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Mario Kart 9

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Kraze wrote:
mememo wrote:
mememo wrote:
wii rainbow roaduptoad

That is not a catagory since this is based on what is likely in the next Mario kart and we very likely to get gba rainbow road so you will have to wait until Mario kart 12
we already have n64 rainbow road in mario kart 8 tho

Let me explain. In Mario kart 7, we had SNES rainbow road (the first rainbow road) and in Mario kart 8 we got n64 rainbow road (the second) this means that we will get gba rainbow road in Mario kart 9 due to the formula. That is also how I got maka wuhu just with a different formula and wario stadium is because it is the only non remade n64 track

What's the formula for Maka Wuhu? If this how you are going about the retro tracks, SNES Mario Circuit 4 should be there because all of the others have been remade, although not in order.

For maka wuhu, in wii, we had dk mountain as lightning track three and dk mountain was end of star cup from 2 games ago. This happen again in mk 7 and mk 8 for airship fortress and grumble volcano. This means we are likely lightning cup ending with maka wuhu then gba rainbow road. SNES Mario circuit 4 is possible but isn’t a formula since it was in mkds (1), mk wii (3) And mk 7 (2) but mc 4 was not in mk 8. However, Mc 4 was in the poll I made that I don’t think works so if you want to vote that, just tell me.

I still feel like we're getting one in the DLC, and probably one next game tho. The Lighting Cup thing is interesting, but probably a coincidence.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
mememo wrote:
mememo wrote:
wii rainbow roaduptoad

That is not a catagory since this is based on what is likely in the next Mario kart and we very likely to get gba rainbow road so you will have to wait until Mario kart 12
we already have n64 rainbow road in mario kart 8 tho

Let me explain. In Mario kart 7, we had SNES rainbow road (the first rainbow road) and in Mario kart 8 we got n64 rainbow road (the second) this means that we will get gba rainbow road in Mario kart 9 due to the formula. That is also how I got maka wuhu just with a different formula and wario stadium is because it is the only non remade n64 track

What's the formula for Maka Wuhu? If this how you are going about the retro tracks, SNES Mario Circuit 4 should be there because all of the others have been remade, although not in order.

Incorrect Mario kart track names

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
EA2022 wrote:
jencoenchfnwconoconronrcnjci4u Rins

Uh... what? I have no clue what that is. Sorry if that sounds stupid.


Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Is this the Coconut Malled HD link again? *[

Retro Tracks for Mario Kart 9

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
shell cup:
3ds Rock Rock Mountain
wii Toad's Factory
ds Airship Fortress
ds Figure-8 Circuit

banana cup:
wii Moonview Highway
gcn Wario Colosseum
wii Dry Dry Ruins
wii Daisy Circuit

that is half of what i wanttoad

Why did you post it again?
That's also probably too many Wii & DS tracks in the same cup. Not gonna happen.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
LuigiDawg wrote:
People here seem to be making their retro track lists with the idea that Nintendo's going to re-use tracks they've already made retros out of. Considering the only courses they've done that to before are all in DLCs, I think it's safe to say the next mainline Mario Kart is NOT gonna be like that in its base game retros.
I'll list what I think is the best idea for the MK9 Retros, and I'll explain some of my odder choices in a paragraph below those.

Shell Cup
DS Figure-8 Circuit
SNES Donut Plains 2
WiiU Shy Guy Falls
Wii Toad's Factory

Banana Cup
WiiU Hyrule Circuit
GBA Boo Lake
3DS Wario Shipyard/Galleon
DS Shroom Ridge

Leaf Cup
3DS Mario Circuit
GCN Mushroom City
Wii Dry Dry Ruins
N64 Wario Stadium

Lightning Cup
SNES Mario Circuit 4
WiiU Cloudtop Cruise
GCN Bowser's Castle
GBA Rainbow Road

Now for some explaining:
-SNES DP2 could easily be replaced by either VL1, GV1, or maybe even KB1, but personally, I think DP2 just has a more unique and interesting course layout. ...even if they just used DP3 in MK8.
-Similarly, Boo Lake could be replaced by Riverside Park, and...that's about it. None of the other GBA tracks (that haven't been remade yet) are easy enough for them to be used in the Banana Cup.
-Shy Guy Falls could probably be replaced by Twisted Mansion if Boo Lake isn't used.
-Hyrule Circuit realistically isn't going to be reused, so instead that slot could be filled by Mario Circuit or Thwomp Ruins.
-N64 Wario Stadium has to either be the end of the Leaf Cup or the first course of the Lightning Cup. Its length warrants it being cup down to 2 Laps like Wario Colosseum, and it'd work best as a finale course to the Leaf Cup. If you put it in the Banana Cup clearly you're not thinking straight.
-SNES MC4 is at the start of the Lightning Cup because MC3 was too in Wii.
-Before you say anything about Wario's Shipyard being in the cup before Mario Circuit, let me remind you that "Being placed in the same order as their OG games had them" is NOT a rule. I can think of 5 different scenarios where Nintendo has put courses out of order, and 3 of those scenarios are from Wii. 3DS Mario Circuit works better as an opening course for a cup anyways.

And if you're wondering what I'd say for Battle Courses, well, I think one from each game is a bit...excessive. At most it'd probably be 6 battle courses, and the best options probably are:
SNES Battle Course 2 (or 3)
N64 Double Deck
GBA Battle Course 4 (or 2)
Wii Block Plaza (or Funky Stadium)
3DS Honeybee Hive
NX (or NS) Dragon Palace

-SNES Battle Course 2 is using the Koopa Beach theme, so they could easily use the Underwater mechanic.
-All 3 of the remaining GCN Courses are too small to work in some battle modes, like Renegade Round-Up. Same thing for the DS Battle Courses.
-Dragon Palace is probably the best choice of the 8 Deluxe Battle Courses. Sweet Sweet Kingdom is not fun, and Lunar Colony has too bland of a layout for my liking. Debatably Battle Stadium might be a better choice, however.

And that's it. I can't wait for several 10-14 year olds to criticize my choices because they aren't the same as theirs!

They'll have to eventually. We'll be getting other non-Tour tracks too in the DLC, which would 90% not be retros in other games, so some would have to be reused.
Other than every cup starting with a circuit(no thanks, I'll pass) it sounds possible.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Walugi75 wrote:
Koopa beach 2
N64 Toads turnpike
Frappe snow land
Banshee boardwalk
GBA sky garden  shy guy beach Mario circuit lake side park
GCN waluigi Stadium
Ds Luigi's mansion waluigi pinball
Wii Mario circuit Luigi circuit maple treeway coconut mall
3ds wario shipyard rainbow road cheep cheep lagoon
Wii u\ switch elecdrome dolphin shoals thwop ruins
Nitro boo Boardwalk 1 sunny desert e gadd's lab
Kamek's library boo boardwalk 2  

I dont' think they'll remake Toad's Turnpike twice in a row
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
What? These are the some of the most reasonable predictions I've ever seen on the internet!
Usually everyone is just putting stuff like Mushroom Gorge, Waluigi Pinball & Maple Treeway  in the same cup...

Also, I think Tour is 9 for Nintendo, so this would probably be called 10 or X
If Tour isn't 9, then I would prefer 2 from each game.
Ghost Valley 3
Mario Circuit 4
Wario Stadium
Frappe Snowland/Banshee Boardwalk(The retro DS ones: We just got Tick Tock Clock & Choco Mountain)
Sunset Wilds
Yoshi Desert/Peach Circuit(don't ask why)
Mushroom City
Bowser's Castle
Mario Circuit
Rainbow Road
Toad's Factory/Dry Dry Ruins
DK Summit/Moonview Highway
Wario Shipyard/Daisy Hills
Rock Rock Mountain/Shy Guy Bazaar
Shy Guy Falls/Ice Ice Outpost

Remakes of MKPC tracks

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
MH_osc-omb wrote:

Okay. If I add more enemies, jumps etc. then it is okay?
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Once and for all, I need to know. Are you allowed to remake the tracks from MKPC without making changes? Because there must be 500 remakes up by now.

Unrevealed Tour tracks in MK8DX

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
DK's Snowboard Cross, Koopa Cape, Moonview Highway, And Toad's Factory. ( For Turnip Cup.) Now For Propeller Tracks! Shy Guy Beach, Sunset Wilds, GBA Mario Circuit, And GBA Rainbow Road.

Uhh...this topic is about Tour city tracks.
Even then, those cups are literally one game each. Just saying.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Kraze wrote:
NinFan2008 wrote:
The stuff below is going to have datamining stuff in it so it will be covered in the spoiler.

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I heard that there is going to be a thailand themed track and one of my friends if from there. I hope the datamine is true

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I heard about the Amsterdam & Bangkok Tour datamine, but I hope that we get at least 1 city from every continent.

Madrid would be nice, but I can't think of any South American cities.

And Buenos Aires ? Or even Brasilia ?

I was reasoning that for most of the tracks the second part of the name had to start with the same letter (eg. Paris Promenade, Berlin Byways(yes Tokyo Blur does exist but still) so that it sort of rhymed, but it would appear that Amsterdam threw that out the window... I couldn't think of anything for those, especially Rio de Janeiro, that made sense. Partly because I don't know much about any of them.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Mindopolis wrote:
What if they made a San Antonio Tx. Tour track

Another USA track? Sure. Just hope they get around to the other 2 continents more afterwards.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
NinFan2008 wrote:
The stuff below is going to have datamining stuff in it so it will be covered in the spoiler.

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I heard that there is going to be a thailand themed track and one of my friends if from there. I hope the datamine is true

Looks like the datamine was right after all.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
NinFan2008 wrote:
The stuff below is going to have datamining stuff in it so it will be covered in the spoiler.

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I heard that there is going to be a thailand themed track and one of my friends if from there. I hope the datamine is true

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I heard about the Amsterdam & Bangkok Tour datamine, but I hope that we get at least 1 city from every continent.

Madrid would be nice, but I can't think of any South American cities.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
MH_osc-omb wrote:

I am still surprised there's no Rome themed track in Tour.

Yeah, I just realized that makes no sense.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
With the DLC for 8 Deluxe slowly coming out, and the "datamined" number of new Tour tracks that haven't  been revealed yet in it, which cities or other new nitro track ideas would you like to see?

Changes that you hate in MK 8 Deluxe

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
I personally don't care what the game looks like as long as it functions. Complaining about how grass and walls look in a racing game seems a little overboard to me.
I also don't quite understand. Were they supposed to completely invalidate Tour? Does the DLC even play badly?
Also, Shroom Ridge clearly looks better than on the DS.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
What exactly is wrong with the graphics? Could someone tell me? They look fine.
Its like people have forgotten what the Tour originals looked like...

Best 3D Mario game?

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
They are all pretty good.
I'd probably say Galaxy 1 & 2 because I played them first:)
I don't like how the controls in them are different yet still have some issues though...

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