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SuperMega7's Monthly Track Building Contests!


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Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs22098 pts ★ Legend
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Since there are more no than yes, I decided to give another chance for this concept, but I'm not sure if I should still be the judge... Anyone wants to replace me as judge?

Anyways, theme is celebration.
Quick Mode and Complete Mode allowed.
TBC ends January 31st and starts now!

I actually planned to make a monthly TBC just like yours in 2025, but tox's TBC made me push it back to february. Also, because of tox's TBC, you probably won't get that many submissions.
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if you want, i can be the judge of this month's tbc
Messages 1883 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20389 pts ★ Legend
battle6823 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Since there are more no than yes, I decided to give another chance for this concept, but I'm not sure if I should still be the judge... Anyone wants to replace me as judge?

Anyways, theme is celebration.
Quick Mode and Complete Mode allowed.
TBC ends January 31st and starts now!

was also thinking of doing a TBC one time just like iz but tox's tbc exists now so uh
and also im like way better at judging than i was when i first held a TBC near the start of 2024
Messages 335 - Peach Peach
vs19399 pts ★ Master
battle6877 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Im really proud of myself for making this ^_^

Messages 16 - Koopa Koopa
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
ooh love theme, fun! I'm feeling red velvet/cakey vibes idk why. Good luck everyone!

There's no theme right now...

No but I actually saw someone talking about a valentines theme whattt
Messages 431 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs14256 pts ★ Champion
battle7611 pts ★ Racer
ooh love theme, fun! I'm feeling red velvet/cakey vibes idk why. Good luck everyone!

There's no theme right now...

No but I actually saw someone talking about a valentines theme whattt

That was last year's February TBC.
Messages 16 - Koopa Koopa
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
ooh love theme, fun! I'm feeling red velvet/cakey vibes idk why. Good luck everyone!

There's no theme right now...

No but I actually saw someone talking about a valentines theme whattt

That was last year's February TBC.

Ah, thank you so much, my apologies
Messages 431 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs14256 pts ★ Champion
battle7611 pts ★ Racer
So it's the end of the January 2025 TBC!

There was only 1 submission, but I kinda expected that due to the official TBC that took place at the same time.

See you tomorrow for next month's TBC!
Messages 431 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs14256 pts ★ Champion
battle7611 pts ★ Racer
The February 2025 TBC is now open!
Theme is love (again).
Quick Mode and Complete Mode allowed.
Deadline is February 28 and starts now!
Messages 223 - Toad Toad
vs9505 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
The February 2025 TBC is now open!
Theme is love (again).
Quick Mode and Complete Mode allowed.
Deadline is February 28 and starts now!

How the heck has no one made a track here yet for February, like rn i can't make a love themed track so get a few people to make some.
Messages 3133 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
The February 2025 TBC is now open!
Theme is love (again).
Quick Mode and Complete Mode allowed.
Deadline is February 28 and starts now!

How the heck has no one made a track here yet for February, like rn i can't make a love themed track so get a few people to make some.

There's still time bro.

That being said I hope someone submits something/hope they don't scratch it off for March entirely because of low turnout.
Messages 174 - Bowser Bowser
vs28046 pts ★ Legend
battle6291 pts ★ Racer
United States
I'm making one for March since it takes a while for me to make one, but is it ok if I do a cup for March? :o
Edit: It is a awesome cup that took a lot of time to make, I would really want to get in in the March competition, but it's ok if not.
Messages 278 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs22753 pts ★ Legend
battle7213 pts ★ Racer
Messages 431 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs14256 pts ★ Champion
battle7611 pts ★ Racer
I'm making one for March since it takes a while for me to make one, but is it ok if I do a cup for March? :o
Edit: It is a awesome cup that took a lot of time to make, I would really want to get in in the March competition, but it's ok if not.

I'm thinking about the theming for March 2025's TBC, since it won't be the same as last year...
Messages 174 - Bowser Bowser
vs28046 pts ★ Legend
battle6291 pts ★ Racer
United States

I'm thinking about the theming for March 2025's TBC, since it won't be the same as last year...

Yeah, but can I make a cup for March or no, I really want it to be in it cuz it took like 6 days to make this cup! :o
Messages 431 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs14256 pts ★ Champion
battle7611 pts ★ Racer
Today is the end of February 2025's TBC!
There was only 1 submission, so I can't really do much results.
I still haven't found a new theme for March 2025's TBC...
Messages 223 - Toad Toad
vs9505 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Today is the end of February 2025's TBC!
There was only 1 submission, so I can't really do much results.
I still haven't found a new theme for March 2025's TBC...

Since barely anyone submits a track here each time now, maybe its time to give up and lock the topic.
Messages 431 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs14256 pts ★ Champion
battle7611 pts ★ Racer
Today is the end of February 2025's TBC!
There was only 1 submission, so I can't really do much results.
I still haven't found a new theme for March 2025's TBC...

Since barely anyone submits a track here each time now, maybe its time to give up and lock the topic.

I'll lock the topic tomorrow, so I can see if other people agree or disagree with this choice.
Messages 1301 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14519 pts ★ Champion
battle6426 pts ★ Racer
United States
Today is the end of February 2025's TBC!
There was only 1 submission, so I can't really do much results.
I still haven't found a new theme for March 2025's TBC...

Since barely anyone submits a track here each time now, maybe its time to give up and lock the topic.

I'll lock the topic tomorrow, so I can see if other people agree or disagree with this choice.

Kinda sad that this Topic just lost Popularity. I remember when it was First Published. And now I remember the Day it was Locked. How Sad. :(
Messages 10128 - King Mario King Mario
vs36958 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
I followed the topic, I would make tracks for it but totally lost the passion, I feel like I can't come up with something creative, if I had to make a track right now it would just be an elevated version of my seaside island coastline tracks or my night city tracks. So to be honest, I would rather not make anything than make the same thing time and time again.
Messages 3133 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
The only times I made tracks for this competition was because the theme/idea was something I was going to do anyway.

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