just last night (short horror story) MORE ADDED

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On 2023-04-03 at 06:32:28
hi. im joshua. me and my family just moved to town. ive never been here before, and the population is pretty low. my brother juan likes to play basketball outside our house, but he cant do that anymore because we dont a big space of concrete in front, and his basket ball hoop he would always use, yeah. he left it at the old house. well, i hope the new people who moved in enjoy it :[. but i mean hey, i never really played with him, but sometimes just to be nice, i would do so. dad enjoys watching tv in the living room with mom, but dad is more of an outdoors guy. hes always the one outside playing basketball with juan, while me and mom would rather sleep in or do something else in doors. but then wait, the all of the lights are off, let me go downstairs and check with my family ill be right back. [8minslater] ok im back. Sooo, im kind of worried. So a few minutes ago, i went downstairs to see what was going on, and suddenly our tv came on, despite the lack of power in the house, and basically everywhere else. Apparently, there are reports that the sun is getting smaller and moving at an extremely fast rate, which explains why one minute we feel cold, and the other we're warm again. Out of everyone it seemed juan was the most nonchalant about the entire thing. he just decided to go back outside and ride his scooter around the block for a while, in the meantime me and mom are gonna get food from the store as fast as we can, because who knows. the world may end in the matter of seconds. [34 minutes later] Ok im back. Me and mom got some supplies from the convinience store near our house. We got food, water, and even weapons just in case things get real bad. But juan isnt back yet and im starting to wonder where hes at right now. [12 minutes later] ok. so juan is back, but he has this horrible scab on his left arm, and he seems really cold, i knew for sure i shouldve told him to wear his coat but is didnt frickin listen to me man. dad told him to go in his room and rest for a bit, and he keeps scratching everywhere. mostly on his arm. i keep telling him to stop cause thats gonna make it worse, but he keeps telling me that he "cant help it" so, i dont know whats going on with juan, but i hope hes gonna be okay, while we were waiting, an urgent eas alert appeared on the tv screen, juan was still in his room doing whatever he was doing, while me mom, and dad were watching to see what was happening, according to the alert, the president of the united states is in the hospital with a really big scratch on his right leg, and that theywill keep up updated on the incident. Ok. NOWS THE TIME TO START FREAKING OUT. All of this happened in two days, everythings just going by so fast. its getting kind of dark out, and im getting really cold, so i think im just gonna go to bed for a bit. [next day, November 14th, 2018] okay. so a lot has happened, let me explain everything. So first thing when i woke up, i got cereal brushed my teeth, all that. but something was off. the power was still out and i heard some strange noises coming from dads room. I didnt know what was going on so i decided to check, he was just brushing his hair. THANK GOODNESS, but juan is getting worse in worse, his hairs falling out like crazy and hes way more tired than he usually is. i suggest we go to a doctor, but mom says its not safe as we dont know what can possibly happen. then at that very moment ERRRR ERRRR EEEE the eas alert comes onto the screen again. and guess what? the presidents fricking dead. what are we gonna do now?? i hope someone can save us or something, like wheres jake from statefarm when you need him?? everyone in my familys freaking out, but i just try my best to stay cool, even though i have a feeling that the world is gonna end, suddenly dad passed out, we tried to wake him back up then suddenly, he was different, He got up and Immeadiately beat the heck out of me. I pushed him and ran away and then juan grabbed one of the spare guns that mom had us keep in our rooms, and shot dad. it looked like he was still alive because he didnt shoot at his head, but everyone asked WHAT THE HECK WAS HE DOING??? Why did he even think of that? than suddenly, dad got up, knocked down juan, and grabbed the gun out of his hand. He shot mom ABOUT 6 Times, and by the time he was done, you can barely even notice who she was. the entire thing was the most craziest thing thats happened to me in my entire life. before dad could do anything ELSE, I grabbed juans hand and RAN out the door as fast as i could, we ran to our nextdoor neighbors house, and thankfully they allowed us to stay for a while. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS HAPPENING Anymore!! I JUST HOPE SOME DAY IN THE NEAR FUTURE EVERYTHING COULD GO BACK TO NORMAL. IM JUST PRAYING ID WAKE UP IN MY BED WITH MOM AND DAD AND EVERYTHING WOULD BE OK. THIS IS NOT OKAY, THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE OKAY AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH ANY OF THIS, I MIGHT JUST ... ok, im back. i passed out for a minute but thankfully the neighbors woke me up. i was now fully concsious again. i dont even know whats happening. also the sky is purple. pretty odd. anyway, juan says that he might have a plan, he has a few friends from school and theyve been chatting through text using his mobile date, which is SOMEHOW still working, they told him to meet up at the art at 10:30 pm sharp, and that they could make a plan. im still kind of curious what the plan is, so i asked juan if i can come with, and he agreed. YESSSS. something about being alone with people i dont even know just feels off. anyway its 10:25, and me and juan are getting ready to head out. (adding more tmrw)

On 2023-04-03 at 07:24:09
Ok, bye + Space for Anything maybe?
On 2023-04-03 at 21:41:46
It is real?
On 2023-04-03 at 21:53:44
Ok, bye + Space for Anything maybe?
He’s new, I think he don’t know Space for Anything
But good story !
On 2023-04-03 at 22:22:47
Ok, bye + Space for Anything maybe?
He’s new, I think he don’t know Space for Anything
But good story !
Yeah sorry, but I said that before he edit his message
On 2023-04-03 at 23:25:49
So you're Josh the Jigglypuff?
On 2023-04-04 at 14:47:01
It is real?
On 2023-04-04 at 16:51:21
It is real?
Ah ok but specify it lol

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