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Mario Kart 9 announcement!
On 2025-01-20 at 01:42:40
I don't think there will be 24 players because that could be a little laggy, and there might not be enough characters for 24 players..... Imagine a full room in online play. If you look really closely at the gameplay, there are 24 brackets, which means this could be a 24 player Mario Kart game. Sounds pretty chaotic to me.
They've already shown 24 at once in the trailer. Not to mention that Wii was 2008 & had 32 characters, 8 WiiU had even more thanks to the Koopalings & clones.
Guess the origins of my profile picture.
On 2025-01-22 at 12:18:19
It's from some Roblox game so I don't care to find out
My Apologies
On 2023-04-16 at 00:46:04
I'm Sorry for whatever i did if you be mean to me, i will remove my profile picture even my tracks.
Are You This Guy And This Guy And This Guy And This Guy?

In What Way Is Asking If You Have Four Other Accounts Cringe? Also Your Message Is Kinda Useless Because It Is Only 6 Characters And 1 Word

That's even more useless than the first one

*59Zr Throw a bnzari bill & explodes the topic*
Sorry bud, a bnzari bill doesn't exist, this topic is still up.

On 2023-04-15 at 22:53:27
I'm Sorry for whatever i did if you be mean to me, i will remove my profile picture even my tracks.
Are You This Guy And This Guy And This Guy And This Guy?

In What Way Is Asking If You Have Four Other Accounts Cringe? Also Your Message Is Kinda Useless Because It Is Only 6 Characters And 1 Word

That's even more useless than the first one

On 2023-04-15 at 22:52:10

Wow great to know, thanks for sharing

He was being sarcastic. Just an FYI in case you cpuldn't tell.
Dude...(Brain Assumptions atp)
On 2025-01-16 at 03:16:32
but now...
what's the color of this shoe?

is it white and pink or teal and grey?
This one pisses me off so much bc with the dress I can atleast see the correct color thanks to screen shenanigans. Not only do we not know the shoe's actual color, I can't even find a way to not see this faded pink!
On 2025-01-16 at 03:05:24
Am I the only one who genuinely sees white and gold on this topic?
No, I see it too. I gotta push my laptop screen back to see black & blue. The second image really helped.
Like, step back from your screen a bit, you'll kinda start to see it, it's really cool.
There's still no 100% conclusive explanation either. Just one of the wonders of the world, I guess.
I mean, there is a "solution", it's just not a one-size-fits-all solution
Basically, the picture's over-exposure puts the light source into question, so the brain has to assume what it is & that's where the different colors come from.
Shit ton of sunlight - white & gold
Some dollar store LED - black & blue
There's a ton of studies and stuff about how it's based on if you're a day fowl or night owl
At least there's a confirmed answer for the dress' real color.
Can't say the same for The Shoe though...(yes there is a sequel to this debate, and it's completely unrelated to the explanation for the dress, it's even worse actually, not as well known but it's worse)
thats nice
is white/light blue and gold how Night Owls like me see it, or is it the other way around? because if its the latter, then thats weird
Other way around. Of course, it's not a one-for-all answer, just how it was found for most people. In reality, we still don't quite know the full answer. And it's possible to be a 'night owl', like, on your phone, which would be different from literal graveyard shifting at a desk doing who knows what(assuming that's what you meant by you're a night owl)
On 2025-01-16 at 00:11:48
Am I the only one who genuinely sees white and gold on this topic?
No, I see it too. I gotta push my laptop screen back to see black & blue. The second image really helped.
Like, step back from your screen a bit, you'll kinda start to see it, it's really cool.
There's still no 100% conclusive explanation either. Just one of the wonders of the world, I guess.
I mean, there is a "solution", it's just not a one-size-fits-all solution
Basically, the picture's over-exposure puts the light source into question, so the brain has to assume what it is & that's where the different colors come from.
Shit ton of sunlight - white & gold
Some dollar store LED - black & blue
There's a ton of studies and stuff about how it's based on if you're a day fowl or night owl
At least there's a confirmed answer for the dress' real color.
Can't say the same for The Shoe though...(yes there is a sequel to this debate, and it's completely unrelated to the explanation for the dress, it's even worse actually, not as well known but it's worse)
On 2025-01-15 at 22:43:58
They'll be talking about this for weeks I know they will
Anyway, what colors do you see in the dress? Yeah it's black & blue, it's not up for debate, but what do you see? Do you see white & gold?
Which dress are you talking about? (yes I awakened)
This dress:

10 years ago there was a debate on what color it is(which is why it's resurfaced: to tell the truth it never really went away)
The correct color is black & blue, but some people are perceiving the light differently and seeing different colors.
Eventually we got a picture taken with a better camera, & this particular side profile for comparison, but some ppl are still in denial.

The general consensus is that it's an ugly ass dress & a picture taken with an ugly ass camera intentionally.
On 2025-01-15 at 22:23:13
They'll be talking about this for weeks I know they will
Anyway, what colors do you see in the dress? Yeah it's black & blue, it's not up for debate, but what do you see? Do you see white & gold?
I thought this would be about how they caught you wearing a dress (it's blue and black btw)
I promise you, I would not be here if that was the case
On 2025-01-15 at 13:38:34
how does anyone see white and gold its clearly blue and black
It's something to do with how your brain perceives the light source, there's a picture that shows it off really well
Somebody pointed out that if you push your laptop screen back you can see the blue and black and that's when I realized they were right.
On 2025-01-15 at 01:40:03
My parents just learned about the dress it's so over
They'll be talking about this for weeks I know they will
Anyway, what colors do you see in the dress? Yeah it's black & blue, it's not up for debate, but what do you see? Do you see white & gold?
They'll be talking about this for weeks I know they will
Anyway, what colors do you see in the dress? Yeah it's black & blue, it's not up for debate, but what do you see? Do you see white & gold?
What Mario Kart game has the best music?
On 2025-01-15 at 03:37:42
In terms of generally I would say 8DX. I was just talking nitros, should’ve clarified that. Wii still has the best music if we are talking nitros, DS comes close, F8C/MC, Desert Hills, Bowser Castle, and of course Waluigi Pinball are bangers.
Fair point. I still think I'd like 3DS over Wii, but they're all pretty good (except 64)
On 2025-01-15 at 02:09:17
8 Deluxe. It has just about every song worth listening too, & even the bad ones sound better than they used to(Toad Turnpike, Dry Dry Desert, etc.) Add in the Booster Course Pass & you have an almost perfect OST. There are a couple good ones missing though(Choco Island, Koopa Troopa Beach, 64 Sherbet Land, Shy Guy Beach, Lakeside Park, GBA Bowser Castle, YOSHI DESERT, GCN Rainbow Road, Airship Fortress, Luigi's Mansion, Delfino Square, Toad's Factory, Dry Dry Ruins, Daisy Hills, Cheep Cheep Lagoon, Shy Guy Bazaar, Wario Shipyard, 3DS Bowser Castle & Piranha Plant Pipeline) but as a whole it's definitely far and away the best. I'd give 7 second place; it has most of the ups with less downs than Wii, & obviously some of Wii's best music(also a lot of the retro songs are ported over from Wii, so it's not even close because it's the same songs & then some)
Okay, everyone let's talk about Mario Kart Crossroads, or Mario Kart X
On 2024-03-12 at 18:12:49
It isn't Real.
Simply un-true. The next game IS in development. That's how most big studios operate on long running franchises; finish one project, & pretty quickly start work on the next one. If it were something smaller, like Mario Tennis, they'd wait a bit before developing the next one(also all the sports games are made by the same guys(Camelot), so even then the entire dev team is still working on another game almost immediately afterwards) So it is real. Mario Kart X. The name is not final, of course, but it does exist.

On 2024-03-12 at 17:37:31
Mario Kart Crossroads, or Mario Kart X, is set to release next year. What are your thoughts about it? give me your best opinions.
Okay, FYI the Crossroads part is bullshit, but yes, MKX next year.
I'm hyped for the new generation honestly, no retros, only new courses. It's gonna be lit!

Zenless Zone Zero girls
On 2025-01-15 at 22:30:15

Make a Super Smash Bros. Character Moveset
On 2024-02-05 at 20:10:21
@Chilli3564 sorry, Astral Chain is a fantastic game that deserves a slot. And it's the newest Nintendo IP(technically). The same way they added Inkling, they should add Akira.
I meant to react with a thumbs-up, Astral Chain is pretty good from what I've seen
Oh okay, sorry.
On 2024-02-05 at 17:41:49
@Chilli3564 sorry, Astral Chain is a fantastic game that deserves a slot. And it's the newest Nintendo IP(technically). The same way they added Inkling, they should add Akira.
On 2024-02-04 at 23:57:35
Fighter: Akira Howard(Astral Chain)
This is a bit of an unknown for a lot of you probably, but if anyone deserves a slot, it's the new kid on the block. The game is a hack & slash, go buy it, it's really, really good.
Akira is male by default(one of those MCs)
Long story short, they're a Police officer with an armplate computer than spawns Personas to fight with. They're called Legions. More on them, later.
They're normals are still really boring, but they use a baton instead of a sword, so that's unique atleast. That is, if your PC(it's called Legatus is on cooldown(no Legions are active) If one is, things get......complicated, fast. It's essentially Luma, but way cooler.
The 5 legions are Sword, Axe, Arm, Beast & Arrow.
All of these are pretty self explanatory, depending on which one is active, your moves change.
Specials: Because obviously, that's the bulk of this entire thing, normals are so bland.
Neutral: Handcannon/Hyper Slash/Hyper Shot/Hyper Punch/Hyper Fang/Hyper Swing
As you can probably tell by the names, these are all really simple.
Handcannon: As a police officer, Akira carries around a pocket gun. Pretty standard.
Hyper Slash: Big ass Slash
Hyper Shot: Arrows of light tend to hurt
Hyper Punch: Falcon Punch who???
Hyper Fang: Who's a good boy?
Hyper Swing: Do. Not. Shield. Do. Not. Roll. In. Do. Not. Jump. You WILL die.
Side B: More of the same.
Up B: Grappling Hook if not a Legion. If Legion, more of the same.
Down B: Legion Switch
Self explanatory
Final Smash: Overkill Attack
What would an action game be if it doesn't have that instakill attack meter? Depending on the active Legion, this will look different. Instakills when the victim's damage exceeds 100.
Random chance to be "Deep Synced" indicated by Akira's appearance. This does more damage, obviously, & instakills at 80 instead.
Things to note:
The Legions function like Luma, so they will run around an attack independently unless you use a specific attack that involves them, in which case they will TP to you before the attack.
You & your Legion are connected by a semi-solid chain, as in, solid when you need it to be. Should an enemy end up between you & your Legion at any point, press B to choke them with it & do the normal Overkill finisher. Instakills at 130%.
Akira is unusually deeply connected to their Legions(lore), so when they take damage, you take a little as well, but no knockback.
Legions have up to 100 HP, & once summoned last for 25 seconds.(Shortened from 100 in the actual game). When that time is up, the Legatus will be unusable for another 15 seconds.(Shortened from 30???(it's been a while)
Up: Iris activation + deactivation
Left: Cool pose w/Legion
Down: Plays Solitaire on the Legatus(reference)
Victory theme: Snippet of the Main Theme
Victory poses: Cooler versions of the Taunts, except for #3, where Akira gets on that badass bike & drives away(PLS play this game)
4 Male, 4 Female
1: Normal Male
2: Normal Female
3: Yoseph
4: Jena
5: Maximilian(RIP Dad)
6: Olive
7: Massive Spoilers Male
8: Massive Spoilers Female
Special: IRIS analysis
Essentially a codec call for every character. Reads a police file for each, essentially, giving tips on how to beat them. Tons of cool dialogue to be read there. Only works on the Astral Plane stage.
Stage: Astral Plane
An alternate dimension which has started pouring into the real world, which forces 90% of Earth to be unhabitable, revealed to be the memory bank of the entirety of humanity.(Where they're brains are stored, essentially)
Basically FD, but with two extra, smaller FDs to the far right & left. And also just red.
Randomly, Humunculus(looks like Experiment Z-57 from Dread for reference, except he's older by 2 years.) will appear, & cause a shit ton of trouble. And then leave. And then come back. He's also the boss of classic mode)
Music: 10 songs, this is really hard to do, this whole "Create a Fighter" thing.
1: Creation forgot how hard this went)
2: Emergency
3: Central City(Combat Phase)
4: Invaders From Another World
5: Astral Plane
6: Astral Plane(Combat Phase)
7: Legion Assault don't care how strong you are Axe, I will not forgive you for that fight)
8: Chimera Takedown
9: Homunculus Y
10: Dark Hero~ Male + Female Version Duet(spoilers) only get to hear one, depending on which Akira you didn't choose(yeah, the explanation in game for male & female versions is that you're twins))
11: The Only One
12: Noah Prime(spoilers I guess?)
13: The Answer(even more spoilers)
Also, like, this game is awesome, also they've teased a sequel(during the Bayonetta 3 reveal, that Dog is the Police's mascot), if you want to catch up on the story before it comes out, do. It's a Platinum Games hack & slash, & it's T, so don't worry about the rating, there's light swearing, it's a fantastic game all around.
This is a bit of an unknown for a lot of you probably, but if anyone deserves a slot, it's the new kid on the block. The game is a hack & slash, go buy it, it's really, really good.
Akira is male by default(one of those MCs)
Long story short, they're a Police officer with an armplate computer than spawns Personas to fight with. They're called Legions. More on them, later.
They're normals are still really boring, but they use a baton instead of a sword, so that's unique atleast. That is, if your PC(it's called Legatus is on cooldown(no Legions are active) If one is, things get......complicated, fast. It's essentially Luma, but way cooler.
The 5 legions are Sword, Axe, Arm, Beast & Arrow.
All of these are pretty self explanatory, depending on which one is active, your moves change.
Specials: Because obviously, that's the bulk of this entire thing, normals are so bland.
Neutral: Handcannon/Hyper Slash/Hyper Shot/Hyper Punch/Hyper Fang/Hyper Swing
As you can probably tell by the names, these are all really simple.
Handcannon: As a police officer, Akira carries around a pocket gun. Pretty standard.
Hyper Slash: Big ass Slash
Hyper Shot: Arrows of light tend to hurt
Hyper Punch: Falcon Punch who???
Hyper Fang: Who's a good boy?
Hyper Swing: Do. Not. Shield. Do. Not. Roll. In. Do. Not. Jump. You WILL die.
Side B: More of the same.
Up B: Grappling Hook if not a Legion. If Legion, more of the same.
Down B: Legion Switch
Self explanatory
Final Smash: Overkill Attack
What would an action game be if it doesn't have that instakill attack meter? Depending on the active Legion, this will look different. Instakills when the victim's damage exceeds 100.
Random chance to be "Deep Synced" indicated by Akira's appearance. This does more damage, obviously, & instakills at 80 instead.
Things to note:
The Legions function like Luma, so they will run around an attack independently unless you use a specific attack that involves them, in which case they will TP to you before the attack.
You & your Legion are connected by a semi-solid chain, as in, solid when you need it to be. Should an enemy end up between you & your Legion at any point, press B to choke them with it & do the normal Overkill finisher. Instakills at 130%.
Akira is unusually deeply connected to their Legions(lore), so when they take damage, you take a little as well, but no knockback.
Legions have up to 100 HP, & once summoned last for 25 seconds.(Shortened from 100 in the actual game). When that time is up, the Legatus will be unusable for another 15 seconds.(Shortened from 30???(it's been a while)
Up: Iris activation + deactivation
Left: Cool pose w/Legion
Down: Plays Solitaire on the Legatus(reference)
Victory theme: Snippet of the Main Theme
Victory poses: Cooler versions of the Taunts, except for #3, where Akira gets on that badass bike & drives away(PLS play this game)
4 Male, 4 Female
1: Normal Male
2: Normal Female
3: Yoseph
4: Jena
5: Maximilian(RIP Dad)
6: Olive
7: Massive Spoilers Male
8: Massive Spoilers Female
Special: IRIS analysis
Essentially a codec call for every character. Reads a police file for each, essentially, giving tips on how to beat them. Tons of cool dialogue to be read there. Only works on the Astral Plane stage.
Stage: Astral Plane
An alternate dimension which has started pouring into the real world, which forces 90% of Earth to be unhabitable, revealed to be the memory bank of the entirety of humanity.(Where they're brains are stored, essentially)
Basically FD, but with two extra, smaller FDs to the far right & left. And also just red.
Randomly, Humunculus(looks like Experiment Z-57 from Dread for reference, except he's older by 2 years.) will appear, & cause a shit ton of trouble. And then leave. And then come back. He's also the boss of classic mode)
Music: 10 songs, this is really hard to do, this whole "Create a Fighter" thing.
1: Creation forgot how hard this went)
2: Emergency
3: Central City(Combat Phase)
4: Invaders From Another World
5: Astral Plane
6: Astral Plane(Combat Phase)
7: Legion Assault don't care how strong you are Axe, I will not forgive you for that fight)
8: Chimera Takedown
9: Homunculus Y
10: Dark Hero~ Male + Female Version Duet(spoilers) only get to hear one, depending on which Akira you didn't choose(yeah, the explanation in game for male & female versions is that you're twins))
11: The Only One
12: Noah Prime(spoilers I guess?)
13: The Answer(even more spoilers)
Also, like, this game is awesome, also they've teased a sequel(during the Bayonetta 3 reveal, that Dog is the Police's mascot), if you want to catch up on the story before it comes out, do. It's a Platinum Games hack & slash, & it's T, so don't worry about the rating, there's light swearing, it's a fantastic game all around.