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[Fanfic] MKPC Gameshow Thingy

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Aven wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Aven wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Hopefully this one lasts more than 2 episodes :p

Everyone has been kidnapped by this guy who loves kidnapping, death and gameshows so that we can participate in his "Gameshow of Death and Kidnapping". Everyone will compete in various challenges for points and at the end, everyone who doesn't win dies a very gruesome death. (Don't worry I'll probably cut that bit out.)
So that he doesn't choose challenges that one person does great at and everyone else fails miserably, he has asked his "Willing Contestants" to come up with the challenges themselves! (Preferably something they're..... not bad at.)

To join just give the usual stuff:

Weapons & Abilities (If you're lucky, they might actually be used!)
One challenge

Willing Contestants & Their Challenges:
Ouchy (Lying)
Croassung (idk)
Princess (Fighting i think)
Cringeh (idk)

Rules changed:
There will be a ton of bad guys and players use their abilities to capture the most! Those who got the least get eliminated over time, similar to Shine Runners from Mario Kart DS.:o

You don't make the rules. This isn't your fanfic is it?

Aven wrote:
Name: Popplio
Colour: Blue
Species: Popplio
Personality: Smart, kind, but can be dumb at times. Easily distracted by waterparks, and especially waterslides.
Weapons & Abilities: Can blow bubbles with his nose. Has every nuclear bomb code in the world.
Challenge idea: Correctly predicting Wave 6

sorry, but my ability is similar to yours

You don't even have an ability and haven't signed up. Even if you did it wouldn't matter.

1. It was to make it more appropriate.
2. Oh. my future ability for when I join.
BTW the new game mode is called "Bad Man Bash".

1. It most likely won't make it more appropriate. How do you know Ouchy's intentions.

2. Maybe you should join if you want to have an ability. Also it doesn't matter if two people have the same ability. Even if that mattered and you were to use that as your ability he would have more of a claim to it as not only had he taken it first but also he is literally making his character as a Popplio. You know, the pokemon known for using bubbles.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Aven wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Hopefully this one lasts more than 2 episodes :p

Everyone has been kidnapped by this guy who loves kidnapping, death and gameshows so that we can participate in his "Gameshow of Death and Kidnapping". Everyone will compete in various challenges for points and at the end, everyone who doesn't win dies a very gruesome death. (Don't worry I'll probably cut that bit out.)
So that he doesn't choose challenges that one person does great at and everyone else fails miserably, he has asked his "Willing Contestants" to come up with the challenges themselves! (Preferably something they're..... not bad at.)

To join just give the usual stuff:

Weapons & Abilities (If you're lucky, they might actually be used!)
One challenge

Willing Contestants & Their Challenges:
Ouchy (Lying)
Croassung (idk)
Princess (Fighting i think)
Cringeh (idk)

Rules changed:
There will be a ton of bad guys and players use their abilities to capture the most! Those who got the least get eliminated over time, similar to Shine Runners from Mario Kart DS.:o

You don't make the rules. This isn't your fanfic is it?

Aven wrote:
Name: Popplio
Colour: Blue
Species: Popplio
Personality: Smart, kind, but can be dumb at times. Easily distracted by waterparks, and especially waterslides.
Weapons & Abilities: Can blow bubbles with his nose. Has every nuclear bomb code in the world.
Challenge idea: Correctly predicting Wave 6

sorry, but my ability is similar to yours

You don't even have an ability and haven't signed up. Even if you did it wouldn't matter.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
name: Dietsoda
Colour: lightseagreen
Personality: generally dislikes others but may grow to like them. Yes I will use the funny word.
Species: elf
Weaponry: Sniper rifle, dagger and sword
Abilities: can see far and accurately see where bullet will hit.
Description: normal elf stuff. Wears helmet and balaclava. Has the colour blue mixed in with black uniform.

Challange: paintball ctf


Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I do nothing and never have celebrated it.

What is your favorite food ?

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom

Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew

more specifically roasted potatoes.

MKPC Miitopia (Revisited)

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
- Job class: elf (I know it wasn't listed but when it's possible could you? :p)
- Favourite color: green
- Appearance: you know ;)
- Personality type: Stubborn
- Gender: male

Post Your Favorite Things You had Growing Up.

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom

Someone from every country in every country

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

On Parle de vos projets

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Gabahero wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
I mean this topic already exists.


Ok c'est pas grâve

It is much easier if everyone uses the same topic, say maybe the one that already has 26 pages of messages rather than only 5 messages.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I mean this topic already exists.


Is Wario Land 64 Actually the Earliest Version of Super Mario 64?

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
It isn't true and you just want us to believe it because you are a Wario fan (for some strange reason)

(Fanfic) Battle For Delfino Island

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Name: Dietsoda

Colour: Crimson

Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)

Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)

Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.

HI! Presenting myself! (even if nobody cares)

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Welcome, I hope you enjoy being on the site.

Are you hyped for Super Mario Bros Wonders?

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
KirbyBoy wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
Meh. I'm not that Excited. But it Does Look Cool. It could've been Better.
I mean we only saw a trailer, not the full game. So I'm really hyped

True. Hopefully Wario and Waluigi are Unlockable.

Why would they be and why should they be included in the game?

Personally I don't really care for the game though.

[FANFIC] MKPC warzone

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 1.25: Cs office.

A truck starts to drive towards an office building. It has orange markings on the side which has the mark of the militia. A white haired woman jumps out and runs into the building, where four humans wearing uniform stand.

Princess: Soldiers. May you show us the position we are to hold.

Jimmy: Yes sir!

The rest of the elite soldiers catch up and join Princess.

Shadowo: Who is this soldier?

Jimmy: My name is Jimmy sir!

D4rk: Why should we care?

Max: It's good for us to know about our allies D4rk.

D4rk: Why would I care about the cannon-fodder.

Jimmy: Could you not use that term sir?

Max: Ouchy, D4rk, Shadowo and Osc. Come with me and follow Jimmy here. The rest of you, hold this position until further orders.

The group go through some corridors as a vehicle can be heard moving behind them. A small, nerdy figure runs out towards the other elites.

Princess: Halt. Who are you? What are your intentions?

Kirbyboy: My name is Kirbyboy. I am a field medic and a scientist for your organisation. I would like to assist you now on the field of combat.

Princess: Alright. Stay back or you may get shot. That wouldn't be great, would it?

Kirbyboy: No it wouldn't. Speaking of injury would you sign this paper stating I'll be allowed to heal you via any means necessary? Would the rest of your group also allow this?

Princess: Venonum? Noob?

Noob: Yeah I don't see a reason not to.

Venonum Nods in agreement

Princess: Hold on, I'll radio the group.

A click can be heard on the radio and all the members, excluding Osc and D4rk, agree.

Princess: Most of them agree.

KirbyBoy: Yes I heard on my earpiece.

The rest of the group walk down to a corner in the building. A window is on the other side.

Jimmy: This window could be a decent posit-

A shot rings out and hits Jimmy through the forehead. Max can see a black clothed form run away from a hidden crate.

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Dietsoda: Quick, K, get behind these crates, prepare to use your smg to take out any hostiles. Radio the squad, we
have prepared the drop zone.

K: That is a good plan. We have definitley created a large enough distraction for the hostiles.

The militia prepare in their position. A song can be heard in the distance.

Noob: What the hell is that music?

Osc: I don't know

Max: prepare for combat, the enemy may be near.

A helicopter flies down to the ground and eight soldiers drop from it.

Cringeh: I can't wait to kill some filthy insurrectionists.

Xrunner48: Let's kill all of the foe. I can't wait to hear the announcer say "Counter Terrorists win"

Goonoo: That's strange. What announcer? I hope I kill some of those enemies painfully.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
xrunner48 wrote:
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Dietsoda wrote:
Episode 1.0: Militia briefing:

The militia have been pushing recruitment towards the citizens of the city. They have now got a decent group of elite soldiers. Popplio, one of the leaders of the militia, is briefing The elites.

Popplio: Soldiers, we have gained information of possible areas the military will use to attempt to push into the city. We are going to send you to the nearby buildings and have erected...

Osc: hah. Thats what happened to me when I saw Nudge.

Max: Could you not interrupt the briefing? It may be the only thing stopping us from getting killed in combat.

Popplio: Thank you Max. As I was saying, we have erected...

Osc begins to chuckle.

Popplio: ...some barricades that may allow you to hide as they attack the position. We are sending all of you:

Max, our combat leader
Princess, Max's second in command
Noob, a munitions expert
Shadowo, a soldier
Ouchy, another soldier
Osc, another (slightly higher ranking) soldier
D4rk, an elite

And finally:

Venonum, one of our best elite soldiers.

Osc: What about Nudge (my beloved)

Popplio: He is leading the hampters in a different region of the city.

Popplio: Here is a map of the position:

Popplio: You will be set up in the orange area whilst we believe the military will drop in via air through the green zones. The slightly lighter blues are the windows, where you can set up to shoot at the government following foe.

Venonum: Sounds easy.

Popplio: That may be so, however, good luck soldiers.

wow this city is cs_office :o.

Yes, however it is just a building in the city, not the whole city.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 1.0: Militia briefing:

The militia have been pushing recruitment towards the citizens of the city. They have now got a decent group of elite soldiers. Popplio, one of the leaders of the militia, is briefing The elites.

Popplio: Soldiers, we have gained information of possible areas the military will use to attempt to push into the city. We are going to send you to the nearby buildings and have erected...

Osc: hah. Thats what happened to me when I saw Nudge.

Max: Could you not interrupt the briefing? It may be the only thing stopping us from getting killed in combat.

Popplio: Thank you Max. As I was saying, we have erected...

Osc begins to chuckle.

Popplio: ...some barricades that may allow you to hide as they attack the position. We are sending all of you:

Max, our combat leader
Princess, Max's second in command
Noob, a munitions expert
Shadowo, a soldier
Ouchy, another soldier
Osc, another (slightly higher ranking) soldier
D4rk, an elite

And finally:

Venonum, one of our best elite soldiers.

Osc: What about Nudge (my beloved)

Popplio: He is leading the hampters in a different region of the city.

Popplio: Here is a map of the position:

Popplio: You will be set up in the orange area whilst we believe the military will drop in via air through the green zones. The slightly lighter blues are the windows, where you can set up to shoot at the government following foe.

Venonum: Sounds easy.

Popplio: That may be so, however, good luck soldiers.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I think I will end applications in 2 days so if you are considering joining, think quicker.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
The government of MKPC City have begun increasing taxation so they can create more tracks. Many civilians have been annoyed by this and have incited riots it multiple cities. The violence has begun to increase with citizens arming themselves and fighting against the police. Military units have been sent to end the civil unrest. I suppose the question is, which side are you on?

Also many of you will die. super

To join I require:

Side (military or militia (anti-government)):
Role/rank in faction:
Weaponry (mostly firearms):
1 or 2 abilities (depends on how op an ability is):
Warcrimes (Y/N):
Description (how character looks):

I think that's all.

People who may want to join:



name: Dietsoda
Colour: lightseagreen
Personality: generally dislikes others but may grow to like them. Yes I will use the funny word.
Species: elf
Side: military
Role: member of a combat unit
Weaponry: Sniper rifle, dagger and sword
Abilities: can see far and accurately see where bullet will hit.
Warcrimes: ;)
Description: normal elf stuff. Wears helmet and balaclava. Has the colour blue mixed in with black uniform.

Name: Cringeh
Colour: navy
Personality: Smart, kind and that's all
Species: Human
Side: Military
Role/rank in faction: member of a combat unit
Weaponry : BOMBS, rocket launcher
1 or 2 abilities : slight time control
Warcrimes: Y
Description : 🤷‍♂️um tall.. for example and...idk

personality: aggressive, mistrustful
Colour: #00ff00
A simple human
Side : Military
Role/rank in faction: Elite squad.
Weaponry : anything
1 or 2 abilities : very very good reflexes (if it count)
Warcrimes : no
Description : wears light green clothes, tall

Name: xrunner48
Colour: Purple
Personality: You know :p Also he prefers his tea with plenty of milk and goes shopping on thursdays
Species: Void Lad (patent pending)
Team: Military
Role: I don't know =)
Weapons: autobuy ct gear Knife, deagle, some fancy AR.
Abilities: ABH (hl2 moment :$) and pretty much all the silly (gold)source movement techniques :p.
War crimes: Nein
Appearance: The same as my profile picture (the white outline glows).

Name: K
Color: forestgreen
Personality: introvert. Prefers to stay in the background in interactions with others. Protective of teammates and friends.  Ruthless to enemies.
Species: Human
Side; military
Role/rank in military: forward scout and assassin.
Weaponry: MP5, folding knife, grenades, smoke grenades.
Abilities: extremely stealthy. Able to sense the minds of others when they are nearby. Can only read their strongest emotions and general intentions, however.
War crimes: Y
Description: Pale skin, shaggy black hair, and completely black eyes. Average height.


Name: Venonum
Colour: #5900FF
Personality: Silent, serious and merciless.
Species: Demon
Side (military or militia (anti-government)): Militia
Role/rank in faction: Elite soldier
Weaponry (mostly firearms): AXMC, grenade launcher, combat knife
1 or 2 abilities (depends on how op an ability is): Teleportation, super speed
Warcrimes (Y/N): Y
Description (how character looks): It's just a dark demon with wings and a very scary face

Name: Popplio
Colour: Blue
Personality: Smart, but can be dumb at times. Was kind before becoming the leader of the militia and still has some remnants of that left. Easily distracter by waterslides.
Species: Popplio (yeah ik it's not very threatening lol)
Side: Militia
Rank: Leader
Weaponry: Anything
Abilities: Blowing bubbles with nose (mainly relies on weaponry)
Warcrimes: None lol
Description: Just look up a picture of a Popplio lol

Name: Max
Colour: I don't have any jokes left for this :/
Personality: Desperately trying to keep his sanity, if you know who joins will be very protective of him (actually way too much), but still tries to find justice in this mess x), but anyways you can always do other things, since unless there is really a problem I won't complain about it
Species: kitsune
Side (military or militia (anti-government)): anti-government ig
Role/rank in faction: idk maybe a slightly high rank but not too much (I know nothing about that)
Weaponry (mostly firearms): idk, idc
1 or 2 abilities (depends on how op an ability is): I don't really have any ideas here do what you want
Warcrimes (Y/N): Yes but only if I don't have any options left ig (+ if it happens can be a big thing for character development especially on regrets and guilt of things like that)
Description (how character looks): Senko but with a more suitable outfit for the context ig

Colour: #F60
Personality: Evil, Smart
Species: Humanoid Hampter
Side: Militia
Role/rank in faction: Commander of Hampters
Weaponry: Hampter bombs, hampters
1 or 2 abilities: Can mind control hampters
Warcrimes (Y/N): Y E S
Description: Pfp but humanoid body

Name: Princess
Color: #af40eb
Personality: Lazy and kind but a badass and is eager to fight if necessary
Species: Idugan (Female shaman)
Side: Militia
Role/rank in faction: Lieutenant
Weaponry: None, fights using fists and legs only but they generate a mysterious cryokinetic (icebending) power but I can also perform necromancy (in Mongolia it's not raising the dead but more like manipulating the spirits of the dead - after all I am a shaman)
Warcrimes: No
Description: Take inspiration from my pfp

Name: Noob
Colour: Orange
Personality: Smart in a logical sort of way but I have a lack of common sense. Generally optimistic and friendly. Extremely distrusting of the mkpc government.
Species: Shy Guy
Side (military or militia (anti-government)): militia
Role/rank in faction: Munitions Expert (repair broken weapons, build new ones)
Weaponry (mostly firearms): AK-103, M1911 (It’s the best handgun cuz it won 2 world wars!1!111!1! 😎)
1 or 2 abilities (depends on how op an ability is): I’m a sharpshooter and rarely miss a shot, I’m also incredibly good at blending in with my surroundings.
Warcrimes (Y/N): No
Description (how character looks): A Shy Guy wearing a plate carrier.

Name: Shadowo
Colour: Turquoise
Personality: Smart in Strategies
Species: Human
Side: Militia
Role: Soldier
Weaponry: Sniper
Abilities: Smartness
Warcrimes: Idk
Description: My profile picture
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Funny balls.
Chief (?)
Things that Bob-Ombs can do. Also I survive my Explosions, but will be tired after
A bob-omb that's slightly more blue than others

Name: Ouchy
Colour: #00a822
Personality: Easily angered, loves food, lazy, sometimes makes a terrible joke but not often.
2 pistols + the occasional nuke (sometimes bonks people too)
Yosh stuff + call my mates from the Yosh island FBI
Pfp (but not yarn)

Name: D4rk
Colour: Black
Personality: funny, serious if needed, hungry for power, willing to betray if I get a chance for money
Species: Kirby
Side: Militia
Role/rank in faction: Elite Soldier
Weaponry: Katana(for fistfights), M4(For shooting)
1 or 2 abilities: Can fly
Warcrimes: Y
Description: A Kirby with a red hue, has demon horns on the left and right side of my head

Name: Kirby Boy.
Colour: white
Personality: Loves Sirens, Alarms, Video Games, Vacuums, And Cars. Seemingly very Kind, Mostly. Acts like he is a Person You can Talk to if you Need Help. Wants to transmutation all people into other things.
Weaponry: Super Ball Flower, Mega Mushroom (DS/3DS Version).
Favorite Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs and Bread, Pizza, Pasta, Chicken, Pickles, Veggies, Fruits.
Favorite Drink: Water, Milk, Pepsi, Roblox Drinks.
Side: Militia
Role: scientist and "field medic"
Warcrimes: experimentation on POWs.
Species: Human, Wants to Turn into Animals.

Yes I have made many changes to it. If you don't add everything required I will do as such.

Horribly translated crap

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Kirby64 wrote:
If someone could google translate Mario kart 8 deluxe 1000 times I would be grateful

You can do it yourself. Just use hypertranslate

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