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[FANFIC] Magma Island

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
@40KsKool68 and I are about to go on a massacre. :D
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Noob68 wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
Dawn of the third day (Day 3)

Sorbet: So where are we going again?
???: Do I have to say this to all of them? You're going to an island to fight some strangers from around the world. Clear enough for your simple little mind?

Yesterday on the island, Nudge's plane turned around and crashed into the island. Max awakes by the wreckage.

Max: Well, It's another day. Is that the plane Nudge was on? Maybe there's some supplies inside...

Max enters the plane and looks around.

Max: Oh... that must be Nudge's body. I should look a-
Nudge: What are you doing in here?
Lely: Hey w- WAIT IS THAT A GHOST?!?!?!?
Nudge: No.
Max: How did you survive?
Nudge: Nevermind. I must get rid of those who have wronged me.
Max: What do you mean?
Lely: I think he's going to kill the people who voted him last night.
Max: Oh. Well, should we stay as a group?
Nudge: Sure, why not?
Lely: Could this mean that d4-
Max: Alright, let's go!

On the black rock beach...

Fiery: Perhaps I should find a group, maybe I would be safer that way.
MisterCringeh: Hello :D:D
Fiery: Oh hi! Didn't see you there.
MisterCringeh: I hear you need a group?
Fiery: Yes, do you want to group up with me?
MisterCringeh: That would be great! Can Buzzma join us too? She's only a little bit...  stuck.
IlluZhion: Need some help there?
MisterCringeh: You're the one who kil-
IlluZhion: The one and only. My companion is in one of these holes, and I need some help.
Fiery: Oh well, any companion of yours is likely stronger than Buzzma. Let's go save this person!
Buzzma: :}
???: IlluZhion? Are you there?
IlluZhion: Of course.
MisterCringeh: Hello mystery person! What is your full name, date of birth, home address, IP address and favourite colour?
???: I can't tell you that. I'm going to have to stay here all day.
Fiery: And why is that?
A crackling can be heard...
???: Hello? I don't know if you can hear me, but I compromised their speaker's security. You have to go to the do- I've got to go, I will be seeing you shortly.
The Host: We apologize for that... mistake.

In the woods, a fight is taking place...

Jenwren: Just hand it over!
Popplio: NO! I SAW IT FIRST!
Jenwren: Let's have a fight for it.
Popplio: OK, I accept your challenge.
Jenwren dives for the pistol...
Noob: GUYS, STO-
Jenwren: Who said?
Jenwren shoots Popplio in the head...
Noob: Now that was completely unnecessary.

Lely: What was that on the speakers?
Max: I don't know, but I think someone's here to save us.
Nudge: But whom? And where?
Max: That we do not know. I think the docks?
Lely: Then let's go there.
Max: But what's going on there? I see something.
Lely: Is that... Jenwren? And Popplio?
Nudge: *Was Popplio
Lely: wait what
Max: I think he just died.
Lely: But how?
Jenwren: Gun :p
Noob: That wasn't very descriptive
Jenwren: I used a gun to shoot this guy in the head :p.
Max: I see. In that case, I'm going to throw this spear at you.
Jenwren: OK :p.
Max throws the spear through Jenwren's head, killing her instantly.
Lely: :o
Nudge: Clean shot. Could've been better though.

The Host: Alright everyone, I see that some of you have been "eliminated" today. Well then, should we get on with the votes?

Dietsoda: I am tired of Noob's existence.
MisterCringeh: I'll vote myself because why not.
Max: I don't really have anyone to vote for, but I will vote myself as I murdered someone today.
Noob: I think I'll vote for Dietsoda, in that case.
Buzzma: Fiery didn't help me get out of that STUPID HOLE :(!
Fiery: I think I'll go for MisterCringeh for wasting my time. I shouldn't waste existence to save some weird lady in a hole.
Nudge: Max could've gotten a better kill.
StarSplizz: I vote for MisterCringeh, because why not?
K: I'll go with myself as no one has justification to target me.
Lely: I would vote Max for murdering someone, even though he could've just captured Jenwren, but I'll go with Nudge for being a crazy person.
Sorbet: I only just arrived here, but I agree with this "Lely" person.

The Host: Well, your votes have been placed...

and MisterCringeh is eliminated!

MisterCringeh: At least I get to be with bread in heaven...
The Host: Step into this chamber, please.
Cringeh enters, the door closes behind him and a button is pressed...
MisterCringeh: Woah, is that bread coming out of the celling?
The Host: It is! And now you don't have to be with bread only in heaven, you can die with it! Or should I say, by it...
MisterCringeh: What?
The bread falls in faster and faster, and MisterCringeh suffocates in bread. The participants can see how he died...
Lely: I'm going to be sick.

End of Part 3...

Jokes on you Diet, I will continue to be the vain of your existence for all eternity. 😁👍

I swear if I get voted I'm pulling you in with me and we will both die. Otherwise I will find you in this island and once I get my hands on a bow dispatch of you with no witnesses.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom

Approximately how long do you think it will be until you release the next episode?
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Been 3 days. Now's your chance to release it, please.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Approximately how long will it be until the next episode releases?
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
Dawn of the first day (Day 1)

It is morning, and everyone are finding themselves in the island's various sections. Next to the waterfall, MisterCringeh wakes up.

MisterCringeh: Huh? Where am I? Is that Buzzma?
Buzzma: Who is that on the hill?
MisterCringeh: Hey Buzzma! It's me, MisterCringeh!
Buzzma: Oh hi :)!

Meanwhile, by the rocks...

Max: I seem to be on a beach of black rocks. Is that a spear over there? Alright, I'll send out snorl-
The Host: I took the strange ball in your pocket during your sleep.
The Host: I have speakers, cameras and microphones all around here. Remember, you're all on TV...
Max: OK. Phew. No privacy around here. Got it. Anyway, why don't I pick up that spear?
*Max picks up the spear*
Max: Perfect.

Deep into the forest...

Dietsoda: Hmm... Could do with some knives down here.
Noob: Did somebody say "knives"?
Dietsoda: Yes, I did. And if you don't give me any, I will find some other way to stab you.
Noob: OK, jeez. I found these combat knives here, if I give them to you, can we work together?
Dietsoda: Just hand over the knives.
Noob: I'll give them if you let m-
Noob: OK, I'm sorry.
*Noob gives 2 of the knives, but keeps one*
Dietsoda: Give me the other one.
Noob: No, unless y-
*Dietsoda pushes Noob forwards, knocking him other and covering his cloak and mask in mud*
Dietsoda: Alright, see you later! If you survive, that is...
Noob: Oh no, I'm stuck in this mud. HELP!
StarSplizz: Do you need help?
Noob: Yes please.
StarSplizz: Alright, I'll pull you out.

Back at the rocks...

K: What is this place? Is it a cave?
Nudge: HEY!
K: (OH NO) H-Hello?
Nudge: Don't move, or I'll stab you!
K: With what? You have no weapons! I'm not scared of a little bunny! (Or am I..?)
StarSplizz: STOP!
Noob: Uh... Stop?
Nudge: Oh hello, I was just about to stab K over here, do you want to watch?
Noob: No thanks, we actually came to... what did we come for?
StarSplizz: To stop Nudge from hurting anyone...
Nudge: Like that's going to work...

Back by the waterfall...

MisterCringeh: What time is it?
Buzzma: It's five O' clock!
Noob: Wait, what's that by the river?
K: Some strange yellow object approaching us...
StarSplizz: Should we run?
Buzzma: Oh, Hello everyone!
MisterCringeh: Hello :)
Nudge: Oh no, more people to deal with...
Buzzma: Mean!
*Nudge throws a pebble at Buzzma, hitting her in the forehead*
Buzzma: OUCH! Why are you so mean :(.
Nudge: And why are you so upset over a pebble?
Keeby: Oh hey guys! Fiery and I have been gathering medical supplies on the beach, do you need some?
Fiery: I also found 6 weapons! A pistol, knife, axe, a-
D4rk: That's great, but why are we all here on this tiny rocky area? And where's Max?
*Popplio can be seen sliding down the river like a waterslide*
Popplio: Wheeeeee!
*Popplio flies out of the river, knocking K over*

The Host: Alright everyone, it is the end of the day. Helicopters will be sent to pick you up.
*Max comes out from a cave, holding a flashlight, two batteries and his spear*
Max: Alright, let's go find a searchlight, everyone. Noob?
*Noob has fallen over and has a knife in his back. Dietsoda can be seen running away.*
Noob: H-help me!
Buzzma: Huh :o
D4rk: I knew that guy was up to something! His gas mask is so shady!
*A helicopter arrives overhead*
Keeby: OK, Let's go!

Back at the cabin...

The Host: Alright everybody, I see that there have been no deaths today?
Fiery: None at all.
The Host: I see. Maybe we need to do something to make you hate eachother? Hey D4rk! Buzzma says you have silly tastes in music!
D4rk: YOU WHAT!?!?!?
Buzzma: I'm sorry, It's true that your Cake-Pop is wacky.
Buzzma: You're such a meanie :(! I will kill you first!
The Host: And Dietsoda, did Keeby ever tell you about how violence is wrong?
Dietsoda: You're dead.

This goes on for a while, until everyone has something against eachother...

The Host: So who are you voting off the island?
Popplio: I vote for K. Water parks aren't just for babies!
Dietsoda: Keeby is dead in my eyes.
MisterCringeh: I vote Buzzma. We can no longer be allies.
Max: I have to go with Dietsoda here, he was really violent towards Noob today.
Noob: Yeah, I have to vote for Dietsoda here.
Buzzma: D4rk is such a meanie!
Fiery: Yeah, D4rk overreacted a bit, I'd rather not have him on the island.
Nudge: How would you feel if I voted K?
Keeby: I'm going for D4rk, I care about Buzzma's feelings!
Buzzma: Thank you!
D4rk: I'm voting Buzzma!
StarSplizz: I think that I will vote Dietsoda.
K: I vote for...


The Host: So it's settled. Get on the boat, demon.

The boat is sent off the island...

Max: There's something sad abo-
*The boat explodes in the distance*
Popplio: WOAH!
The Host: I personally strapped 50 tonnes of remote explosives to that boat...
The Host: yes *[
MisterCringeh: Don't get voted off. Noted.
The Host: Get to bed. Goodnight.
*Max is still shocked*
To be continued...

Poor Dark…I should have voted Dietsoda.

If you tried that you wouldn't like the result. paf

Woah woah chill out dude

If you voted me I would've taken you down with me, hand to hand, dragging you into the boat, no matter what way I would do it, you would perish if you voted for me.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
xrunner48 wrote:
Dawn of the first day (Day 1)

It is morning, and everyone are finding themselves in the island's various sections. Next to the waterfall, MisterCringeh wakes up.

MisterCringeh: Huh? Where am I? Is that Buzzma?
Buzzma: Who is that on the hill?
MisterCringeh: Hey Buzzma! It's me, MisterCringeh!
Buzzma: Oh hi :)!

Meanwhile, by the rocks...

Max: I seem to be on a beach of black rocks. Is that a spear over there? Alright, I'll send out snorl-
The Host: I took the strange ball in your pocket during your sleep.
The Host: I have speakers, cameras and microphones all around here. Remember, you're all on TV...
Max: OK. Phew. No privacy around here. Got it. Anyway, why don't I pick up that spear?
*Max picks up the spear*
Max: Perfect.

Deep into the forest...

Dietsoda: Hmm... Could do with some knives down here.
Noob: Did somebody say "knives"?
Dietsoda: Yes, I did. And if you don't give me any, I will find some other way to stab you.
Noob: OK, jeez. I found these combat knives here, if I give them to you, can we work together?
Dietsoda: Just hand over the knives.
Noob: I'll give them if you let m-
Noob: OK, I'm sorry.
*Noob gives 2 of the knives, but keeps one*
Dietsoda: Give me the other one.
Noob: No, unless y-
*Dietsoda pushes Noob forwards, knocking him other and covering his cloak and mask in mud*
Dietsoda: Alright, see you later! If you survive, that is...
Noob: Oh no, I'm stuck in this mud. HELP!
StarSplizz: Do you need help?
Noob: Yes please.
StarSplizz: Alright, I'll pull you out.

Back at the rocks...

K: What is this place? Is it a cave?
Nudge: HEY!
K: (OH NO) H-Hello?
Nudge: Don't move, or I'll stab you!
K: With what? You have no weapons! I'm not scared of a little bunny! (Or am I..?)
StarSplizz: STOP!
Noob: Uh... Stop?
Nudge: Oh hello, I was just about to stab K over here, do you want to watch?
Noob: No thanks, we actually came to... what did we come for?
StarSplizz: To stop Nudge from hurting anyone...
Nudge: Like that's going to work...

Back by the waterfall...

MisterCringeh: What time is it?
Buzzma: It's five O' clock!
Noob: Wait, what's that by the river?
K: Some strange yellow object approaching us...
StarSplizz: Should we run?
Buzzma: Oh, Hello everyone!
MisterCringeh: Hello :)
Nudge: Oh no, more people to deal with...
Buzzma: Mean!
*Nudge throws a pebble at Buzzma, hitting her in the forehead*
Buzzma: OUCH! Why are you so mean :(.
Nudge: And why are you so upset over a pebble?
Keeby: Oh hey guys! Fiery and I have been gathering medical supplies on the beach, do you need some?
Fiery: I also found 6 weapons! A pistol, knife, axe, a-
D4rk: That's great, but why are we all here on this tiny rocky area? And where's Max?
*Popplio can be seen sliding down the river like a waterslide*
Popplio: Wheeeeee!
*Popplio flies out of the river, knocking K over*

The Host: Alright everyone, it is the end of the day. Helicopters will be sent to pick you up.
*Max comes out from a cave, holding a flashlight, two batteries and his spear*
Max: Alright, let's go find a searchlight, everyone. Noob?
*Noob has fallen over and has a knife in his back. Dietsoda can be seen running away.*
Noob: H-help me!
Buzzma: Huh :o
D4rk: I knew that guy was up to something! His gas mask is so shady!
*A helicopter arrives overhead*
Keeby: OK, Let's go!

Back at the cabin...

The Host: Alright everybody, I see that there have been no deaths today?
Fiery: None at all.
The Host: I see. Maybe we need to do something to make you hate eachother? Hey D4rk! Buzzma says you have silly tastes in music!
D4rk: YOU WHAT!?!?!?
Buzzma: I'm sorry, It's true that your Cake-Pop is wacky.
Buzzma: You're such a meanie :(! I will kill you first!
The Host: And Dietsoda, did Keeby ever tell you about how violence is wrong?
Dietsoda: You're dead.

This goes on for a while, until everyone has something against eachother...

The Host: So who are you voting off the island?
Popplio: I vote for K. Water parks aren't just for babies!
Dietsoda: Keeby is dead in my eyes.
MisterCringeh: I vote Buzzma. We can no longer be allies.
Max: I have to go with Dietsoda here, he was really violent towards Noob today.
Noob: Yeah, I have to vote for Dietsoda here.
Buzzma: D4rk is such a meanie!
Fiery: Yeah, D4rk overreacted a bit, I'd rather not have him on the island.
Nudge: How would you feel if I voted K?
Keeby: I'm going for D4rk, I care about Buzzma's feelings!
Buzzma: Thank you!
D4rk: I'm voting Buzzma!
StarSplizz: I think that I will vote Dietsoda.
K: I vote for...


The Host: So it's settled. Get on the boat, demon.

The boat is sent off the island...

Max: There's something sad abo-
*The boat explodes in the distance*
Popplio: WOAH!
The Host: I personally strapped 50 tonnes of remote explosives to that boat...
The Host: yes *[
MisterCringeh: Don't get voted off. Noted.
The Host: Get to bed. Goodnight.
*Max is still shocked*
To be continued...

Poor Dark…I should have voted Dietsoda.

If you tried that you wouldn't like the result. paf
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
xrunner48 wrote:
Night 0 (The Introduction)

The boats of participants have nearly arrived on Magma Island, and they can see it in the distance.

StarSplizz: That's not a good thing, we just got kidnapped and brought to this place.
Noob: It's going to be fine. We're arriving on the docks now.
Keeby: Alright, let's see if there is anyone on the island and ask for help.

All of the participants arrive on the beach, only to encounter a strange being.

???: Welcome to Magma Island. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Nudge: Who are you and what do you want with us?
???: Might want to work on your manners, if you survive, that is.
The Host: I am The Host, and you know why you're here, you signed the contract!
Max: Oh my...
D4rk: What contract?
The Host: The contract you signed before your trip here! Have you forgotten everything from before your trip?
Popplio: Actually, I have. What happened, Cringeh?
MisterCringeh: You fell asleep and I made friends with Max.
Dietsoda: If Max let me hit you, you would have been asleep forever.
Fiery: I'm going to admit, I didn't read the contract. What did it say?
The Host: You pretty much entered this erm... competition! It's going to be on television!
The Host: Good. Do you like violence and death?
Nudge and Dietsoda: I DO!!!
The Host: That's great. I'll explain everything to you all, and then you need rest. You'll all have a big day tomorrow!
K: One question?
The Host: Yes?
K: How long were we on the boats?
The Host: 3 hours. Now here's what you need to know...

The Host: Each morning, you will find yourself in a random spot on the island. You can find or make your own weapons. As previously mentioned, you will kill each other. Teaming is allowed, but there is only one winner. Once the sun has set, you will be taken to the campfire over here, where you will choose someone to vote to take a boat uhh... home. Each night, you will sleep in the aperture science restoration and transportation cots inside the cabin over there. Do you understand?
All: Yes!
The Host: Alright then, good night, and good luck.
To be continued...

Short but sweet.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Name: Dietsoda
colour: maroon
Personality: Violent and prepared to do anything to win although will not ally with anyone.
Species: Human
Appearance: Wears grey trench coat, and a brown gas mask.

Top Best mario kart character

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
1: red shy guy
2: Green shy guy
3: Light blue shy guy
4: blue shy guy
5: black shy guy
6: pink shy guy
7: yellow shy guy
8: orange shy guy
9: white shy guy
10: Luigi

Edit: If you argue against me just know that you are wrong. super

Edit 2: One of my friends correctly told me that white shy guy is the best character so just imagine everything up to it is increased by one and it's at the top.

describe the show in 3 words

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Never watched it

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@patrick_master. Why did you facepalm my message? If you looked you would see that I fully followed the command you gave of describing it in 3 words.

this ain't a hate crime white MKPC
4 3 2 1

I know it isn't a hate crime, I would just like to know why I got a seemingly random reaction, implying that I had done something wrong. All I did was follow the instructions exactly and speak truthfully and I would like to know why that constitutes a faceplam.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Never watched it

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@patrick_master. Why did you facepalm my message? If you looked you would see that I fully followed the command you gave of describing it in 3 words.

[MKPC Lore] The story behind Glitch Gal

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Pixelss wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Chilli3564 wrote:


did i




we need lore explained by MapMat

Side effects of eating the glitchy orb include: a random itchy feeling, catnip addiction, cat-like body mutations and lag



Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
osc-omb wrote:
Color brown Species website

this is very funny. evertime i post a topic, you say ''color brown species ____'' like its funni. Yes it is! osc-omb? more like osc-funni

Colour brown. Species monkey.

March Mario Madness

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
KirbyBoy wrote:
Bowser's Got to Go. Wario is Too Popular. Cough Cough Wario Land 4.

Oh no, one game released a decade or two ago. In comparison to the main Villain of the series.

Ban nudgy hampter

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
AVEOPdev97 wrote:
coolbaer wrote:
coolmonkey is my bro and we work together in the coolmaer gang so...

Okay, he's your brother. Why do you have the same tracks then?
Also gangs don't have 2 people.

Hear me out.

If we're talking about coolbaer's quick tracks, then he probably copied coolmoney's. I should know.

As for the complete mode tracks, I have no clue. It is possible that monkey sent a collab link to baer. Other than that, I don't know.

Hope that helped or smh.

Ip sharing.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
You still don't have proof any of them said anything and it can't be a coincidence you accused the people who called coolmonkey colour brown species monkey.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
osc-wrong wrote:
coolbaer wrote:
and pixelss and osc wrong u both said the n word in vc so anything to come back from that

"Digguh from uh kirby and the forgotten land"

Digganobs from warhammer 40,000 gorkamorka, also shortened to diggas.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom

I think @coolbaer (colour brown, species baer) is an alt of @coolmonkey (colour brown, species monkey) because he is specifically targeting all of the people who said colour brown species monkey (Except me 😥) and claiming they should be banned.

Just suggesting you check to see if they are alts. super
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Coolmonkey wrote:
coolbaer had the pass

How come?
Is there any proof Nudge said anything?

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