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What should we add to MKPC?

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
draw_text wrote:
breakable walls. anti gravity. walls that change shape on a certain lap (like in Tour and 8 Deluxe)

How Would Anti-Gravity Even Work...?

This Game Is 2d, Not 3d, There are No Walls or Ceiling to Go Onto

So there are some Mario Kart 8's out there that have the Anti Gravity panels, What I want, Is when we pass the Panel, Our Kart/Bike tires can have a blue glow and aura around it instead of us literly sticking on walls in a 2D game
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Fiery wrote:
Is this just another copy of MKPC Update Suggestions by Fiery?

Oi y’all stop copying my shit otherwise I’m gonna FOCKING RANSACK YOU (obviously I’m joking but like I agree with MysteryMan stay on my shitty topic otherwise you’re getting surrounded by roadmen from the UK innit)

Im not copying you, And I didn't know you had a MKPC Updates suggestions, Im kinda new, So I don't know what Forums i've made thats already been made a long time ago or something.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Is this just another copy of MKPC Update Suggestions by Fiery?

No, its by me.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
MysteryMan wrote:
Can we please stop with this? There's another one of these topics every week, and need I remind you this game is developed by one guy?

My bad, Im kinda new so I don't know theres other of these. I joined like in March 2024 something. But even though, we're just give suggestions not really asking for it, But i get what you mean.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
We should have tracks with Sections, or The n64 trakcs, Wii tracks, maybe all of em

ps, thats not gonna fucking happen probably
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Yoshi649 wrote:
Top 5
N64 GCN 3DS Quick mode tracks pieces

Grand prix 50cc 100cc 200cc

Anti gravity

Boomerang item

Metal Mario and Metal Peach

Yeah, I think we need the option to choose how fast we go. Because we always go 150cc in Grand Prix.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Yeah we def need new track pieces
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
And the items. The Items we dont have is the Boomerang, Piranha Plant, Crazy 8 and the Super Horn. I mean they would be very useful. (Especially the Super Horn).
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
I think we need the Purple Mini Turbo, Becuase it would fit with all the other Mario Kart 8 Deluxe races. And I think we should just add a not customizable glider to pop on the back of our Karts/Bikes when we fly off a Glider. And One more thing. When we pass the Anti-gravity panels, Our tires can have a blue aura around it and when you hop off it will go back to normal? It would be nice.

Share your Races here!

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Please tell me I didn't copy the same topic someone made a long time ago, If i did. Spare me. Anyway here's my Overall favorite 2 races I made:

Toad's Farm Freeride:https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=144331

Silent Meadows: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=144346

Who has the best stats, and Why?

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
TwilightGD wrote:
daisy has the best stats

No cap every time I use a custom character, I always use Daisy's stats.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Hopefully, Im not doing a same topic somebody already made a long time ago.

Things that kinda annoy you

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Oh yeah I was Playing a Mario flash game called "Mario Combat" on Amwus.com (You should play it) when I got this brainrot skibidi toilet destruction ad, with TADC intro in the background. I was flabbergasted. I could'nt find the words of how brainrotting it was
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
When my friends aren’t online for 3 days

Why is this so relatable:$
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
When bro says he'll be online when I hop on but he's offline till 5:00 AM 💀
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Things that kinda annoy me is the fucking CPU's bumpin me off wall-less tracks, and some of them have lower weight stats than the Racer im using:}

Do you guys think we should have the Purple Mini Turbo or No.

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
I think yes because It would be pretty good espicially for the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe races. And do you guys think we should have a glider pop on our Karts/Bikes when we fly off a glider?

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