Does anyone else in the US have Switch games bought from across european regions?
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On 2022-12-25 at 18:00:37
I'm just curious, I got Miitopia for Christmas, & noticed that it was the Australian version of the game. My copy of MK8 Deluxe was the PAL version. Has anyone else noticed this on their Switch game copies? My Google searches are helpless.
On 2022-12-25 at 18:01:41
You sure you put on America in your region settings?
On 2022-12-25 at 18:12:32
If your setting are America, in region? Or something like that
On 2022-12-25 at 18:25:39
If your setting are America, in region? Or something like that
The Switch I have in my house is most certainly American region, but if you mean something else then idk, sorry
On 2022-12-25 at 19:26:35
It doesn't matter where your games are from, they always use the version for your region and language.
On 2022-12-25 at 20:10:08
It doesn't matter where your games are from, they always use the version for your region and language.
Okay, thanks for confirming. I remember looking it up and finding out the Switch is non-region locked.
On 2022-12-25 at 21:54:19
So then this topic is basically useless. Lock it.
On 2022-12-25 at 22:33:06
Sorry! I didn't mean for this to be a useless topic! Just asking a question, that's all!
On 2022-12-25 at 22:53:50
Sorry! I didn't mean for this to be a useless topic! Just asking a question, that's all!
Yeah i know but now you found the answer so you can lock the topic
On 2022-12-26 at 00:46:55
Okay, fine. I'll do the honors!
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