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Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Time to talk about more competitive glitches!
Cheep Cheep Island: Using a mushroom near the bottom of the mini-map and jumping into the water, if done right, will let you respawn on the small platform in the middle of nowhere.
Airship Fortress: You can go out of bounds where the ramps are, but be sure to move carefully while you do so or else the lap won't count.
Luigi's Mansion: By drifting into the cannon at the start of the track with enough speed, it can push you sideways and out of the track. Same case as Airship Fortress though.

For Cheep Cheep Island: You can do the glitch shroomless by tilting to the exact right place although it is more difficult and I recommend using a mushroom.
Airship Fortress: As InfiNate explained, you can go out of bounds and if you cut too much, you will not get a lap count however for the first OOB (Out Of Bounds), you want to hit the first 2 bricks in the top and that is where it indicates where the checkpoints are, another one is the 2nd OOB where you use the second trick to go OOB however before the cannon, don't take it too tight or your lap won't count.
Luigi's Mansion: As Nate explained, you can take the OOB but take too much and your lap won't count.

As for more competitive glitches, there's a bunch of them which I'll list now for DS tracks at least.

Figure 8 Circuit: You can cannon clip to the right side of the grass however it loses time once you get it without shroom because there is grass after you do the cannon clip so to really save time, you need 2 shrooms and then cut a lot but not too much, the trees can guide you how much to cut however there is a risk that you can land in the bottom of the track which skips many checkpoint and loses so much time overall.

Cheep Cheep Beach: You can do the OOB and it's located after the shortcut where there is 2 trick ramps, take the 2nd one and you can do the OOB, make sure to not cut too much or you'll not get a lap count and the place to land is in the jungle area where there is green so overall, an OOB that saves quite a bit of time.

MKPC Pro League Season 2 official topic

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I think Veethan23 is the captain while Urban and Mudkipro are co-captains but I don't know.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I’m not even at 60 points even though I played great so you’re most likely not going to get 60 points but good luck on that.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Hello my name is Ahmad Elkhuffash and here is the registration below,

-Nickname : Ahmad13
-Discord Nickname : Ahmad Elkhuffash#1457
-Country : United Arab Emirates
-Age : 13

Fairly Rating Tracks

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Indeed, that's a good way to rate tracks and you could also add off road, the theme of the track and if the drawing of the track itself is good unless if you use an image from Google but if it's a hand drawn track then you should use that as part of the rating and the same for all the others I listed.

I will start rating and giving feedbacks to tracks soon but not right now since I don't feel like giving ratings now.

Raison MKPC

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I understand the question perfectly fine. I was here only for the game and not the forums when I first joined and registered an account but later on it was for both although for the rest of my time in MKPC, I was mainly just playing the game and being active on Discord as well.


Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Nice, I’m improving and getting a lot of points on a good constant rate. To be honest I didn’t expect this because I didn’t play much on online races and battles and I also didn’t play as much challenges as before in the month of October but still pretty good for a player who’s been here for only 3 and a half months.


Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
It could be but the purpose is to look into different ways of solving this questions and what will happen in real life? And this is a joke for sure. Of course it’s 5 and Marvel is correct.

Marvel, why would I have that big amount of apples. The answer is 3 apples because I only have 3 apples.

ToxTurtle101, I will have diabetes from eating a big amount of chocolates but in all seriousness, it’s 20 chocolates.

Marvel, it depends on the place you go.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Marvel, how did you get to 5 apples? The answer is 2 apples because you don’t accept anything from strangers and you reject the stranger if he/she wants to give apples.

And also, I know you are not in 1st grade, Marvel.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Oh okay and I have a question for all of you. You have 2 apples and someone gives you 3 apples, how many apples will you have now?
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I don’t know if it’s a joke or not but it’s 19 not 21.

To CB-Ahmad13

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I could try to get all 56 WRs in this game but I can't because I'm in a deal with some players due to the drama of the TT scene before so I can't take WRs from them also, in some tracks, I can't WR anyways like SNES BC2, GBA Broken Pier and SNES CI2 but there is more tracks I can't WR than these 3.

Should DDE (Daisy Drift Exploit) be patched?

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Yeah, I also don't complain and so is the rest of the pro players also this might be off topic but in MK8DX, I use Bowser, Biddy Buggy, roller wheels and paper glider combination. ^^

Fways appreciates this.

TIL you can dodge blue shells with mushrooms in mkpc

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Great job cicuit111. Dodging a blue shell is not very easy but once you get the timing down, it will be a little easier for you. For the common knowledge, it is common on the newer Mario Kart games and the update that added the dodging blue shell with a mushroom was about 5 months ago with the MaJ interface and objects.

Also, you are not dumb. ^^
It's okay if you didn't knew before. :)

Does this game have mirror mode?

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Unfortunately it doesn't have a mirror mode in this game also if you characters that are missing even though you completed all the grand prix cups in the game then you have to play custom cups to unlock the remaining characters.

MKPC Racing Help Forum by Cosmic Kirb

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Broken Pier

On Time Trials if you use a mushroom at a certain ramp you can land on a platform and do a big shortcut, saving a lot of time.
If someone has a map showing the shortcut, please add it, I don't know how. On Online you can go on the ramp next door to the TT one and do a mini turbo to get some speed and land on the platform.

Hope this will help:)

To add on to this, you can do an additional shortcut after the big one. Don't trick on the platform in the middle, and turn right soon after you land, then drift. Hit the first ramp, then when you've turned at least 90 degrees, release the mini turbo and trick. You should land on the other side of the gap, skipping the large 180 turn.

Yup, that as well, that is what I currently do, but once and if you have enough practice you can go onto a very faint brown bridge and skip even more of the 180 degree turn

Yeah that's right and that saves some time as well. Personally I don't use the brown bridge online because it's very risky and most of time you will just fall off instead of saving some time compared to the trick ramp strat. I only use the bridge strat for TT times in Broken Pier but other than that, nope.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
That ending respawn saves about 0.2 seconds in L1 and L2 but in L3, it saves a lot of time as circuit111 explained. Also there is a faster way to do the ending respawn cut which is to turn left after you reach it and then hop. It is a little faster. I don't use that strategy as of right now since I'm used to the straight line strategy but I will use it in the future for my future runs.

Why was Miku banned???

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
circuit111 wrote:
So he got unbanned, then banned again? Just because we all forgot about this situation with bans doesn't mean he should be banned again. Unban him please.

I would've unbanned him if he had learnt from his mistakes. However after his ban he continued to do what got him banned, on an even larger scale, and still used alts to avoid his ban. I understand you're angry but he was beyond reasoning.

So, is this a temp ban or permanent?

Staff and i agreed on perma because of how often he kept breaking the rules. For those of you who were good friends with him I'm sorry but he's most likely the worst influence to this site.

It's okay InfiNate. I was very good friends with him and even teamed up with him on TT to just take Urban down but ever since his unban, he changed himself completely for the worse so I can understand why you ban him. You did the right thing InfiNate. ^^

Track Naming Problem with RacerT

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I don't think anybody wants your circuits deleted because of a different name. You can always change the name to the actual circuit name RacerT. No need to delete it at all. ^^

(Yes I'm aware that this topic got revived but I want to help RacerT)

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