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MKPC Slander

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
I competed against @zushe in an online race and managed to secure first place in every lap. However, in the third lap, @zushe unleashed his blue shell, and I got hit by a blue shell close to the finish.

Online racing becomes chaos when there are too many players participating.
I totally agree with you, @ImJustLimey Dealing with chaos online can be frustrating, especially when you're constantly bombarded by bullet bills, stars, megas, and shells. raah
I honestly hate bumping in MKPC so playing online is kinda annoying
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
When people forget the lyrics of a song and still tries to sing it
Dont know if this is Mkpc related.
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
@Nodac64 's Comeback to everything

/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
so, here's what happened recently:
me and @Plsreversehop join a chill game. but then, four people with incoherent usernames join, and it is obvious they are all alts.
proof: a bunch of them said something like "yall suck"

then, out of nowhere, when @Angry_Bird_109 joined, one of the presumed alts said, and I quote: "yall negros"

I don't know what else to say other than, I hope the mods have access to online chat logs since, I couldn't take a picture in time before all four left at the same time

edit: just got the names of two of those people
Got you buddy
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
JAOAJ wrote:
i found the duel again i recored this, "Plsfirehop

im friends with the mods" then the other one said curses again and freaked out when i told him i was reporting him.

haha you're funny :p
Funny thing is I said sorry to this guy then once Pixel joined online he decided to act stupid then said he was going to report us.
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
but its kinda getting to the extremes
He can get a bit energetic sometimes but thats what makes him a fun person

Fun Facts

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Plsfirehop wrote:
Did you know that coolmonkey didn't actually leave MKPC?!

Bro... Shut the bell up
Did you know... That I wont
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Did you know that coolmonkey didn't actually leave MKPC?!

What weird quotes do you randomly think of

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer

MKPC Update Suggestions

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
add in N64,GCN,Wii,3DS,and WiiU tracks.
I think 3DS tracks are good enough if you think about it

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Add kart templates like standard smk kart, biddybuggy, blue (or black) falcon, and F1 styled kart since those are the most popular.;)
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
jamestown wrote:
Plsfirehop wrote:
Add Inward drifting bikes to the game and add wheelies so that wheeling and RD are about the same speed

Not possible. And how is programing a wheelie going to make it the same speed as reverse drifting?
Wdym its not possible ofc it is possible
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Add Inward drifting bikes to the game and add wheelies so that wheeling and RD are about the same speed
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Idk if anybody put this but A RD category and a Snaking category for TT

Mario Kart PC Emulator

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Use ryujinx:D

Fêtez les anniversaires des autres ici/Celebrate other people's birthdays here

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Kim_Skymin wrote:
And also happy late birthday to @Plsfirehop hb Huh?
Whats up ma boi! Huh?

goodbye. sorry. :(

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Im sorry but who is you?

MKPCian Dictionary

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Comms are people in the comm.

Suggestions For MKPC

Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Just add the feather thats what this game needs

And tell me how would the checkpoints work
Ikr it would completely break the game, as if the game isn't broken enough
Messages 129 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs30738 pts ★ Legend
battle6036 pts ★ Racer
Battle Pass

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