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How to Art???

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion

What does this have to do with drawing
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Also what canvas sizes do you all usually use?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fways wrote:
now i actually think something is fishy about this

im NS friends with Andrew, but recently, i saw someone named Josh, but, why would Josh be using all of his brother's old accounts?

are you seriously gonna believe a dumb kid who's faking cancer to seek attention? It's pretty obvious that he's been lying, you could've believed him at first but now it's so obvious you either have to be blind or naive to believe it

yeah, i was very, VERY naive

Anyway I hope that kid gets struck down by lighting as punishment

That's a bit excessive, but okay.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
Dudzi wrote:
*Creative Exercise starts playing*

For pixel art, start of by adding shading between the road and the offroad, some alternate routes or shortcuts, maybe some jump ramps, (ones that arent just one-color lines, but rectangles with arrows pointing forwards) etc. (ill add more later on)

if you want to use a different program, use Sketchpad

That isn't really what I was talking about. Like, how can I get a track that looks more like something Lely or Max or RHcks would put out and less like something you'd find in the bargain bin at your local department store?

As much as I'm not any of the three people you said, I kinda know how Max makes his Tracks (mostly because I made QM pieces of two of his Tracks trying to replicate the style). A thing I've seen was the usage of patterns for different stuff, like something made of bricks having brick pattern, grass having some "random" darker green pixels and water being wavy

Every track i've made in the last 2 years were using some predefined textures (the patterns you're talking about) that can be used in paint.net (NOT A WEBSITE) and I did some tries to make original textures but I still have a lot to learn from this app haha so yeah for me it was kind of easy

where are these textures?

I think he means these.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I noticed this critique by hoppingicon on somebody's multicup. Basically, he said that their color selection is poor. How many colors is too many colors? Is it the number, or is it a contrasting colors thing?
I guess this question is mostly aimed at @hoppingicon.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
What happened here :s
This was supposed to be about art but...
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Senko wrote:
Dudzi wrote:
*Creative Exercise starts playing*

For pixel art, start of by adding shading between the road and the offroad, some alternate routes or shortcuts, maybe some jump ramps, (ones that arent just one-color lines, but rectangles with arrows pointing forwards) etc. (ill add more later on)

if you want to use a different program, use Sketchpad

That isn't really what I was talking about. Like, how can I get a track that looks more like something Lely or Max or RHcks would put out and less like something you'd find in the bargain bin at your local department store?

As much as I'm not any of the three people you said, I kinda know how Max makes his Tracks (mostly because I made QM pieces of two of his Tracks trying to replicate the style). A thing I've seen was the usage of patterns for different stuff, like something made of bricks having brick pattern, grass having some "random" darker green pixels and water being wavy

Every track i've made in the last 2 years were using some predefined textures (the patterns you're talking about) that can be used in paint.net (NOT A WEBSITE) and I did some tries to make original textures but I still have a lot to learn from this app haha so yeah for me it was kind of easy

By the predefined textures do you mean the ones that can be applied with the brush/bucket i.e the diagonal lines rectangle thingymajigs?
EDIT: Also are you sure that you guys are talking about the same paint.net, cus I downloaded it for free, I don't know where your getting the $10 dollar thing from

It was that simple this whole time? I'm so unobservant
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
Dudzi wrote:
*Creative Exercise starts playing*

For pixel art, start of by adding shading between the road and the offroad, some alternate routes or shortcuts, maybe some jump ramps, (ones that arent just one-color lines, but rectangles with arrows pointing forwards) etc. (ill add more later on)

if you want to use a different program, use Sketchpad

That isn't really what I was talking about. Like, how can I get a track that looks more like something Lely or Max or RHcks would put out and less like something you'd find in the bargain bin at your local department store?

As much as I'm not any of the three people you said, I kinda know how Max makes his Tracks (mostly because I made QM pieces of two of his Tracks trying to replicate the style). A thing I've seen was the usage of patterns for different stuff, like something made of bricks having brick pattern, grass having some "random" darker green pixels and water being wavy

Every track i've made in the last 2 years were using some predefined textures (the patterns you're talking about) that can be used in paint.net (NOT A WEBSITE) and I did some tries to make original textures but I still have a lot to learn from this app haha so yeah for me it was kind of easy

Predefined? God, I have more searching to do. This app has too much damn stuff in it.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Dudzi wrote:
*Creative Exercise starts playing*

For pixel art, start of by adding shading between the road and the offroad, some alternate routes or shortcuts, maybe some jump ramps, (ones that arent just one-color lines, but rectangles with arrows pointing forwards) etc. (ill add more later on)

if you want to use a different program, use Sketchpad

That isn't really what I was talking about. Like, how can I get a track that looks more like something Lely or Max or RHcks would put out and less like something you'd find in the bargain bin at your local department store?

As much as I'm not any of the three people you said, I kinda know how Max makes his Tracks (mostly because I made QM pieces of two of his Tracks trying to replicate the style). A thing I've seen was the usage of patterns for different stuff, like something made of bricks having brick pattern, grass having some "random" darker green pixels and water being wavy

Dw, I was just using some examples. Any and all advice is appreciated.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
*Creative Exercise starts playing*

For pixel art, start of by adding shading between the road and the offroad, some alternate routes or shortcuts, maybe some jump ramps, (ones that arent just one-color lines, but rectangles with arrows pointing forwards) etc. (ill add more later on)

if you want to use a different program, use Sketchpad

That isn't really what I was talking about. Like, how can I get a track that looks more like something Lely or Max or RHcks would put out and less like something you'd find in the bargain bin at your local department store?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Help? All the tracks I make look fine, but also really vanilla, and making good looking characters in this game is a complete mess unless you're a pixel art god.

I'm back

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Hi. Welcome back.

Warning: Do not place ramps on the start near a gap in quick mode tracks!

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
jamestown wrote:
The reason is because, once you fall down the gap, you will be respawned at the starting line. Once you drop down onto the ramp you will immediately jump off of it and fall onto the gap again, basically creating a softlock.

Fall down on this track here to see what I mean by that.

I'm not sure that it's a softlock if you can get out of it...

I'm a failure

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
HiImAndrew wrote:
ayo bruv you is not a failure, who cares about friends, I don't really have any irl.

This is not the right mindset, you have a future as bright as the sun. That's what my mum told me before she passed

so don't be down, aright? Be happy.

Jeezus, you dropped that so casually...
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

Never find friends on the internet? Alright well apparently fuck Lely, Dietsoda, K, xrunner, Max, Nodac or anyone else because apparently according to this random ass guy you aren't my friends
Yep Unless you have met them in real life then they are your friends but you really shouldn't ever trust anyone you meet online cause it could be some 40 year old man trying to get your address and shit

Again, he's not wrong.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
skymin wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

Never find friends on the internet? Alright well apparently fuck Lely, Dietsoda, K, xrunner, Max, Nodac or anyone else because apparently according to this random ass guy you aren't my friends

Sorry, you're doing what to all those people???

I can confirm, I can confirm...

I didn't really want confirmation, but thanks
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

Never find friends on the internet? Alright well apparently fuck Lely, Dietsoda, K, xrunner, Max, Nodac or anyone else because apparently according to this random ass guy you aren't my friends

Sorry, you're doing what to all those people???
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

He's outta line, but he's right. The internet is a brutal place. It's easy to pretend that this site is somehow different, because it's 90% kids. But he's right. Most people you meet aren't gonna care  about how you feel, unless you give them a reason to care, which is easier said than done. I'd tell you how to do that if I knew how to do it. Maybe somebody else can take over here.  I'd say to give it time, too. You've only been here for half a year.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

I didn't get any of that, but don't be so hard on yourself.  If people call your work average, or if they love it, or if they hate it, it doesn't matter as long as you're proud of it. If it does bother you, then maybe you should look for ways to improve it.

Time Trials Scoring

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
How are the points for Time Trials calculated?

@Senko can tell you, he knows everything about the game and website

But he's not online rn:(

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