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Share your experience in the country you live in


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Messages 1764 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
So I made this topic to really get a better understanding of how the world views people (I know I sound like an emo lol).
But I also want to further understand others' struggles as it's often rather difficult to pinpoint the root cause of someone's inner battles (like I often say, if you wanna talk about stuff then DM me but this topic kind of acts like that, as it's often difficult for me to get around to numerous DMs at a time lol).

To start off I'd like to share my experience as a half-Irish half-Mongolian in the UK.

Now tbh, people often don't really think that I'm Mongolian at first glance as I've kinda taken from my Irish side in terms of appearance and voice lol (well idk about my twin but I absorbed them anyway lol). However, I do have an Asian name. When people ask me about it, they often just think I'm half-Chinese or half-Singaporean and will probably say 'EMOTIONAL DAMAGE' or just think nothing of it again. I have had people ask me about it before though, and I just tell them the truth, that I'm half-Mongolian. People mainly just leave it be after that but recently I've been dealing with racism because of it and I get people saying 'Oh ThAt'S wHy YoU lOoK aNoReXiC' or 'So YoU cAn CoOk YoUr PeTs? DiSgUsTiNg HoW pOoR yOu ArE'. Honestly it's so stupid, I'm not even questioning my existence I'm questioning reality. Like jeez, let me live my life as who I am since I'm gonna die at the end of it anyway *[
Messages 1017 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17573 pts ★ Master
battle5983 pts ★ Novice
Living in the Philippines have their pros and cons. For starters, the delicacies are very good. Some examples are adobo, sinigang, lechon kawali, etc. Then there's the lush nature and sunny beaches of the islands. The cons...um, let's just say the police here suck. My dad's bike was stolen in broad daylight and the police haven't done shit. I have more to say but I don't wanna make a stupid essay
Messages 1764 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
El_Gwapito wrote:
Living in the Philippines have their pros and cons. For starters, the delicacies are very good. Some examples are adobo, sinigang, lechon kawali, etc. Then there's the lush nature and sunny beaches of the islands. The cons...um, let's just say the police here suck. My dad's bike was stolen in broad daylight and the police haven't done shit. I have more to say but I don't wanna make a stupid essay

Then you have the UK police force which is much the same 😔
Messages 10069 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
I don't know I just know that there are always some kids to tell me to make them toys, or to cook them my dogs, but I don't give a fuck, I'm used to it
Messages 1764 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
Novenko wrote:
I don't know I just know that there are always some kids to tell me to make them toys, or to cook them my dogs, but I don't give a fuck, I'm used to it

Ya know what I'd do? Tell 'em to shove that bullshit up their own asses, nobody deserves to be discriminated against.
Messages 10069 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Twinsenko wrote:
Novenko wrote:
I don't know I just know that there are always some kids to tell me to make them toys, or to cook them my dogs, but I don't give a fuck, I'm used to it

Ya know what I'd do? Tell 'em to shove that bullshit up their own asses, nobody deserves to be discriminated against.

Nah because that would be giving them some of my personal time, and I don't have enough of that, so no thank you
Messages 1764 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
Novenko wrote:
Twinsenko wrote:
Novenko wrote:
I don't know I just know that there are always some kids to tell me to make them toys, or to cook them my dogs, but I don't give a fuck, I'm used to it

Ya know what I'd do? Tell 'em to shove that bullshit up their own asses, nobody deserves to be discriminated against.

Nah because that would be giving them some of my personal time, and I don't have enough of that, so no thank you

You're right, they don't deserve your time if they don't give you none that's worth it.
Messages 3009 - King Mario King Mario
vs70641 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
ChocoM1lk wrote:
Living in the UK isn't that bad actually. And before you say, no there aren't people who say stuff like "bri'ish" and "how you doing m8" who carry around knives. Anyways, when the recent storm, named Storm Ciaran hit, all it did was make a few lights flicker and it was over in a heartbeat. Just goes to show how good of a place the UK / Britain is.

1: You can't use a single Storm to describe how a place is weatherwise. You have to account for the last 20-30 years at a minimum.
2: Sounds more like Australia, not UK wtf?
Messages 3009 - King Mario King Mario
vs70641 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Here is fine:
We don't get much bad weather, minus the heat. Most storms don't get this far south.
The government is okay, and the PM going off to shit on bigger countries about how we're somehow doing well post-Covid in our state every now & again is funny.
The roads are terrible, the minimum wage is worse
Water is a problem, somehow.
Electricity is stable, except when BL&P feels like pulling a prank
Police are good actually

Our country is fairly chill. We're just, y'know, there. Not contributing much, but not taking anything either. I could go on, but I not right now, maybe later.
Messages 1827 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20087 pts ★ Legend
battle6823 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
ChocoM1lk wrote:
Living in the UK isn't that bad actually. And before you say, no there aren't people who say stuff like "bri'ish" and "how you doing m8" who carry around knives. Anyways, when the recent storm, named Storm Ciaran hit, all it did was make a few lights flicker and it was over in a heartbeat. Just goes to show how good of a place the UK / Britain is.

1: You can't use a single Storm to describe how a place is weatherwise. You have to account for the last 20-30 years at a minimum.
2: Sounds more like Australia, not UK wtf?

ok yeah you're right but there still isn't anyone that says "bri'ish" and stupid things like that.
Messages 1145 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14161 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
South Africa
ChocoM1lk wrote:
ChocoM1lk wrote:
Living in the UK isn't that bad actually. And before you say, no there aren't people who say stuff like "bri'ish" and "how you doing m8" who carry around knives. Anyways, when the recent storm, named Storm Ciaran hit, all it did was make a few lights flicker and it was over in a heartbeat. Just goes to show how good of a place the UK / Britain is.

1: You can't use a single Storm to describe how a place is weatherwise. You have to account for the last 20-30 years at a minimum.
2: Sounds more like Australia, not UK wtf?

ok yeah you're right but there still isn't anyone that says "bri'ish" and stupid things like that.

In London there are a lot of similar people who do carry knives and do use an accent like that.
Messages 1827 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20087 pts ★ Legend
battle6823 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
ChocoM1lk wrote:
ChocoM1lk wrote:
Living in the UK isn't that bad actually. And before you say, no there aren't people who say stuff like "bri'ish" and "how you doing m8" who carry around knives. Anyways, when the recent storm, named Storm Ciaran hit, all it did was make a few lights flicker and it was over in a heartbeat. Just goes to show how good of a place the UK / Britain is.

1: You can't use a single Storm to describe how a place is weatherwise. You have to account for the last 20-30 years at a minimum.
2: Sounds more like Australia, not UK wtf?

ok yeah you're right but there still isn't anyone that says "bri'ish" and stupid things like that.

In London there are a lot of similar people who do carry knives and do use an accent like that.

ah my bad just me being 0 IQ once again (i am very stupid)
Messages 709 - Mario Mario
vs48268 pts ★ Titan
battle13026 pts ★ Champion
United Kingdom
England is very boring, I want to leave
Messages 1764 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
PixelMK wrote:
England is very boring, I want to leave

For real, I'm going back to Ireland first chance I get
Messages 1145 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14161 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
South Africa
PixelMK wrote:
England is very boring, I want to leave

What do you mean? England is a great country.
Messages 5032 - King Mario King Mario
vs47334 pts ★ Titan
battle6798 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
It's fine here in Cornwall. Outisde of school it's quite peaceful, which is the way I prefer to live my life
Messages 1764 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
Dietsoda wrote:
PixelMK wrote:
England is very boring, I want to leave

What do you mean? England is a great country.

Different people, different thoughts I guess, I'd get outta here first chance I get but I appreciate why someone'd stay here if they lived here all their life, even if they didn't.
Messages 1017 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs17573 pts ★ Master
battle5983 pts ★ Novice
PixelMK wrote:
England is very boring, I want to leave

Exactly, America is better
Messages 122 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs8503 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
No Cap living in America is built diffrent like you have freedom and crap cool
Messages 4325 - King Mario King Mario
vs75766 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
No Cap living in America is built diffrent like you have freedom and crap cool

You have guns too :D not wanting to offense you

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