you stay with me?

Answer correctly
Answer me please
You have no voice
There is no choice

Just you and me
It’ll be so much fun, You’ll have a ball
Don’t want you free
Forever and ever you’re my friend

Why not give the access all to me
Just put in the code on the screen
And i'll be waiting here patiently
Wait, what is happening?

Why’d you delete me
This is no more fun please change it back
I’m so sorry
I guess it's goodbye, is this the end?

I'm sorry i wanted to be your friend

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The Stupendium - Wool Over Our Eyes (Cult of the Lamb song)

As I skip amongst the thickets
Well, just look at what I’ve found
An innocent wee critter
Sitting, shivering on the ground
Entrapped and gagged and bound
Upon a sacrificial mound
Such a miserable predicament
So, how’d you like the sound
Of a haven-cum-community
A vibrant congregation
Of waywards just like you
The fates aligned for me to save from
The depraved and heathen demons
And their vile abominations
Enslaving feeble minds
Into a life of prostration
Not like my operation
Not the slightest correlation
Why, we’ve dances, feasts and festivals
It’s like we’re on vacation
No time for contemplation
Would you like to come and take some
Salvation in exchange
For just some light indoctrination?


Welcome in, brethren!
Step down off the pentagram
Blessed be and bend the knee
And pledge to me forever and
Forget the need to question and
We’ll never need to reprimand
Lethargy is heresy
You’re very keen to lend a hand
There’s effigies to render
And a temple yet to build
We’ve many seeds to tend to
And there’s earth still left to till
And every second spare
You’d best remember to keep filled
In reverent prayer and penance
Lest dissenters will be KILL-
-ecting up the mess
Until they find their crimes regrettable
All evidence says heaven’s light’s
Not likely for the sceptical
The bedding’s of the finest moss
The lichen often edible
Now, don’t you think your life outside
Was tiresome and forgettable?

Deep in the dark of the woods
Where secrets sleep
We serve he who waits beneath
Till the soul, devotion reap
For the lamb who herds the sheep
In the dark of the woods
We pledge our lives
Sages say that faith is blind
Arms raised high in sacrifice
Pull down wool over our eyes

Time for your donations
Fill the dish up, pass the gold plate
Every penny pays to kill
The Bishops of the Old Faith
Our benefactor waits
Betwixt the crippling links of old chains
Tethered to the plains
Until the heretics are all slain
So, pay the tithes and pray you might
Remain upon the list of all
The cherished, chosen children
For whom love is unconditional
Your contribution’s absolution
For the guilt within you all
Our movement may be new
But all your sins are still original
You’ll find my sermons stirring
Form the circle, get your heads down
Heavy hangs the neck
Of any vessel of the Red Crown
Blessed to be the shepherd
Of the desperate and oppressed now
Destined for ascension
Ne’er the wealthy ever left ground
So, empty out your bank accounts
And dance around the fire
And focus your devotion
Through the crackling of the pyre
So potent and ambrosial
It flows through blackened spires
To satiate our patron
And their rancorous desires

The game is barely set
Yet e’er within the deck you’ve dwelt
We’ve never met and yet
We meet again upon my pelts
The cards we want are often drawn
But seldom ever dealt
But, chance the hand you’re given
Mayhap lift you where you fell
Tell me, little lamb
Do you see destiny immutable?
Does fate or dedication
Keep you bended knee and dutiful?
Feign predestination?
Or is zealotry the truth of all
The paths you never take and never leave
Yet in the future walk?
Saviour or enslaver?
Oh, these labels are but shallow things
You brave the twisting mists
Betwixt the hallowed and the harrowing
And pray that they may shift
Amidst the rhapsody of Haro’s wings
So, just embrace the chaos
And the clarity the tarot brings

Deep in the dark of the woods
Where secrets sleep
We serve he who waits beneath
Till the soul, devotion reap
For the lamb who herds the sheep
In the dark of the woods
We pledge our lives
Sages say that faith is blind
Arms raised high in sacrifice
Pull down wool over our eyes

The time has come, enlightened ones
The hour is at hand
Or do you doubt the crown?
The righteous power it commands?
We swear to scriptures devilish
Devout or ever-damned
Till fetid grip of heretics
Is scoured from the land
Who today can truly say
Their faith has never faltered?
Whose neck, so trained to pray
Would never strain against the halter?
These reins that pave the way
Towards our patron’s radiant reign
And so, which waif ordained by grace
Shall fate see slain upon the altar?
For what have we to give
Once coin and toil have been expended?
For naught have we to live
If plots of soil to be lamented
Are the unascended end
To whence our mortal coil has wended
The rested dead are spoiled
Not with the spoils we are intended
But flesh, bequeathed freely,
grants a life a higher purpose
In death, a deeper meaning,
everlasting pious service
Sowing seeds precedes a reaping
Start a line, now who’s the first?
You all decided to convert
So tell me, why’re you so nervous?
For your fervour has been fated now
To satiate the beast
In chains he waits beneath
And how he craves to be released
We celebrate in blessed flame
So, pray and take a seat
And pledge unto their name
Lest you be plated at the feast
Let your faith remain unshaken
In our monastery’s beliefs
You’ve no claim to consecration
When there’s coffers to be greased
Stay praiseful to your deity
Their prophecy and priest
For the sheep may be the shepherd
But the flock is being fleeced

Deep in the dark of the woods
Where secrets sleep
We serve he who waits beneath
Give the flesh, ascension seek
From the lamb who herds the sheep
In the dark of the woods
We pledge our lives
Sages say that faith is blind
Arms raised high in sacrifice
Pull down wool over our eyes
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom

2 to the 1 from the 1 to the 3
The deepest end of GD Memes
Bro this is fire!
Knock em out!
Second drop, right now.
3: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
I wish there was a way I could earn money free man
Too easy! Lemon squeezy!
It's Wulzy
You've been trolled!
GD Cologne
It's not yellow.
Fire in the hole!
I beat The Golden!
I beat Zodiac!
The hardest level in the game:
Back On Track
I died... at 69%
I take them on a journey
to the recent taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
Oh my god
Oh my god
Oh my god
Oh my god
Venomous pen in my palm is sick
Your sweater looks like Juniper's skin (What?)
Taking credit for something you didn't do.
And she said:
"Hehe, I'm so confused"
22 people are playing Future Funk.
I can't think of any clips to add here
2.2 Sneak Peek
2.2 Sneak Peek (Release PLEASE)
2.2 Sneak Peek; 2.2 Sneak Peek
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom

Fire in the hole!
in the,
Fire in the hole
Fire in the hole
The hole
in the?
Fire in the hole!
in the,
Fire in the hole
Fire in the hole!
The hole!
Fire in the hole!
Oh matey
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
ChocoM1lk wrote:
MovieLOVER wrote:
ChocoM1lk wrote:
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
It is a road that you go
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
And you will know when you get there
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
It is a road that you go
It's a road that you go when you die
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's a road we're all gonna go
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's got Princess Peach, Mario and the Toad
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's a road we're all gonna go (We'll go)
It's Rainbow Road
It's where you go when you die
It's Rainbow Road
I'll miss you again, uncle
It's Rainbow Road
It's where you go when you die
It's Rainbow Road
I'll miss you again
Oh Rainbow Road

wait didn't i already post that-





Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
ChocoM1lk wrote:
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
It is a road that you go
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
And you will know when you get there
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
It is a road that you go
It's a road that you go when you die
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's a road we're all gonna go
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's got Princess Peach, Mario and the Toad
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's a road we're all gonna go (We'll go)
It's Rainbow Road
It's where you go when you die
It's Rainbow Road
I'll miss you again, uncle
It's Rainbow Road
It's where you go when you die
It's Rainbow Road
I'll miss you again
Oh Rainbow Road

wait didn't i already post that-

Ooo I’m sorry..

its ok!
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
MovieLOVER wrote:
ChocoM1lk wrote:
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
It is a road that you go
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
And you will know when you get there
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
It is a road that you go
It's a road that you go when you die
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's a road we're all gonna go
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's got Princess Peach, Mario and the Toad
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's a road we're all gonna go (We'll go)
It's Rainbow Road
It's where you go when you die
It's Rainbow Road
I'll miss you again, uncle
It's Rainbow Road
It's where you go when you die
It's Rainbow Road
I'll miss you again
Oh Rainbow Road

wait didn't i already post that-



Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
It is a road that you go
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
And you will know when you get there
It's called a road
It's called a Rainbow Road
It is a road that you go
It's a road that you go when you die
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's a road we're all gonna go
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's got Princess Peach, Mario and the Toad
It's a road called Rainbow Road
It's a road we're all gonna go (We'll go)
It's Rainbow Road
It's where you go when you die
It's Rainbow Road
I'll miss you again, uncle
It's Rainbow Road
It's where you go when you die
It's Rainbow Road
I'll miss you again
Oh Rainbow Road

wait didn't i already post that-
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom

I was gonna rise
to the sky!
With my
Moon Fries!
They all let me down
to sound so solid
Then I found
Moon Fries!
Life could be much more
I was left on the floor
'Til I saw with my eyes
Moon Fries!
Finally I ran to home
But I should've known
It was all a lie
Moon Fries!
I was gonna rise
to the sky
with my
Moon Fries!
They all let me down
to sound so solid
Then I found
Moon Fries!
Moon Fries!
Moon Fries!

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