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To those who call me a hacker in online races...
CTGP PC (but good)
On 2024-11-30 at 18:21:02
the "but good" is crazy, cause don't you think that's the opposite actually? 😭
I think But Good is a great way to differentiate between the two, personally.
And one of them has Mushroom Peaks, while the other doesn't. But Good is appropriate imo
On 2024-11-30 at 17:04:38
@Yoshi649 says who? CTGP DX still doesn't have the quality of CTGP But Good. If anything, MTGP would be getting replaced
why would MTGP be replaced?
CTGP DX is the same concept. Unless Chloe changes that, it'll be much easier to get a track into it than But Good. The quality will be a little higher than yours too. Obviously yours wouldn't be worthless. But you might not find ppl giving you courses in the future if CTGP DX does come back.
The pipeline, as I see it, is:
Try for CTGP BG-->Get Accepted/Rejected-->Try for CTGP DX-->Get Accepted/Rejected-->Try for MTGP-->Get Accepted/Rejected
CTGP DX also has more overall better creators with courses in it. (Max, Nudge, Choco, Nodac, SM7, Chloe, BowserJr03, etc.(Notice how Lely isn't in CTGP, this is because he is a fraud who makes fraudulent tracks)
Add the fact that you can only have 1 track per cup in CTGP But Good, and even though it isn't hard confirmed, probably not allowed to be in back to back cups...(same applies to CTGP DX, which is good for you I guess), and any creator with more than three tracks ready will have a bunch left over for CTGP DX.
Omfg you're right, I hate Invu, this guy is such a dumbass and a fraud, I could never be like him omg

Crazy self-hate
On 2024-11-30 at 14:21:22
@Yoshi649 says who? CTGP DX still doesn't have the quality of CTGP But Good. If anything, MTGP would be getting replaced
why would MTGP be replaced?
CTGP DX is the same concept. Unless Chloe changes that, it'll be much easier to get a track into it than But Good. The quality will be a little higher than yours too. Obviously yours wouldn't be worthless. But you might not find ppl giving you courses in the future if CTGP DX does come back.
The pipeline, as I see it, is:
Try for CTGP BG-->Get Accepted/Rejected-->Try for CTGP DX-->Get Accepted/Rejected-->Try for MTGP-->Get Accepted/Rejected
CTGP DX also has more overall better creators with courses in it. (Max, Nudge, Choco, Nodac, SM7, Chloe, BowserJr03, etc.(Notice how Lely isn't in CTGP, this is because he is a fraud who makes fraudulent tracks)
Add the fact that you can only have 1 track per cup in CTGP But Good, and even though it isn't hard confirmed, probably not allowed to be in back to back cups...(same applies to CTGP DX, which is good for you I guess), and any creator with more than three tracks ready will have a bunch left over for CTGP DX.
On 2024-11-30 at 14:17:09
@Yoshi649 says who? CTGP DX still doesn't have the overall quality of CTGP But Good. If anything, MTGP would be getting replaced. And they can all co-exist. There's 8 different versions of MK8DX on this website, and they're existing fine.

On 2024-11-22 at 15:29:54
This is still going, right?
On 2024-10-15 at 18:16:09
But why tho?
On 2024-09-19 at 22:36:08
I'm gonna be real with y'all: I don't think that these are the kinda tracks Nudge is looking for. We finna be here for months

Custom Music Error
On 2025-01-03 at 02:10:40
I've been noticing that custom music isn't autoplaying for me anymore(it'll start after an unpause, but that doesn't work for custom victory themes & it's fairly annoying) does anybody know why this happens sometimes?
What is the best Christmas song?
On 2024-12-17 at 13:34:38
That one Chirpy Chips remix(I'd share some local stuff, but they're 90% about other things & 10% actually about Christmas)
Stuff they should add/remove from the game.
On 2024-11-16 at 17:20:30
Also, native custom builders, yeah it'd be difficult but it'd make things a lot easier for more people.
What does this mean?
Like, an in-game complete mode track builder. Where you'd build the image in game instead of importing one from
On 2024-11-16 at 13:37:19
POW dodge glitch. The screen nuke shouldn't just not work 20% of the time
Also, native custom builders, yeah it'd be difficult but it'd make things a lot easier for more people.
Lastly, it'd be nice to see what the stats for custom characters are instead of just having a slider. It's frustrating to lower one stat, then find out that raising another one isn't legal. The worth of each stat atleast should be displayed.
Also, native custom builders, yeah it'd be difficult but it'd make things a lot easier for more people.
Lastly, it'd be nice to see what the stats for custom characters are instead of just having a slider. It's frustrating to lower one stat, then find out that raising another one isn't legal. The worth of each stat atleast should be displayed.

On 2024-11-04 at 18:44:23
remove me from the game
Mods! You know what to do

On 2024-11-04 at 00:16:04
If anything there should be an easier way to doge Blue Shells like in the other Games. Currently, the only easy way is to Fall Off or (If Your Lucky) Spin out from something else (Which requires lots of timing), a Mega Mushroom, or a Star.
"Like in the other games" you mean, like 1(2) of the other games? Because the whole point of the blue shell was always to be an undodgeable impedement to 1st place.
jokes for mkpc
On 2024-10-27 at 00:46:47
ima quit mkpc cuz i have some sucking to do is our second daily joke
What did bro say he has to do?
Anyway, Lely is right. Me personally, my jokes are just like my cooking: extremely flat.

I have beaten every* Mario and Luigi game in the last few months
On 2023-12-24 at 15:22:55
Yeah - I played through them all. Before doing this I had only already played Superstar Saga a couple times and most of Partners in Time (I gave up around Star Hill due to being really underleveled). They're damn good games, and if you're thinking of playing any of them, please do! I might at some point do reviews on this topic but no guarantee. I know most people on the site aren't gonna care too much but that's why this is in Various Discussions. The reason I actually did this is the announcement of the TTYD remake. Even though I don't know the release date, I want to complete every Mario RPG before it's out, and I'm planning on taking on the Paper Mario games next. I have already played 64, TOK and TTYD but not SPM. I will not be playing Sticker Star or Colour Splash, I like my video games remotely enjoyable.
Opinions on Paper Jam?(hold)
Better than partners in time, feel free to end my life
On 2023-12-24 at 15:02:38
Yeah - I played through them all. Before doing this I had only already played Superstar Saga a couple times and most of Partners in Time (I gave up around Star Hill due to being really underleveled). They're damn good games, and if you're thinking of playing any of them, please do! I might at some point do reviews on this topic but no guarantee. I know most people on the site aren't gonna care too much but that's why this is in Various Discussions. The reason I actually did this is the announcement of the TTYD remake. Even though I don't know the release date, I want to complete every Mario RPG before it's out, and I'm planning on taking on the Paper Mario games next. I have already played 64, TOK and TTYD but not SPM. I will not be playing Sticker Star or Colour Splash, I like my video games remotely enjoyable.
Opinions on Paper Jam?(hold)
[Fanfic] - MKPC Archipel (2024 Season)
On 2024-04-01 at 19:06:12
Anyway this should go without saying but this was an April Fools Joke, obviously, I would never willingly share any of my fanfiction with anyone, especially not the ones involving you guys. Well, I say "ones" but there's only one, & even then it's just personalities & no names are used, but it's pretty.....ero, & I like having friends actually, so you're not gonna be seeing that
On 2024-04-01 at 18:22:36
I think Krazey should be allowed to write an episode, and then Lely can immediately make it non-canon the moment it comes out
I was planning to specify that it was an AU in the first place.
Wouldn't want to mess with Lely's suicide loop writing, would I?
On 2024-04-01 at 15:18:54
@NotThatKrazey oh no you're not. I am not asking anyone anytime soon and even if I did it would be everyone but you 💀
Keep in mind, everyone, that today is April 1st. He could be lying

You all should be very scared right now