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Kassel Labs

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
so like this topic is for this lil website i found which allows you to create your own custom intros for game of thrones, star wars etc


Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
has anyone else gotten this error message when they pressed play or private room or is it just me who has it
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
might start a match where the words are video games
gonna do that tomorrow if anyone is interested

Obscure Games You Have Played

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
pretty fun game tbh

Choco Kart Omega Official Topic

Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
tbh there's not really much reason for this to exist anymore since there's already a discord server so i'll just lock this
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
quick lil update: kl1MocohC Tower's song has been replaced by this

Have You Made A GD Themed Track Yet? MAybe You COuld Use The Music From The GD10 Boss Rush nnimation

i've already planned out all of the tracks so no
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
quick lil update: kl1MocohC Tower's song has been replaced by this
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
so now that the official choco kart discord server exists, this topic won't be used as much so i might lock it but idk yet
also here's the invite link: https://discord.gg/XtVkfQEa
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
sorry i haven't posted a track in a while. i've just been stuck on making sorta good layouts for the tracks + SAT tests are next week so i haven't really had much time to make them :s
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
SuperMega7 wrote:
There was more CKO tracks (nitro and retro) that got released after the last news... Anyways, I think Twilight just forgot about this topic...

yeah i kinda did forget about this topic but now that i have just remembered it's existence, i will probably be posting more news here now
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
the Easter holidays have finally rolled around for me so expect an increase in track making!! :D
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
every character sprite is now finished! (except for one)
one last thing, the remake of AFQMM Turquoise Keep is done!! enjoy ^^
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
just finished making Magma Mario. will start to make tracks again very soon!
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
i've decided that CKO is going to have unlockable characters by completing Boss Race challenges, 3 of which i have made already. so yeah, so far i have only made the ones for the nitro tracks but i might make some characters as rewards for the retro cups, still not sure about that tho. anyways, here's the character list:
Poison Mushroom Cup Character: Gem Guy
Wonder Seed Cup Character: Robo-Bones
Dragon Coin Cup Character: Shadow Yoshi
Power Moon Cup Character: Magma Mario (Magmario for short)
i haven't yet planned the retro cup characters so that might take me a while to figure out.
edit: i decided that the power moon cup character will be Magma Mario
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Techneon City is out! genial
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
anyways, i've decided that Techneon City's music will be reverted back to the original song
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Dudzi wrote:
TwilightGD wrote:
recently i've been thinking of making a (kinda) puzzle challenge for CKO called "Find (character)!" where i hide somewhere on a track, take a screenshot of the top right minimap and then make it a challenge. thoughts?

Cool! Is this inspired by Mario Odyssey pictures?

at first it wasn't but only now did i remember the SMO hint pictures so i guess it is

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