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[fanfic] MKPC Heroes

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
FieryToad wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Ep#2 Nasty Surprises

At the entrance to the quick mode tracks;

Fiery; The tracks lead through the entrance. Something was dragged through here.
Nudge; So we follow them. Who’s with me?
Illuzhion; Okay, let’s go.
Melee; Alright. The marks are leading toward the portal leading to the track called ‘GBA Riverside Park.’ It looks like the one Toad made.
Toad; Oh you guys are gonna looove this track. We should stop for a race!
Popplio; Did you install a waterslide? Cuz I’ll totally go!
Knoah; HERE WE GO!!!
Nudge; What the… Why are you yelling so loud, you idiot? If someone involved with that bomber is at this track, now they know we’re here.
Knoah; Uh, sorry.
Illuzhion; Well, let’s just go in and get it over with.

StarSplizz; There’s no one here, as far as I can tell.
Sorbet; There’s some sort of pounding noise coming from the tunnel. We should go see what’s up.

Everyone goes to the cave.

Dark; Well then, here we are.
MisterCringeh; Wow, that pounding is very loud. What's going on in there?
Knoah; Go on, we’ve got to go look.
Everyone goes in. Knoah creates a clone and sends it in. He waits outside.

Noob; AAAHHH! Thwomps! Everyone get out of the way!
Xrunner48; Move!
Toad; What are these things doing here? I didn’t bring them! YOWCH!!!
StarSplizz; Toad’s been crushed!
Nudge; He’s half vampire, he’ll be fine.
Noob; What? OOF.
MisterCringeh; Noob, are you okay?
Fiery; He’s just unconscious. Let’s get out of here.
Xrunner48; I’ll carry Noob out. StarSplizz, can you get Toad?
Melee; I’ve got him.

Then the thwomps at near the entrances started hitting the ceiling instead.

MisterCringeh; Aaaand the ceiling is coming down.
Illuzhion; Great, just perfect.

The entrances collapsed, trapping many of the MKPCians inside. Xrunner48 managed to get out with Noob. Popplio slipped out through a gap before it closed.

Knoah; What happened in there? Are you alright?
Dietsoda; No time for that. We need to get out of here. There’s some sort of army coming out of the water.
Noob; Ooow. Wait, what about the others?
Dietsoda; We’ll come back for them. Now move, shorty.

A mob of green-blue creatures walking on two legs approached from the water. Their eyes were pale white and their huge hands held clubs. The MKPCians ran toward the portal, but some of the creatures reached it first.

Dietsoda; We’ll have to fight our way through.
Popplio; Uuuh, I don’t know about this.
Xrunner48; EEEYAAAH!

Xrunner48 charged and killed the creatures before they could capture the MKPCians. Dietsoda fired an arrow and hit a distant one between the eyes.

Xrunner48; Let’s go. We’ll get K and Oskar and they can help us free the others.

They went through the portal. Behind them, Knoah looked at the creatures bodies and snarled angrily. Then he followed.

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the official tracks;

K; We’re almost through. If we can just repair the control mechanism we can reactivate the portal.
Oskar; It’s kinda late, can we just go to sleep and finish in the morning?
???; You’re never going to finish this job. No one must see what is on the other side of the portal!
Oskar; Huh? Who’s talking?

A cloaked figure appeared out of the shadows, leading something that looked like a huge, hairless dog.
K; What is that thing!? Aaargh!

The dog attacked them, pulling them down and dragging them away. K dropped a small metal box on the ground before the dog beat him.

???; Quickly, we need to get these two to ‘Bowser Catwalk.’ We will dispose of them there…

Inside the cave, the MKPCians are confused and worried.

Dark; At least the thwomps have stopped. We need to get out of here. Anyone got a plan?
Sorbet;I've got an idea. Listen, here's what we need to do...

What in the name of Wargor is going on in MKPC?! Who is this person to control particularly ugly mutant dog-monsters? Will the trapped MKPCians be able to escape the cave? And what is up with Knoah?

So since the vote was very much in favor of not changing the colors, all colors are the same, except for when people wanted their own colors changed. Hope you liked this episode, #3 should be a bit better. Right now I'm sorta just getting the plot moving.

First, I had two lines in MKPCverse, now 2 lines in this episode! I should be more talkative,

Sorry, it's a bit difficult to find lines for everyone in every episode.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Ep#2 Nasty Surprises

At the entrance to the quick mode tracks;

Fiery; The tracks lead through the entrance. Something was dragged through here.
Nudge; So we follow them. Who’s with me?
Illuzhion; Okay, let’s go.
Melee; Alright. The marks are leading toward the portal leading to the track called ‘GBA Riverside Park.’ It looks like the one Toad made.
Toad; Oh you guys are gonna looove this track. We should stop for a race!
Popplio; Did you install a waterslide? Cuz I’ll totally go!
Knoah; HERE WE GO!!!
Nudge; What the… Why are you yelling so loud, you idiot? If someone involved with that bomber is at this track, now they know we’re here.
Knoah; Uh, sorry.
Illuzhion; Well, let’s just go in and get it over with.

StarSplizz; There’s no one here, as far as I can tell.
Sorbet; There’s some sort of pounding noise coming from the tunnel. We should go see what’s up.

Everyone goes to the cave.

Dark; Well then, here we are.
MisterCringeh; Wow, that pounding is very loud. What's going on in there?
Knoah; Go on, we’ve got to go look.
Everyone goes in. Knoah creates a clone and sends it in. He waits outside.

Noob; AAAHHH! Thwomps! Everyone get out of the way!
Xrunner48; Move!
Toad; What are these things doing here? I didn’t bring them! YOWCH!!!
StarSplizz; Toad’s been crushed!
Nudge; He’s half vampire, he’ll be fine.
Noob; What? OOF.
MisterCringeh; Noob, are you okay?
Fiery; He’s just unconscious. Let’s get out of here.
Xrunner48; I’ll carry Noob out. StarSplizz, can you get Toad?
Melee; I’ve got him.

Then the thwomps at near the entrances started hitting the ceiling instead.

MisterCringeh; Aaaand the ceiling is coming down.
Illuzhion; Great, just perfect.

The entrances collapsed, trapping many of the MKPCians inside. Xrunner48 managed to get out with Noob. Popplio slipped out through a gap before it closed.

Knoah; What happened in there? Are you alright?
Dietsoda; No time for that. We need to get out of here. There’s some sort of army coming out of the water.
Noob; Ooow. Wait, what about the others?
Dietsoda; We’ll come back for them. Now move, shorty.

A mob of green-blue creatures walking on two legs approached from the water. Their eyes were pale white and their huge hands held clubs. The MKPCians ran toward the portal, but some of the creatures reached it first.

Dietsoda; We’ll have to fight our way through.
Popplio; Uuuh, I don’t know about this.
Xrunner48; EEEYAAAH!

Xrunner48 charged and killed the creatures before they could capture the MKPCians. Dietsoda fired an arrow and hit a distant one between the eyes.

Xrunner48; Let’s go. We’ll get K and Oskar and they can help us free the others.

They went through the portal. Behind them, Knoah looked at the creatures bodies and snarled angrily. Then he followed.

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the official tracks;

K; We’re almost through. If we can just repair the control mechanism we can reactivate the portal.
Oskar; It’s kinda late, can we just go to sleep and finish in the morning?
???; You’re never going to finish this job. No one must see what is on the other side of the portal!
Oskar; Huh? Who’s talking?

A cloaked figure appeared out of the shadows, leading something that looked like a huge, hairless dog.
K; What is that thing!? Aaargh!

The dog attacked them, pulling them down and dragging them away. K dropped a small metal box on the ground before the dog beat him.

???; Quickly, we need to get these two to ‘Bowser Catwalk.’ We will dispose of them there…

Inside the cave, the MKPCians are confused and worried.

Dark; At least the thwomps have stopped. We need to get out of here. Anyone got a plan?
Sorbet;I've got an idea. Listen, here's what we need to do...

What in the name of Wargor is going on in MKPC?! Who is this person to control particularly ugly mutant dog-monsters? Will the trapped MKPCians be able to escape the cave? And what is up with Knoah?

So since the vote was very much in favor of not changing the colors, all colors are the same, except for when people wanted their own colors changed. Hope you liked this episode, #3 should be a bit better. Right now I'm sorta just getting the plot moving.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Alright, big reveal here. I'm planning to use actual tracks, official and custom, as locations in this fanfic. If you want one of your tracks or arenas to be in the story, plz DM me a link to the creation.

Sorry to anyone who is annoyed by the potential promotion here, Ima try not to advertise them too much.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Ssg-132 wrote:
FieryToad wrote:
Ssg-132 wrote:
FieryToad wrote:
kind of want knoah to be eradicated from the fanfic because why not xd

He’s already getting a color change because white is my color and he didn’t choose white

i mean story wise, lets just say he is a hallucination

Also he should be very dumb because it’s knoah but the clones make sense

And that is a hilarious fact. Can you give me a chance with him?

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those clones, I have uses for them...
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
40KsKool68 wrote:
It's finally here! Episode #1; Unofficial Officials

MKPC members are chilling out at the MKPC Peach Gardens.

Popplio: Hey look! Sixteen bubbles in five seconds!
Toad: Yaaaaaaa…
K: OK, that’s cool.

MisterCringeh, Illuzhion, and Fiery are playing mariokart a little ways away.

MisterCringeh; Battery… dying… must, get, first! NOOOOOOO!
Illuzhion; HAHA!
Fiery; Ah good game, Illuzhion. If only my blue shell had been a little faster… Wait, why does it say MisterCringeh won?
MisterCringeh; I time travelled back to this morning when I was in my house and I plugged in the battery charger so my computer wouldn't die in the middle of this race.
Fiery; No fair!
Illuzhion; While I can’t say I approve of your strategy to win that race, I think that together we can defeat you in the next, right Fiery? Or I can defeat him alone if you give up.
Fiery; Oh, it’s on.

An explosion sounds in the distance.

K; What was that?
Popplio; No idea, we should go see.

They go in the direction of the sound and and arrive at the  entrance to  the official tracks.  A crowd is grouped around the entrance.
Toad99; The portal has been blown up!
Noob; How did it happen? And what’s that black thing over there?
Melee; I’ll go check it out.[color]
[color=black]Dark; (Flies down from another part of the city) Wow, that’s a toadal disaster.

StarSplizz; Oh my head.
Dark: That wasn’t a very good joke was it
Xrunner48; Melee is coming back. I wonder what he found.
Melee: That black thing is a burned body. It looks like some guy was trying to get away from the portal as it exploded.
Xrunner48; Ooooh, that's really bad.
Toad99; So what was this person doing near the portal anyway? We need to figure out who they were.
Dietsoda: (drops out of a tree and pokes Toad99 on top of his head) He set the bomb off, that’s what he was doing here.
StarSplizz; How do you know that?
Dietsoda: I heard a sound and came here to see what was going on. No one ever goes to the tracks at this hour. I’ve already searched the area. There are prints of something being dragged away from the entrance, you muggles have probably wiped the tracks out by now stomping around the way you’ve been.
Toad: Whoa whoa whoa. That wasn’t very nice!
Nudge; But it was pretty funny!
Knoah: But whatever. It’s a clue. Where did the tracks lead?
Dietsoda: Toward the custom tracks portal area, but-
Toad: LET’S GOOO!!!
Oskar: What about the official tracks entrance?
K: Stay behind with me, we’ll start repairing it. Dietsoda, can you follow the others? They’ll need help.
Dietsoda: Oh, young mayfly, I don’t do well with other people, I’m gonna follow these tracks alone. I am, officially, a loner.

Alrighty then, go ahead and give me some feedback, that was a little rough (I suddenly realized I had to introduce like 15 people simultaneously). Hope you enjoyed this!

Great first episode but I found it difficult to read bc the colours were too bright. Maybe try making them a little darker, but still keeping the same colour.

Ummm let's see ... I could do that. The characters chose their own colors though , so let's do a vote. Everyone plz react with up arrow if you want colors darker, down if you want them the same.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
I know it takes ages to write fanfics, but I do want to know when the next episode releases as it was an extremely great first episode.

Also could my personality have the addition of warming up to people if I work with then for ages and begin to genuinely enjoy their company.

Got it. Sorry it's taking so long, I haven't had many opportunities to write this past week. Next episode should be here in a couple days.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
F1eryToad wrote:
F1eryToad wrote:
Name: Fiery
Species: Toad
Color: Green
personality: just how a toad acts in a mario game
skills: can teleport anyone anywhere and can disable gravity

Can I please update my color to Aqua?

Ya that's fine. You good if I leave the first episode colors the way they are for now?

Um I think I'm gonna stop accepting character applications at the end of today because I already have too many characters. @Ssg-132 your character is accepted.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Oh shoot I kinda wish I'd noticed it was @68bits birthday when I posted that episode. Happy birthday!yoshi
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Senko wrote:
Chiminie wrote:
Come on I want to join but my color was already took by someone else :(
And I don't want to be seen as another color...

Welcome to the club my friend :p

Maybe there are similar colors?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
It's finally here! Episode #1; Unofficial Officials

MKPC members are chilling out at the MKPC Peach Gardens.

Popplio: Hey look! Sixteen bubbles in five seconds!
Toad: Yaaaaaaa…
K: OK, that’s cool.

MisterCringeh, Illuzhion, and Fiery are playing mariokart a little ways away.

MisterCringeh; Battery… dying… must, get, first! NOOOOOOO!
Illuzhion; HAHA!
Fiery; Ah good game, Illuzhion. If only my blue shell had been a little faster… Wait, why does it say MisterCringeh won?
MisterCringeh; I time travelled back to this morning when I was in my house and I plugged in the battery charger so my computer wouldn't die in the middle of this race.
Fiery; No fair!
Illuzhion; While I can’t say I approve of your strategy to win that race, I think that together we can defeat you in the next, right Fiery? Or I can defeat him alone if you give up.
Fiery; Oh, it’s on.

An explosion sounds in the distance.

K; What was that?
Popplio; No idea, we should go see.

They go in the direction of the sound and and arrive at the  entrance to  the official tracks.  A crowd is grouped around the entrance.
Toad99; The portal has been blown up!
Noob; How did it happen? And what’s that black thing over there?
Melee; I’ll go check it out.
Dark; (Flies down from another part of the city) Wow, that’s a toadal disaster.
StarSplizz; Oh my head.
Dark: That wasn’t a very good joke was it
Xrunner48; Melee is coming back. I wonder what he found.
Melee: That black thing is a burned body. It looks like some guy was trying to get away from the portal as it exploded.
Xrunner48; Ooooh, that's really bad.
Toad99; So what was this person doing near the portal anyway? We need to figure out who they were.
Dietsoda: (drops out of a tree and pokes Toad99 on top of his head) He set the bomb off, that’s what he was doing here.
StarSplizz; How do you know that?
Dietsoda: I heard a sound and came here to see what was going on. No one ever goes to the tracks at this hour. I’ve already searched the area. There are prints of something being dragged away from the entrance, you muggles have probably wiped the tracks out by now stomping around the way you’ve been.
Toad: Whoa whoa whoa. That wasn’t very nice!
Nudge; But it was pretty funny!
Knoah: But whatever. It’s a clue. Where did the tracks lead?
Dietsoda: Toward the custom tracks portal area, but-
Toad: LET’S GOOO!!!
Oskar: What about the official tracks entrance?
K: Stay behind with me, we’ll start repairing it. Dietsoda, can you follow the others? They’ll need help.
Dietsoda: Oh, young mayfly, I don’t do well with other people, I’m gonna follow these tracks alone. I am, officially, a loner.

Alrighty then, go ahead and give me some feedback, that was a little rough (I suddenly realized I had to introduce like 15 people simultaneously). Hope you enjoyed this!
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
68Bits wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Honestly have no idea what to call this fanfic.

Anyways this'll be my first fanfic. It'll be about MKPC users banding together to try and stop someone from destroying the MKPC world. Sooo... yah. If you want to join, I would like:

your name,
color (I'll try to get them all right, this is my first time),
anything else you wanna put.

This fanfic may will contain some, mild?, violence. Probably nothing too gory.

First episode is out next weekend (#schedule permitting ).

People who have joined:
xrunner48 (vibri)
K (That is me)

- StarSplizz
- #0cf (or dodgerblue, either works)
- Paratroopa
- I put my personality on one of Flabebseth's old fanfics, have fun searching his comments :p
- Can fly (obviously, I'm a Paratroopa)

Search failed ):0. please post personality or link. You've got lines, but for now I have no idea how well they match up to your personality.:$:p
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Cool I Wanna Be Here

Guess what! You will be! I have even designed a character for you. No hassle;)!

Name: Knoah
Color: white
Species: human
Personality: quiet but makes random funny comments.
Ability: can make clones of himself that last for a short time.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Well this is a pretty good number I will start writing the first episode today.

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I have a general outline for about 18
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Cool I Wanna Be Here

Ok, just plz send me the required info so I can use your character.:p8)

EDIT; are you another @Knoah alt?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Alright, some updates. First, on the disclaimer, mild violence, yes it will be there, mainly done to a collection of bots and myself. It won't be much worse than anything in other fanfics. I can put a synopsis of each episode after the episode is published, omitting details of 'injuries'.

First episode may be a little delayed due to Christmas coming up, or it may be early! I'm still waiting to see if anyone else wants to join before episode 1. Even after it's started, you can still join anytime. ;) Might ping a couple people ( I apologize in advance).
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Wait did I steal someone else's fanfic name? 💀
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Honestly have no idea what to call this fanfic.

Anyways this'll be my first fanfic. It'll be about MKPC users banding together to try and stop someone from destroying the MKPC world. Sooo... yah. If you want to join, I would like:

your name,
color (I'll try to get them all right, this is my first time),
anything else you wanna put.

This fanfic may will contain some, mild?, violence. Probably nothing too gory.

People who have joined:
xrunner48 (vibri)
K (That is me)


why dont we have more maps in mkpc quick mode track builder?

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Rew wrote:
i know complete mode exists, but why not add more squares to build quick mode tracks on? and also more pieces to use in quick mode. Why not?

"SQUARES"? I swear I hate the specific shape "square because of MKPC lol. anyways because it takes a while to get that programmed in and Wargor does not have the time. You just got to wait, or deal with it as of now. I mean, I think complete mode suffices!

What About Triangles 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔶🔶🔶🔶

... Or diamonds eh?

What is the best custom track you have ever made (in MKPC)?

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Mostly my tracks get between 0 and 1 ratings but here's one of my 5/5ers and my favorite of the ones I've made.
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It's a tribute to one of the factions in a game I like. It's very dark [color=green]but it's fun and makes a good track.
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If you're interested it is Warhammer 4,000

Don't know what to do

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Just switch email. Shouldn't be a biggie. And yah probably not wise to put personal info on sites like this one, great as it is.

Soooo like I said in the other topic, don't do [i]despair.[i] Despair is so... drastic. Hopefully your parents will understand. Good luck with that ;).

Anyway here's a suggestion for everyone for the next time this happens (if it happens, God forbid). The moment we see something like this start we just cease all message activity. Everything. Lock all possible topics to avoid polluting them with spam, and we wait it out.

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