(Fanfic) Tears of Aeons

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On 2025-02-01 at 05:12:19
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On 2025-02-01 at 05:54:43
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i deleted my message now so people dont get confused

On 2025-02-01 at 05:57:48
@Fiadh dead? there havent been any fanfics in a while and it would be nice to see some activity in this scene
First episode will release soon, I have a shit ton of projects to work on but I can probably cram this into my totally existent schedule somewhere - I'm just working on the relevant documents for it - also my area was recently really badly affected by Storm Éowyn so I lost a lot of internet connection for the week that I had initially planned to release Episode 1, which seriously demotivated me from the project, as well as just overall procrastination

On 2025-02-01 at 19:10:33
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i deleted my message now so people dont get confused

On 2025-02-10 at 04:23:03
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What happened?
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