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What problems are you having recently?

Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Goonoo wrote:
Goonoo wrote:
the only problem today is that I missed classes, that's it

Why ? Did you do it on purpose ? And what was the reason ?

Didnt do it on purpose, There was no bus, so I stay at home.

Wasn't there another bus for the next hour?

I didn't really wanted to go back to the bus stop, if it was to wait 40 minutes as I had done, I wanted to stay at home instead x)

Dude, you had just waited barely 15 minutes but you preferred to leave before. but its ok then

I'm sure that even that bus wasn't here the hour after...
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Goonoo wrote:
the only problem today is that I missed classes, that's it

Why ? Did you do it on purpose ? And what was the reason ?

Didnt do it on purpose, There was no bus, so I stay at home.

Wasn't there another bus for the next hour?

I didn't really wanted to go back to the bus stop, if it was to wait 40 minutes as I had done, I wanted to stay at home instead x)
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
the only problem today is that I missed classes, that's it

Why ? Did you do it on purpose ? And what was the reason ?

Didnt do it on purpose, There was no bus, so I stay at home.
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
the only problem today is that I missed classes, that's it
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
5072 wrote:
My dad died

i hope he is in heaven
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
floralne wrote:

What do you mean by that? :s:D:p8)
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
FDP_ wrote:
DTNA wrote:
People keep asking for my name in the toilet, I came there to pee or poo. Might not be an issue for others, but just feel real uncomfortable.

I FUCKING hate it. That's why I almost never use the school bathrooms, it's terrible, they're always knocking and asking for my name. That reminds me where I went to the bathroom with my friend (it happens EXTREMELY rarely but THAT friend always wants me to follow him in there) 10th graders told me "how are you" "hello my ball" "hello my d*ck", "can we f*ck together" "I pee in my mommy's mouth" "hMm DaDdy" "cAn We GeT doWn tOniGht mY c**k is ThroBbiNG" I am legit traumatized by this. That's also why I have an huge issue with bathrooms, won't use them, and will never step in again except is it's an exception or just to follow my friend because man WTF

wtf lmao aint 10th grade 16yos?
in my school they vape and roll joints not say this retarded shit lmao

France moment πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ₯–πŸ₯–πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ“πŸ“
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
People keep asking for my name in the toilet, I came there to pee or poo. Might not be an issue for others, but just feel real uncomfortable.

afterwards, if you look at the toilets at my college, there's no such thing, no no no, ah let's say rather that there are balls of paper everywhere, and also water everywhere, ah and I forgot, a door has been broken ;)Great !!!!111!
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
ImInDanger wrote:
Once in february, I said in class :
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Be prepared
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No not yet
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Come on you're almost there !
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If I could, I would kill my teacher

I already said that, just after I called my teacher "mom" without doing it on purpose (I was 8 years old so...)
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Wii wrote:
croassung wrote:
i sleep at 1:00 AM

I slept at 1:00 AM and woke up at β‰ˆ4:00 - 5:00 AM

You guys sleep?

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not.......... me-........zzzzzzzzzzzzz

You guys dont sleep?

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I did a negative sleep8)
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
croassung wrote:
i sleep at 1:00 AM

I slept at 1:00 AM and woke up at β‰ˆ4:00 - 5:00 AM
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
i am wanted in 57 countries for drug trafficking

That great man !:D
But im wanted in more countries πŸ‘
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master

That not a real problem
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
I lost my dog a month ago due to cancer. I miss him so much.

So sorry for your dog :(
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
New place, new problem. I'm now in love with NekoUwU but my mom and my grandmother are tryna get me together with this girl called Grace *[
Honestly can they take a goddarn hint? Like when they tried to pull me and Izzy apart?

Oh and talking about Izzy, the person who catfished me was one of Izzy's 'friends' but thank the gods that they ain't friends no more...

I support you and I hope it will end better. Seriously why are they like that?
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
HardTimes wrote:
Fiery wrote:
I’m being threatened by this fucking messed up asshole he said hes gonna fucking r*** me

You remember he said it but he cant do anything about that, just trolling Ig

You’re saying that threatening to r*** me and additionally being racist is trolling?

Yeah, about that...

The only thing I do with that guy is making he mad so I block him after that πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά That how im safe
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Fiery wrote:
I’m being threatened by this fucking messed up asshole he said hes gonna fucking r*** me

You remember he said it but he cant do anything about that, just trolling Ig
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
This is too much to handle...
My mom is trying to pull me and Raider apart by moving me to a different area and a different school. Though she never said directly, I know she's found out about my affair with Raider.
She's always been toxic, at Christmas dinner she turned half of my family against me when I announced that I was pagan.
More recently, she broke my Nintendo 3DS because I 'wouldn't get up on time.'
Then when I finally had enough of her toxicity, at which point SHE TRIED TO SEND ME TO A MENTAL ASYLUM.
I'm not going to lie, I do have mental complications (bipolar disorder, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, psychopathy
disorder etc.) but I've never felt so emotionally chained, and my symptoms of these are 'minor.'
Fast forward to today, she barges into my room, notices a red stain on my bed, flies into an unhinged rage, flips me off, refuses to speak to me and tells me we're moving to a different school and area TOMORROW.
I don't know what to do.
If I go through with this, I'll be leaving my own children behind.
Should I move in with Raider? Should I cave in to her psychotic demands? Should I up and run away, living as an outlaw in some cave somewhere? What do I do?

I dont know how you are too much problem :( But for the answer : Idk


Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
https://www.radiofrance.fr/s3/cruiser-production/2023/04/c4208827-8ae4-4111-8d69-9515249b2554/870x489_sc_0650850.jpgomg smg4
i mean mario

so just edit your post
Messages 5073 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Pianta wrote:
What about Yoshi, Princesses, Bowser etc?

why selfreact

Because no one reacted so he selfreacted 8)

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