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Aight, I'mma Head Out

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Everyone plz don't read this spoiler. It's deep

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well, if you insist... one more warning tho MATURE CONTENT
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Okay now... a few reasons why I think LGBTQ+ is not a good thing. hey I warned you, don't get mad at me for exercising my freedom of speech Anyway here we go.

Religious reasons:

- I am a Catholic, so I believe in one perfect God, who created literally everything. His goal in this was to share His happiness with us. In order to do this we must prove our gratitude by obeying a set of really rather simple rules. Changing sex or becoming... attracted to someone of the same sex is against those rules and therefore evil. (Not calling any LGBTQs here evil, I'm calling the act evil. Understand that)

Scientific reasons (these apply even if the religious ones don't)

- Let's just say there is no God/gods. In that case, there is no afterlife for us, and we have but one duty here on earth, the survival of our species. Two guys can't make a new human. Two women can't (without an enormous chunk of cash and a fair-sized lab, not to mention their own biological systems.) So same-sex attraction is useless to our species.

Social reasons:

- You see this everywhere, even here, even in this message I'm posting, eh? This stuff confuses people and alienates them from one another. Nowadays you see someone in your class, or walking down the street and you just can't tell what they are Honestly I'm afraid to address some people because they might blow up if I get their pronouns wrong. And people who are LGBTQ feel insecure knowing that people might mistake them for something they're trying not to be.

Anyway once again, not trying to label anyone as evil here, I just want you to understand. I will say no more on the subject (I've already done the equivalent of a bunny dropping a grenade in your lap) There is enough drama here. Let's all just try to reestablish the peace and get this community back on track.

Lord, hitting the send button on this is one of the harder things of done in my life.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Clearly, I need some fresh air, so I'll leave for a while. Prob a month or more.

I considered explaining my stance more in depth, but I won't. I'll just say Freedom of Speech means Freedom of Speech, not "Freedom of Speech But Uhm Actually I Don't Really Like That One Thing, So Everything Else But That Actually" (Lely), take it or leave it, and dip. See ya.

I also have no shame in admitting that I think:
1: LGBTQ is a mental illness
2: People use it as a cop-out constantly
3: People do it for "clout"
4: It's primarily insecure people
5: My pastor makes banger points about it

So yeah. I expect a quick lock from our Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator, and yeah. See ya around. Maybe I'll come out of this like the  "I get it now" meme or something, but you can't say that I wasn't Krazey, which is all I want to be in life. Adieu!

Hey I'm with you 100%. Hope the break does you good!

ok, i hate humans now

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
-Max- wrote:
actually this shouldn't even be a topic on mkpc

should I lock it

Given the fact it's a pretty deep discussion and nobody's gonna give way, yes, please lock this before it turns into a real sh*tshow.

Why does nobody talk about this

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
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They froze my embryo for thirty years and then raised me in a vat full of lab invented nutrients.
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jk jk


Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Uuuh... can you plz translate this to english? It's a wee bit confusing.

mkpc: retail edition

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Noob68 wrote:
Noob’s gun store

I will refuse service to feds!

Building location: 07


-All ak series rifles (semi only)
-M1 Garand
-All AR platform rifles
-ruger 10/22


-Mossberg 590
-Remington 870
-Benelli M4


-All Glock series handguns (except the glock 18 )
-Colt SAA
-Sig Sauer p320
-Colt 1911


-12 gauge buckshot
And all ammunition for the firearms I sell, I’m to lazy to list it all.

Other stuff

-plate carrier
-plate armour
-magazines for all firearms I sell
- clash royale figurines (idk why I sell this)
- gun safety handbook

So…. You’re interested in some more premium wares huh? Maybe something with a fun switch if you know what I mean. Well then click the spolier.

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Machine guns
-All Ak series rifles (full auto)
-glock 18
And more!

If you’re a fed and you’re reading this I’m truly sorry for what I’m about to do to you but I can’t go back to jail.

Kit for one shooter, please (you know why).
Ak 47 (although an hk mp5 would be nice), Glock 9, grenades, plate carrier, plate armor, ammunition and magazines/firing clips.

Also could you possibly produce an hk416 and a SIG Sauer Tango6T rifle scope?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Noob68 wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Un-pc bioweapons


bubonic plague sample; 0.04mg. - $150
Unidentified Covid 19 strand; 0.0254mg. - $3.99
Bionuke (detonate above 0.5km altitude to infect approximately 200 square miles. - $11000
Blight grenades pack of 3 - $7
Warhammer minis, assembly, and painting supplies - various prices

More soon!

Btw @wal68 can I get some of that poison mushroom juice? 💵💶💷

Hello, can I have one bionuke please

Comin' up. Here you go.


Everything is satisfactory, I hope? And plz don't blow me up.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Un-pc bioweapons


bubonic plague sample; 0.04mg. - $150
Unidentified Covid 19 strand; 0.0254mg. - $3.99
Bionuke (detonate above 0.5km altitude to infect approximately 200 square miles. - $11000
Blight grenades pack of 3 - $7
Virus bombs - $400 each
Warhammer minis, assembly, and painting supplies - various prices

More soon!

Btw wal68 can I get some of that poison mushroom juice? 💵💶💷

If u see the ball guy online race he cheating

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
This game's got some lag problems. So expect to see people warping around as your computer tries to track 'em all. They're not cheating.

Wave 6 is here!

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
For crying out loud!

Use this topic

Someone beat you to the punch my friend. Discussions are active. Plz post there.


Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Funny how the topic with zero reason gets so many messages so quickly.


What are your Keybinds for MKPC?

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Same only I changed pause to the 2 key or something. I use it so rarely I wanted it somewhere I'm not likely to click by accident. X is just too close to the other default keys.

Updates for MKPC

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
KirbyBoy wrote:
Make the CPU in GP a Bit more Easier so they won't push You off. Over. Over. And Over.

Decreasing the cpus' weight characteristic in some harder GPs sounds like a good idea.

Pros; They do feel overpowered. You can ram them and you will be the one to go flying off the track. Literally.

Cons; The weight is there for a reason. It's a big part of why the last 3 prix are so hard. Plus lots of us who've already completed them will probably feel cheated. We're a jealous lot if ya haven't noticed.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
I got a purple drift once...

Was it a test?

What if...

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
It would add a nice new degree of similarity to the official Mario kart games, but like Wal68 said, the CPUs are already pretty capable. Also it would be kind of a pain to reprogram them just for that. Finally, if they had the additional speed granted from drifting in grand prix mode, it would be rather unfair to new players.

Best Memories

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Finishing the last advent calendar challenge last year. Good feel. 8)

And finding dietsoda was a Warhammer fan.

What is your Gender?

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
theSUN wrote:
theSUN is a star in space with 8 planet

xrunner48 wrote:

dwarf planets: am i a joke to you?

In summary;
TheMILKY WAY is a galaxy in space with theSUN which is a star in space with 8 planet and some dwarf planets which wonder: am i a joke to you?


[Fanfic] MKPC fantasy

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
FieryToad wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Episode 0: Fiery:

Fiery walks out if his house and towards the food vendor

Fiery: Hey could I take this melon?
Vendor: What? Yes of course just pay me the 3 gold and be on your way.
Fiery: I can't.
Vendor: Why not you have a wallet right there?
Fiery: I'm sorry but your gold is in another wallet.
Vendor: you want conflict? I challange you to a duel. You win, you get all the melons you want for free, I win you get a head shorter.
Fiery: Ok...

Fiery pulls out his axe as the Vendor grabs his rapier, preparing for an easy victory. He charges at Fiery and the fight begins.

Fiery: you could surrender at any time.
Vendor: as could you, not that it would help, either way you die.

The Vendor stabs at Fiery, but misses by an inch.

Fiery: you really don't want to continue

The Vendor lunges towards Fiery but his attack is blocked by the axe.

Vendor: ah but you see I do, I want your head on my mantlepiece.
Fiery: your death

Fiery jumps at him pushing the axe through his head and killing him.

Fiery: well now to take those melons home.

A messenger walks into the town square with a message.

Messenger: here the, here the, Toad Town is now ruled by the conveniently named Toad. You owe a majority of your food to him now.
Fiery: Oh bother.
Messenger: Hey you with the big sack full of melons! You can keep one but you must give all the others to us. Fail to do so and the town guard will execute you.

Fiery hands over the melons and goes to the local bar to drink away his problems.

Fiery: Why did they have to take my melons? And my money too.
Noob: so you want to make coin?
Fiery: Yes why?
Noob: are you good with a blade?
Fiery: Yeah I'm good with an axe
Noob: welcome aboard
Dietsoda: Another mayfly? Why do I have to be in company of lumberfoots such as you?
Fiery: I have no idea what that means but it doesn't sound good so, could you just shut up?
Noob: Oh the elves like that, just ignore them. Anyway we need to find more people to fill our ranks.

What's this about? How did Toad takeover? Find out later I guess.


Seriously, it happened in MKPC Heroes, MKPC Galaxy: The Uprising and now HERE! Could someone please explain?

I want it to happen. I started to say my character would call most people mayflies.

The heck is a mayfly?

Animal with short lifespan.

I think a mayfly actually only lives for one day lol

Being a total nerd, I went and looked it up. Then I copied this off the first thing that showed up. "Mayflies spend most of their lives in the water as nymphs and then emerge as adults for only a short while. Adults will live only a day or so, but the aquatic larvae lives for about a year."8)8)8)
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
FieryToad wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Episode 0: Fiery:

Fiery walks out if his house and towards the food vendor

Fiery: Hey could I take this melon?
Vendor: What? Yes of course just pay me the 3 gold and be on your way.
Fiery: I can't.
Vendor: Why not you have a wallet right there?
Fiery: I'm sorry but your gold is in another wallet.
Vendor: you want conflict? I challange you to a duel. You win, you get all the melons you want for free, I win you get a head shorter.
Fiery: Ok...

Fiery pulls out his axe as the Vendor grabs his rapier, preparing for an easy victory. He charges at Fiery and the fight begins.

Fiery: you could surrender at any time.
Vendor: as could you, not that it would help, either way you die.

The Vendor stabs at Fiery, but misses by an inch.

Fiery: you really don't want to continue

The Vendor lunges towards Fiery but his attack is blocked by the axe.

Vendor: ah but you see I do, I want your head on my mantlepiece.
Fiery: your death

Fiery jumps at him pushing the axe through his head and killing him.

Fiery: well now to take those melons home.

A messenger walks into the town square with a message.

Messenger: here the, here the, Toad Town is now ruled by the conveniently named Toad. You owe a majority of your food to him now.
Fiery: Oh bother.
Messenger: Hey you with the big sack full of melons! You can keep one but you must give all the others to us. Fail to do so and the town guard will execute you.

Fiery hands over the melons and goes to the local bar to drink away his problems.

Fiery: Why did they have to take my melons? And my money too.
Noob: so you want to make coin?
Fiery: Yes why?
Noob: are you good with a blade?
Fiery: Yeah I'm good with an axe
Noob: welcome aboard
Dietsoda: Another mayfly? Why do I have to be in company of lumberfoots such as you?
Fiery: I have no idea what that means but it doesn't sound good so, could you just shut up?
Noob: Oh the elves like that, just ignore them. Anyway we need to find more people to fill our ranks.

What's this about? How did Toad takeover? Find out later I guess.


Seriously, it happened in MKPC Heroes, MKPC Galaxy: The Uprising and now HERE! Could someone please explain?

I want it to happen. I started to say my character would call most people mayflies.

The heck is a mayfly?

Animal with short lifespan.

I think it only lives about one day as an adult. It doesn't even have a mouth in it's final stage.:o
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Le brutality. paf

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