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Track Builder Contest : Winter 2020/ Concours de création de circuits : Décembre 2020

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
My winter themed track.


Yellow color: Boost panel

Orange Color: Trick Ramp

Ask me anything - InfiNate

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I live in UAE and there was never any snow in UAE, that’s why there is a place in Dubai which is named Ski Dubai which is also at Mall of the Emirates where they have snow and all these rides and stuff. I not been there for a long time so I don’t remember some things.

There's a guy impersonating NL_Ahmad 13

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Alright @--Cosmic_Kirb--. Yes, there's someone that is impersonating me that is making tracks and I didn't made those tracks at all nor do I have an alt to even do them in fact I don't create alts at all in general so this is an imposter using my name.

I reported this to a mod and he said that I have to find the actual account name.

Who your guys favorite Youtube gamer

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I really agree Gary. The newer games are just terrible overall except Nintendo’s games. They keep improving their games but other companies makes their games worse.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I never played Fortnite before and I rather not. People play the high graphics game nowadays but I still play the classics like Angry Birds 2 and Super Mario games like Super Mario Bros 3 and Paper Mario 64 which I still play to this day.

DS Rainbow Road

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
ToxTurtle101. Wargor fixed the boost panels completely so now it always works but I agree here. This is pretty much supporting my statement I said before. It’s not very fun in online races because you get bumped off but in time trials, it’s pretty fun and it’s very satisfying when you finally complete DS Rainbow Road. SNES Rainbow Road and Koopa Beach 2 is very annoying in both, online races and time trials which is why I don’t like them at all. Also the tracks that has boost panels are now fixed so there will not be any speed strip glitch anymore.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
What’s worse about Luigi Circuit is that before the October update, you were able to jump on the water holes and that was very fun to do but Wargor decided to remove that mechanic so if you jump on the water puddles, you still get hit by them which is very annoying. In my opinion I like Luigi Circuit a lot but I liked it less than before when you can still jump on the water puddles and dodge them.

I agree with Veethan23 that Boo Lake is really stupid. The boost panels doesn’t work at all which is called speed strip glitch. It happens with many tracks that has many boost panels. I hope Wargor can fix both of these tracks mechanics.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I disagree with your opinion, DS Rainbow Road is not as frustrating as Koopa Beach 2 in my opinion. It gives a challenge and forces you to get used to thin road. I have to say the beginning part is really the only frustrating part I had when I played that track. When I first played DS Rainbow Road, I used to get frustrated in a lot of sections in that track and it was very annoying when I want to complete the last cup which is the blue/mini mushroom cup. I got bumped many times and it’s like this track was the most frustrating track in the whole game but I learned to get good at the track and yeah, it’s fun to race when you know what to do and it’s very satisfying once you complete the track. I still find the beginning section very frustrating because I keep falling off no matter how good I am and it does not work well with 8 players at all, same for SNES Rainbow Road. I can understand the hate for DS Rainbow Road because it was very frustrating for many players.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Yeah I agree Circuit111, it's not skilled, it's completely luck based and it has very heavy and slippery off road that can screw you up a lot.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
In my opinion, Koopa Beach 2 is the worst track and whenever I play that track, I always get frustrated and I can explain many reasons why I hate that track but for now it’s best if I don’t tell right now. I had the least fun in that track for sure.

What does NL_ and MOYAI_ mean

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Don't worry. He knows, I talked with him in PM on Discord.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
And who is this NL member? There is ByoT and Veethan23 in NL as well.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Hello KirbyLand. So NL means Night Life and MOYAI means MOYAI team. They are for the MKO Pro League created by Urban. I participated in his league and joined Night Life so you will have the NL tag behind your name if you joined that team. Same for MOYAI, GX (Galactic Harmony) and FK (Funky's District) You can participate anytime until the end of the pro league but you need discord to join the server and you need to be over 13 years old to use discord.


Refer to this for more information about the MKO Pro League.

/!\ Ryubix : About flags... and people lying with them !

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Well, I never lied about my flag and I put the flag that I play and live which is in UAE. But yeah, we need to change our ways and we should never lie about  our flags in our profile, that’s just wrong so I hope we all can change our ways and put the correct flag from where you are so it doesn’t confuse anybody.

Ds tracks final lap music needed

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I agree Master8.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
In my opinion, I like the final lap version with higher pitch more as it sounds way better and it sounds more intense than the final lap version with just faster speed.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
You mean the high pitched music in the final lap. Yeah I agree for sure.

The one we have is just fast paced music and it’s fine but really not that good at some tracks like Luigi’s Mansion (This is one of the examples and I’m sure the other tracks sounded similar like this one where it’s slightly not as good as the final lap higher pitched version). A lot of soundtrack sound better in the actual final lap with the high pitch music. Just listen to actual final lap music with higher pitch in Luigi’s Mansion and then listen again to Luigi’s Mansion but only with faster speed. Tell me which one is better.

Koh-Lanta MKPC - L'île d'Ushuaia

Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Lely, my part of my character was ruined in this story. There is only me defending myself from James8 and everything else is left out. My skills was left out, me helping my teammates is left out and me wanting to be determined to improve and help my teammates is absolutely left out. I also felt like I was a bad guy in this story for some reason.


This is a sad song that I would play.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
Yeah I guess so. I do agree with you to an extent where there is funny versions of us, this story is also humorous based as well etc but this is not just one moment, it continues through the whole 3 episodes and it feels like it ruins some part of my character. Don’t get me wrong, I like funny moments between the characters but when it drags for too long and ignores the the personalities and development between characters, it ruins the whole character and the personality in them. This is what kinda is happening to me, there is always me defending James8 from saying that I’m bald even though I’m not. I don’t mind having one scene but this just continues for the whole episode and it ruins my character.
Messages 563 - Mario Mario
vs183066 pts ★ Superstar
battle29643 pts ★ Legend
United Arab Emirates
I'll give my opinions on this series or episodes.

In my opinion, I like them a lot. It's very interesting to explore the characters personality and the plot is amazing as well. I like how you put Ahmadian Remamian connection in the episodes, it's really very funny. There is only 1 problem with this and has something to do with me in these episodes. I feel like that my character was mainly focused on when James8 bullies me and calls me bald and I always defend myself and for some reason, I feel like i'm a bad guy in these episodes which I am not at all in real life. It seems like my skills in these events were left out. The rest of the characters were focused on skills while mine is not at all. It was just for one moment and that's it. My character is just about being good, improving at the game and just having fun, that's all. Overall this series is very good and the only thing that needs to be fixed a bit is my character and add a lot of more moments where I actually are very skilled at the game and helps my teammates.

So that's my opinion on this series. Feel free to put your opinions here.

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