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Honestly all Mario kart tracks are enjoyable


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Messages 188 - Bowser Bowser
vs8053 pts ★ Expert
battle5052 pts ★ Novice
Like the only bad track is Figure 8 Circuit and DS baby park. Pretty much every other track has at least a decent amount of enjoyability.
Messages 1056 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11662 pts ★ Champion
battle5563 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
FBI open up!
Messages 709 - Mario Mario
vs28104 pts ★ Legend
battle9743 pts ★ Expert
United States
True, although (strangely) some people actually say DS baby park is one of their favorites. ':\
Messages 5070 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
40KsKool wrote:
True, although (strangely) some people actually say DS baby park is one of their favorites. ':\

I hate DS baby park, it's just a little track, Even if it's have 5 laps, it's my least favorite track
Messages 709 - Mario Mario
vs28104 pts ★ Legend
battle9743 pts ★ Expert
United States
LenX99 wrote:
40KsKool wrote:
True, although (strangely) some people actually say DS baby park is one of their favorites. ':\

I hate DS baby park, it's just a little track, Even if it's have 5 laps, it's my least favorite track

I personally agree with you 100%, but other people are can have their own opinions. It's only fair.
Messages 3017 - King Mario King Mario
vs59780 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Yeah, they are all enjoyable but some were kinda wasted thematics. DS Yoshi Falls is a good example imo.
Not bad, just could have been better.
Messages 3017 - King Mario King Mario
vs59780 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
5072 wrote:
I bet were gonna see a Waluigi Pinball hater in this topic

Please don't give them a heads up, they have e-hearing abilities. Oh, & can read well too I guess.
Messages 1246 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs13385 pts ★ Champion
battle6136 pts ★ Racer
United States
I Love Every Track. Difficulty Wise, I Hate Wii Rainbow Road and Wii Wario's Goldmine. DS Figure 8 Circuit is Fun Except I wish they Put in some Excitement, but not too much, DS Rainbow Road is a bit too Hard. SNES Donut Plains 3 is anoying due to the Fact you are forced to hop over the Bridge. N64 Choco Mountain can be Anoying. GCN Rainbow Road at Times can be Upseting. Wii U Hyrule Circuit in My oppinion, is not needed because why is Link and Inkling in the Game. Wii U Cloudtop Cruise at 200cc is a Pain.
Messages 5070 - King Mario King Mario
vs37663 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
5072 wrote:
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I bet were gonna see a Waluigi Pinball hater in this topic

You know that it's useless to set too many spoiler in an other spoiler
Messages 3017 - King Mario King Mario
vs59780 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
I Love Every Track. Difficulty Wise, I Hate Wii Rainbow Road and Wii Wario's Goldmine. DS Figure 8 Circuit is Fun Except I wish they Put in some Excitement, but not too much, DS Rainbow Road is a bit too Hard. SNES Donut Plains 3 is anoying due to the Fact you are forced to hop over the Bridge. N64 Choco Mountain can be Anoying. GCN Rainbow Road at Times can be Upseting. Wii U Hyrule Circuit in My oppinion, is not needed because why is Link and Inkling in the Game. Wii U Cloudtop Cruise at 200cc is a Pain.

Link, Villager, Isabelle & Inkling are in the game for free marketing. Nintendo does own them, which is why they're in.
Messages 1056 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11662 pts ★ Champion
battle5563 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Coconut Mall is overatted

Maple Treewayis better

I love the track though
Messages 188 - Bowser Bowser
vs8053 pts ★ Expert
battle5052 pts ★ Novice
Imagine thinking I was a waluigi pinball hater. 💀
Messages 3017 - King Mario King Mario
vs59780 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Imagine thinking I was a waluigi pinball hater. 💀

I mean, you could be.
Anyway, this is a site run by a bunch of proffesional players, Pinball hate is unavoidable. It's overrated.
Again, no track is awful, just that some are worse due to originally released on terrible hardware, rushed to get the game out, or had an interesting theme but they botched the execution. Stuff like that.
Messages 188 - Bowser Bowser
vs8053 pts ★ Expert
battle5052 pts ★ Novice
Imagine thinking I was a waluigi pinball hater. 💀

I mean, you could be.
Anyway, this is a site run by a bunch of proffesional players, Pinball hate is unavoidable. It's overrated.
Again, no track is awful, just that some are worse due to originally released on terrible hardware, rushed to get the game out, or had an interesting theme but they botched the execution. Stuff like that.
waluigi pinball imo is 3/5. Good track. the only one star ratings I'd give is f8 circuit and DS baby park. And now let's analyze some disliked "bad" tracks.

1. DS Yoshi Falls. I like it because it's a mini-adventure, like you go across a canyon around a lake, and the Wii version was better because you can trick off the bridge.

2. All the SNES and GBA tracks. Just because it's flat doesn't mean it's boring. I like SNES BC2 because it's a unique track.

3. N64 Sherbet land isn't that annoying tbh.

4. Same goes for GC sherbet land

5. Luigi Circuit Wii's a banger(or is it just me because of nostalgia? This was my first video game soooo)
Messages 217 - Toad Toad
vs7894 pts ★ Racer
battle5258 pts ★ Novice
United States
Not gonna lie but the table from a viewpoint of a human looks bland

(i'm learning how to post an image onto here)
Messages 3017 - King Mario King Mario
vs59780 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Mindopolis wrote:
Not gonna lie but the table from a viewpoint of a human looks bland

(i'm learning how to post an image onto here)

I mean, it was a DS game. They have to use whatever the system has. It's unfortunate but true. I for one have never seen an Arcade cabinet or Pinball machine irl, so it's good enough for me. I can understand the no shortcut issue though.
Messages 3017 - King Mario King Mario
vs59780 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
They are also spammed online, no matter te game, bc of being iconic to casuals. Although, I've only played 7 online above 3k VR. There, it goes from Pinball/Coconut Mall to SNES Rainbow Road & Toad Circuit alternating every other race. That's another reason probably.
Messages 217 - Toad Toad
vs7894 pts ★ Racer
battle5258 pts ★ Novice
United States
Mindopolis wrote:
Not gonna lie but the table from a viewpoint of a human looks bland

(i'm learning how to post an image onto here)

I mean, it was a DS game. They have to use whatever the system has. It's unfortunate but true. I for one have never seen an Arcade cabinet or Pinball machine irl, so it's good enough for me. I can understand the no shortcut issue though.

Here's what is supposed to replicate
Pinball cabinet for you
Messages 3017 - King Mario King Mario
vs59780 pts ★ Titan
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Mindopolis wrote:
Mindopolis wrote:
Not gonna lie but the table from a viewpoint of a human looks bland

(i'm learning how to post an image onto here)

I mean, it was a DS game. They have to use whatever the system has. It's unfortunate but true. I for one have never seen an Arcade cabinet or Pinball machine irl, so it's good enough for me. I can understand the no shortcut issue though.

Here's what is supposed to replicate
Pinball cabinet for you

Again, it was on a DS. And this  would look like the Porygon episode if you drove inside

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