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International forum

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The current forum is mainly used by French people. So if you are not French, this category is for you: its aim is to allow communication between people from every country. You can talk about everything on it, the only rule is: write in English!

Topics Author Msgs nb Last message
New: a category for non-French members!Wargor13On 2018-10-25 at 13:30:05
I am newwimmer3On 2018-10-25 at 13:20:56
MarioKartYmor9On 2018-10-25 at 13:20:46
My new YouTube channel!!! :DWal682On 2018-10-25 at 13:19:57
Tournament !camille016On 2018-10-25 at 13:18:54
bullet bill suggestionPaco2On 2018-10-25 at 13:18:32
[- Comunidad Hispana -] Mario Kart PC deftinition4On 2018-10-25 at 13:18:13
¡Enseñando el juego a la comunidad de Hispanoamérica!deftinition4On 2018-10-25 at 13:18:03

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