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Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
dont say it.

What. Have. You. Done.

amo... no I can do this. Am... no stop! No, I can't stop it!
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Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lelyyyy wrote:
@EUROPIANTA romance detected

POV: SFA becomes a Luigi fetish fanbase 💀

And here we were just talking about how it's such a pain Rosalina got the same treatment elsewhere.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
40KsKool68 wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Behold the majesty of Luigi


The world's first ugly FE character

Wait'l noob catches that 'un lol.
Luigi haterspaf noob

But it's true tho

Just saying it for noob
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
40KsKool68 wrote:
Behold the majesty of Luigi


The world's first ugly FE character

Wait'l noob catches that 'un lol.
Luigi haterspaf noob
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Noob68 wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Behold the majesty of Luigi


Halp I hav glu ever where from my pp1!1!1! 🤯🤯🤯

OOOKAY just a little more info than we needed. :s
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Behold the majesty of Luigi

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
TheOuchy1 wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Does anybody have a bowl of popcorn they can send me within the next hour?
I don't have any for my movie :(

OK just tell me where to send the bomb popcorn

It's a little late for that, but thank you. Maybe for in time for Final Fest next year?

Aight where are the simps that voted Shiver... asking for a friend. (I'm definitely not gonna nuke them)

Ooh ooh, Me! Me! Right here!

You shoulda read the small text.... [NUKE LAUNCHED]

So, like, where's the bomb?

WRONG COORDINATES! WRONG COORDINATES! Dang it, Ouchy1! You launched to the wrong co-

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
I took some pictures of my painted aeldari.

Spirtseer and warlocks:



Guardian defenders:

Wow. Those are severely cool.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Teon5072 wrote:
I'm just going to have a short message here saying that I'm leaving indefinatly.

Why? Because I post stupid messages often, and people respond correcting me. But for some reason, my stupid, 12 year old, autistic brain takes it as hate. I start to think "I'm stupid", or "Everyone on this site hates me". It makes me sad, and I feel I need to do something to stop this, and I thought "Just delete your account". So goodbye, hate on me, make memes about me leaving because I'm a baby. So long.

Hope a break does lots of good for you! See you when we see you.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
I have come upon an old favourite quote of mine in my favourite book (Night lords omnibus)

"Filthy, blind, poisonous, cancerous, mon-keigh, animal"

You called, sir?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Dreamer wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Invu wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Something creepy, at least in the USA.

911 - emergency services phone number. fire, police, etc

9/11 - terrorist attack

has anyone here noticed this before? Can't believe I didn't until recently. Very creepy.

I literally thought that was why 911 was used as the phone number

my mom said the phone number came first (i have not actually bothered to research that). smart bunch them terrorists.

WAIT WHA?? I Thought the Thing Happened Before Da Number-

The attack happened first and the number was inspired by the attack because of the many police officers and fire departments that were called to fix this problem. This got so bad that police from hundreds of miles were called to help 8)

That sounds logical. Thank you.8)
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Well, guess I'm jus' a li'l uninformed in that 'un eh?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Invu wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
Something creepy, at least in the USA.

911 - emergency services phone number. fire, police, etc

9/11 - terrorist attack

has anyone here noticed this before? Can't believe I didn't until recently. Very creepy.

I literally thought that was why 911 was used as the phone number

my mom said the phone number came first (i have not actually bothered to research that). smart bunch them terrorists.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Something creepy, at least in the USA.

911 - emergency services phone number. fire, police, etc

9/11 - terrorist attack

has anyone here noticed this before? Can't believe I didn't until recently. Very creepy.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Noob68 wrote:
40KsKool68 wrote:
My last day of school was today. Unfortunatel my school is also now closed.


Oh damm I know that feeling, when I finished 5th grade my school closed because they built a new one. The new one was nice and all but it didn’t feel the same as the original. Hope you have a good summer though, I still got like another three weeks. :( Do you get three months off? Cuz school starts in September, unless it starts earlier for you.

Yah I get about 2.5 months. The school did a pretty good course so we were able to learn all the stuff without getting overwhelmed, and now we get a nice long break. Not entirely sure yet when next school year will start.

Good luck with those last 3 weeks! You can do it!
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
My last day of school was today. Unfortunatel my school is also now closed.

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
If I made a bunker complex battle arena (complete with machine guns) would that be... frowned on? I mean, this is Mariokart, not, Call of Duty or something, but I kinda want to do do it. I'm already working on the map just to get a feel for it, but you know.Please give me your thoughts.

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
DTNA wrote:
DTNA wrote:
Do someone find Toadette in Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games creepy ?

Seriously, look at that :

Nah, Daisy is creepier than her at any time of the day

As a Daisy fan, it’s really difficult to accept your opinion (but I’m doing efforts), also can you explain why do you find her creepy ?
Maybe her face’s shape, her big eyes…

Nah, I was joking, she's not that creepy, still creepier than Toadette because Toadette is a sweetheart . However I hate Daisy's yells and I don't like her personnality at all, but it's fine i guess

What come on the yells are funny! It's like, princess, so you'd think, she's got manners, and then NOPE, she yells (and given her MK line "DAISY!" she seems to have some sort of ego). It's unexpected and therefore hilarious.

And then you compare her to say Peach, who is somewhat more generic. Peach often has a bigger role in nintendo games, but if she didn't, Daisy would be WAAAY more loved as a character;)
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
Lely wrote:
The chains are back everyone. Get down in your bunkers. Mine provide extra food, video games, free WiFi, and weapons to ki-- kiss each other :D Which one will you choose ? (Spoiler : Please come in mine :3)

The bunkers on krieg resisted nuclear blasts and have weaponry and equipment to create a massive army of 14 year old clones that only want to die in battle so...

See if you can beat my bunker.

Also I think @40KsKool68 would join me so I could have more users with me. 🔫😀🗡😀

Um... ok.

I'll go join Dietsoda.


Deploying hammerfall bunkers for backup. Let the enemy prepare for annihilation.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Today I was playing MKPC and doing badly. I got a bullet but it dropped me mid-jump and I fell. I'm not angry or anything but honestly curious. Has this happened to anyone else?

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