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On 2024-08-09 at 23:26:32
I tried. My cancer won.

On 2024-08-09 at 23:50:37
What a bombshell of a message
It was nice knowing you, I guess...
On 2024-08-09 at 23:57:15
I can’t put anything into words, only tears can form. Good..bye
On 2024-08-09 at 23:58:22
I am really sorry for you, even if we failed to get along, nobody deserves this. I wish the best for your family and your loved ones. May you rest in peace. Goodbye.😔
On 2024-08-10 at 00:03:25
hope you live a nice life in heaven
rest in piece…

On 2024-08-10 at 00:09:56
Oh no...
Rest in peace... it was nice to meet you...
Goodbye I guess
Rest in peace... it was nice to meet you...
Goodbye I guess

On 2024-08-10 at 00:31:59
im gonna miss playing minecraft with you

rip bro, you'll be missed
On 2024-08-10 at 00:51:28
Good Bye

On 2024-08-10 at 01:13:58
Why do I even need to say anything....All I can do...Is cry....

On 2024-08-10 at 02:00:30
There's literally no way it's real, he never talked about this before (and trust me he would have done it if it was real), and it seems pretty similar to this meme
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
but what if it IS real?

On 2024-08-10 at 08:02:58
it's a joke right?
it's a joke right?
it's a joke......right?

it's a joke right?
it's a joke......right?

On 2024-08-10 at 08:11:32
There's literally no way it's real, he never talked about this before (and trust me he would have done it if it was real), and it seems pretty similar to this meme
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
I know alot about him , he faked suicide alot soo this one can be a joke , but im not sure

But (when this is true) ^^ Goodbye Andrew it was nice to knowing you and playing minecraft with you

On 2024-08-10 at 10:12:50
I don't know if it's real, but if it is... I'm sorry for you... I wish you'll have a happy life in heaven... But you'll still be in this world, in our hearts...

On 2024-08-10 at 10:35:07
On 2024-08-10 at 11:06:03
There's literally no way it's real, he never talked about this before (and trust me he would have done it if it was real), and it seems pretty similar to this meme
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
senko, it is not a joke.
What is it then?
On 2024-08-10 at 11:14:02
There's literally no way it's real, he never talked about this before (and trust me he would have done it if it was real), and it seems pretty similar to this meme
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
senko, it is not a joke.
What is it then?

On 2024-08-10 at 12:29:44
There's literally no way it's real, he never talked about this before (and trust me he would have done it if it was real), and it seems pretty similar to this meme
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
The problem is that for now we can't know if it's real or not and that makes you look really insensitive
On 2024-08-10 at 13:58:20
There's literally no way it's real, he never talked about this before (and trust me he would have done it if it was real), and it seems pretty similar to this meme
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
senko, it is not a joke.
What is it then?
One of the people I talk to often dead because of cancer
On 2024-08-10 at 14:15:06
There's literally no way it's real, he never talked about this before (and trust me he would have done it if it was real), and it seems pretty similar to this meme
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
So yeah i'm pretty sure it's some sort of bad joke and oh boy that's a really bad one
It's easy to say that it's a joke when you're on the outside looking in. I'm sure you wouldn't want any of your friends to call your brother or sister dying, if you had one.
That being said, if it is a joke, I'm definitely ghosting him. As a Splatoon player, it definitely wasn't funny the last time, and it definitely wouldn't be funny now.