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MKPC's Official Mario Strikers Team (Ryubix Summer Games)

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Bonjour amis MKPCiens,

afin de vous donner quelques occupations, j'ai décidé de lancer de temps à autres quelques événements alternatifs. :)

Pour ce premier événement, nous avons décidés, avec deux amis, de devenir le club partenaire officiel de Mario Strikers pour MKPC. Le club s'appelle Drip Gang (car il faut bien s'amuser). ;)

L'idée est de recruter des membres intéressés de jouer pour représenter la communauté, avec pour objectif d'atteindre les meilleurs divisions! :D

A l'heure où j'écris ce post, Drip Gang a été promu 2 fois de suite sur les 2 premières saisons (on est donc passés de la division bronze à la division 2), performance que l'on souhaiterais continuer, avec vote aide! :)

Si vous participez, vous aurez un rôle sur le serveur Discord. Votre but sera de jouer avec la team pour gagner un maximum de points et donc d'obtenir la promotion en divison 1, la meilleure division possible dans le jeu! Déjà qu'à 3 nous arrivons bien à nous en sortir, avec votre aide on pourrait devenir invincibles! :D

Pour vous inscrire, vous devez écrire dans le topic:
-nom (Mario Strikers)
-votre perso/striker (et stats si vous connaissez)

Voici le code du club (sur candidature):
Hello dear MKPCians,

In order to give you some occupations, I decided to launch from time to time some alternative events. :)

For this first event, we decided, with two friends, to become an official partner club of Mario Strikers for MKPC. The club is called Drip Gang (because you have to have fun). ;)

The idea is to recruit interested members to play to represent the community, with the goal of reaching the best divisions! :D

At the time I’m writing this post, Drip Gang has been promoted twice in a row over the first two seasons (we have come from bronze division to second division), a performance we would like to continue, with your help! :)

If you participate, you will have a role on the Discord server. Your goal will be to play with the team to earn maximum points and thus get the promotion in Division 1, the best possible division in the game! Already at 3 we manage well to get by, with your help we could become invincible! :D

To register, you must write in the topic:
-name (Mario Strikers)
-your personal/striker (and stats if you know)

Here is the code of the club (upon application):



Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Joyeux anniversaire à notre messie, le créateur du meilleur fangame de tout les temps! :D

Le jeu Super Smash Fla-, je veux dire Mario Kart PC... :$


La fin de MisterCoolSkin ?

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Max-Bros wrote:
Ce message a été posté sur mon téléphone

C'est bon MisterCoolSkin est désormais inutile :D

Tu peux supprimer l'ancien du coup. ;)

Why I'm Not a Mario Strikers Person

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
MysteryMan wrote:
Did anybody ask? No. Did I want to give my thoughts anyway? Why else would I be making this? I kinda like the idea of Mario being darker and edgier, but I kinda feel like this series is TOO dark and edgy. I'm gonna list the problems I have with it.
The Stages:
All the fields just look like generic places that could be put into any video game franchise without question. Just remove the audience and the two Mario references per game and this may as well be Extreme FIFA. Battle League fixes this, but it took Next Level three whole tries to make Strikers feel like a Mario series.
The Music:
I'm not a rock fan. It makes sense in Sonic and F-Zero, but who the heck wants to listen to a heavy metal remix of the NSMB overworld theme that sounds nothing like it? There were different genres in Charged, but in the other games, there's no variety.
Calm Down, Yoshi:
There'd be a small chance I'd change my mind about how over-the-top Strikers is, IF EVERYONE DIDN'T LOOK SO FRICKIN' PISSED. I get it, you guys are kinda competitive, but it's a damn game of soccer, not The Hunger Games. You're not gonna die. You may get a shock, but it'll only last a few seconds.
So yeah, those are my thoughts on Strikers. I understand that everyone has their own opinion, but after the Daisy DLC (those two words do not belong in the same Strikers-related sentence,) I decided to give a little rant about it. If you like Strikers, that's okay. It's just not for me, even though I have a Wii.

Your pov is interesting, but I want to give a proper answer to that, if you allow me:
-Mario Strikers was the way to allow the Mario franchise to go out of bounds from time to time. When the first game came out on Gamecube, or more importantly, the Wii version came, you can't even imagine the hype it would trigger in people, and that was around 15 years ago!

-The game have a metal tone, but where Strikers actually topped the concept of out of bounds, is in the Wii version. You have a lot of styles of music (from jazz to country) to represent each character, that was given totally different behaviours and personnalities (who expected Flora Pirahna to be an hippie? Diddy Kong to be a budhist god?). There was a lot of violence as well, but it was really funny in many aspects, with running jokes during games. And that personality really gave an identity to the strikers series. I recommend you to play with the Wii game if you want a top experience for the series.

-the recent game confirmed you don't play soccer (football in most countries, I may add), but a different sport called strikers, which is inspired by soccer! So yeah, strikers is close, but not the same, like a cousin.

Also I don't like to promote myself like that, but if you are active and interested, you can probably help us in the MKPC Strikers team? https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=9505

🚗 Beep beep! Here come the vehicles! 🚘

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Good stuff, well made, and well done! ;)


Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
wiw wrote:
Do you have more than one account?

Hello, due to issues in the past, double accounts are prohibited on Mario Kart PC since a few years back.

We don't really punish (on first glance), but we highly discourage people from doing so. 8)

MKPC en 2022 - Ce que je pense

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Max-Bros wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
La modération est encore en vie au moins ?
Car aujourd'hui à part @Ryubix je crois je n'ai vu aucun modérateur ou admin de connecté...

(et après je ne sais plus qui est admin ou modo...)

Vous pouvez venir ici pour donner des possibles indices sur l'inactivité de la modération ?

Moderation isn't dead but some people have been inactive for their own reasons.
Infi now plays the official games which is why he's a little inactive.
Ryubix is very busy with life nowadays and Zed just left MKPC without notice but don't lose hope people, we have old players coming back to the game recently so hopefully the activity will rise again like it used to.

I hope the situation will improve...

Otherwise I see that I am not the only one to have seen former MKPC members reconnect

True, due to school, traumas and some other irl stuff, I can't go to MKPC as much as I use too...
The feeling to see MKPC being "left behind" isn't shared only by the members, but by the admins themselves... We in the administration feels our recent efforts was for nothing sometimes...
Hence why Fways left his administrator position at some point.

Even myself I still think to pass the baton soon enough, but I haven't found THE one (I mean I used to but he isn't admin anymore) that can continue the legacy I created for MKPC since 2016 and the 1st MKPC Tournament that started the rise of our game and community...

Mignonitude extra ! 😍😍

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
C'est parti en dispute totale ici, le concours est terminé depuis longtemps, je suis contrains de locker le topic.


Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
DarkShell wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
DarkShell wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Je suis admin donc je regarderais quand je le pourrais dans la soirée

Bonjour Ryubix, désolé j'ai le même problème que @Max-Bros. Je suis à présent unban de MKPC, mais je croit qu'ils ont oublié de me unban du serveur...

Bonjour, quel est ton nom Discord, pour voir à un possible déban?


Je ne te vois pas dans la liste des bannissements, bizarre! :o
Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
DarkShell wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Je suis admin donc je regarderais quand je le pourrais dans la soirée

Bonjour Ryubix, désolé j'ai le même problème que @Max-Bros. Je suis à présent unban de MKPC, mais je croit qu'ils ont oublié de me unban du serveur...

Bonjour, quel est ton nom Discord, pour voir à un possible déban?
Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Je suis admin donc je regarderais quand je le pourrais dans la soirée
Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Max-Bros wrote:
Le problème est simple :
Je n'arrive pas à rejoindre le serveur Discord de MKPC.
A chaque fois que je clique sur "Accepter l'invitation", ça me met "Impossible d'accepter l'invitation"...
@Ryubix a tenté de m'aider en MP avec une invitation temporaire, mais ça donnait le même résultat...
A priori ça vient de Discord même, ce qui fait que j'ai besoin de conseils...

As-tu contacté le support de Discord? Es-tu allé sur leur site FAQ comme je te l'avais conseillé?

Who is your favorite Formula 1 team?

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Without being a great fan I would say Alpine F1 Team (previously Renault F1 Team until 2021.

Why are there no tricks in MKPC?

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
there are tricks in the game though..

all you have to do is click the drift button for the trick when you go on a ramp :P

I think he meant the lack of animations outside of the "spin on yourself" trick.

It is because of limitations and capacities our team can create for the game, simply put. I hope I answered your question. :)

Why I Hate Mario Kart Wii

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Each game have it's own problems. It was a different era, console, mentality behind the Wii. Today, most people that plays on the Wii use pro controllers or the Nunchuk's joystick to play.

If you really are not convinced that MKWii is a good game, there is the Mario Kart World Cup coming next month, on Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Mario Kart Tour! ;)

qui connait

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert

What's the best item in Mario Kart

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Thunder lighting cloud in mk8deluxe or Lighting cloud mkwii?

When we talk about lightning, it's usually thunder lightning. The thunder cloud only appears in MKWii so it's not really popular. It's value is probablt at is best in the competitive scene, where the shock is THE item your team wants to control the game! Because you can manipulate his use to maximize the damage on the opposing team, while limitate the backlash on your teammates! It can gives you a 100% race win if used accordingly ! ;)

I played MKPC on my Switch Lite

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
It's really cool to know!
We could add the Switch to the consoles on which we can play MKPC then!

Also, by the way, since you don't seem to answer me in private:
are you sure you can play the 2 group stage games needed for the tournament? 8)


Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
BowserJr03 wrote:
Other than the plastic like textures, I don't see what's wrong with adding more courses for $25 (in my country, idk about any others). It's a lot cheaper than purchasing a new game that would normally have 32 tracks and cost around $70-80.

I don't care if it's meant to be 'deluxe' by default. A name really doesn't change anything.

Overall I'm happy to see some additions, especially Sky Garden, and there is no disadvantage with having them added.

I think it is close for each country. 25 euroes in France for example.

Mon anniversaire !

Messages 2847 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9492 pts ★ Expert
Joyeux anniversaire! ;)

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