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Anarchy Chess

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
1.. nf6 ;)
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
1. nf3 ;)

/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
PRlMETIME wrote:
yall some faggots if u report not gonna lie , real mens handle their buisiness without gossiping , if you have a problem with a member u need to take matters into your own hand and beat them up violently like a real man
. quit being a fokin faggot ass weasel

PRIMETIME again stating absolute facts 🔥
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Inappropiate username? @fuckisrael
It does discourage isreal, but it has the f word in it.

Oh no!


MKPC Update Suggestions

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Idk if anybody put this but A RD category and a Snaking category for TT

snaking boring

/!\ MKPC CT Lounge

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Theo666 wrote:
Nice on mates

Thanks mate.

I didn't make the maps

I analysed the time trial leaderboards

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Very interesting, though there's one minor issue-

In the case of SNES BC2, there's currently a WR tie. JPG got a time of 41.741 on Feb 7, while Ahmad did the same 41.741 on the day after, February 8th. For some reason, though, Ahmad's time shows up ahead of JPG's.

On the list there it shows Ahmad's record as 865 days, which is correct. It didn't find the JPG time which has actually stood for a longer time (by one day). I'm guessing it's because MKPC shows the JPG time as "#2", instead of a tie for #1 (https://mkpc.malahieude.net/classement.php?cc=150&map=10)

This is a minor issue, though, and it's still very interesting! I'd love to see this be done analyzing the entire WR history of the game (using https://mkpc.malahieude.net/wrHistory.php?map=10&cc=150), but that may be a bit difficult to make.

The MKPC Awards August

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States

Best User



why is senko here when he literally is the worst user in mkpc history? if you ask me, someone like @PRlMETIME or @Coach_Andy should be on this list because they actually are good people who are making the community better.


Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Why are you impersonating @PRlMETIME? What's wrong with you?

Though I understand as the PRIMETIME Esports Team continues to grow, many people take joy out of impersonating famous people.

Speaking of which, I would like to announce that we are seeking new members to join this prestigious club. To join, all you have to do is prove yourself a worthy competitor in the CT Project Lounge. I strongly recommend this to anyone who knows how to reverse drift.

But back to the topic at hand, I think the reason you are impersonating him is because you are jealous of the millions of dollars he has made by founding the most famous team in MKPC history.

Not everyone can be PRIMETIME.

Small advice for MKPC greatness

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
My apologies, @Nodac64. You are a superstar of this game, and I was rushing to type the message so our rival organization (Ahmad Elkhuffash Inc.) wouldn’t sweep in and steal Coach Andy by offering a contract of their own.

I would like to announce a new signing for us at PRIMETIME Esports Team:

JPG (also known as JEANPEGE, and the current time trial champion) is joining the team on a 10 year/ 827 million dollar contract to play with our team. We stole him from PANDEMOLDE94’s team by throwing 82.7 million dollars a year at him, and he is now going to tear apart the CT Project Mogi Lounge by joining our elite squad of Fways, Nodac64 and Kernell (our minimum contract player).
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Coach_Andy wrote:
To be a good person in daily life, it's essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay mentally active to seize the opportunities that come our way. Many members are very talented, but it's crucial that we work together to avoid complacency and maintain a collective momentum that will help us progress. This new culture of MKPC aims to ignite the spark within us so we can shine brightly.

Thank you for this quote. Your account has come to the attention of me and another user, @PRlMETIME. We are former masters of the game, and are world renowned for helping other users achive maximum potential due to gradual mindset shifting. So, we would like to offer you a 5 year/100 million dollar contract to come be a team motivator for our MKPC Esports Team. We have signed some of the biggest names, including @Kyrios (a hall of famer), @Fways (the current GOAT), @Kernell (a player who needs a lot of improvement but he will one day become a superstar) and an upcoming player @Nodac64. So, what do you say? Will we make MKPC GREAT AGAIN?

im depressed.

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States

Losing at a Smash Bros. tournament can be incredibly tough, and it's completely understandable that you're feeling down. Depression is a serious condition, and if you're experiencing it, it's important to reach out for professional help. However, there are also some steps you can take to bounce back from this loss and get back into the Smash Bros. scene. Here are some tips:

Acknowledge and Process Your Feelings:

Don't suppress your emotions: Bottling up your disappointment and frustration can make things worse. Allow yourself to feel sad, angry, or whatever else comes up. Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist about how you're feeling.
Identify the source of your depression: Is it the loss itself, or something else that the loss triggered? Understanding the root cause can help you address it more effectively.
Focus on the Positives:

Remember why you love Smash Bros.: Is it the competition, the community, the challenge of improving? Reconnect with the things that bring you joy about the game.
Celebrate your progress: Even if you didn't win, did you make any good plays? Learn from your mistakes and focus on how you can improve next time.
Take a Break and Recharge:

Don't rush back into competitive play: Give yourself some time to process the loss and de-stress.

Post your Favourite Song Lyrics

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States

That was the purest thing I've heard all day

that is NOT the purest thing you've heard all day. stop trying to farm comments to get to 10k.
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Sky, you know? Sky, you know?
And beautiful, big titty, butt-naked women just don't fall out the sky, you know?
Tell me how you know
I been searchin' high and low
And I can tell you one thing
Beautiful, big-titty, butt-naked women just don't fall out the sky, you know?
Yeezy, how you doin', huh?
Yeezy, how you doin', huh?
Yeezy, how you doin', huh?
Beautiful, big titty, butt-naked women just don't fall out the sky, uh, uh
Just don't fall out the sky, you know?
Just don't fall out the sky, you know?
And beautiful, big titty, butt-naked women just don't fall out the sky, you know?
Tell me how you know
I been searchin' high and low
And I can tell you one thing
Beautiful, big-titty, butt-naked women just don't fall out the sky, you know?
Tell me how you know
I been searchin' high and low
And I can tell you one thing
Beautiful, big-titty, butt-naked women just don't fall out the sky, you know?
Just don't fall out the sky, you know?
Sky, you know?
They just don’t fall out the sky, you know?
They so valuable
I been searchin' high and low
And I can tell you one thing
Beautiful, big-titty, butt-naked women just don't fall out the sky, you know?

MKPC WR History Sheet (2019-present)

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
yes, i’ve been a bit busy so for some maps there are new wrs that I haven’t yet updated.

if you end up automating the WR history, it would be extremely cool and it would make updating the sheet a lot easier!
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Thanks to Fways, I corrected a mistake that combined the WRs of James8 & Weby.

The total WR list is now:
1 Ahmad - 513
2 Infi - 483
3 Kirio - 291
4 JPG - 271
5 Hgt - 190
6 Fways - 110
7 Weby - 106
8 Serena - 84
9 Anthcny - 45
10 James8 - 26

Fways moves up to #6 on the total WR list, Weby is now at #7, and James8 is now at #10, with 26.
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States

HEAVILY inspired by https://mkwrs.com, https://www.mkleaderboards.com and other world record history preservation sites, I've made this google sheet as a way to preserve this game's history.

I've compiled all WR's since 2019 (and 4/4/20 for DS maps), and put them into a spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSDptHRcEBWxnPMRBusD25fpTiWoeQcF7ZCnGxzRFnKq8sE5aQdHv8X8NiouloRkIU58PZFX3mJ9B4S/pubhtml#.

I first arrived to this game in 2021, and less than 2 months after joining the community, I was curious about creating this WR history sheet. With the help of Wargor in October '23, I've been able to create this (in reality I started it then stopped then continued in june of this year). Huge credits to Wargor and another player, Kirio, as he did this with the old engine back in 2018. He also contributed to the sheet, so big thanks for that as well.

You may be asking, why not just use the WR history already featured on the site?
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Well, there's a few problems that I had with the current WR History. First, it's pretty difficult  to navigate the page, and I wanted there to be statistics about each track, similar to mkwrs (this is yet to be implemented on this sheet, but I hope to expand this in the future). Another reason why I made this independent sheet is to add WR videos for viewing, since (right now) you aren't able to view these old WRs. Now, the problem with this is that the WR's from 2019  won't have videos, but I'm hoping to start recording & uploading more of the new ones to YouTube so that in the future if players are curious about old WRs, they can simply click on the video in the sheet.

HELP/How to Navigate

To navigate through the sheet, simply click the different pages  at the top of the screen. Each page corresponds to a different cup. If you want to see some overall statistics about the WR's, find the "Stats" tab at the top. There, you will see who has the most WRs (Ahmad) and longest lasting WRs (JPG). More stats are on the way! To view the video of a run, press the white, underlined text. Most runs do not have recorded runs, but I'm hoping to start recording more of the new WRs.

If you have any questions/corrections to be made to this sheet, please reply to this topic or contact me on the MKPC Discord in the #tryhard channel. My discord username is blitzed_zed, so feel free to mention me if you have any suggestions.

Why people are leaving

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
there is a dude called fukeisrael online for heavens sake

hello :)


Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
q: why am i so shit at the game

a: idk man

What should we add to MKPC?

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
The only thing that needs to be added to this game is the battle pass. When I first brought it up, it was a joke, but it's become something that the community is clearly intrigued by.

While a battle pass certainly seems daunting, I think it's doable. By repurposing existing content (challenges, custom tracks, custom item compositions, etc.) and adding some new content, I think it isn't as crazy as it sounds.

(and coins for ct's) :)

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