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What's the weirdest dream you've had?


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Messages 474 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs6872 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
ok so........................................................ in the dream... i turned into a pawn on a never ending chess board as i was doomed to stay in the file i arrived in forever
Messages 358 - Luigi Luigi
vs14740 pts ★ Champion
battle7580 pts ★ Racer
So I have three weird dreams I have to share:

Dream 1: There was a shack with an UFO on top of it. Inside of the shack there were two ladders: one on the front and one on the right. I took the ladder at the front. The ladder transition into pipes that are similar to those under a sink. My dream version of myself is more skilled in parkour and has no butter fingers unlike me. There was an arena with bumper balls after the pipe section. After that, there were more things that I forgot, but there was a guy similar to one of the thieves from the original Home Alone movie. At the end, there were two slides: one one the left and the other on the right. I took the one on the right. I woke up during the sliding...

Dream 2: There was a solar eclipse going on near a prison. A tall, bald prisoner looks at the sun and gets blinded. The prisoners' cell (there was 3 prisoners inside) opens and the blinded prisoner runs outside of his cell, but falls asleep for some reason. One of the prison guards puts the sleeping prisoner in a coffin, because "It would take him too long to wake up" and brings the coffin somewhere else offscreen. Another prison guard tells me to follow him and runs outside. While I was following him, I got stung multiple times by bees. The prison guard was waiting for me. A fat man in a suit (let's just say it's the prison's warden), greedy for money, uses the solar eclipse to get money. The prison's warden invites people to the prison. The guests get blinded by the sun and drops their money. The man in the suit grabs all of their money off the floor. At the end of the solar eclipse, the sun comes down to see the prison's warden and grabs all of the money he got from the solar eclipse, leaving him with only broken dollar bills. The prison's warden looks at the sun as it goes back to space. (This dream was made AFTER the solar eclipse)

Dream 3: I had history class (I don't have it anymore IRL) with some historical events that never happened (the second time it happens in a dream) There was an adult that used the smart board that asked me to give him paper, so I gave a piece of paper. There was another part of the school dream where I was mesing with my stuff instead of doing my work (a text of some sort) whenever the teacher asked me to do my work, I replied with "Oh well..." When I was about to start my work, the class ended. The teacher told the class that tomorow was pizza day (what's this day!?) and I wasn't invited because I didn't do my work.
Messages 109 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs9315 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Some even weirder dream i had|):

I was playing classic sonic simulator in roblox (if you see anyone with the androidsilas name, that's me) & then when I got to green hill act 3, roblox disconnected on me saying "life does not exist, only hell, and Sunday's match against the enchanted castle."aie

brooooooo wut... Does this....... Mean??????????????:s
Messages 298 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs12337 pts ★ Champion
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
i had a dream where everyone was forced into being a sex slave by toy animals

bad news guys this wasnt true..

it was physical work..
Messages 1229 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13090 pts ★ Champion
battle6136 pts ★ Racer
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
When I Was Like 6 or 7, I Once Dreamed Captain America was a Girl, I don't Remember what Was Going on, but I Do Remember it was Weird. Don't Ask. I Was Little.

That's a real thing.

And Also a Tornado Came out of Nowhere in My Dream. I had weird Dreams when I was Little.
Messages 1690 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20229 pts ★ Legend
battle6349 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
i had a dream last night where Krazey got unbanned for some reason and starting saying slurs, the n word and transphobic and racist comments
why the fuck do i have dreams about the weirdest things :s
Messages 876 - Mario Mario
vs14372 pts ★ Champion
battle8324 pts ★ Expert
United States
TwilightGD wrote:
i had a dream last night where Krazey got unbanned for some reason and starting saying slurs, the n word and transphobic and racist comments
why the fuck do i have dreams about the weirdest things :s

funny enough, a couple of days after Limey's ban, I imagined (not dreamt) that in the MKPC discord, Nudge would talk to Limey and reduce his ban back to 1 month, after finding out that Limey's "alt" was a troll who WASN'T an alt

this is weird that we both had something similar :s
Messages 329 - Peach Peach
vs6367 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Okay, so, I had a dream where I had a bath in organge juice with a orange shark, along with the orange man with the orange plan
Messages 358 - Luigi Luigi
vs14740 pts ★ Champion
battle7580 pts ★ Racer
I'm starting to dream about buying Lego Dimensions non-existent year 3 packs...

Man... I wish Lego Dimensions didn't cancel during year 2...:(
Messages 263 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs14459 pts ★ Champion
battle7742 pts ★ Racer
United States
I had a scary dream. So me and my 2 friends, Kellan and Abram, Went to my house. When all the sudden, the unexpected of the unexpected happened, when a Army plane let out a Atomic Bomb on the US 💀. And almost the house state died. It was scary. Its just basiclly Hiroshima Bombing in the US.
Messages 263 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs14459 pts ★ Champion
battle7742 pts ★ Racer
United States
I had a scary dream. So me and my 2 friends, Kellan and Abram, Went to my house. When all the sudden, the unexpected of the unexpected happened, when a Army plane let out a Atomic Bomb on the US 💀. And almost the house state died. It was scary. Its just basiclly Hiroshima Bombing in the US.
Messages 1 - Goomba Goomba
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
I Have One! Me And My Frends Are By A [size=36][/LARGE] Vacano! Someone Said "If You Tuch The Lava, You Die. So I Went To A Place, And I Died... Thats Wene I Woke Up.:(
Messages 297 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs6727 pts ★ Racer
battle5701 pts ★ Novice
Trinidad and Tobago
I swear to god I had a dream I was falling in a video game land (kinda like Sonic) and when I hit the ground (which was A road) I woke up.
Messages 18 - Koopa Koopa
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
2 contenders
1. the dream were a new metaballstudios vid came out about planets losing mass, but as i was watching stuff around me began shrinking with music in the background saying what the thing shrinking is

2. the dream were I opened a magical book and a Demon Genie came out and told me he would give me anything i wanted if i did some chores for him, but then i messed 1 up and he killed me

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