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Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
RHcks wrote:

nah you just look ridiculous, i mean really you come back to just screw up?, if you are supposed to be a 20 or even older person, why are you acting like a 12 year old crybaby retard? You don't get attention at home? you need paternal milk? well wrong place, go fuck up other people's lives or better yet go straighten up your life, if you really consider mature what you are doing, let me tell you that you are just being ridiculous but well, maybe you are so stupid that you can't even read so you probably ignore this message.

imagine saying you're a serious person and hold a grudge against kids of 13 or less, for problems that he himself caused, this isnt twitter pendejazo go to give pity elsewhere.

Yup yup that IS exactly the truth no lie no cap 💀

Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
VC wrote:
VC wrote:
VC wrote:
VC wrote:
Someone just hacked into @-princesslucky- (Lely)'s account (i think, anyways)

oh stfu im gonna get banned again bc you are buttstuck abt nothing so get lost lil girlly

I'd rather you not get THIS account banned. :/

idc abt u its just payback so stfu and leave

Payback for what? Being an asshole?

he got me banned once and now im getting him banned and leaking the personal info

And what right do you have to do that?

Might I remind you that you literally broke site rules
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
VC wrote:
VC wrote:
VC wrote:
Someone just hacked into @-princesslucky- (Lely)'s account (i think, anyways)

oh stfu im gonna get banned again bc you are buttstuck abt nothing so get lost lil girlly

I'd rather you not get THIS account banned. :/

idc abt u its just payback so stfu and leave

Payback for what? Being an asshole?

he got me banned once and now im getting him banned and leaking the personal info

And what right do you have to do that?
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
VC wrote:
VC wrote:
Someone just hacked into @-princesslucky- (Lely)'s account (i think, anyways)

oh stfu im gonna get banned again bc you are buttstuck abt nothing so get lost lil girlly

I'd rather you not get THIS account banned. :/

idc abt u its just payback so stfu and leave

Payback for what? Being an asshole?
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
VC wrote:
Someone just hacked into @-princesslucky- (Lely)'s account (i think, anyways)

oh stfu im gonna get banned again bc you are buttstuck abt nothing so get lost lil girlly

I'd rather you not get THIS account banned. :/
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Someone just hacked into @-princesslucky- (Lely)'s account (i think, anyways)

MKPC News : Showcase your projects, keep us informed about your projects and more !

Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
MKPC News : Showcase your projects, keep us informed about your projects and more !

Irrelevant. (/j X3)
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
im making a contest (epic)

Ooh! What kind?
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Marcelo106 wrote:
BlueFlame wrote:
So, the reason I created this was quite obvious. Every member created his own topic for his own news, and usually the news are either useless, uninteresting, non-existent (believe me or not, but there is news topics without any single news) people tend to use them randomly, as a talking area.

I won't be creating my own rules cause this is bullshit, but here you go.

If you ever has announcements to say, come here and announce them. Please try to be at least a little bit useful.
Edit : In case this was quite unclear, this topic is also a good place to talk about your projects.

The Sequel To My Project Marcelo Vroom 1

...you don't have to reply to the original post if you want to announce something.
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Lucklord wrote:
I know it may seem weird for me to announce DLC for MK9 already, but with Wave's contest, i've decided i'll start working on it now with the 10 themes he gives.
For the first DLC pack, it's going to be MKPC themed, with 32 tracks, each themed around a different MKPC member. If you would like a certain theme, then please tell me. I myself will be having a volcano track.


Nudge Volcano
Senko Stadium
Fiery Therapy

I'd like a track, please!
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Dietsoda wrote:
I'm thinking of making an rp without the clutter of messages and I know how. So...

Announcing: Fantasy rp

Ooh! Sounds interesting! Care to discuss what specifically it is?
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Chihiro wrote:
How the cups work in Mario Kart Galaxy:
Cup: Based off a power up (E.G. Bee Cup)
Track 1: Big galaxy (E.G. Good Egg Galaxy)
Track 2: Combined galaxies (E.G. Asset Dump Galaxy)
Track 3: Custom submition galaxies (E.G. Flaming Forest Galaxy)
Track 4: Big galaxy linked to cup name (E.G. Honey Hive Galaxy)

Page 1 is based off Mario Galaxy 1
Page 2 is based off Mario Galaxy 2

Also, i mentioned that the custom galaxies can be submitted, since i've made it so 16 people get to chose 1 custom galaxy each for me to make, which will be in the spoiler.
Spoiler [ShowHide]
Flaming Forest Galaxy (Nudge)
Apocolypse Galaxy (IlluZhion)
Explosive Robot Galaxy (Osc-Omb)
Sour Waterfall Galaxy (Fiery)
Bubble Beach Galaxy (Popplio)
Starlight Festival Galaxy (Lely)
Starlit Void Galaxy (Xrunner)

May I suggest a Sky Castle Galaxy?

[Fanfic] - MKPC Archipel (2024 Season)

Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
CyClops wrote:
Lely wrote:
Alice 4
Nudge 4
Lely 4
Max 4
Ben 4
Choco 4
Krazey 4
VC 4
Angrybird 4
James 4
Noob 4
Dayzi 4

It's really fair. Well this episode was a break tbh, was supposed to feel chill and cute. Since it didn't include many plot elements, I decided to give the same amount of lines to everyone

i wish i could join but when someone dies can i join  when a character dies? also Ben and Eli have anti-hero potential, especaily Eli

No-one will die but some people might leave or otherwise be sent away from the competition. you can probably join then!
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
VC wrote:
Glad to see we're done with fighting! But I predict there's just going to be more fighting on the horizon...

There isn't.
It just took me more episodes to do the transition. Before, I would have said everything was fake and everyone was manipulated. But now I bothered making a transition because I was tired to produce fights. But I had to go through the hassle of making a transition episode. That's all the energy it took me to just stop the fighting. So now, no more of it for a longgggg while.

I will not miss the drama.
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Glad to see we're done with fighting! But I predict there's just going to be more fighting on the horizon...
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Lely wrote:
Btw this is on hiatus cause my phone is broken and this one is small so for now no episode upcoming :(

Okay fellas, since Lely is MIA, I'll be writing the next episode
First, I need to drop some content warnings, so there's no complaining or confusion when the episode drops.

The next content posted to this particular topic will include*:
1: Hebephilia
2: Anti-LGBT dialogue
3: Racial paraphrasing
4: Potentially upsetting images
5: Blatant references to real life sex offenders and/or serial killers
6: Generally de-motivating diagolue that could lead to suicidal thoughts
7: colour brown species monkey
8: Religious content
9: Unorthodox fantasies/headcanons held by the writer
10: Unauthorised use of 3rd party characters, also based on real people

*: this list is subject to change at anytime

Don't worry, development has already begun, expect it sometime tomorrow!

Did lely say you could write the next episode? (genuinely curious, if a bit worried)
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Invu wrote:
Eli : Hey ! Hey ! You ! You ! I don't like your boyfriend !

I like how Eli's go-to intimidation technique is quoting Avril Lavigne.
Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
I feel like I should ask to not be a part of this, this time. I don't feel attached enough to anyone here to be invested in the story at hand, especially without pics.
I don't know. Maybe it's fanfic fatigue. Maybe it's the other darker seasons. Maybe it's how I don't seem to have many lines or much impact on the story. Either way, I feel like I should be left out of any future fanfics.

[EDIT: Fanfic Author told me to stay sooo yea i'm staying]

[Fanfic] MKPCverse Season 4 ~ Rebirth of a Star [Mature content ?]

Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Lely wrote:
Yay my East Asian moral etiquette is invading MKPCverse, 11/10 episode btw

Yeah I admit this was not the best comeback ever, but at least, it's finally out

It's great! I love MKPCverse (I'm even considering maybe making a comic book series for it :o)

Very intriguing!!

スーパープリンシエッスカードズ(MKPC Trading Card Game)

Messages 225 - Toad Toad
vs14712 pts ★ Champion
battle7089 pts ★ Racer
Y'know what? Maybe I should get in on this "epic type" stuff too! May I have an epic card as well?

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