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Warning!!!! Eshops Closing in 1 Month and 6 Days!!!!

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Yeah. I hate this too.

Why, Nintendo? Why?

If I may....

The Nintendo DS is the 2nd highest console sold with 154 million units. Likewise, Wii is close with 101 million units. The large user base is the reason those shops remained open for a lengthy amount of time: There were alot of people using the systems. On the other hand, the 3DS sold 73 million(still a solid number), & the WiiU sold 13 million. The shops feel like they closed earlier, because there was no massive install base worth keeping it up. Hence why they are ending so soon.
Also taking in to account that the Switch install base is insanely large, & most users made the jump over since 2017(3DS was weak & sold mediocrely, so upgrade to Switch, nobody bought a WiiU, so upgrade to Switch). Having two separate consoles separated sales. The DS & Wii managed to do well because of innovative gimmicks their predecessors(GBA & GCN) didn't. Outside of the 3D thing, 3DS & WiiU didn't have that freshness going for them. They were also named poorly(DS, DSi, DS Lite, 3DS-Outsider thinks it's like GB, GBC, GBSP. Gameboy Advance atleast looked incredibly different. 3DS doesn't. Wii, Wii Mini, WiiU(they spent too much time marketing amiibo, which 3DS had, which didn't help explain it was a new console & not just the controller that they showed over & over & over...))

Had they lasted longer/had more users, they would've remained open much longer, but they didn't. They are officially dead.

I've probably said this 10 times by now, but you had 10+ years to grab as many as you wanted. Time flows on, consoles come & go. You'd better get used to it. Nothing lasts forever, my friends.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Also you can still buy physical 3DS games. If you missed some dig only releases, you had 10 years to get 'em. Adios 3DS & WiiU. Switch is the now.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Next gen is also only 3 years away now. Nintendo isn't dying, you just don't seem to grasp how console shelf life works yet. Stop overreacting.
Some 3DS & WiiU grabs I can think of:
Xenoblade X
Kid Icarus Uprising
M&L Dream Team

I'm not listing the ones you 9/10 likely have. But they're dead.

Heck, the only thing the 3DS was important for was VC, & Home transfer with the old generations of Pokemon. Even those are coming to Switch soon now. All good things must come to an end. Cope.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Again, every 3DS & WiiU owner has all the games they want already. You had 10+ years to grab what you wanted. It's over now. Everything ends at some point. Had the consoles sold better, they would be open for a while longer, but they didn't. Surrender to the future. Useless topic.
@Senko lock pls

New Collaboration Circuit!

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Could a person, theoretically, delete Among Us?

Do you want Mario Maker 3?

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Mario Maker 3 will come out, so I'll just say yes & move on.
Two more styles in NSMB2 & SML2. If we're lucky they add NSMB items like Blue Shell & Mega Mushroom in the NSMB2 style.

All the excluded enemies in NSMBU, SMB3 & SMW appear
All the NSMB & NSMB2 enemies
Missing 3D Land & 3D World enemies

More Yoshi variants, & the Baby Yoshis in NSMBU, & more of the bosses like Reznor & the snake with the plate on his head. And probably a Bowser's Fury styled level builder, proper Super World Builder with different map styles, & most difficult of all, proper online.

I don't like Roblox anymore

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Ashton2 wrote:
I DISAGREE WITH ALL OF YOU! Roblox is not bad!

Do you have a particular reaspn why? Idk anything about Roblox but it's hard to see why you disagree without saying it.

What instrument do you play

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Tracey1947 wrote:
I think this could have been on Space For Anything,

That topic doesn't even exist

I don't know what y'all have been cooking since I was gone, but okay.

I was cooking paint in my mouth

Not sure how you can cook paint, & whatever it is you would need to cook paint, it shouldn't be in your mouth:s
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
I think this could have been on Space For Anything,

That topic doesn't even exist

I don't know what y'all have been cooking since I was gone, but okay.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
This might be useless

I think this could have been on Space For Anything, but in any case, I play steel pan(drum? In other places? It's so stupid & incorrect) bass, or did while my favourite Aunt was still alive. And I am learning the piano, because I get traumatized playing the prior for that exact same reason.
I did play the drums a little, which is what got me into the first in the first place: if you followed that.


Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
lszdfndlmd,vgf;,fvgfv clm,ckl

The Question: What was he cooking????

The Answer: Nobody knows, but he definitely burnt it.

Try to avoid posting on topics that are more than 6 months old. This a very Retro topic you replied to.

Mario Kart 8 DX Booster Pass Character Predictions

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
Don't Forget R.O.B.! OR Koopa Paratroopa, and Honey Queen, Wiggler, Professor E. Gadd, and Crash Bandicoot!

Would you really think Nintendo will add caracters that they didnt made? Exept some caracters tou said

Uhhh, in Samsh Ultamite, they added Steve & Alex. They diddn't Make those.

Was going to say something rude, so instead lemme help you.

Smash Bros. Is made by Sora Ltd. & now Bandai Namco, not Nintendo EAD.

The whole point of Smash was to be an elaborate crossover for gaming. Mariokart was not built that way.

Third party devs give the green light for the use of their characters & games, not Nintendo.

Smash is about iconic characters meeting up to fight. It's been like that since day 1. Mario Kart has never been like that: It's just Mario Universe Racing. Don't be fooled by the WiiU DLC: Nintendo owns all those series thenmselves, and they are only in because they are MASSIVE system sellers. Characters like Kirby & Fox whose games only end up selling 5 million won't just be added randomly: only heavy hitters like Splatoon, Breath of the Wild & New Horizons. Mario Kart is their most popular series, & the biggest spinoff in gaming. Like how Persona grew out of SMT & took off without it. The bigger faces would naturally show up first.
Anyways this is a Retro Pass, none of them could get in because none of them are retro.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Teon5072 wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
I belive we will get 4 characters:
Wave 4: Birdo
Wave 5: Diddy Kong
Wave 6: Kamek and Pauline

What'a the reasoning here?

Birdo has been revealed.
Diddy Kong is obvious.
Pauline has been getting alot of spotlight recently.
Kamek's icon is in the game files.

Kamek's icon is only in the WiiU version isn't it?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Teon5072 wrote:
I belive we will get 4 characters:
Wave 4: Birdo
Wave 5: Diddy Kong
Wave 6: Kamek and Pauline

What'a the reasoning here?
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Topi Taupe is Monty Mole @Toad2023.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
It's most likely two per wave now because they missed 3, one for each wave.
Ninja Hideaway-Nabbit
New York Minute- Pauline
Boo Lake-Kamek
Yoshi's Island-Birdo
Koopa Cape-Parakoopa
Piranha Plant Cove-Petey Piranha
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
Toad2023 wrote:
Birdo, was said to come with the course, Yoshi's Island, for Wave 4. You know what that means! New characters are coming to the Booster Pass! If you want, you can share your predictions for Wave 5 and 6 here on this topic. Here's mine:

Wave 5: Petey Piranha (Piranha Plant Cove)

Wave 6: Toad & Toadette Colors: (Wii Rainbow Road)

Again the other Toads are completely separate. Also Birdo is the only Tour character with colour alts, & the Toadette colours are only in Paper Mario. They are also completely separate Toadettes.

To elaborate:
Green Yoshi isn't a special Yoshi, he's just green. The one from Mario World is the special one, the one in Mario Party & the sports & Galaxy 2. These Yoshi's are just the standard Yoshi's Island ones that reunited the Baby Bros.
Mariokart Toad is the super special Toad that hosts Mario Party & is in the sports & stuff & is Captain Toad. The other colours are just normal everyday Toads that we see often, but they don't have any status or anything, just Toads.
There are other Red Toads who wear blue. It's a rank thing. Think like a General compared to a standard soldier.

Mario Party 3 is still not on the Nintendo Switch?

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
It's been over 4 Months since Mario Party & Mario Party 2 got added to the Nintendo Switch. When they announced that, they said they will Add Mario Party 3 Later. But it's been over 4 Months and there is still no sign of Mario Party 3. I thought it would get announced in December. But it's already March 3, 2023, also Even closer to when the Eshops Close, and I've been Checking the Nintendo Switch News, and still no sign of Mario Party 3. Will it ever Come?
Or will it only be an N64 Exclusive?
Just like How Mario Party was for almost 23 Years.

Don't tell me this Is Useless. I didn't think putting this in News would be good.

Mario Party 3 will be added, they are just focusing on the newer systems so they can catch up to the first 3 faster right now. And, yes, this topic is useless, because Space for Anything exists. It is still gonna be added, they just want GBC & GBA to catch up a bit first.

I came up with a New Course called Rome Roundabout.

Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
Senko wrote:
Tbh I can't visualize the layout, but at least you tried to do something, even if as Kraze said it's probably an excuse to have Wario Colosseum
I just remind you that the BCP is essentially Tour ports, and if the layouts are simplified on Tour it's for 2 reasons:
- To fit Tour controls
- Maybe to shorten some too long layouts ig
And Wario Colosseum is both too long and has very tight turns, so if by some miracle Wario Colosseum ends up in Tour you won't be satisfied because the layout would probably be ultra-simplified, if of course it's possible to simplify it enough for Tour, and you won't be satisfied either if Wario Colosseum is absent from Tour/BCP, so please stop insisting, you have to accept the fact that it won't happen, here you insist in an immature way

This Topic isn't about the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass. It's about TOUR Rome Roundabout.

And If the MK8DLX BCP is Just TOUR, Just call it the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe MKT Pass So everyone - Mostly Me - will think it's for adding UnRemade Retros.

It says "Booster Course". No part of those two words has ANYTHING to do with the courses being "Unremade" only. And the first announcement came with a whole damn trailer showing off 8 courses, 4 of which were ALREADY remade. Nobody else seems to have been under that illusion for a good reason.

I was saying they Could at Least add Half UnRemade Courses, Half Remade Courses.


Add courses Like N64 Wario Stadium, N64 Kalimari Desert, GCN Wario Colosseum, GCN Mushroom City, GCN Dino Dino Jungle, GCN Bowser's Castle, GCN Rainbow Road, N64 Banshee Boardwalk, N64 Sherbet Land, 3DS Wuhu Loop, 3DS Maka Wuhu, 3DS Wario Shipyard, 3DS Rock Rock Mountain, DS Figure-8 Circuit, DS Mario Circuit, DS Shroom Ridge, DS Mario Circuit, DS Waluigi Pinball, DS Bowser's Castle, DS Rainbow Road, GBA Snow Land, GBA Sky Garden Original Version, GBA Bowser Castle 4, GBA Luigi Circuit, GBA Sunset Wilds, GBA Rainbow Road, SNES Mario Circuit 4, SNES Choco Island 1, SNES Bowser Castle 1/2/3, SNES Koopa Beach 1, SNES Vanilla Lake 1/2, SNES Donut Plains 2, SNES Ghost Valley 3, Wii Toad's Factory, Wii Moonview Highway, Wii DK Summit, Wii Maple Treeway, Wii Rainbow Road, 3DS Rosalina's Ice World, 3DS Rainbow Road, TOUR New York Minute, TOUR Tokyo Blur, TOUR Paris Promenade, TOUR Merry Mountain, TOUR Los Angeles Laps, TOUR Amsterdam Drift, and TOUR Sky High Sundae.

Those Courses are What would be Perfect in the BCP.


Add Characters Like Birdo, R.O.B., Diddy Kong, Kamek, Honey Queen, Wiggler, Pauline, Baby Wario, Wario Land Outfits for Wario, SNES Characters, TacoStand Waluigi, Koopa Paratroopa, Petey Piranha Plant, Luigi's Mansion King Boo, F.L.U.D.D., Professor E. Gadd, Dixie Kong, Toadsworth, Pianta, Noki, Matt, Captian Falcon, Mr. Game & Watch, Sonic, Chibi Robo, Biker Wario, Mona, 9-Volt, Jimmy T, Dr. Crygor, Kat, Anna, Dribble, Spitz, Orbulon, Remove Pink Gold Peach, Baby Waluigi, Dr. Mario, Dr. Luigi, Dr. Wario, Dr. Peach, Dr. Bowser, Dr. Waluigi, Baby Mario (Yoshi's Island), Baby Luigi (Yoshi's Isalnd), Baby Bowser, Famicom R.O.B., Dr. Eggman AKA Robonik, Tails, Nuckles, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Kazooie's Bird Friend, Conker, Timber, Crunch, King K. Rool, SNES Lakitu, Goomba, Funky Kong, Snift, Mouser, Little Mouser, Tri Clide, Fry Guy, Claw Grip, Ro Birdo from Super Mario Advance, King Wart, Paper Mario, Paper Luigi, Mr. L, Lightning Mcqueen, Thomas The Tank Engine, GBA Characters, and Pokey.

1: There aren't enough UnRemade tracks to do half and half.
2: They wouldn't do the old variants of one course & one course only for absolutely no reason.
3: They are using Tour models only and anything not in Tour was never viable.
4: Repetitive themeing exists & devs tend to avoid that(Sector Z<Corneria in Smash since Melee)
5: Alot of those courses wouldn't be perfect for DLC, they would be perfect for the next couple games.
6: Non Nintendo owned characters will not be added to Mario Kart, & non-retro characters won't be included in RETRO DLC.
7: TacoStand Waluigi(???) straight up does not exist.
8: Just like with Smash, it'd need to be Video Game first, adaption or other media after, not the other way around.
9: They wouldn't have so much repetition in a DLC. A DLC is an attempt to make extra money after the main game has been purchased. It isn't necessary & they know it, the fans know it, everyone knows it. If they serve up repetitive DLC that wasn't mandatory to buy anyway, nobody would buy it would they? It would have to be in the main game already, so you have to deal with repetition anyway, but this isn't the main, this is DLC. A little Extra Content. That is Mario Kart 10 you're talking about there, minus the non-Nintendo stuff of course. And the Paper Mario characters are 2D, same for WarioWare characters, they wouldn't work without a proper 3D model.
End of message. Not happening.
Messages 3086 - King Mario King Mario
vs61828 pts ★ Titan
battle11852 pts ★ Champion
I have an idea.

Go on Youtube, specifically the Booster Course Pass predictions from last year, find one of those videos.

Find another, from since the Wave 4 trailer dropped, & compare them.

Notice anything?

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Yes. The courses predicted have fallen into a certain few across the board. Why?Because the datamines haven't been wrong, minus Waluigi Stadium like Max said. They've mellowed out because we know with almost no doubt which courses are in or out. There isn't any room for copium picks anymore. There aren't many things to predict anymore. We ll have a general consensus on where the Pass is headed. It hasn't been wrong so far. What is it that makes you think is suddenly will be?

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