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[Remake] ~ Moments that scared you in Mario games [FR/EN]

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
L’anguille est un peu plus effrayante dans Odyssey et certainement beaucoup plus laide dans Sunshine
The eel is a bit more scary in Odyssey & definitely a lot uglier in Sunshine
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Toad99 wrote:


Personnellement, je n’ai jamais eu le truc piano ou anguille, pas dans Mario 64 du moins, mais à chacun son propre.
Personally, I never got the Piano or Eel thing, not in Mario 64 atleast, but to each their own.

Maintenant, ce g*rs m’a fait peur quand je l’ai vu pour la première fois
Now this guy scared the sh*t out of me when I first saw him

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Le topic original est ici. ;)
Donc en gros, si vous cliquez sur ce lien, vous verrez que le topic est à propos des moments qui vous ont fait peur dans les jeux vidéo. Pour ne pas faire du plagiat de ce topic, j'ai décidé d'ajouter une petite règle : vous êtes restreints aux jeux Mario. Pourquoi j'ai ajouté cette règle ? Eh bien, parce qu'on est sur un forum de Mario. Comme je l'espère, la plupart des gens ici connaissent Mario, et cela permettra de reconnaître assez rapidement (ou en allant chercher sur Google) de quel moment untel ou untel parle. Je pense que ça apporte aussi un confort, d'une certaine façon, d'être un peu restreint. ;) Voilà, donc je ne vais pas faire revivre des vieux topics, mais les remaker, en ajoutant quelques petits trucs, et surtout, ces topics seront en FR/EN. C'est-à-dire que j'ai souvent remarqué que les personnes anglaises ont tendance à participer peu sur les topics français ce qui est normal, et l'inverse est vrai aussi. Essayez d'utiliser la balise FR/EN en utilisant Google Traduction pour offrir à tout le monde un confort de communication. Sur ce...
On y va ? :)
Je propose juste un exemple : le moment, où dans, Bowser's Fury, la Giga Cloche dit :
"La fureur de la bête s'est trop renforcée. La lumière des astres félins ne parvient plus à la tenir à distance..." Ne me demandez pas pourquoi, mais ça m'a fait peur.
The original version of this topic is here. So basically, if you click on that link, you'll see that the topic is about scary moments in video games. In order not to plagiarize this topic, I decided to add a little rule: you are restricted to Mario games. Why did I add this rule? Well, because we're on a Mario forum. Hopefully, most people here are familiar with Mario, and this will make it pretty quick (or googling) to recognize which moment so-and-so is talking about. I think it also brings comfort, in a way, to be a little restricted. ;) That's it, so I'm not going to revive old topics, but remake them, by adding a few little things, and above all, these topics will be in FR/EN. That is to say that I have often noticed that English people tend to participate little in French topics, which is normal, and the reverse is also true. Try to use the FR/EN tag using Google Translate to provide everyone with communication comfort. So...
Let's go ? :)
I offer just one example: the moment, when in, Bowser's Fury, the Giga Bell says:
"The fury of the beast has intensified too much. The light of the feline stars can no longer keep it at bay..." Don't ask me why, but it scared me.

Mon plus effrayant pour Sunshine est le 1er combat de Gooper Blooper. C’était si violent que j’ai supprimé ma ROM Sunshine (que je n’ai certainement pas téléchargée sur Internet) pour Dolphin. À ce jour, je n’ai plus jamais joué au jeu.
My scariest one for Sunshine is the 1st Gooper Blooper fight. It was so violent that I deleted my Sunshine ROM(that I most certainly did not download from the internet) for Dolphin. To this day I have never played the game again.

Pourquoi ça t'a fait peur ?
C'est le fait qu'on lui arrache les tentacules ?En revanche, je trouve dommage d'arrêter de jouer à un jeu à cause de ça.

Why did that scare you?
Is it the fact that we rip off his tentacles? On the other hand, I find it a shame to stop playing a game because of that.

Oui, à cause des tentacules
Je me suis aussi lassé des niveaux secrets de F.L.U.D.D.less et du fait que chaque fois que j’essayais de tourner et de sauter en même temps, Mario décidait de sombrer dans l’oubli.J e vais essayer d’y rejouer, bientôt, mais j’essaie d’abord de m’améliorer à 64 ans.
Yes, because of the tentacles
I also got tired of the secret F.L.U.D.D.less levels & the fact that everytime I tried to turn and jump at the same time Mario decided to sideflip into oblivion. I'll try to play it again, soon, but I'm trying to get better at 64 first.

Je suis aussi entré dans le jeu à l’aveugle et je n’étais pas préparé à cela. Je savais que Sunshine avait des choix intéressants, mais...
I also went into the game blind & was not prepared for that. I knew Sunshine had interesting choices, but...
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Le topic original est ici. ;)
Donc en gros, si vous cliquez sur ce lien, vous verrez que le topic est à propos des moments qui vous ont fait peur dans les jeux vidéo. Pour ne pas faire du plagiat de ce topic, j'ai décidé d'ajouter une petite règle : vous êtes restreints aux jeux Mario. Pourquoi j'ai ajouté cette règle ? Eh bien, parce qu'on est sur un forum de Mario. Comme je l'espère, la plupart des gens ici connaissent Mario, et cela permettra de reconnaître assez rapidement (ou en allant chercher sur Google) de quel moment untel ou untel parle. Je pense que ça apporte aussi un confort, d'une certaine façon, d'être un peu restreint. ;) Voilà, donc je ne vais pas faire revivre des vieux topics, mais les remaker, en ajoutant quelques petits trucs, et surtout, ces topics seront en FR/EN. C'est-à-dire que j'ai souvent remarqué que les personnes anglaises ont tendance à participer peu sur les topics français ce qui est normal, et l'inverse est vrai aussi. Essayez d'utiliser la balise FR/EN en utilisant Google Traduction pour offrir à tout le monde un confort de communication. Sur ce...
On y va ? :)
Je propose juste un exemple : le moment, où dans, Bowser's Fury, la Giga Cloche dit :
"La fureur de la bête s'est trop renforcée. La lumière des astres félins ne parvient plus à la tenir à distance..." Ne me demandez pas pourquoi, mais ça m'a fait peur.
The original version of this topic is here. So basically, if you click on that link, you'll see that the topic is about scary moments in video games. In order not to plagiarize this topic, I decided to add a little rule: you are restricted to Mario games. Why did I add this rule? Well, because we're on a Mario forum. Hopefully, most people here are familiar with Mario, and this will make it pretty quick (or googling) to recognize which moment so-and-so is talking about. I think it also brings comfort, in a way, to be a little restricted. ;) That's it, so I'm not going to revive old topics, but remake them, by adding a few little things, and above all, these topics will be in FR/EN. That is to say that I have often noticed that English people tend to participate little in French topics, which is normal, and the reverse is also true. Try to use the FR/EN tag using Google Translate to provide everyone with communication comfort. So...
Let's go ? :)
I offer just one example: the moment, when in, Bowser's Fury, the Giga Bell says:
"The fury of the beast has intensified too much. The light of the feline stars can no longer keep it at bay..." Don't ask me why, but it scared me.

Mon plus effrayant pour Sunshine est le 1er combat de Gooper Blooper. C’était si violent que j’ai supprimé ma ROM Sunshine (que je n’ai certainement pas téléchargée sur Internet) pour Dolphin. À ce jour, je n’ai plus jamais joué au jeu.
My scariest one for Sunshine is the 1st Gooper Blooper fight. It was so violent that I deleted my Sunshine ROM(that I most certainly did not download from the internet) for Dolphin. To this day I have never played the game again.

Mario Kart Tour Maps

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Rosekoo wrote:
Kraze wrote:
I was just wondering where everyone is getting the maps for the MarioKart Tour tracks, there's like 4-5 different people uploading them.

A few of them are using a software of modelization in 3D, the reste is stealers or people that take the first Tour Map who comes on Google

Okay, thank you. I was just a little suspicious.
(I also wanted to make some myself but I don't do well without something to go off of & I don't do well with drawing buildings, placing trees etc.)
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
I was just wondering where everyone is getting the maps for the MarioKart Tour tracks, there's like 4-5 different people uploading them.

Can Somebody Put These Songs on YouTube For Me?

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
MysteryMan wrote:
With the songs for Bananan Labyrinth and DK Jungle from Mario Kart Arcade GP DX being ripped a few months ago, I'm surprised nobody has extended them yet, so I did it myself. Since I don't have an email address, I can't upload these onto YouTube, so if somebody else can do it, that would be great.
Bananan Labyrinth:
DK Jungle:

We can't, bro. It already got deleted (the file) and Nintendo would delete it in a few days. That's impossible to post any OSTs and to not be killed by the genocide.

Again, what channels do you guys use? I feel so out of the loop & unaffected by this stuff...

So about Nintendo's music crisis

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
EXCUSE ME ALL, this is not the topic for that

Just use another channel for the music
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Nintendo used to offer the best game freepick in the History, but now they are one of the worst companies tbh. They don't work much on new games, they're lazy and most of the games for the Switch are ports. The MK8 DLC is okayish for me but even I should assume this is SO lazy. We didn't got any new Mario Kart since 2013/2014, and I don't count the mess that MKT is. MK8DX is really GOD, but they could offer more. Like the best CTGP-R tracks are becoming better than the official tracks, like what ? Lunar Lights is a blast. Like some of the best tracks in this Community can reach very good standards. C'mon, Nintendo is genius, but they throw out their potential and they Say "money>>>>>>>quality of our games" which is Fake. And now what, they're taking down every of their musics ? This is DUMB. We should be able to hear their musics like before...
I'm okay with replacing the music but that's a mess. Now they even do image deletion. They deleted fan games for no reason. Come on. Do better.

To be fair,
1) they are a business. Making money is priority #1.
2) Most 1st/3rd party switch games are sequels, not ports.(Splatoon 2 & 3, Mario 3D Allstars, Nintendo Switch SPorts, LGPE, SwSh, PLA, BDSP, Astral Chain, AC:NH, Xenoblade 2 & 3, Metroid Dread, BotW, MS:BL, SMP, SMTV, MPSS, MTA, MGSR, K&tFL, YCW, LM3, I could really keep going)
3) The ports only exist because the WiiU sucked
4) There are 5,000+ channels uploading Nintendo OSTs, use another if its a problem

3D All-Stars is a port not a sequel
Money is not the priority it should be the quality if their games
Yeah for the ports okay they exist because WiiU sucked blah blah okay but I as talking about Mario games
Okay I Can assume you are right but keep in mind something : we don't got any MK since almost 10 years. In 10 years before, they released mkdd mkds MKWii mk7 so basically 4 MKs
We got a DLC so technically it's gonna be diffèrent but we better not count the dlc since it's lazy

1) Again, money is the main priority of any business that wants to survive.
2) Even so most of the Mario Switch games are still sequels. I didn't count 3D Allstars as a port because it wasn't ported over from another console specifically, its 3 games in 1. it also has enough improvements to justify not being a direct port of anything.
3) I'd rather be glad we got anything at all. They gave us Tour as well, & even if you don't like it, it was Mario Kart & it is much better than it used to be. Live Home Circuit & Arcade GP VR exist too.
4) The VFX actually take the about the same amount of power & effort as the base game, & looking back at the base game tracks like N64 Royal Raceway & Excitebike, the style has already existed, so its not new or anything.

To me atleast, the plastic feels more Mario & I like it that way.

Edit: This video explains the DLC better than I can

The Coconut Mall/Shroom Ridge part is a bit irrelevant now, but the rest.
About the music, use another channel. I don't really know how to help you with that, I use too many, although most of mine use MK8DX music for my custom tracks.

Well you have a point on most of it but imo you are horrible wrong on the graphics part. "It's more like Mario" yeah but I don't Care about that, give us better textures

But why? Why would they give us better textures?  Yeah, it could look nicer, but shouldn't gameplay come before graphics? I still prefer Mario to be cartoony, I mean, look at how "ugly" all the other games in the series are.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Nintendo used to offer the best game freepick in the History, but now they are one of the worst companies tbh. They don't work much on new games, they're lazy and most of the games for the Switch are ports. The MK8 DLC is okayish for me but even I should assume this is SO lazy. We didn't got any new Mario Kart since 2013/2014, and I don't count the mess that MKT is. MK8DX is really GOD, but they could offer more. Like the best CTGP-R tracks are becoming better than the official tracks, like what ? Lunar Lights is a blast. Like some of the best tracks in this Community can reach very good standards. C'mon, Nintendo is genius, but they throw out their potential and they Say "money>>>>>>>quality of our games" which is Fake. And now what, they're taking down every of their musics ? This is DUMB. We should be able to hear their musics like before...
I'm okay with replacing the music but that's a mess. Now they even do image deletion. They deleted fan games for no reason. Come on. Do better.

To be fair,
1) they are a business. Making money is priority #1.
2) Most 1st/3rd party switch games are sequels, not ports.(Splatoon 2 & 3, Mario 3D Allstars, Nintendo Switch SPorts, LGPE, SwSh, PLA, BDSP, Astral Chain, AC:NH, Xenoblade 2 & 3, Metroid Dread, BotW, MS:BL, SMP, SMTV, MPSS, MTA, MGSR, K&tFL, YCW, LM3, I could really keep going)
3) The ports only exist because the WiiU sucked
4) There are 5,000+ channels uploading Nintendo OSTs, use another if its a problem

3D All-Stars is a port not a sequel
Money is not the priority it should be the quality if their games
Yeah for the ports okay they exist because WiiU sucked blah blah okay but I as talking about Mario games
Okay I Can assume you are right but keep in mind something : we don't got any MK since almost 10 years. In 10 years before, they released mkdd mkds MKWii mk7 so basically 4 MKs
We got a DLC so technically it's gonna be diffèrent but we better not count the dlc since it's lazy

1) Again, money is the main priority of any business that wants to survive.
2) Even so most of the Mario Switch games are still sequels. I didn't count 3D Allstars as a port because it wasn't ported over from another console specifically, its 3 games in 1. it also has enough improvements to justify not being a direct port of anything.
3) I'd rather be glad we got anything at all. They gave us Tour as well, & even if you don't like it, it was Mario Kart & it is much better than it used to be. Live Home Circuit & Arcade GP VR exist too.
4) The VFX actually take the about the same amount of power & effort as the base game, & looking back at the base game tracks like N64 Royal Raceway & Excitebike, the style has already existed, so its not new or anything.

To me atleast, the plastic feels more Mario & I like it that way.

Edit: This video explains the DLC better than I can

The Coconut Mall/Shroom Ridge part is a bit irrelevant now, but the rest.
About the music, use another channel. I don't really know how to help you with that, I use too many, although most of mine use MK8DX music for my custom tracks.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Nintendo used to offer the best game freepick in the History, but now they are one of the worst companies tbh. They don't work much on new games, they're lazy and most of the games for the Switch are ports. The MK8 DLC is okayish for me but even I should assume this is SO lazy. We didn't got any new Mario Kart since 2013/2014, and I don't count the mess that MKT is. MK8DX is really GOD, but they could offer more. Like the best CTGP-R tracks are becoming better than the official tracks, like what ? Lunar Lights is a blast. Like some of the best tracks in this Community can reach very good standards. C'mon, Nintendo is genius, but they throw out their potential and they Say "money>>>>>>>quality of our games" which is Fake. And now what, they're taking down every of their musics ? This is DUMB. We should be able to hear their musics like before...
I'm okay with replacing the music but that's a mess. Now they even do image deletion. They deleted fan games for no reason. Come on. Do better.

To be fair,
1) they are a business. Making money is priority #1.
2) Most 1st/3rd party switch games are sequels, not ports.(Splatoon 2 & 3, Mario 3D Allstars, Nintendo Switch SPorts, LGPE, SwSh, PLA, BDSP, Astral Chain, AC:NH, Xenoblade 2 & 3, Metroid Dread, BotW, MS:BL, SMP, SMTV, MPSS, MTA, MGSR, K&tFL, YCW, LM3, I could really keep going)
3) The ports only exist because the WiiU sucked
4) There are 5,000+ channels uploading Nintendo OSTs, use another if its a problem
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
If you want me to write a song for a track you made I can be more than welcome to. Let's just stop using Nintendo's music because they're just gonna terminate the channel you got the source from within a month or two.

Apart from Nintendo is Square. I also found many Final Fantasy VII uploads getting removed too. What does that say for all other companies at this time?

Due to not being able to send audio files in forums, song requests are only accepted on Discord in the official MKPC server.

Very unfortunate, although I have no idea what channels people use to get their BGMs anyway since the ones I use seem to be fine.

Vos music préférés de Mario kart

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Toad99 wrote:
dojo ninja

I hear that the bass & guitar go harder in the Tour version, but this is still good anyway.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Yascamer wrote:
Salut j ai cree un topic pour vous dire ces quoi vos music mario kart préfère poster vos video music mario kart préfère ;)

I prefer Tour music, Tour has a good OST

Aside from Tour, I like the music from MKW/MK7, since those are my childhood games.

What is your favorite Mario game for the Nintendo Wii?

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Mario Galaxy 1/2

Mario Kart Tour is the best game ever CHANGE MY MIND!!

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
I still maintain that Tour is a fun time. Even if it takes no skill, thats basically every Mario Kart game. L,R,A and control Stick. Pretty much no skill either(casually, which is the whole point of a Nintendo game).
Even if the visual effects don't do anything(to you), they look cool.

Aesthetic is important. People will get bored if we just race on the ground and do nothing interesting.

Also who cares about ultras, there just a confirmation that your game is buggy as f*ck
That shouldn't be a good thing.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Third_Bit wrote:
MH_osc-omb wrote:
Third_Bit wrote:
First off MKDS is the best mario kart game It introduced retro courses dry bones as a character guest characters and internate play. the single player content can last you weeks. dk pass waluigi pinball airship fortress and wario stadium are great courses from this game overall its a great game

Pretty sure that's, y'know, EVERY game.

what do you mean not every game has a single player challenge mode and not every mario kart game has the great tracks that Mario Kart DS has also i was saying it introduced dry bones retro tracks guest characters and online play also you can make your emblem  

Most games have there share of good tracks tho.
Also just because it introduced something doesn't automatically mean that it was done well. Yeah, first time for online but you couldn't play all the tracks on it in the first place.
What do you mean by guest characters? R.O.B.?
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
I like Tour personally.
Its not awesome, but everybody seems to be forgetting that its a mobile game. Its supposed to last for as long as necessary, not be good.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Gold_Bug wrote:
Mindopolis wrote:
Prove to me that why there are other games that are better than MKT and i'll reconsider.
It RUINED Sunset Wilds. I say no more!


Les glitch MKPC

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
You guys have found some crazy stuff.
The most I've gotten myself is a fake item box that spun around me.(Don't ask how, idk)
It was online(i think). I had triple greens and a FIB(thats how you say it, right?) second. The only guess I have about it is that someone hit my last shell the second I used it and the game let me us my next item, and there it was. I tried to screenshot it, but I lost it to somebody a few seconds later.
Probably just lag.

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