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[Fanfic] MKPC Academy Season 1; The Beginning

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
Senko wrote:
this Max is not the right Max, next time use the right color, thank you


@KirbytripleDX_2014 halp this is your character :p
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
MKPC Academy

Episode 1

Scorchy and Eli are at Eli’s house. Eli is telling Scorchy about the book he’s writing.

Eli; So, this chapter is hard. I’m stuck. The spy needs to survive this part, and she has to be in the factory when it burns down to get the information the main character needs. But how the heck is she supposed to live through that?!

Scorchy; I don’t know. Maybe . . . no nevermind.

Eli; Wish I was better at writing. This is getting too hard.

.   .   .

That night, Eli is watching YouTube. An ad comes on.

Add narrator; MKPC Academy is nearly here! We’re dedicated to making MKPC City a better place by making its citizens smarter, stronger, and more powerful. Already, young people in several other cities have achieved amazing things through the power of our teaching.

The screen shows young people healing patients with a touch, raising buildings with a gesture, and controlling weather to keep a city safe from a hurricane.

-; They taught me so much! I mean, I’m not, like, magic or anything like some of the others, but it’s just amazing! When I was little I thought I’d never be anything. Now I’m, like, actually good at stuff! I can program computers so easily, some of my friends from here are the best doctors in the world now. It’s just - unbelievable. It’s wonderful.

Eli; Huh. She got one thing right. That’s unbelievable.

Eli turns the TV off and goes to sleep.

.   .   .

Eli’s phone buzzes, waking him.

Eli; Alyssa is calling . . . Hey what’s up?

Alyssa; Hi Eli. Scorchy told me you’re having trouble with your book. You know MKPC Academy will have writing courses. Maybe you can get help there.

Eli; You kidding? Not worth it. You haven’t fallen for that ad have you?

Alyssa; I’m enrolled in an alchemy course already. Seriously, join in. A whole bunch of our friends are already in classes as well.

Eli; Alright . . . I’ll check it out.

.   .   .

At MKPC Academy. Opening day.

Shen; Gosh I’m so nervous right now. Max I’ma just hide behind you for a minute ok?
Max; Get away from me you idiot. You’re fine! *pushes at Shen’s head*
Shen; *collapses*
Lely; Is he unconscious?
Dietsoda; That is ridiculous.
Max; What? . . . I didn’t mean to -
Loudspeaker; Welcome new students. Please gather at the entrance courtyard.
Lely; Has Shen woken up yet?
Shen; Yeah! Yes, let’s go.

The entrance courtyard is a large space surrounded on three sides by buildings, on the fourth by the outer wall and the gate.

Chloe; Wow, pretty neat. Cheer up Eli!
Eli; I still think this will be a waste of time . . .
Alyssa; Come on, this is great. You will learn here. We all will. Quit moping around and enjoy yourself! This is day one!
Lely; Hi guys. You’re going to school here too?
Alyssa; Yep. They’ve got a neat Alchemy course.
Chloe; That’s Alyssa, haha. She can fly, do terrakinesis, and now she wants to know alchemy.
Shen; What’s alchemy?
Dietsoda; *[

Scorchy; Hey all.
Max; Hey.
Scorchy; K’s with me.
K; Hi.
Alyssa; *looks around at the other students* Sooo, why are we all gathering here?
Loudspeaker; Welcome new students! Today we’ll get to know each other and explore the campus. Refreshments will be provided in the cafe and here at the entrance. Please make some friends, explore, and enjoy yourself. Throughout the day we’ll be showing you your dorms, so when you see yours, go ahead and make yourself comfortable! Staff will be around to answer any questions you may have. Have a nice day.
Chloe; Well, guess we explore the place then. I think I saw a computer lab somewhere. See ya!
Alyssa; I’ll go with.
Eli; Guess I’ll come.

Max; Engineering, mechanics . . . *sees a vehicle assembly area* coool. Hope I get to do that.

Dietsoda is looking at racks of weapons.

Dietsoda; Weapons training. This will be good.
K; Don’t get carried away. But I’d be happy to spar anytime we get a chance.
Dietsoda; Eh maybe.

Academy Employee; And this will be your room, Lely. You’ll be with Max.
Lely; What? Uh, can I be with someone else please?
Employee; He’s your friend right?
Lely; Wrong Max.
Employee; Oh . . . Sorry. I don’t know if we can rearrange the roommates.
Lely; Well, it’s a nice room anyway.

.  .  .

Next morning.

Scorchy; So. Study hall. The headmaster wants to talk to us?
K; Well here she is.
-; Good morning students. Welcome to MKPC Academy. My name is Kaylie. I’m the head instructor here. I’m sure you are all excited to get started on your classes - your schedules have been sent to your phones by now. But I want you to know, this is no ordinary school. Not all of you are marked for greatness, and there’s only one way to become truly powerful here. All new students have been entered into the MKPC Academy contest. Details will be sent to you as well. The days of the contest will be hard, but I’ll be here to help you.
Lely; This had better not be another MKPC Dangonropa.
K; Stop breaking the fourth wall man.
Lely; Sorry. Sorry. Wait did I really -
Kaylie; Only the winners of the competition will be able to continue here.
Eli; This is only getting worse.
Kaylie; And now . . . Everyone please go to your classes. Good luck!

Later, K and Scorchy are in their apartment, looking over the competition rules.

K (reading from his phone); In each competition, there will be a number of amulets hidden in a certain area. The ultimate goal of each competition is for each player to get as many amulets as possible. At the end of three weeks, all players with 5 or more amulets will have proven their worthiness to continue at MKPC Academy and become truly great citizens of MKPC city.
Scorchy; Well that was helpful.
K; Not.
Scorchy; Yeah . . . Hopefully they’ll tell us more later. The stuff on our phones is not much to go on.

Alyssa - Chloe
Max - Lely
Scorchy - K
Dietsoda - Eli - Shen

Line count - expect these to be innacurate! Did 'em jus' Bcuz
Eli - 9
Lely - 8
Alyssa - 6
Dietsoda - 4
Scorchy - 6
K - 5
Max - 4
Chloe - 3
Shen - 3

So this episode is kinda setting up for the rest of the fic. So it might have been a little slow :$:p Hope you enjoyed and please give feedback. I don't care if it's good or bad feedback, its all helpful! :D
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Hey all! I'm happy to announce MKPC Academy Season 1 is almost complete!!! guitarefetemagictchingguitare
I did the character submissions a while back so DO NOT try to submit a character. It will be rejected.


This fanfic contains violence and thematic elements look at me using that fancy movie term xd Additional warnings will be posted at the beginning of each episode that contains mature content. Brief synopses may be available if you want to follow the story without the dark elements seen in juicy detail (if I have time to complete them, which is unlikely)

The Setting
In MKPC Academy, nine students (Alyssa, Chloe, Dietsoda, Eli, K, Lely, Max, Scorchy, and Shen) join a new school on an island near MKPC City. This amazing new school offers useful knowledge and amazing power to everyone who learns there, but the students soon discover there's more going on at the academy than they thought. As they are forced to compete in a strange test to keep their place, the students begin to wonder if MKPC Academy is truly such a wonderful place after all . . .

Prologue out next Tuesday!
Follow this topic to read the episodes as they come out!toadgenial

Ranking Nintendo

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
1; DK
2; Zalda
3; Mayro
4; Kriby
5; never played Metroid

Quick Age Check

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
But is it 6 feet wide or 6 feet deep? Or is its volume 6 square feet? And if it's volume is 6 feet, how wide is the hole?


MKPC City: The Return

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
Soldiers have found the aforementioned base of forum kids underground. The battle for MKPC City begins

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Welcome to ImJustLimey Illegal stuffs.

Here what I got that i stole.



Anti-tank mine.



Dangerous Laser Pointer.

Dusky Dangerous Sword.

A controller to clone anyone and yourself.

Genie lamp that gives you infinite wishes.

Super illegal shotgun Infinite bullets!


Hey Spider-Toad I got weapons that we and the others can use its free!!! superhap
Dusky: OMG BATTLE!!!:}hap Use my sword to be the #### out of them its op. ;)
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Btw me and limey decided to not fight and be enemy anymore.

Shing shing shing I love this sword!

I've got some inventory left from my bioweapons store in MKPC Retail Edition. Blight grenades, some plague samples . . . Want some help?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Someone help a random pianta just stole my best kart 😱😭😭😭!

Must... race... Must ... get ... kart... back

Notice; if anyone sees a pianta driving a black and green go-kart please notify me. I'll be in the armory 😈. West side of the city. 81st st. NW

Maybe I'll make a shop later. cuz it's fun. Also got some cash laying around from selling bio weapons in the last mkpc city.

Any specific colours of the pianta or are they just a regular ol’ pianta

Interesting... It was pink

I’ve got one in my sights with the same kart as yours, chasing him right now

Caught it yet? I'll pay.

Alyssa caught them pay her

@-Alyssa- you caught it?
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Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Someone help a random pianta just stole my best kart 😱😭😭😭!

Must... race... Must ... get ... kart... back

Notice; if anyone sees a pianta driving a black and green go-kart please notify me. I'll be in the armory 😈. West side of the city. 81st st. NW

Maybe I'll make a shop later. cuz it's fun. Also got some cash laying around from selling bio weapons in the last mkpc city.

Any specific colours of the pianta or are they just a regular ol’ pianta

Interesting... It was pink

I’ve got one in my sights with the same kart as yours, chasing him right now

Caught it yet? I'll pay.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Fiery wrote:
Someone help a random pianta just stole my best kart 😱😭😭😭!

Must... race... Must ... get ... kart... back

Notice; if anyone sees a pianta driving a black and green go-kart please notify me. I'll be in the armory 😈. West side of the city. 81st st. NW

Maybe I'll make a shop later. cuz it's fun. Also got some cash laying around from selling bio weapons in the last mkpc city.

Any specific colours of the pianta or are they just a regular ol’ pianta

Interesting... It was pink
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Someone help a random pianta just stole my best kart 😱😭😭😭!

Must... race... Must ... get ... kart... back

Notice; if anyone sees a pianta driving a black and green go-kart please notify me. I'll be in the armory 😈. West side of the city. 81st st. NW

Maybe I'll make a shop later. cuz it's fun. Also got some cash laying around from selling bio weapons in the last mkpc city.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Got some good memories of blackmailing shop owners in one of these. Good times

What Is The Worst Things About MKPC

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Kommisar_K wrote:
As everyone else says, the community. But also DS Rainbow Road. Fight me.

There is a reason I always vote DS rainbow road in multiplayer (other people find it hard)

Item 1; if you find that tightrope easy, good for you! 👏

Item 2;
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How dare you pollute blessed online mode with your heresy
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
As everyone else says, the community. But also DS Rainbow Road. Fight me.

What is the point of reverse drifting

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
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United States
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MKPC News : Showcase your projects, keep us informed about your projects and more !

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
Starting work on my first ever custom character! Wish me luck 🍀:);)

I'm a failure

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Fiery wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

Never find friends on the internet? Alright well apparently #### Lely, Dietsoda, K, xrunner, Max, Nodac or anyone else because apparently according to this random ### guy you aren't my friends

Sorry, you're doing what to all those people???

Not to me. The others though...

I will literally knife anyone who tries to #### me.

Also @Yoshi649 don't be so hard on yourself. I can't really say it better than the others already have, but you're cool, ok? Don't think you're a failure because you couldn't impress a bunch of weirdos online :p:D

[Fanfic] - The Dark Ages of MKPC - TW : Violence

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Love it 😂😂😂
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
The whole Fiery-vigilante thing came up quickly!

Anyways great episode! One of the best MKPC fanfics so far genial
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
UraniumMan wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
Invu wrote:
Fiery wrote:
skymin wrote:
Leadgaming wrote:
Can I please be in chapter three

Please read everything, Lely said that he wouldn't add anyone else for now

He is part of the fanfic though

Oh damn then @Leadgaming you'll probably be in when you're relevant to the plot

I actually planned to give him lines in Chapter 2 but they were cancelled out. They will be in Chapter 3 instead.

Why did you change your username? lely

Why do you care so much about usernames? yoshi649

You pinged lely just now
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lely wrote:
Since this blew up harder than expected, I'll expand the limit to 14 people

Wait so I can join?

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Loyal and protective. Quiet. Usually chill but can get frustrated when people are being unproductive and dumb. Reluctant to use violence unless friends/innocents are in danger. In that case, quiet and deadly.

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