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Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
ROBtheBOT wrote:
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Goofy ah DHMIS memes I found in Duck's shredder:https://i.redd.it/o9w4iljelpe91.jpg


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Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
This guy's got it figured out

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
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United States
Just popping up here to say I'm takin' a little break from mkpc, so if anybody quotes, pings, etc. response will be very late. I'll be back in a week or two. Cheers tching
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
Dudzi wrote:
Invu wrote:
Well the mod locked before my essay. I feel mad. I wanted to play the smartass.

Jk, but anyways, what I have to say is that evetybody needed to apologize except jamestown and Dudzi. This shows how bad the community became and now what are we going to do to fix it ?

So what'd I miss?

Long story short, Coolmonkey made a topic about leaving the game cuz people were joking of a thing he said, then two sides were made, the ones that though he was overreacting and the ones that though he was being bullyed, after some time of caos, Max blocked the Topic
here's the Topic if you want

Throne, that was a lot o' BS.

Oh hey
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"So does the cycle of eternal strife continue. The grinding wheels of conflict crush the bodies of men and the souls of gods until all that is left is dust. To hope for a better world is to embrace futility and despair. In this world, in this cosmos, in this reality and the next, a single, stark truth abides. There is only war.*"

*and snowflakes making drama.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Invu wrote:
Well the mod locked before my essay. I feel mad. I wanted to play the smartass.

Jk, but anyways, what I have to say is that evetybody needed to apologize except jamestown and Dudzi. This shows how bad the community became and now what are we going to do to fix it ?

So what'd I miss?
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
Interesting things going on here these days...

Anyway ... Anybody seen Kung Fu Panda 4? Plz share your thoughts!
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
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United States
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My stress has honestly skyrocketed in the last few days due to my school implementing a really dumb new system. Basically now you have to carry around these cards that monitor your behavior outside of class, and if you lose or forget them, or the card gets damaged, you get an hour's detention, which honestly seems ridiculous to me since it kinda seems like the school has forgotten that they're right in the epicenter of an active flood zone. It's like that law in North Korea where you have to defend the portrait of the Kim with your life, I swear my school is just copying North Korea at this point and it's really agitating me
Honestly my family's not helping either since due to stress and depression my motivation has hit rock bottom so I don't feel like even getting out of bed sometimes, and all they say is I'm being lazy. It's the same thing with my crush's friends, constantly fabricating conspiracies about me, laughing behind my back, telling me that I'm a failure, Yeah I can't win anymore, so yeah now you know why I keep leaving randomly I guess

When people insult you try thanking them. I haven't been stuck with really serious bullying, but this usually works. Might be worth a shot yoshi

What do mean by thanking them? I'm not getting the connection here.

Person 1: f*ck you!

Person 2: thanks! I'd say something nice about you too but I can't seem to think of anything just now...

Person 1: 🤔🤯

Anyway it's kind of giving a bully the exact opposite of what they think will happen. Depending on how ya do it this could shut a person up or get you killed, so ... Eh it works for me but maybe I just got it too easy. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned this. 🤷

I need to move to your country, that shit'll never work over here. If  you're lucky they'd be like, "the gay [this word is not that bad] club is down the hall & to the left", and that's when you're lucky.

Yup I got it easy.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
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My stress has honestly skyrocketed in the last few days due to my school implementing a really dumb new system. Basically now you have to carry around these cards that monitor your behavior outside of class, and if you lose or forget them, or the card gets damaged, you get an hour's detention, which honestly seems ridiculous to me since it kinda seems like the school has forgotten that they're right in the epicenter of an active flood zone. It's like that law in North Korea where you have to defend the portrait of the Kim with your life, I swear my school is just copying North Korea at this point and it's really agitating me
Honestly my family's not helping either since due to stress and depression my motivation has hit rock bottom so I don't feel like even getting out of bed sometimes, and all they say is I'm being lazy. It's the same thing with my crush's friends, constantly fabricating conspiracies about me, laughing behind my back, telling me that I'm a failure, Yeah I can't win anymore, so yeah now you know why I keep leaving randomly I guess

When people insult you try thanking them. I haven't been stuck with really serious bullying, but this usually works. Might be worth a shot yoshi

What do mean by thanking them? I'm not getting the connection here.

Person 1: f*ck you!

Person 2: thanks! I'd say something nice about you too but I can't seem to think of anything just now...

Person 1: 🤔🤯

Anyway it's kind of giving a bully the exact opposite of what they think will happen. Depending on how ya do it this could shut a person up or get you killed, so ... Eh it works for me but maybe I just got it too easy. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned this. 🤷
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
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My stress has honestly skyrocketed in the last few days due to my school implementing a really dumb new system. Basically now you have to carry around these cards that monitor your behavior outside of class, and if you lose or forget them, or the card gets damaged, you get an hour's detention, which honestly seems ridiculous to me since it kinda seems like the school has forgotten that they're right in the epicenter of an active flood zone. It's like that law in North Korea where you have to defend the portrait of the Kim with your life, I swear my school is just copying North Korea at this point and it's really agitating me
Honestly my family's not helping either since due to stress and depression my motivation has hit rock bottom so I don't feel like even getting out of bed sometimes, and all they say is I'm being lazy. It's the same thing with my crush's friends, constantly fabricating conspiracies about me, laughing behind my back, telling me that I'm a failure, Yeah I can't win anymore, so yeah now you know why I keep leaving randomly I guess

When people insult you try thanking them. I haven't been stuck with really serious bullying, but this usually works. Might be worth a shot yoshi
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Noob68 wrote:
Lely wrote:
Is it just me or are the topics getting progressively dumber and dumber ? You have people creating a topic just to send random images and messages like "*50 blank lines* a", or topics where people felt the need to tell a whole Mario Kart racing game community that they had continence issues and that they made dirty laundry by shitting themselves - I'm sorry do we need to know ?

It feels like the moderation is tired of this community. It's pretty clear at this point, because who the hell likes to moderate this ? The community was really great in late 2023 with moderators stopping any chance of drama and nice Christmas events, but right now it feels like we are back to the March 2023 state of the community. So many messages to say nothing, more dramas and arguments (on my fanfic for example, but that's not the only thing), and an overall ambiance that just feels sad.

I'm not going to write a long ass essay but can we just please acknowledge that the community just isn't great right now, and it has never been that great since a looong while, but now is a new low since the "better" era, clearly not as bad as last year, but it might end up getting worse if nobody says or acknowledges it.

It feels like every couple of months this site is in shambles and then it gets good again and then the cycle repeats

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lely wrote:
When the comment starts with "as a..." you know you're either in for a absolute trash take or in for a completely based take.

Sooo you really don't know what you're gonna get there do ye banane
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lely wrote:
SpasGamez wrote:

Bet, what's your number

Thought Osc, the number 1 pervert, would say that. Turns out Kazey, the number 2 pervert, said that.

What does a guy have to do to be more perverted than Osc around here man?

Also, you say this like your own ass isn't somewhere up there on that list

Someone get that pedophile guy on the line (forgot his name dangit)
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Leadgaming wrote:
Do you support Israel or Palestine👇
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I just been seeing this in my fyp😑

Comment on this =Palenstine

That is a dangerous question where I'm from lol
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
YoshiLOVER wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
ChocoM1lk wrote:
Chilli3564 wrote:
Leadgaming wrote:
croassung wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
YoshiLOVER wrote:

I hope

I despair

I pray

i gay

i hug

I slay

I stay


pay (your taxes)

Nay. Not today fed sucker jk jk

And now there's this random guy named Ray
This text is NOT the color gray
Those movies probably aren't coming in May

no way

Bars?????? This is better than what I heard at the bay

If anyone breaks the rhyming chain they will pay

Eh it ended a long time ago you can live 🦍
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Happy Valentine's Day!

I sad. It's also Ash Wednesday so I can't really celebrate 😥 But hope y'all's day was awesome 😉
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
guys i found the new mkpc background!

What is that behind Mario? What have you put there. What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!

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Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
SuperCario wrote:
I gave Lely kids, then brutally slowed them in my fanfic

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
croassung wrote:
why is it called kidnapping when the kid isnt taking a nap

Well depending on the person doing the kidnapping the kid might end up taking a very, very long nap. Like, long nap. Permanent, in fact.

Or maybe someone left his spawn snoozing in the front yard and never saw the kid again and yah ok forget it I'll stop this is weird
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Alright boys and girls guys and gals today we shall tell each other what our favorite song is i'm bored af please answer i'll start.

Lose YourSelf By Eminem

Shiroyama By Sabaton
Because WAR
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Anyone interested in a Warhammer fanfic? Not like normal mkpc fanfics, just kind of a short book that I'll post sections of every week. I've been working on it for a while and thought maybe share it here when it's done (planned this before supermario100's topic I'm not trying to steal his thunder lol). It's still not quite ready, but yah, it's coming along nicely.

So uh, react with up if you want to see the Warhammer fanfic, down if you don't, and if it gets enough upvotes you might get a taste of the grim dark future in a few weeks time. Maybe I'll also post a prologue to get some hype for it 8).
For Chaos!

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