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[MPM] An Anthology of Stories

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Messages 505 - Mario Mario
vs6570 pts ★ Racer
battle5849 pts ★ Novice
Trinidad and Tobago
Can I have that one nation that is spelled like.the.n-word

Which one? Niger or Nigeria?

Messages 722 - Mario Mario
vs28104 pts ★ Legend
battle9743 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lore was requested. My country isn't on the map yet, but this lore works with that.

Fenrisian Empire

In the year 2033 AD the Fenrisian tribes united under a single leader, K, ‘the wolf lord.’ Over the next couple of years, the Wolf Lord consolidated his power in the underground world of the Fenrisians, raising them from savagery to civilisation. Soon, K turned his eyes upward, to the surface. In this age of growth, the Fenrisians would need a new land where they could build a greater and more powerful nation. Scouts were sent to the surface, breaking through the ice of the Long Winter to the world above near old Sitka, Alaska, a city of the UraniumMan Technocracy. In 2035 envoys were sent requesting permission to settle in the area, but as luck would have it, the area they’d emerged into was the capital of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Their request to settle there was denied, and while the leader generously offered a city on his Eastern border, K declined the offer, seeing no future in the middle of frozen North America.

Through the use of secret technologies preserved by Fenrisian chiefs through the ages, the tribes built vast habitation domes along the coast to the west of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Four of these city-sized insulated constructs allowed the tribes to remain on the surface, and they began the great work of colonization, recovering what life they could in the wastes, and bringing it into the domes to survive the winter. K began establishing a border, but as yet, the country has not made it onto the maps.

The Fenrisian Empire seeks to be recognized as an independent nation, willing to share it's technologies, including the habitation domes, and also its military expertise, with those who request it . . . and can afford it.

Only time will tell if the budding empire can rise up and become a world power, or if they will fall into obscurity once more. But for now, they remain a people united, fiercely working to establish themselves in a world that does not know them.

Border proposed by K ‘the Wolf Lord’ to the tribal chiefs at a meeting after the first domes were completed.
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Fenrisian culture (and stuff)
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People; The Fenrisians are a tough lot, hardened by generations of tribal wars in their old underground homes. They are fiercely loyal to their families, chieftains, and to K. Such loyalty is valued highly and encouraged, and thus domestic crime and broken families are rare in the empire, especially now. The citizens work hard and play harder.

Organization; Under K are seven tribal chieftains, who are essentially governors. Various deputies and advisors assist in the work of governing the citizens and keeping them safe. A small police force maintans stations in each of the habitation domes.

Military; The Fenrisian Empire’s military is small but strong. The soldiers are excellent close-quarters fighters due to their long experience underground. Many are armed with advanced weaponry due to the Fenrisian’s technological abilities. Highly mobile armored transport and assault vehicles aid the infantry. Long-range missiles and nukes are as yet beyond them, but researchers are developing [REDACTED; This section concealed by order of *********]

Religion; The Fenrisians worship a wolf-like deity named Fenric. On the surface at least, this creature is very like the ancient beast of Norse mythology. However, the religion puts emphasis more on the endurance and determination represented in the wolf, and in the strength and familiarity of the pack. There is little structure to this religion, the only known ‘ritual’ is a monthly gathering where groups of the faithful attend a feast, beginning and ending with prayers to Fenric.

K ‘the Wolf Lord’; K is a somewhat reclusive leader. He often takes time to be alone, taking a few hours break from the burden of leading a new country. He is surprisingly young, only about 16, but his mind is that of one far older. Directly interfacing with the ancient Fenrisian computer-systems has given him much knowledge, and he uses it for the good of his people.

Hope ye like it cosmic
Messages 4687 - King Mario King Mario
vs13821 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
The former country of Algeria was in a Great Depression. The people wanted to elect nobody but Fiery. Sultan Fiery I was a very prominent figure in ancient Algeria and the people liked him a lot. He gave wisdom and help to people who needed it and together the people elected him to be Sultan Fiery I. However, during the burning of England, Fiery spent the country’s money on popcorn since it was quite a cinematic view. However, people protested violently and Fiery realised something. He needed to get his shit together
Messages 2006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
The Realm of Twilight was originally known as Chocountry, ruled by Lord Choco I, but, due to him abusing his powers as Lord, he was dethroned 7 years later and replaced with the much more relaxed and mature Emperor Twilight II, who was not only liked by the people of Chocountry, but also was elected, and then, became the new ruler of Chocountry, which they renamed to The Realm of Twilight. A few months after the swift dethroning of Lord Choco I, Emperor Twilight II wanted to help clean up and fix the mess Choco had made during his reign. As for what happened to Choco, well, he got publicly forced out of his kingdom and all he was left with was a pillow and a single rug so he could sleep.
Messages 589 - Mario Mario
vs6872 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
a new clothing item called the zachthumbrian jacket is created, and it makes anyone who wears it +30 degrees celsius warmer

can i buy 84 million of these? (thats my population, remenber theres less people than in the real world)
Wait you probably dont have all that, what about i buy the scheme of it for $100 000?

deal! *gives special jackets*
Messages 256 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs21060 pts ★ Legend
battle10481 pts ★ Champion
one day in 2034 jmemes city state was going to get attacked by @RedPikmin95 the city government did get notified from a letter from a messenger  that we are getting attacked so we took of with 342450 (people and pets) where on board a An-225 plane manage to escape the attack we ran out of food and food no hope of finding land until we found something to concur so we crashed at the site and landed at the location now we are making progress and our land is great with a population of 400000 people and called it the caine empire
we have more meat than all of the other countries even one you don't know

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Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
See, this is what I want!
Thanks, Kommisar!
Also your country is on the map it just hasn't updated.
Kommisar_K wrote:
Lore was requested. My country isn't on the map yet, but this lore works with that.

Fenrisian Empire

In the year 2033 AD the Fenrisian tribes united under a single leader, K, ‘the wolf lord.’ Over the next couple of years, the Wolf Lord consolidated his power in the underground world of the Fenrisians, raising them from savagery to civilisation. Soon, K turned his eyes upward, to the surface. In this age of growth, the Fenrisians would need a new land where they could build a greater and more powerful nation. Scouts were sent to the surface, breaking through the ice of the Long Winter to the world above near old Sitka, Alaska, a city of the UraniumMan Technocracy. In 2035 envoys were sent requesting permission to settle in the area, but as luck would have it, the area they’d emerged into was the capital of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Their request to settle there was denied, and while the leader generously offered a city on his Eastern border, K declined the offer, seeing no future in the middle of frozen North America.

Through the use of secret technologies preserved by Fenrisian chiefs through the ages, the tribes built vast habitation domes along the coast to the west of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Four of these city-sized insulated constructs allowed the tribes to remain on the surface, and they began the great work of colonization, recovering what life they could in the wastes, and bringing it into the domes to survive the winter. K began establishing a border, but as yet, the country has not made it onto the maps.

The Fenrisian Empire seeks to be recognized as an independent nation, willing to share it's technologies, including the habitation domes, and also its military expertise, with those who request it . . . and can afford it.

Only time will tell if the budding empire can rise up and become a world power, or if they will fall into obscurity once more. But for now, they remain a people united, fiercely working to establish themselves in a world that does not know them.

Border proposed by K ‘the Wolf Lord’ to the tribal chiefs at a meeting after the first domes were completed.
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Fenrisian culture (and stuff)
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People; The Fenrisians are a tough lot, hardened by generations of tribal wars in their old underground homes. They are fiercely loyal to their families, chieftains, and to K. Such loyalty is valued highly and encouraged, and thus domestic crime and broken families are rare in the empire, especially now. The citizens work hard and play harder.

Organization; Under K are seven tribal chieftains, who are essentially governors. Various deputies and advisors assist in the work of governing the citizens and keeping them safe. A small police force maintans stations in each of the habitation domes.

Military; The Fenrisian Empire’s military is small but strong. The soldiers are excellent close-quarters fighters due to their long experience underground. Many are armed with advanced weaponry due to the Fenrisian’s technological abilities. Highly mobile armored transport and assault vehicles aid the infantry. Long-range missiles and nukes are as yet beyond them, but researchers are developing [REDACTED; This section concealed by order of *********]

Religion; The Fenrisians worship a wolf-like deity named Fenric. On the surface at least, this creature is very like the ancient beast of Norse mythology. However, the religion puts emphasis more on the endurance and determination represented in the wolf, and in the strength and familiarity of the pack. There is little structure to this religion, the only known ‘ritual’ is a monthly gathering where groups of the faithful attend a feast, beginning and ending with prayers to Fenric.

K ‘the Wolf Lord’; K is a somewhat reclusive leader. He often takes time to be alone, taking a few hours break from the burden of leading a new country. He is surprisingly young, only about 16, but his mind is that of one far older. Directly interfacing with the ancient Fenrisian computer-systems has given him much knowledge, and he uses it for the good of his people.

Hope ye like it cosmic

Messages 1427 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15771 pts ★ Master
battle8324 pts ★ Expert
Puerto Rico
jmeme125 wrote:
one day in 2034 jmemes city state was going to get attacked by @RedPikmin95 the city government did get notified from a letter from a messenger  that we are getting attacked so we took of with 342450 (people and pets) where on board a An-225 plane manage to escape the attack we ran out of food and food no hope of finding land until we found something to concur so we crashed at the site and landed at the location now we are making progress and our land is great with a population of 400000 people and called it the caine empire
we have more meat than all of the other countries even one you don't know

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i dont want to attack any state
and besides, im still in twilight's country
Messages 4687 - King Mario King Mario
vs13821 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
See, this is what I want!
Thanks, Kommisar!
Also your country is on the map it just hasn't updated.
Kommisar_K wrote:
Lore was requested. My country isn't on the map yet, but this lore works with that.

Fenrisian Empire

In the year 2033 AD the Fenrisian tribes united under a single leader, K, ‘the wolf lord.’ Over the next couple of years, the Wolf Lord consolidated his power in the underground world of the Fenrisians, raising them from savagery to civilisation. Soon, K turned his eyes upward, to the surface. In this age of growth, the Fenrisians would need a new land where they could build a greater and more powerful nation. Scouts were sent to the surface, breaking through the ice of the Long Winter to the world above near old Sitka, Alaska, a city of the UraniumMan Technocracy. In 2035 envoys were sent requesting permission to settle in the area, but as luck would have it, the area they’d emerged into was the capital of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Their request to settle there was denied, and while the leader generously offered a city on his Eastern border, K declined the offer, seeing no future in the middle of frozen North America.

Through the use of secret technologies preserved by Fenrisian chiefs through the ages, the tribes built vast habitation domes along the coast to the west of the UraniumMan Technocracy. Four of these city-sized insulated constructs allowed the tribes to remain on the surface, and they began the great work of colonization, recovering what life they could in the wastes, and bringing it into the domes to survive the winter. K began establishing a border, but as yet, the country has not made it onto the maps.

The Fenrisian Empire seeks to be recognized as an independent nation, willing to share it's technologies, including the habitation domes, and also its military expertise, with those who request it . . . and can afford it.

Only time will tell if the budding empire can rise up and become a world power, or if they will fall into obscurity once more. But for now, they remain a people united, fiercely working to establish themselves in a world that does not know them.

Border proposed by K ‘the Wolf Lord’ to the tribal chiefs at a meeting after the first domes were completed.
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Fenrisian culture (and stuff)
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People; The Fenrisians are a tough lot, hardened by generations of tribal wars in their old underground homes. They are fiercely loyal to their families, chieftains, and to K. Such loyalty is valued highly and encouraged, and thus domestic crime and broken families are rare in the empire, especially now. The citizens work hard and play harder.

Organization; Under K are seven tribal chieftains, who are essentially governors. Various deputies and advisors assist in the work of governing the citizens and keeping them safe. A small police force maintans stations in each of the habitation domes.

Military; The Fenrisian Empire’s military is small but strong. The soldiers are excellent close-quarters fighters due to their long experience underground. Many are armed with advanced weaponry due to the Fenrisian’s technological abilities. Highly mobile armored transport and assault vehicles aid the infantry. Long-range missiles and nukes are as yet beyond them, but researchers are developing [REDACTED; This section concealed by order of *********]

Religion; The Fenrisians worship a wolf-like deity named Fenric. On the surface at least, this creature is very like the ancient beast of Norse mythology. However, the religion puts emphasis more on the endurance and determination represented in the wolf, and in the strength and familiarity of the pack. There is little structure to this religion, the only known ‘ritual’ is a monthly gathering where groups of the faithful attend a feast, beginning and ending with prayers to Fenric.

K ‘the Wolf Lord’; K is a somewhat reclusive leader. He often takes time to be alone, taking a few hours break from the burden of leading a new country. He is surprisingly young, only about 16, but his mind is that of one far older. Directly interfacing with the ancient Fenrisian computer-systems has given him much knowledge, and he uses it for the good of his people.

Hope ye like it cosmic

Is my one good or does it need to be improved
Messages 2006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
now im starting to wonder if mine is good or its just straight up terrible (tbf i did write it at midnight so)
Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
Twilight wrote:
now im starting to wonder if mine is good or its just straight up terrible (tbf i did write it at midnight so)

I think its pretty good mine is the lackuster one
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Well, time to bring out the entire history of the Imperial Exalted House of Terrenus
Guys, I'm not founding an empire I swear!
Messages 476 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Just realize on the first message of the topic it has me listed as the Uranium Man Technocrayc lmao
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Current course for MPM: An Anthology of Stories (working title)
Anthology I: The House of Terrenus (this screams main character syndrome)
Anthology II: An Empire of Snow: The Wolf Lord and the Empire of Fenris
Anthology III: The Sultan's Splendor - the Rise of the Sultanate of Fire
Anthology IV: The Multiversal Cult: From Despotate to Empire - The Realm of Twilight
Anthology V: Navigating the Ocean: the Rise of the Joshy Federation to a Global Empire

All of these will have stuff added upon by me, cus yall's stories need some meat
Also, these stories are gonna be VERY LONG
like yall are gonna need to scroll for a very long time
Messages 505 - Mario Mario
vs6570 pts ★ Racer
battle5849 pts ★ Novice
Trinidad and Tobago
relationship with Albanians
Before Lastians staged the coup against the aggressors (White people) Albania already had great relations with them and Albanian aid came to Lastia during the coup and before the nuclear winter.

Relationship with Vegans
Lastians have liked vegans although they can be extreme with enforcing veganism (the reason we like some vegans is because we don't associate with the enforcers) but we have had to kick vegans out for crimes and public nudity.

Relationships after the nuclear winter
Most lastians found native white people who were married to their own relatives and they hated the whites and tried to get them to go back to the south.
Messages 812 - Mario Mario
vs10628 pts ★ Champion
battle5436 pts ★ Novice
relationship and other lore
Before Lastians staged the coup against the aggressors (White people) Albania already had great relations with them and Albanian aid came to Lastia during the coup and before the nuclear winter.


I din't know albania exists in this universe...
*dramatic music plays
Messages 505 - Mario Mario
vs6570 pts ★ Racer
battle5849 pts ★ Novice
Trinidad and Tobago
relationship and other lore
Before Lastians staged the coup against the aggressors (White people) Albania already had great relations with them and Albanian aid came to Lastia during the coup and before the nuclear winter.


I din't know albania exists in this universe...
*dramatic music plays

Y'all didn't even touch the Balkans so if it makes sense its Canon
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Credits for Season One of MPM
Messages 589 - Mario Mario
vs6872 pts ★ Racer
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
... well, can i create a union for countries in the british isles? als- REBELS OH NO! (small nation inside zachthumbria forms, going by the name untinistan

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