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How to react about DDos attack, reaction to the attack, discussion about it

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Since everybody else seems to have gotten that message, what's a haker? Is it a sex thing or something????

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Invu wrote:
Bro Like This Guy was trying to hack my account!

He did the same. I don't feel like that's true. And... just ignore him.
@40KsKool68 what ? You added nothing to my quote

sorry somehow i managed to put my message in the wrong place. fixed it
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Invu wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
Invu wrote:
hello guys... seems that the attack is very strong :/
my nigger army looks like they have become too powerful.

just kidding enjoy the spam stupid faggots

Haha, very funny. Now stop being racist and homohphobiv, and go back to your room where you're not causing a mess. So you aren't a bot. Hmm hmm. Basically, you put the site under all of this bullshit, just because you were bored ? We didn't ask for this, we were fully innocent... just.... why ? Spamming accounts, topics, messages... what is this ?? What was the point of making people annoyed just because you were bored ? So immature and childish. This gives me vibes of villains as kids when they're like "mom I was bored" and then they're like making a whole city explode but you know, everything is okay.
Just get out and hurry because you don't belong here.


That's not a nerd emoji

Also I have something to say


Listen I know they're a big clown but that's just too many! I had to get rid of like 80% of them!

Relax, I'm just assembling my army

doesn't match with my nigger army, step up

We do not care, at least we're not racist, homophobic and we're not trying to harass younger people who did nothing just because we are bored !!! GET A FUCKING LIFE !!!! IS THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND ???

Wait how old is GEORGEetc?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Invu wrote:
hello guys... seems that the attack is very strong :/
my nigger army looks like they have become too powerful.

just kidding enjoy the spam stupid faggots

Haha, very funny. Now stop being racist and homohphobiv, and go back to your room where you're not causing a mess. So you aren't a bot. Hmm hmm. Basically, you put the site under all of this bullshit, just because you were bored ? We didn't ask for this, we were fully innocent... just.... why ? Spamming accounts, topics, messages... what is this ?? What was the point of making people annoyed just because you were bored ? So immature and childish. This gives me vibes of villains as kids when they're like "mom I was bored" and then they're like making a whole city explode but you know, everything is okay.
Just get out and hurry because you don't belong here.

ah man you broke the chain of passive aggressive sarcasm 😢😢😢. Good points tho
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
40KsKool68 wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
hello guys... seems that the attack is very strong :/
my nigger army looks like they have become too powerful.

just kidding enjoy the spam stupid faggots

Actually I'm literally laughing right now. Also would you kindly explain the point of this spam?

i was bored

hm ok. Seems amusing. It's more than a bit inconsiderate, though


ok whatever do what makes you happy. Just remember to leap off a cliff for me8)

i will don't worry
i'd do anything for you my love<3

thx have fun. o btw no lifeline allowed 8)
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
40KsKool68 wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
hello guys... seems that the attack is very strong :/
my nigger army looks like they have become too powerful.

just kidding enjoy the spam stupid faggots

Actually I'm literally laughing right now. Also would you kindly explain the point of this spam?

i was bored

hm ok. Seems amusing. It's more than a bit inconsiderate, though


ok whatever do what makes you happy. Just remember to leap off a cliff for me8)
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
40KsKool68 wrote:
hello guys... seems that the attack is very strong :/
my nigger army looks like they have become too powerful.

just kidding enjoy the spam stupid faggots

Actually I'm literally laughing right now. Also would you kindly explain the point of this spam?

i was bored

hm ok. Seems amusing. It's more than a bit inconsiderate, though
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
hello guys... seems that the attack is very strong :/
my nigger army looks like they have become too powerful.

just kidding enjoy the spam stupid faggots

Actually I'm literally laughing right now. Also would you kindly explain the point of this spam?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
sadly since it's bots it can't be intimidated. real pity, cuz i tried. Still a vengeance hack sounds like such a fun idea rn
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
um someone else just made a topic about this i think

so.. someone is botting and spreading propaganda on the forums

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
40KsKool68 wrote:
So long story short this guy named George decided to make Nazi Germany Great again by going to MKPC, started botting and spamming Nazi Germany and pretty much made the report forum to a Propaganda machine

No no not quite. His nickname is George Floyd couldn't breath. He's probably doing an immature form of protesting about the death of George Floyd. I think Floyd was something of a drug addict who being high on drugs resisted arrest and a police officer put him in a hold in which the officer put a knee in his back. Floyd suffocated, either because of the knee in his back or because of the drugs in his blood, or both. So a lot of Americans got REALLY MAD because we have a strange thing called "systemic racism" over here. They assume the police officer killed Floyd on purpose (and it seems he was pretty negligent) and it kicked off rioting like all over the country.

Yeah but that was like, 3 years ago. Is he like 6? He could have done it ages ago. Or to a bigger site where it would actually do something, like Twitter.

yeah all we do here if someone is doing something like this is either banning or spamming facepalms

yeah lol. he's acting like a 6 year old
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
So long story short this guy named George decided to make Nazi Germany Great again by going to MKPC, started botting and spamming Nazi Germany and pretty much made the report forum to a Propaganda machine

No no not quite. His nickname is George Floyd couldn't breath. He's probably doing an immature form of protesting about the death of George Floyd. I think Floyd was something of a drug addict who being high on drugs resisted arrest and a police officer put him in a hold in which the officer put a knee in his back. Floyd suffocated, either because of the knee in his back or because of the drugs in his blood, or both. So a lot of Americans got REALLY MAD because we have a strange thing called "systemic racism" over here. They assume the police officer killed Floyd on purpose (and it seems he was pretty negligent) and it kicked off rioting like all over the country.

Why I'm leaving Discord

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
I check in and see this?

And the drama goes on... so many people leave because you people can't hear about an offense without turning it into WW3, people like Fways and Lely who stick around and try to calm you down you just ignore them. Wouldn't you like to stay calm and look at this rationally? Seems like Lely forgives Anthony, why shouldn't you? And why did this turn into just trading insults?

[FANFIC] A Blood Red Winter

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Too lazy to write twice in 5 minutes so can I join w/ all same as in flabebseth's new fanfic?

Several maps are broken

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Well good luck getting things up and running again. Your tracks are the best!:):):)

[FANFIC] The Fall of MKPC

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Name; K
Personality: loyal, patient, introverted
Species: eh I guess human. almost no one around here knows adeptus astartes.
Color: this
Abilities; master at smithcraft. Berserk fighter

Show me your mii character 😁!

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States

Daresay I may have seen that one before lol

Does anyone no eteled? The Wii Deleted You?

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
VLX wrote:
VLX wrote:
Who's that? |)

The main antagonist and protagonist of Wii Deleted You.


A creepypasta series. I swear if you don’t know what a creepypasta series is, Godzilla will have a stroke and die.

Why is Godzilla rubbing his arm and groaning? Oh shoot he just died.


Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Je connais très bien ce drapeau. Mon Grand-père me l'a donné avant de décéder.


A yes. Very nice. Grandpas seem to like collecting those things. Mine did. Obviously did not support its original meaning, but he collected them.

A Great Battle...

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
It's quite literally disgusting.

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