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Tornado Siren Meme of the Day.

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
This is Only for People Who understand Tornado Siren Facts, Humor, information, ETC.
If You Don't Know Anything About Tornado Sirens, then this isn't For You So Please Don't Give a Bad Reaction to These Memes. Like the Facepalm thing.
However, If You do Like Tornado Sirens, like Me. Then those people can Make Memes about Tornado Sirens!
So Please, People Who Don't Like Tornado Sirens, Don't Say bad things about this.

Here is a Meme to Start it Out.

So Tornado Siren Fans, This Topic Might be for You!

The second one looks way cooler, & a bigger  exit valve too. How is it worse?

Rating all Super Mario Galaxy 2 Galaxies

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
World 2

Puzzle Plank Galaxy: Okay, maybe a little biased/a hot take, but I love the Irish folk/Bluegrass music in the background. The level itself is also very fun, making use of one of Mario's mechanics for once, and for progression rather than survival, which is always a neat touch. I also like the amount of stuff that was revived from the first Galaxy game, including ONE of the bosses, the secret boss Bugaboom. The fight still had the same arena, which was a bit of a bummer and was also kinda easier with the newly added Cloud Flower imo. The main boss, the Mandibug Stack, was just a less annoying version of the miniboss from the first Galaxy game. Overall both bosses improved, and this galaxy is probably my favorite in the game.
My rating: 5/5
My rating (boss): 3.5/5
My rating (secret boss): 3.5/5

Hightail Falls Galaxy: Okay, I like this galaxy too. The introduction of the Dash Pepper and the first use of Yoshi since Yoshi Star were a great combo. However, the Dash Pepper could get a little annoying for me as I kept running into walls or falling off the map, which made the level a little too hard for World 2 imo.
My rating: 4.5/5

Boulder Bowl Galaxy: I don't see much wrong with this galaxy either. The introduction of the Rock Mushroom was okay I guess but it shares a similar problem with Hightail Falls (that being control). At least the boss, Rollodillo, didn't have the same problem and is the first boss to utilize a power-up, which imo is cool. Seriously though, why did they have to make Rollodillo's weak spot its ass?
My rating (level): 4/5
My rating (boss): 4.5/5

Cosmic Cove Galaxy: Have never met a single person who dislikes this galaxy. It's fun, it's more open than most other levels *cough cough* bad partner level *cough cough* and all the missions are fun. I love the addition of the Star Bunny chase and freezing the entire galaxy over.
My rating: 5/5

Wild Glide Galaxy: Okay, it introduced a new mechanic, but the controls in these Fluzzard levels are so sloppy it's unreal. Also, hitting an obstacle basically means instant-ish death.
My rating: 0.5/5

Honeybloom Galaxy: I love this level too. I think that this was the perfect way to introduce the Bee Mushroom, which oddly enough I completed the galaxy without. The aesthetics were immaculate, the music was probably my favorite from the first Galaxy game (alongside Waltz of the Boos, Bouldergeist Battle and Beach Bowl Galaxy), even the layout was perfect.
My rating: 5/5

Bowser's Lava Lair: To be honest, there's not much to say about this. It's a typical Bowser level, no more, no less. However it works better than some from the first Galaxy game, so I'll give it points for that. Also the boss fight against Bowser wasn't a knockoff of the Super Mario 64 one for once.
My rating (level): 4.5/5
My rating (boss): 4.5/5

My rating overall for World 2: 4.75/5

Certified Fluzzard Issue

Mario maker 3 ideas

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Better online
NSMB2 style(Mini Mushroom, Tanooki Leaf, Super Shell, Gold Flower)
Be able to report levels(have to give a reason)
NSMB2 enemies(Whomps, Broozers etc.)
Multiple Styles in 1 level
DK Hammer(makes the game like Donkey Kong)
More pipe colors
Red coin rings
Retro Pipe(makes the game like Mario Bros.)
Secret Exits
More Yoshis
More Mario World enemies

Share your custom item distributions!

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
It's a bit simplistic, but Happy MAR10 Day!!!
(I don't even know if these values are legal or work, prob should of tested it first.)

Ask Me Anything: Liar edition

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Senka wrote:
Senka wrote:
Ive_Invu wrote:
Is pizza the best food ever with no questioning bring ever possible ?

No it tastes worse than Osc-Omb's dick

Can you describe how that tastes?

It tastes like sushi

That checks out right? British have the sea in their blood after all.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Senka wrote:
Ive_Invu wrote:
Is pizza the best food ever with no questioning bring ever possible ?

No it tastes worse than Osc-Omb's dick

Can you describe how that tastes?

Lely is Princesslucky

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Can anybody give me a synopsis of what this "princesslucky" lady's problem was?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
LovedByAll wrote:

Caught red handed ;)

Thanks Captain Obvious.
You're hella late with that y'know.

Some pre-release Contenet in Wave 5

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
you all realize that waluigi stadium was replaced by maple treeway so that every wave had a wii track

I mean, ofc we do. That's the most popular game, why wouldn't they? Doesn't change the fact that Daisy Cruiser was still always Wave 5.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
LO_Mario wrote:
Did you remember?
Daisy Criuser and LA Laps is Normally in Wave 4
But then is Replaced by Waluigi Stadium and Bangkok Rush!

Your sooo late bud. And no, Mushroom Bridge was supposed to be in Wave 4. Cruiser was always 5. And that isn't pre-release content. Pre-release would've been us being able to play it before release, silly.


Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
PrimeTime wrote:

Someone has torn appart the dreams of alot of players on this website , there is one person that is dragging alot of people down , im talking about the nuts licker dinosaur name guy.

Ive had enough of this guy rating like 69 bro

IM TELLING YOU MAN in real life , i would have rocked the little fool in the jaw , him and his moma

What is this about exactly?

next cup?

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
I am talking about the new game that I am going to make.;)
and no desicions for the new cup?!

Kid, we need more context. You asking for random ideas for each track? Does it have a story of events to follow? How many cups we think you should have?
Just what icon to grab for the cup picture?
You need to explain better.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
next cup?
Bronze cup
red shell cup
star cup
click for trans.
La prochaine coupe ?
Coupe en bronze
Coupe coquille rouge
Coupe des étoiles

What are you referring to, exactly?

Who is your Super smash bros main and why?

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
NESS? CRINGE ALERT(No offense Coopa)
Mine is just Inkling, they're very okay overall. Can't kill for shit.

How do / can you check a courses stats

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Toony wrote:
I want to check how many plays my courses have if it's something you can do. Sorry if this isn't what the forum is for I'm kind of new. |:

1. Welcome, sort of.
2. That's a fine question
3. No, you can't. That'd be great.

Who do we think is the oldest person here?

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Anyway off the getting laid shit, I haven't been around long enough to guess anyone other than the creator?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Wait why is your girlfriend 12? Isn't that pedo-----a? 🤨

Being a pedo or not doesn't really matter until one partner is an adult(which is technically 18 but nobody gives a shit if it ends up being a year or two younger than that). It isn't really a problem if your both below that. Well, maybe in a more sensitive country.
That's why it kinda sucks when you hit 17. Girls don't like guys younger than THEM, ever, & your an adult now so you can't like girls YOU anymore. Atleast here.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Not a particular person but the highest "age" playing on this platform

If we're talking about everyone, then Wargor, the creator, who iirc is 28 or 29. If we're talking about forum members and people who didn't develop the game itself, then it's Wal68, who's 22 or 23 (I'm kinda bad with ages lol)

@Veroviolette claims she is 35 and thats the highest ive seen on here other than @PrimeTime who is 56

You do realize they might be faking it? My girlfriend claims she's 148 according to her profile but she's actually 12 lol

Yall are 12 with girlfriends?? lmao hey if it works it works

Some bros get bitches early, others gotta work for it.

Please don't sue me.

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
JTJ2000 wrote:
So I'm using map layouts (the image that you use to make the tracks) that other people made because I'm not skilled enough to make them myself. Believe me, I've tried. So if you see that I've used your map layout, please let me know so I can give you credit in the track description. And please don't try to take credit for a map layout that isn't yours. Don't be that guy.

Y'know, you don't HAVE to make HQ tracks. It isn't an unspoken rule to need one, cuz if it is no one's told ME anything & I've been here a year. They might not get 5/5 or even 4/5, or anything at all, but as long as you're proud of your work in the end, y'know? Just work your way up. Easier said than done ofc.
It might take a year or two to make a really good one, but it's def not something you just do in  a few days(Also welcome to the sight, I see that you're very new here).
Unless you are an artistic person, which will probably knock that down to a few weeks.

A message to all ofthe members of this community

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
shadowo wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
I think that a lot of younger players have been reporting things that really aren't problems when they could just ignore it and continue with their days. However, I understand that they might feel uncomfortable with certain content being on this site and may want to protect other users from such content (e.g. some users don't like swear words and report people for using them).

Can’t believe there are track names like Bowsers Masturbating Service and Sex Cup and some 8 year olds on here could see that💀💀💀

Wait, you guys know 8 year olds who don't already know about having sex in that way? Like, fr? I know it's off-topic, but...
That's so PURE!!!

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