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If u could Delete any character from mariokart, who would u delete

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Lely wrote:
I agree with Nodac, subject is getting completely out of hand, we are discussing whether genericness and soul is good or not but this is not a philosophy class or a highschool/college debate club, this is about deleting a Mario Kart character...

Jokes on you, everything is a debate

Yeah but debating with you definitively ain't anything like debating with any other people

Incest enthusiasts are 10 a penny online
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
osc-omb wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Look, if you're trying to say that the Sportsmates are soulless, then fucking say so. But just because something is soulless, it doesn't make it worse. The Switch menu is the blandest, most generic one we've ever had. But it's the snappiest and fastest by MILES. As a menu, it's better.
As far as inserting yourself into the game goes, Sportsmates are better than Miis. Do they look generic? Yes. Do you look generic? Yes, unless you're disabled. Are they supposed to represent you? Yes. And you are? Generic. They did thwir job. Just because there isn't enough extra padding attached does not make them worse. "A polished turd is still a turd."
What is blud saying??? I just said that the topic was about Mario Kart and you talking about Smash and then you start getting mad at Pixel for no reason lmfao.
Go touch grass, it's good for health.

Where the fuck did I get mad? Calling them generic? Lmfao. Everyone is generic, it came free with your being a human. Everyone is legit just Ctrl+C, Ctrl-V & then changing hair color & shit. Unless you're missing an eye or something, which is more metal than it is funny. Sorry if that makes someone feel "not special" or some bullshit.
AS for the soulless bit? Is that NOT what they were alluding to with the Xbox 360 analogy? I'll apologize if that's not what they meant.

cool copypasta

Thanks, but it could've been better. Do you have any pointers?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Nodac64 wrote:
Look, if you're trying to say that the Sportsmates are soulless, then fucking say so. But just because something is soulless, it doesn't make it worse. The Switch menu is the blandest, most generic one we've ever had. But it's the snappiest and fastest by MILES. As a menu, it's better.
As far as inserting yourself into the game goes, Sportsmates are better than Miis. Do they look generic? Yes. Do you look generic? Yes, unless you're disabled. Are they supposed to represent you? Yes. And you are? Generic. They did thwir job. Just because there isn't enough extra padding attached does not make them worse. "A polished turd is still a turd."
What is blud saying??? I just said that the topic was about Mario Kart and you talking about Smash and then you start getting mad at Pixel for no reason lmfao.
Go touch grass, it's good for health.

Where the fuck did I get mad? Calling them generic? Lmfao. Everyone is generic, it came free with your being a human. Everyone is legit just Ctrl+C, Ctrl-V & then changing hair color & shit. Unless you're missing an eye or something, which is more metal than it is funny. Sorry if that makes someone feel "not special" or some bullshit.
AS for the soulless bit? Is that NOT what they were alluding to with the Xbox 360 analogy? I'll apologize if that's not what they meant.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
I agree with Nodac, subject is getting completely out of hand, we are discussing whether genericness and soul is good or not but this is not a philosophy class or a highschool/college debate club, this is about deleting a Mario Kart character...

Jokes on you, everything is a debate
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Look, if you're trying to say that the Sportsmates are soulless, then fucking say so. But just because something is soulless, it doesn't make it worse. The Switch menu is the blandest, most generic one we've ever had. But it's the snappiest and fastest by MILES. As a menu, it's better.
As far as inserting yourself into the game goes, Sportsmates are better than Miis. Do they look generic? Yes. Do you look generic? Yes, unless you're disabled. Are they supposed to represent you? Yes. And you are? Generic. They did thwir job. Just because there isn't enough extra padding attached does not make them worse. "A polished turd is still a turd."
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
theSUN wrote:

dude they havent been the main things of something since the miitopia remake (The new wii sports doesn't count they are not the main thing of that)

ok and

If you look at 3DS and Wii they have become essential to those consoles and many games actually include them! Miis are on Switch too but don't get nearly enough representation, considering there was 2 Wii Sports games themed around Miis.

(And no, I refuse to believe Switch Sports is a proper sequel to this, they aren't Miis, they're f*cking XBOX 360 avatars)
The topic is about removing a character in mario kart, of course we wouldn't get rid of the Miis in the whole Nintendo Univers.

This. There are other ways to  represent Miis outside of Mario Kart, like in Smash, where you even get to choose their specials. We don't need them in everything.

You don't fix what isn't broken *[

You do replace it if it's old tho.
Would you eat off a plate from 2010 in 2024? Is your car from the 80s?

It's not that everyone's cars stopped working at the exact same time, it's that they felt like upgrading, no?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Nodac64 wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
theSUN wrote:

dude they havent been the main things of something since the miitopia remake (The new wii sports doesn't count they are not the main thing of that)

ok and

If you look at 3DS and Wii they have become essential to those consoles and many games actually include them! Miis are on Switch too but don't get nearly enough representation, considering there was 2 Wii Sports games themed around Miis.

(And no, I refuse to believe Switch Sports is a proper sequel to this, they aren't Miis, they're f*cking XBOX 360 avatars)
The topic is about removing a character in mario kart, of course we wouldn't get rid of the Miis in the whole Nintendo Univers.

This. There are other ways to  represent Miis outside of Mario Kart, like in Smash, where you even get to choose their specials. We don't need them in everything.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion

It can't be Twitter if there's no bot tweets.
Or that Palestinian kid splattered on the side of a building with no limbs pic. Btw did you guys see that?

Anyway, y'all be like, "Don't turn this into Twitter" over mild arguments. Twitter be having CP groups and shit, be so fr, everyone here is too young to turn this site into Twitter.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
I'm not saying you can't have fun with Wii Sports. But denying a sequel's existence(like as a joke, eg "Other M who?" ) & denying the fact that they are part of a series are not the same("Other M is NOT a Metroid game). The first one is fine, the second is not. Especially when you come back to a game several years in the future, eg Black & White were the most hated games in the series for the Dex Reset. Now that the childhood bias of the N64 & GBA kids has worn of, they are easily agreed to be the best games in the entire series.

And y'all are next. The DS kids have already started with realizing DP is not good & that Platinum was doing all the heavy lifting in Gen 4. In 2-3 years, your opinion WILL change. And you will continue to deny it right now, but it will.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
theSUN wrote:

dude they havent been the main things of something since the miitopia remake (The new wii sports doesn't count they are not the main thing of that)

ok and

If you look at 3DS and Wii they have become essential to those consoles and many games actually include them! Miis are on Switch too but don't get nearly enough representation, considering there was 2 Wii Sports games themed around Miis.

(And no, I refuse to believe Switch Sports is a proper sequel to this, they aren't Miis, they're f*cking XBOX 360 avatars)

Hey. As a sequel to Wii Sports Club, they technically knocked it out of the park. And it's still better than the first game. Not to mention half of the sports in the second game are barely functional and/or make zero sense. Switch Sports Resort(which will exist, Switch Sports is a Top 20 Switch game sales wise) will be far better. Also, as a certified Mii hater, the Sportsmates are dope, & way better for self inserts/OCs with how much more realistic they are. And also you can't make cursed avatars anymore, how is that a downside?
Wii is also very much NOT essential to the JAPANESE company. If you don't know how well Wii did in Japan, look it up. If you're too lazy to, it's sold less than the WiiU's lifetime sales. And also a couple spinoff titles on 3DS don't carry much weight in (checks notes) 2024.

Also, that is not the own you think it is, seeing as how 360 is literally peak Xbox. That was their one good console ever.

For someone who used to always play the two original wii sports and hated the new game i have never felt so offended in my entire life

"the two original Wii Sports" I like your way of thinking, but there are, unfortunately, 3 original Wii Sports.
Also I don't wanna hear it if Wii games if Wii was your first console.

Let's review the franchise.

Wii Sports - Literally THE best selling Wii game of all time and was super popular.

Wii Sports Resort - An amazing sequel to Wii Sports DOUBLING the content from that game and including the classics like Bowling.

Wii Sports Club - A meh game that's just mainly Wii Sports Remastered, oh yeah this is where you had to PAY FOR A MEMBERSHIP if you want to play online.

Nintendo Switch Sports - Nah fuck the Miis we have XBOX 360 avatars, let's go back to only 6 sports and include Golf as DLC even though it should've been available on release, also let's just completely scrap the interesting details about Wii Sports in this game too.

Finally, controversy:p
Pixelss wrote:
Literally the best selling Wii game of all time & was super popular

We both know that Wii Sports did NOT sell, it was a pack-in with the Wii in America. Not the case in Japan, where it has topped out at...3.7 million sold. Yeah. Wii Sports did not "sell", thank you very much. And don't act like you would've bought Wii Sports on it's own. Also there are many popular games that are trash. Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow/Gold/Silver/Crystal/Diamond/Pearl/HeartGold/Soulsilver/X/Y/Sun/Moon/Sword/Shield/Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee/Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl all did well, but they suck. Atleast that's the general consensus.

I have nothing to say about Resort besides what the fuck are Power Cruising & Airsports doing, those are not the sports that should be in here, also could more of the sports function correctly please?

Paying for online is normal my guy, you know that. That's not something to knock. But that game is trash.

Yeah, fuck the Miis, literally got invalidated by a WiiU game as far as self-inserts go. Also I'll take 6 functional sports over any buggy ones. Golf shouldn't have been DLC though, I agree.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
theSUN wrote:

dude they havent been the main things of something since the miitopia remake (The new wii sports doesn't count they are not the main thing of that)

ok and

If you look at 3DS and Wii they have become essential to those consoles and many games actually include them! Miis are on Switch too but don't get nearly enough representation, considering there was 2 Wii Sports games themed around Miis.

(And no, I refuse to believe Switch Sports is a proper sequel to this, they aren't Miis, they're f*cking XBOX 360 avatars)

Hey. As a sequel to Wii Sports Club, they technically knocked it out of the park. And it's still better than the first game. Not to mention half of the sports in the second game are barely functional and/or make zero sense. Switch Sports Resort(which will exist, Switch Sports is a Top 20 Switch game sales wise) will be far better. Also, as a certified Mii hater, the Sportsmates are dope, & way better for self inserts/OCs with how much more realistic they are. And also you can't make cursed avatars anymore, how is that a downside?
Wii is also very much NOT essential to the JAPANESE company. If you don't know how well Wii did in Japan, look it up. If you're too lazy to, it's sold less than the WiiU's lifetime sales. And also a couple spinoff titles on 3DS don't carry much weight in (checks notes) 2024.

Also, that is not the own you think it is, seeing as how 360 is literally peak Xbox. That was their one good console ever.

For someone who used to always play the two original wii sports and hated the new game i have never felt so offended in my entire life

"the two original Wii Sports" I like your way of thinking, but there are, unfortunately, 3 original Wii Sports.
Also I don't wanna hear it if Wii games if Wii was your first console.
like the new megamind trailer of the new movie i consider the switch to be not part of the series

My guy, the new Megamind is literally a scrapped concept for the firt movie. It's part of the series. There's a whole fuckig DS game off of it lmao.
Also Club
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
theSUN wrote:

dude they havent been the main things of something since the miitopia remake (The new wii sports doesn't count they are not the main thing of that)

ok and

If you look at 3DS and Wii they have become essential to those consoles and many games actually include them! Miis are on Switch too but don't get nearly enough representation, considering there was 2 Wii Sports games themed around Miis.

(And no, I refuse to believe Switch Sports is a proper sequel to this, they aren't Miis, they're f*cking XBOX 360 avatars)

Hey. As a sequel to Wii Sports Club, they technically knocked it out of the park. And it's still better than the first game. Not to mention half of the sports in the second game are barely functional and/or make zero sense. Switch Sports Resort(which will exist, Switch Sports is a Top 20 Switch game sales wise) will be far better. Also, as a certified Mii hater, the Sportsmates are dope, & way better for self inserts/OCs with how much more realistic they are. And also you can't make cursed avatars anymore, how is that a downside?
Wii is also very much NOT essential to the JAPANESE company. If you don't know how well Wii did in Japan, look it up. If you're too lazy to, it's sold less than the WiiU's lifetime sales. And also a couple spinoff titles on 3DS don't carry much weight in (checks notes) 2024.

Also, that is not the own you think it is, seeing as how 360 is literally peak Xbox. That was their one good console ever.

For someone who used to always play the two original wii sports and hated the new game i have never felt so offended in my entire life

"the two original Wii Sports" I like your way of thinking, but there are, unfortunately, 3 original Wii Sports.
Also I don't wanna hear it if Wii games if Wii was your first console.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
theSUN wrote:

dude they havent been the main things of something since the miitopia remake (The new wii sports doesn't count they are not the main thing of that)

ok and

If you look at 3DS and Wii they have become essential to those consoles and many games actually include them! Miis are on Switch too but don't get nearly enough representation, considering there was 2 Wii Sports games themed around Miis.

(And no, I refuse to believe Switch Sports is a proper sequel to this, they aren't Miis, they're f*cking XBOX 360 avatars)

Hey. As a sequel to Wii Sports Club, they technically knocked it out of the park. And it's still better than the first game. Not to mention half of the sports in the second game are barely functional and/or make zero sense. Switch Sports Resort(which will exist, Switch Sports is a Top 20 Switch game sales wise) will be far better. Also, as a certified Mii hater, the Sportsmates are dope, & way better for self inserts/OCs with how much more realistic they are. And also you can't make cursed avatars anymore, how is that a downside?
Wii is also very much NOT essential to the JAPANESE company. If you don't know how well Wii did in Japan, look it up. If you're too lazy to, it's sold less than the WiiU's lifetime sales. And also a couple spinoff titles on 3DS don't carry much weight in (checks notes) 2024.

Also, that is not the own you think it is, seeing as how 360 is literally peak Xbox. That was their one good console ever.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Why so many people want to delete pink gold peach and not peachette? because peachette it's in tour and in mario kart 8 deluxe and we have to delete peachette and use king bob omb over peachette

maybe its because unlike peachette, Pink gold peach is not in a mainline mario game (peachette being in new super mario bros u deluxe as a power up for toadette)


Well, King Bob-omb & Nabbit would be far cooler once everyone has forgotten about Tour, don't you think? If they wanted to do deep cut characters, we wouldn't have gotten DK but with glasses, would we?

Anyway, the real reason is because Peachette was a launch Tour character. Her & Pauline joined the game Day 1, as far as headliners go, it's them. Kamek is in because he's been shafted repeatedly.

I'd also like to inform you that even if Peachette was not added, we would have gotten Hammer Bro, cuz he was both next in line from launch & got shafted once. It was never going to be King Bob-omb or Nabbit, they're too new as far as Tour goes.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Delete All Babies Characters Becuase Baby Sucks >: )

And Also Delete Link Since He Not An Mario Guy.

The Baby Bros. & Baby Peach are atleast actual characters in actual, it's just Baby Daisy & Rosalina that are unnecessary. The rest are Yoshi's Island representation.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Chilli3564 wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
R.O.B, DK Jr. & Pink Gold Peach. Everyone else deserves their spot.

Well, I would argue, but R.O.B. is already S Tier in SSBU and that's already good enough. Hopefully he will appear in the next Mario Kart game.

ROB is My Favorite Character in Mario Kart DS. He is Too Underrated and He didn't Get Enough Games.

Well, R.O.B has no games because he isn't actually a game character?

Uh. Yeah He Does. Gyromite and Stack Up.

R.O.B is not actually in either of those games dumbass. He's just a fucking controller for them.
Sorry, my bad, that was rude. But you get what I meant. He is not a game character, he's a controller.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Ultimate exist -_-

Those are not HIS games!
Honestly, you skipped Sm4sh, opinion invalidated.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
R.O.B, DK Jr. & Pink Gold Peach. Everyone else deserves their spot.

Well, I would argue, but R.O.B. is already S Tier in SSBU and that's already good enough. Hopefully he will appear in the next Mario Kart game.

ROB is My Favorite Character in Mario Kart DS. He is Too Underrated and He didn't Get Enough Games.

Well, R.O.B has no games because he isn't actually a game character?

Uh. Yeah He Does. Gyromite and Stack Up.

R.O.B is not actually in either of those games dumbass. He's just a fucking controller for them.
Sorry, my bad, that was rude. But you get what I meant. He is not a game character, he's a controller.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
R.O.B, DK Jr. & Pink Gold Peach. Everyone else deserves their spot.

Well, I would argue, but R.O.B. is already S Tier in SSBU and that's already good enough. Hopefully he will appear in the next Mario Kart game.

ROB is My Favorite Character in Mario Kart DS. He is Too Underrated and He didn't Get Enough Games.

Well, R.O.B has no games because he isn't actually a game character?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
R.O.B, DK Jr. & Pink Gold Peach. Everyone else deserves their spot.

What is the best Rainbow Road in the Mario kart series?

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
ImZackYT wrote:
Ok here goes

3DS Rainbow Road is awful, worst Rainbow Road. Wii Rainbow Road is the best one

I don't agree with either of those entirely, but you're spitting about 3DS RR, that track is not good

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