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Thoughts on closing in on 100,000 accounts

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Believe it or not, MKPC has over 95,000 members (excluding players that haven't made an account)! Ever since 2010, this community has grown and collected loads of people, with no previous following. Wargor simply made a game that (not accurate, don't ask my sources) has stuck with 120,000 people.
Now, I want you to debate whether any events or celebrations will be held to mark this event. I personally think Wargor will do a mini celebration on the front page to show that we've reached our goal.
Although around 90% of accounts made are either throwaways, annoying trolls or pure inactive people, they are a building block for this milestone. Feel free to disagree with me and others and state your reason for thinking that.

Fun fact: 120K players is slightly more than the population of Northern Canada (even though it covers 48% of the total land area of Canada, a country nearly the size of Europe and bigger than the US)

EDIT: There seems to be a little over 191K accounts right now... 200K this year?

Report a wrong translation

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
It should be Reviews not Views
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Double accounts should be called Alt accounts
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Some stuff on my profile isn't translated at all:
Spoiler [ShowHide]

Advent Calendar (year) ------> (year) Advent Calendar

(NOTE: For the 2022 and 2023 editions of the Advent Calendar, the language in which de title is displayed seems to depend on the country from which the title owner comes, regardless of the language currently selected by the profile viewer (ex.: Max has the 2022/2023 titles always displayed in french even if the website is set to english, whereas Nudge has them always displayed in english even if the website is set to french)! You should fix that so that the title is always displayed in the same language as the one chosen by the profile viewer!
The 2018 edition, on the other hand, has all of its titles displayed in french no matter what, even though it uses the same titles as the 2022/2023 editions, you should fix that to make them appear in english when the website is set to that language!)

I also suggest to change the english name of the Advent Calendar winner title Winter Prodigy to Winter Wonder (sounds better imo)

Festival MKPC ------> MKPC Festival
Gagnant du Concours de Création de Niveaux ------> Level Building Contest Winner
Oscars (year) ------> (year) Oscars
Meilleur rédacteur de news ------> Best news publisher
Meilleur coureur ------> Best racer

Translation suggestions for stuff like this that isn't on my profile:
Meilleur créateur de circuits ------> Best track builder
Meilleur créateur de fanfic ------> Best fanfic writer
Membre le plus populaire ------> Most popular member
Meilleur animateur ------> Best event host
Joueur de l'année ------> Player of the year
Gagnant du Concours de Création Artistique ------> Artistic Creation Contest Winner
Festivalier ------> Festival Goer
Grand Festivalier ------> Great Festival Goer
Héraut du Chaos ------> Chaos Hero
Héros Chaotique de Bronze ------> Bronze Chaotic Hero
Héros Chaotique d'Argent ------> Silver Chaotic Hero
Héros Chaotique d'Or ------> Golden Chaotic Hero
Concours de Fanfic Hivernal ------> Winter Fanfic Contest
Écrivain devant la Cheminée ------> Writer in front of the Chimney
Écrivain avec un Chocolat Chaud ------> Writer with a Hot Chocolate
Combattant Aérien ------> Aerial Fighter
Guerrier Céleste de Bronze ------> Bronze Celestial Warrior
Guerrier Céleste d'Argent ------> Silver Celestial Warrior
Guerrier Céleste d'Or ------> Golden Celestial Warrior

Also, the MKWC winner prediction titles always appear in english and aren't translated to french!

(I hope I forgot nothing and included all non-translated event-specific titles here...)

Oh, and also the forum rank associated with a number of messages superior or equal to 400 but inferior to 500 is called Luigi d'argent in french, but Metal Luigi in english! Which one is correct? :p
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
LOL est une abréviation anglaise et non française...

Sinon pour les émojis anglais qui sont en français, ce sont un peu comme des anglicismes, tout le monde les comprend donc pas la peine de changer...
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I also found a translation error:

People that have the right to publish/delete/edit news are called <publisher of news> but, if I'm not wrong, <news editor> is more english than <publisher of news>, also those kind of users can also delete/edit news so not sure <publisher> is an appropriate word to describe them...

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
@Wargor I found a wrong translation:

When you're on the english version of MKPC, and when you click on someone's profile, it says «profile of [USERNAME]», however in english it is «[USERNAME]'s profile».

/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Lely wrote:
ethan001 wrote:

(for some reasons now online races are broken idk why)

I've literally been here for almost four years and this is the first legit "hacking" report
Fun fact: It's the first time I've ever seen a hacking incident getting reported in my 8 years of activity, but MKPC has already been hacked a few times in the past before this (by people like sonnenrad or myself :p), just not in this way...
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
EXE wrote:
[Edited by Senko - yes I also censored this]
@Wargor go patch that
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Kapterion wrote:
@jason467 is an alternate account of @Kirby123


lol I make alt in case this one gets hacked
I have reason like rule said
Be realistic bro no one is going to hack an MKPC account
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I'm reporting @MonkeyOwner1 for using both the n-word and f-word in the online chat + racist-sounding username and former username:
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Rip mon topic le plus populaire est mort x(
Rip my most popular topic died x(


Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I have these 12 tracks, placed in a multicup since I'm too lazy to separately send their links...
If they're fine, I'll send you a collab link! :p

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Kernell wrote:
3 very fun cups are waiting to be cleared!
Can I propose some of my tracks or is it too late? :s
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Holy shit I have a shit tons of old tracks that would be perfect for this

MKPC Slander

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
mememo wrote:
the activity of 50% of all mkpc accounts:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1122506782175133788/1129017116956299354/image.png
Actually, since there are 142162 accounts and only 2213 of them posted at least one message, this means that 98.4% of all accounts have zero forum message (it's still better than my expectations, I thought the actual percentage of forum-using account was below 1% especially with all the alts that have been created over the years)

Something you HATE a lot

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Wal98 wrote:
I hate:
- discrimination of any type
- judgemental people
- gaslighters and victim blamers
- people that enjoy harming others
- wars and conflicts
- illnesses, diseases and disabilities
- abrahamic religions (please don't ban/cancel me)
- my lack of motivation and energy
- my lack of luck when trying to validate my impossible challenges on MKPC
- my brokeness
- my immaturity (I might look mature on MKPC but real life is different)
- my music addiction (it got so bad my parents confiscated my ipod)
- my scrolling addiction
- my insomnia
- my lack of appetite
- my OCD
- my acne
- my lack of IRL friends
- my allergies
- my fear of ending up in an horrible afterlife after my death
- my inability to complete NNN due to being really heavily addicted to... you know...
- my straight up psychopathic fetishes

Growing up in a strict Christian household I can relate to many of your struggles, it certainly messes up your head. Now I'm a pagan with a healthy affiliation with Asian Occultism so these overreligious fools can shove their strict Abrahamic values where the sun don't shine I guess :p
I can't say my christian household was "strict" or "abusive", it's just that I disagree with lots of the things of the religion itself and some bible parts really messed badly with my OCD...
Right now I'm irreligious but interested in occultism/spirituality although I've never done anything of that sort yet :p (IDC that it's not scientific, my personal life isn't anyone else's business so don't judge me anyone *[)
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I hate:
- discrimination of any type
- judgemental people
- gaslighters and victim blamers
- people that enjoy harming others
- wars and conflicts
- illnesses, diseases and disabilities
- abrahamic religions (please don't ban/cancel me)
- my lack of motivation and energy
- my lack of luck when trying to validate my impossible challenges on MKPC
- my brokeness
- my immaturity (I might look mature on MKPC but real life is different)
- my music addiction (it got so bad my parents confiscated my ipod)
- my scrolling addiction
- my insomnia
- my lack of appetite
- my OCD
- my acne
- my lack of IRL friends
- my allergies
- my fear of ending up in an horrible afterlife after my death
- my inability to complete NNN due to being really heavily addicted to... you know...
- my straight up psychopathic fetishes

How should dogs wear pants?

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
ShorttCat wrote:
Let's settle the internet's most important question; how should dogs wear pants fr? (obviously the first one right?)https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/vfVxgwBe7ytW3Ig9MUkRvWQp0XE=/0x54:1026x631/976x549/media/img/mt/2015/12/Screen_Shot_2015_12_29_at_5.19.10_PM/original.png
Second one.
First is like a shirt-pant fusion

What was your first Mario Kart game?

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Mario Kart 7, followed by Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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