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[fanfic] MKPC Heroes

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
I know it takes ages to write fanfics, but I do want to know when the next episode releases as it was an extremely great first episode.

Also could my personality have the addition of warming up to people if I work with then for ages and begin to genuinely enjoy their company.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
FieryToad wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
FieryToad wrote:

Well Toad99 took aqua…

You could always use lightgreen. It's rather similar to aqua.

nah i dont like that color

Yeah it is kinda wierd. 💀
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
FieryToad wrote:

Well Toad99 took aqua…

You could always use lightgreen. It's rather similar to aqua.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
My character is perfected. This is just great.
It's almost as if you play vermintide, not that I do. I've watched too many vermintide dialog videos.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Name: Dietsoda

Colour: Crimson

Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)

Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)

Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.

[TBC] Retro Contest

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
I'll try but I may end up not having all 8 tracks done. What does section based mean though?


Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
XBOX_User wrote:
Useless topic.

Nobody likes a hypocrite

[FANFIC] MKPC Vampyre plauge

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
is the fanfic cancelled?

Possibly. I will try to write for it but I honestly haven't really been bothered in writing fanfics currently so I suppose the answer is well yes but actually no.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Topic unlocked.

Also if you want to try and convince people someone is the vampire you can do it here.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Episode 1: the gathering feast:

StarSplizz: Hello Walter.
Walter: Greetings!
Slick: Hello StarSplizz!
Luther: They're waiting for you StarSplizz, in the dining room.
Einstein: greetings!
Starsplizz: you guys are wierd I'm going to go.

Starsplizz enters the dining hall with the scientists and sees a large amount of others.

Nudge: so how do we know we are safe here?
Ellie: yeah that's a good question.
Guardsman 1: the emperor protects!
Popplio: what are the odds of even 1 vampire getting in here.
Toad: yeah why would any be here.
Impasta: that's a bit sus. Why are you vouching for the vampires.
Cringeh: what? Vampires? I thought this was a party.
Tails: no this is a quarantine. Also the odds of more than 1 vampire getting in is 33.37%
Fiery: that's very reassuring |). Also I think we should all get to sleep.
Elf: sure mayflies get to sleep. Just don't let the vampires bite.
Charles: *heh* as if that would happen.
Illuzhion: That's definitly going to happen.

6 hours later (in the middle of the night):

Nudge wakes up from his sleep

Nudge: what was that?

Nudge suddenly gets hit in the back and pinned to the ground as his blood gets drained from his neck.

Nudge: whhhyyyyy....

7 hours later:

Guardsman 2: this "Nudge" and 2 of the Guardsmen hhasn't shown up for roll-call. Should we check on them?
Illuzhion: yeah we should.

They check all the rooms and find the bodies of those killed, drained of blood.

Elf: any of you mayflies become bloated over night? Otherwise we have 3 vampires in here with us.
Fiery: Yes let's vote for who it is.
Jenwren: Meow *cough cough* but who will kill them?
Security guard: I will.

Everyone pm me your vote up to tommorow afternoon. Whoever gets the most is booted. Also still need 1 more vampire.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
There is 1 vampire among us but I still want to have 2 more. Also I guess people have until tommorow afternoon to join.

Edit not even a minute later: 1 vampire slot left.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Aight so basically if you want to be vampire pm me and whenever it come to eating or infecting you can choose who to through pms. Bew warned there is a low chance it will fail as I will use the wheel of names with 8 success and 2 fails.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Invu wrote:
No. Just... no. Zombies were okay, vampires aren't. I just don't like them. IlluZhion will have fun though. I don't really feel like participating in this, I hope you understand, although I feel interested in reading the fanfic, so I guess I'll follow the topic

Personally I don't understand why people like vampires but I wanted to do another fanfic and was considering some form of infection/plauge. I didn't want to do zombies when another zombie one was going on so I decided upon vampires. I mean I could have done fungus, ghosts, fruits/vegetables etc but didn't have those ideas at the time.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I'm gonna add all the black mesa scientists player models for more people.

You can add more than just 1 extra character alongside yours. (Up to 4)
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: news broadcast:

News reporter: Hello everyone. We have news of an outbreak of vampirism. Those who are infected will drink blood. It is suggested you should gather your friends and family and barricade a building to hide in and wait out the infection.

*distant screams*

News reporter: they're getting closer. What should I do? Uh. You! Barricade the door! Yes that should work. OK so I'll be signing off now.

*sounds of wood breaking and blood curdling screams*

News reporter: Ahhh!

*White noise*

Scientist: Ach! NO!

*phone rings as the Scientist gathers everyone to one building to quarantine*
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Shoot I just deleted the original topic so now I have to explain it all again. 💀

To join pick a character and your own one to join. You know the regular things, name, colour, personality, species and 1 ability.

This will have Blood just so you know

This will use user input so when it comes to that dm me with your plans.

Basically, to explain the beef of it, there is a vampire plauge going around. We are all in quarantine in a large house. There is one vampire among us (pm me of you want to be them). They must drink blood every 1-2 days or they turn into a massive flesh-eatibg monstrosity and start to go on a rampage. They can choose to infect someone or bite someone (through pming me). If they infect they aren't fed that day but the other person they bit will turn the day after. If they feed then they are fed for the next day. If bodies are found a vote will take place and we will drive a stake through the heart of our suspected imposter (to vote pm me). Aight that's all.

List of characters:
An elf: wood elf, good with bow, literally my character but just not me.
Guardsmen (all 5 of them): human, has a gun, military guys (and girls because gender inclusive)
Walter: human, black mesa scientist, Ach! NO!
Einstein: human, black mesa scientist, my god what are you doing?
Slick: human, black mesa scientist, Greetings!
Luther: human, black mesa scientist, they're waiting for you Gordon, in the test chamber.
Security guard: human, has gun, Hey catch me later, I'll buy you a beer.
Nudge: humanoid rabbit, psychotic but smart
Impasta: crewmate (Or imposter?), kinda sus ngl
Fiery: Toad, fire, sarcastic
Charles: stickman,
goofball, is a bold action man

Henry: stickman, has basically everything, silent but goofy
Ellie: Stickman, smarter than the other stickmen, goofy but less so
Cringeh: human, Chaos Control!, clueless
Toad: Toad, charismatic, kinda sus though
IlluZhion: dragon-girl thing, blatantly being the vampire, flirty I guess.
Popplio: popplio, bubble, like water
Jewnren: cat, smart?
Tails: fox, can fly, nerd 8)
StarSplizz: paratrooper, can fly, introvert
Noob: shy guy, stealthy, smart
Jaden: shadow demon, shapeshifter, annoying
Theouchy1: yoshi, summon the yoshi fbi, happy (nerd)
Pianta, pianta, see 5 seconds ahead of time, chill

(Fanfic) Chilli.Exe: The World To Win

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Name: Dietsoda

Colour: Crimson

Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)

Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)

Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.

[FANFIC] Super MKPC Galaxy: The Uprising

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
SenkoZhion wrote:
S3EP8 (Yes this really is the final episode - sorry in advance :()

IlluZhion: Raider, I still don't understand... How did you survive that explosion?
Raider: Anything is possible for you, my sweetheart.
*IlluZhion blushes*
IlluZhion: Uhhhhh... Should we get back to the others now?
Raider: Oh you, playing so hard to get~!
I know you, IlluZhion~
You can't stop without even trying to think about me~

IlluZhion: I- Raider, stop it...
Raider: Haha, I'm just kidding~
Yeah, let's go.

With The Resistance...

Lely: Wonder what's taking IlluZhion so long... He's usually back within 30 minutes... It's been THREE HOURS, FOR FUCK'S SAKE...
*Nudge files his claws*
Nudge: Probably simping on someone again...
Max: Do you honestly believe that when he said he was gonna catch up with an old friend?
Osc: Well knowing IlluZhion, he probably means 11037th partner...
Ralsei: Which one of you bitches is gonna break the news...?

With Lemon, xrunner and Dietsoda...

Kris: LEMON!!!
*Lemon gets zapped by electricity for the 11th time*
Dietsoda: You mayflies have no care for yourselves? Why care so much about your pathetic little friend?
*Kris' bloodied head turns to Dietsoda*
Kris: Mark my words, you cunt... IlluZhion is coming for us any moment... And he's gonna have an army...
*Lemon's eyes open and she sheds a silent tear*
xrunner: Yeah right... We'll OBLITERATE him if he comes anywhere near us, you guys included.
Dietsoda: And you mark MY words, you foolish mayflies... You. Are. DEAD.
Lemon (under her breath): IlluZhion... my love...

Back with The Resistance...

IlluZhion: Glad to see you guys didn't abandon us.
Fiery: Us?
Raider: Hi~
Nudge: Surprise, surprise, IlluZhion's simping on yet ANOTHER person...
Osc and Ralsei: Just why?
Ralsei: Yeah right bitch, he literally fell for you before...
Fiery: Can you guys not? Raider, come with us. We're gonna go rescue our friends.

They eventually found Dietsoda's private room. When they entered...

Dietsoda: Don't try anything, mayfly. Or ALL. YOUR. FRIENDS. WILL. PERISH.
Kris: IlluZhion...
Lemon: Ahahaha~
You think I'm gonna die?

Dietsoda: I know it, mayfly.
*Lemon's eyes blaze and she grows wings*
Lemon: Wanna bet?
Nudge: IlluZhion... You did NOT.
IlluZhion: Oh, you bet I did.
Lely: Oh forget that Nudge, let's fight this evil and save the Super MKPC Galaxy!
Raider: Seems like it's time for The Uprising.
Fiery: The Uprising, huh? I like the sound of that! LET'S DO THIS! LELY, CUE THE MUSIC!
Lely: You bet I will.
*Lely blasts Not Today on his MP3 player*
Dietsoda: Oh it's on, mayflies.
*Dietsoda's hands start burning and the flares become huge scimitars*
Max: You dare... AND I WILL END YOU.
Lely POV: Wow, Max is getting defensive... Haha cute...
*Max blushes*
*Max gets stabbed in the ribs*
IlluZhion POV: HOLY CRAP... IS MAX... DEAD...?! I will avenge him regardless...

At Club IlluZhion a few years ago...

IlluZhion POV: Hey, there's someone new here...
Max: Hey... Are you the owner of this bar...?
Nudge: Yeah he is... Who are you anyway? You don't look like anyone from around here. Mind you, basically everyone comes here in the MKPCverse...
Max: Well ummm... I'm kind of new here... My name's Max...
Lemon: Well uhhh... Hi Max!
Max: Oh don't worry... I'm generally quiet...
IlluZhion: Heh, I was like that a while back.

That night at the beach...

IlluZhion POV: Hey... Isn't that...
IlluZhion: Max?

Max: ...IlluZhion...? What're you doing here?
IlluZhion: I was just flying about and I saw you sitting here... What are you doing on these cliffs anyway? If you fall down here, you could easily perish...
Max: I was just thinking...
*IlluZhion walks up to Max and sits beside him*
IlluZhion: What's on your mind?
Max: I've been thinking... About you... This galaxy isn't that safe anymore... I barely survived... My friends all died around me...
IlluZhion: I... I'm so sorry to hear that...
*Max gets up and goes to leave*
Max: I was thinking something else about you, but I think it's better if it's kept a secret~
*IlluZhion blushes*
IlluZhion: Uhhhhh... Ok...

Back in reality...

IlluZhion POV: Wow... we came so far together... I'M NOT LETTING IT GO...
*Lely falls to the floor*
Nudge and Osc: LELY!
*They go after Dietsoda, only to immediately get shot by a laser*

At Toad Town around a decade ago...

IlluZhion: Welp... more shopping to do...
*IlluZhion hums Super Mario Bros.*
Nudge: Excuse me... Are you IlluZhion...?
IlluZhion: Uhhh yeah, why?
Osc: We're kinda new here and we want to go to your bar, but we don't know where it is...
*IlluZhion leads them to the bar, where they quickly become good friends*

Back in reality...

IlluZhion: Gaaah...
*IlluZhion's eyes widen as he remains corrupted, kneeling weakly on the floor*
Kris: Lemon...
IlluZhion POV: She's not going to die... NO WAY... Violence is no longer an answer... It's a question... And the answer... is YES...
Raider POV: Holy crap... IlluZhion's corrupted by darkness... I'm going to attack them before he gets possessed by it...
*Lemon and Raider attack Dietsoda and xrunner, but they get countered*
IlluZhion: NOOOOOOOOO!!!
*IlluZhion becomes possessed by darkness, at which point he rips apart into a swarm of clones*

Luckily, Lely, Krazey, Kris, Max, Dark, Lemon and Raider survived their injuries...
But their adventures don't end here...


Sword hands? Really?
Eh I suppose I get to kill the most popular users of the site so it evens our the wierd hand swords. Bit of an L tbh.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
SenkoZhion wrote:


Aight but she did do some breaking and entering. I'm just detaining her before the police can come and I can press charges.

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