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Mario Vs Sonic

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Sonic has too many mid games to be better. That's about it. Love the music tho

ok, i hate humans now

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Dietsoda wrote:
Anyways, armies are notoriously anti-snowflake behaviour, and, sorry to say,  caring about being misgendered, is snowflake behaviour.

I got the impression that this was not about countries militaries but rather the countries themselves.

Did you look at their channel? It dedicated to shitting on the US military by using proper forces, the US military which was pretty famously doing....non-professional military things, let's say. This is one of them.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Anyways, armies are notoriously anti-snowflake behaviour, and, sorry to say,  caring about being misgendered, is snowflake behaviour.

Still, shouldn't really warrant any kind of barbaric punishment tbh, there are countries who would genuinely execute people for identity, and if that's not barbaric then I don't know what is.

If it's a place 100% against that, certain the people there know the risks, right? Which is more important, expressing yourself freely, or living in the first place? It's really just a "don't get caught thing".
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Anyways, armies are notoriously anti-snowflake behaviour, and, sorry to say,  caring about being misgendered, is snowflake behaviour.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
iKapten wrote:
I have no idea what yall talking about.

Then maybe read everything before sending anything?

I mean I did read, but I don't get it:s

They shared a short from a military channel and seem to be surprised that it's anti-gay, when keeping that sort  of shit out in the first place is a vital part of an army.

Oh ok, but how hey get that one due?

You how do they record it? Same way the news does, recording a public drill, or "show of force" most likely. Not that improbable.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
StayC wrote:
iKapten wrote:
I have no idea what yall talking about.

Then maybe read everything before sending anything?

I mean I did read, but I don't get it:s

They shared a short from a military channel and seem to be surprised that it's anti-gay, when keeping that sort  of shit out in the first place is a vital part of an army.

That's definitively not an excuse to even post this kind of video on Youtube. And it's not really about the short itself, but the reactions of people in the comment section.

You can post anything you want on Youtube Lely. Freedom of Expression.

But it checks out. Folly has no place in the ranks.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
iKapten wrote:
I have no idea what yall talking about.

Then maybe read everything before sending anything?

I mean I did read, but I don't get it:s

They shared a short from a military channel and seem to be surprised that it's anti-gay, when keeping that sort  of shit out in the first place is a vital part of an army.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Anyway, it's a religion thing.
If you were born in a place with strong beliefs, they're not gonna take kindly to your "mental disorders".
To stay friends with you all, I will not elaborate any further;)
Anyway, it's a very Anti-America channel, posting about places like Africa & Asia, where religion is very relevant & important. What did you expect?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Ssg-132 wrote:
1up83 wrote:
Jeez all I did was put question marks

Well with the context the topic you made it seem like nothing was wrong ever.
1up83 wrote:
Why u hate humans if u a human
Obviously I don’t hate all of humanity its called over exaggerating, i mainly did it because i bunch of people did something that i see as wrong
This video is an easy way to piss a transgender girl off... seriously though, someone got hung in Saudi for being gay but they allow goddamn SHREX SLAVES WITHOUT THE HR, then in Russia, Miitopia gets banned for RPG team dynamics and in Iran, well, the country essentially fucked itself over in recent times. Thanks world. I'm just glad my two native countries aren't homophobic, heck, just being Irish I get called 'transgender' - I just laugh and say 'how the fuck did you know?' but it genuinely annoys me *[
holy shhhhhhhhhy guy
And what the fffffffffffffunky kong
You mean like male & female? Like if you're born a girl they'd shit on you just because?
no i mean people who are born lgbtq

If you were born lgbtq, the doctors would have said so at birth, would they not?
Unless you're a 171 IQ person, I'd like to think the medical personnel would know more than you.
You can go ahead & change what you "are" later, but nobody is born LGBTQ.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Ssg-132 wrote:
1up83 wrote:


You mean like male & female? Like if you're born a girl they'd shit on you just because?

Why does nobody talk about this

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
If your parents make a fuss about telling you that your mom shat you out, they suck.

Sony Vs. Nintendo.

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
I love when people start useless discourse because they're bored

Yes, it's very fun to start.
Mind you, KirbyBoy did choose a console war topic. There are rules to uphold there.

So, this is illegal? If so, I'm Deleting this.

No, I meant that by pitting two entities against each other, there's no chance some form of debate doesn't start. Nobody else did it yet, so I just did it myself. My bad.


Yes. It's purely my fault. It just wouldn't do to have 0% argument on this, that's so inacurrate to everything else in life.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
I love when people start useless discourse because they're bored

Yes, it's very fun to start.
Mind you, KirbyBoy did choose a console war topic. There are rules to uphold there.

So, this is illegal? If so, I'm Deleting this.

No, I meant that by pitting two entities against each other, there's no chance some form of debate doesn't start. Nobody else did it yet, so I just did it myself. My bad.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
osc-omb wrote:
I love when people start useless discourse because they're bored

Yes, it's very fun to start.
Mind you, KirbyBoy did choose a console war topic. There are rules to uphold there.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
Quality Wise, The PS is Better, It can be a CD Player and a Console, the Nintendo Switch makes annoying Buzzing Sounds, and Joy-Cons Break in Less than a Year. Nintendo is Making Trash.
Nintendo Should Have Kept the 3DS. Sony Wins.

It's a bootleg PC that costs 500 dollars.
Also 3DS was far worse than Switch.

Nah, wait, that's your whole issue, isn't it? It's the 4DS again???? You would have preferred another 3DS?

Yes, The 3DS Was Cheaper. Games didn't Cost as Much as the Accessories, It Was Reliable, It Had Music, It Had Cameras, It Had a Microphone, It Had a Stylus, It Could Go Up to 16 Players, and It Could Fit In Your Pocket.
The 3DS is Epic.
Sony on the Other Hand Beats Future Nintendo.

Honestly, that's based.
Let's ignore the fact that it undersold their expectations, right?
Like, it did meh for a reason, buddy.....might be because it was just a shittier phone?

Anyways, even then, you said "Nintendo", not "Nintendo Switch". If that's the case, you make it sound like 3DS is better than PS4 & PS5 to you, in which case....Nintendo(THE COMPANY) is still winning for you...

Okay, Past Nintendo would Win, But Now That I've been introduced to Crash Bandicoot, and Nintendo Discontinued the Good Stuff, Sony Wins.

Nah dude, you said, Sony VS. Nintendo. Now you choose to move the goalposts?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
Quality Wise, The PS is Better, It can be a CD Player and a Console, the Nintendo Switch makes annoying Buzzing Sounds, and Joy-Cons Break in Less than a Year. Nintendo is Making Trash.
Nintendo Should Have Kept the 3DS. Sony Wins.

It's a bootleg PC that costs 500 dollars.
Also 3DS was far worse than Switch.

Nah, wait, that's your whole issue, isn't it? It's the 4DS again???? You would have preferred another 3DS?

Yes, The 3DS Was Cheaper. Games didn't Cost as Much as the Accessories, It Was Reliable, It Had Music, It Had Cameras, It Had a Microphone, It Had a Stylus, It Could Go Up to 16 Players, and It Could Fit In Your Pocket.
The 3DS is Epic.
Sony on the Other Hand Beats Future Nintendo.

Honestly, that's based.
Let's ignore the fact that it undersold their expectations, right?
Like, it did meh for a reason, buddy.....might be because it was just a shittier phone?

Anyways, even then, you said "Nintendo", not "Nintendo Switch". If that's the case, you make it sound like 3DS is better than PS4 & PS5 to you, in which case....Nintendo(THE COMPANY) is still winning for you...
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
Quality Wise, The PS is Better, It can be a CD Player and a Console, the Nintendo Switch makes annoying Buzzing Sounds, and Joy-Cons Break in Less than a Year. Nintendo is Making Trash.
Nintendo Should Have Kept the 3DS. Sony Wins.

It's a bootleg PC that costs 500 dollars and has 0 games.
Also 3DS was far worse than Switch.

Sony literally made a WiiU Gamepad in 2023. You think they're doing better?
A company who is doing better does not resort to copying other companies. Atleast never copying & doing it WORSE.
The entire thing is invalidated by PC.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
What Do You Like Better?

Sony Has the Popular Crash Bandicoot, and Nintendo has the Mario.

Nintendo isn't Really as Good Anymore. Sony Still is Good. What do You Think?

I think Nintendo is getting back on their feet with Wonder, as it's not a simple case of 'Bowser's kidnapped Peach, go save her' again, and I think from here Nintendo has to take their mainline villains more seriously or it's gonna further decline among fans. As for Sony I just have to say: Sackboy. Ratchet and Clank. Sony is better than Nintendo as of right now.

You do realize the villains have nothing to do with a game's reception? K. Rool wasn't in either Returns or Tropical Freeze, & those games are still miles past the DKC trilogy. That literally effects absolutely nothing.
Metroid has new villains every entry, same for Kirby, Pokemon as well, Xenoblade, Splatoon didn't until some DLC, & they are all critically acclaimed. It's literally just Bowser. The villains mean nothing to the rest of the game. You meet them at the very end, & they lose. That's it. They do literally nothing else. There's no impact 90% of the time by them, the game is usually too far spent for them to be game-changing. Note, Usually.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
What Do You Like Better?

Sony Has the Popular Crash Bandicoot, and Nintendo has the Mario.

Nintendo isn't Really as Good Anymore. Sony Still is Good. What do You Think?

I think you might be overstating how popular Crash is, KirbyBoy, although 40 million isn't anything to sneeze at.

Anyway, Nintendo. Sony make too many movies. They also don't have Xenoblade, Splatoon, Kirby, & constantly release half assed PCs. PC is just better, so Nintendo wins because it isn't trying to be one.
Once Sony stops with the movies & bootleg PCs, then they can reenter.

This comes down to what you actually consider "Sony" or "Nintendo". Do you actually play every single series they have? Or do you literally cherry pick one or two & use that to decide?

Wave 6

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
-Max- wrote:
ZBear2010 wrote:

It's not even out yet. You not gonna last very long with that sorta prejudice. You gonna be single foreva *[

since when you decide if someone likes something or not 🙄

Since never. But I never said anything of the sort so.....
I said it's pretty stupid to say "I like XYZ" cuz XYZ could then go & be the worst thing you've ever had. I never said you shouldn't like it if you like it at all.

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